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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 10 KB, 400x263, iq-bell-curve.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1067667 No.1067667 [Reply] [Original]


Let's see what /sci/ is made of.

>> No.1067670

Isn't this thread already going on?

>> No.1067690
File: 13 KB, 461x266, iq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm from Azerbaijan.

>> No.1067737

Just did an iq test before. Got 116

>> No.1067810

124, i feel good about that

>> No.1067815

did it and got 130 and a headache

>> No.1067886

133. Wow, I though I was extremely stupid.

>> No.1067894

ugh... IQ tests are a scam... depending on who writes it I get anywhere from a 145 to a 23

>> No.1067914

I got 131 on that test which means im superitelligent...

No, im intelligent but not super

i think my IQ is ~120

>> No.1067922

does it help with ur sitting in basement and masturbating skillz

>> No.1067939
File: 18 KB, 250x250, Bald Homosexual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying they don't inflate the scores to get you to pay for the 'full analysis'

Anything short of a professionally done IQ test is not worth looking into. Especially not some Internet IQ test that has a monetary agenda.

>> No.1067969

Got 61... I got lazy by the ~20th question and started clicking at random.

>> No.1067976

this test is crap

>> No.1068011

I got 31 clicking randomly (as did >>1067690 by the looks of things). This test is therefore bullshit, because it is likely to inflate your score by 31 points. Everyone who posts an IQ ITT should subtract 31 points from their score, so the following posts:
Are infact not genius level but only slightly above or below average

Feels bad man, doesn't it?

>> No.1068020


is correct?

>> No.1068021

That's a poor test. The test was meant for the range of IQs that people actually have - just as you can't use a regular IQ test to accurately gauge if a person has a 200+ IQ, you can't expect the IQ test to give an accurate result at the low extreme.

>> No.1068031

147 but ive seen these before.. i sat the Australian Umat

>> No.1068065

I think he is correct, but I don't know for sure. Certainly, I'd be more likely to pay for a professional test if I thought I ws going to get told I was a 'genius' than otherwise. He is certainly right that online IQ tests are bullshit, and there are reasons to believe this even apart from my little experiement - for example, my score would rocket up if I did the test two times in a row, or if I had been practicing my spatial reasoning shortly before doing the test. IQ measures your ability at doing IQ tests, nothing more.

Your conclusion is not supported by your evidence. I did a small experiment to prove that clicking randomly produced 5 right answers out of 35, which the computer interprited as an IQ of 31. This means that about 1/7 of the answers you were wrong about - that is to say the answers you thought you knew but did not, will have been marked as 'correct' by the computer, since it obviously does not do the basic statistics needed to correct for this.

> the range of IQs that people actually have
Yeah right - people actually have IQs between 76 and 124 (which is one SD each way, or approx. 70% of people). Two SD gives you approx. 95% of people, and people here are post scores just on the cusp of genius level (135-140). According to your own logic, this test is not designed for scores that only 5% of people have, so we should ignore its results

>> No.1068094


>>1068021 doesn't seem to understand IQ scores are based around the whole population, not a set score. What was 120 decades ago is not the same as 120 now. When most the users are reporting scores about 130+ then you know it isn't right. Statistically, only 2% of users should be reporting anything above the high 120s.

>> No.1068100


>> No.1068123

Off the scale - 170+ :S

>> No.1068139

129 or so when I was 11, 143 when I was 16 - haven't checked since then.

>> No.1068226


Feels really bad man.

>> No.1068299

135 not that it matters
as for why the general result is tendng towards the higher levels for this board - surely the fact that this is a bored dedicated to /sci/ -- where people are morely like to have high intelligences purely because of the nature of some of the discussions of this board? The average /sci/ user is probably above average intelligence with an interest in/ natural flair for reasoning subjects like maths and physics. Plus, 4chan is quite a nerdy thing - a lot of us play vidya games which are shown to increase lateral thinking. I don't think its down to the test as much as the people here probably are pretty good at logic.

>> No.1068303

The IQ system of measuring intelligence is Inherently flawed .You can't objectively define intelligence. Lets say for example someone defines intelligence as how you
live your life,and what decisions you make, or at least they value those type of skills more then any other. Then wouldn't we have to factor that into the calculation?
Now to get an IQ We test certian skills add them up them up on and equal level to get your score. Now who is to say pattern recognition is a
sign of intelligence? Or even if it is how much emphasis should we put of it? Are verbal skills more important? or social intuitiveness? All in all IQ tests do
is test how smart you are relative to certain subjective criteria , not how intelligent you actually are,because you of course can't defne that objectivly.
I think that any intelligent human would realize this and discard the idea that something as complex and subjective as intelligence as something you can quantify.

I think that a persons worth is measured by how much they have a accomplished in there life not there mental power. For example Marilyn vos Savant has an IQ of 228.
Now Einstein's was 160, I think we all know who is the more important and accomplished person. I also think Einstein was a far smarter person, but then again thats only
my opinion. Before you ask i got a 139 on verbal 106 on performance(would be 140+ if i did't have severe ADD).

>> No.1068313
File: 20 KB, 250x189, STNTHDegree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an IQ of about 1400.

>> No.1068319
File: 7 KB, 150x136, The Bodiless Horseman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am Holly; the ship's computer with an IQ of 6000. The same as 6000 PE teachers

>> No.1068343

Thats a nice bit of copy pasta you got yourself there sir, but I think you misunderstand the idea of an IQ test. A lot of this lateral thinking rubbish tests your ability to come up with logical solutions to problems but still require quite a bit of creativity to spot the patterns and actually get the right answer, ya dig? And its reconned that thats the basis to "intelligence".

So whilst the problems you have to solve in themselves are kinda useless, the skills that they show aptitude in are kinda important.

I mean, it doesnt take a genius to figure that Im pretty cash at maths but writing aint my cuppa tetley ¬¬

>> No.1068368

Oh boy this thread again.

>> No.1068372

So what is that, 55?

>> No.1068393

Harr de fucking harr. My dad is a PE teacher you faggot.

>> No.1068403

And I'm sure he loves playing crab ball wearing a helmet.

>> No.1068406

fuckin ObsessiveCompolsiveFags

>> No.1068411


>> No.1068428

> people are morely like to have high intelligences
> because of the nature of some of the discussions of this board
Stop! You're killing me! No srys though, have you seen /sci/ recently? There are enough people falling for magnets trolling, 0.999 trolling, failing to grasp basic physics concepts, misapplying philosophical concepts and generally being total retards that I wonder if the average intelligence is even much higher than /b/, we just all seem to have a special sense of entitlement.

But even if you are right, you're claiming the AVERAGE intelligence on /sci/ is two SDs from normal, and /sci/ represent the top 5% of humankind. I think we both agree that THAT is unlikely to be the case

>> No.1068471

I got 124 which is surprising because I felt like I didn't know anything...
but isn't age the age important, too somehow?

>> No.1068478

yeah but no but yeah but no but yeah but IM START THO D:

>> No.1068488

IQ tests are like the SAT. All it shows is how well you can do on that test.

126, by the way.

>> No.1068515

Why would anybody ask a person vehemently opposed to the idea of the IQ what their IQ is? I also find it funny that you type up the longest post in this thread having severe ADHD.

>> No.1068526

I got ADHD too but doesn't m.....OH LOOK, A BUTTERFLY!

>> No.1068536

half that post was copypasta, only the last two lines werent

also, ADHD is just an excuse for twats to not have to work like everyone else AMIRITEEE?

>> No.1068559

As a long term sufferer of ADHD I find your comments very offens- HOLY SHIT THERE'S A CAR OUTSIDE MY WINDOW

>> No.1068569

Ive been diagnosed with ADHD before
I dont think its really a condition
I jsut cba with shit thats boring and am a twat and get a bit vocal about it and yhhhh it was just cuz i only wanted to mathmathmath

>> No.1068595


>> No.1068602

It's over 9000!!!!

>> No.1068604



>> No.1068608

>Implying everyone in this thread is smart than 90% of the population.
>Implying everyone in this thread did an ACTUAL IQ test.

>> No.1068626

Look at the fucking graph. The Arrow cannot be pointing to 160 (which is the very end of the pictured line); it's somewhere between 155 and 160, but closer to 155.

I bet that's the true IQ test.

>> No.1068636

162. :O
And taken into consideration the score bump...
-adding machines fire off-

131. :D
I'm okay with this.

Feels good man.

>> No.1068643

>Implying IQ is an accurate measure of ones success in life.

Good one gents.
Also; 117.

>> No.1068646




>> No.1068651

I had mine (professionally, inb4 skeptics) checked when I was 5 and it was in the 160s.
Had it checked again in 7th grade and got 144.
So, do we get dumber the more we learn?
Or is IQ akin to free space on a hard drive, the higher number has more potential memory.

Feels puzzling man.

>> No.1068661
File: 18 KB, 386x400, nerd-kid-at-a-science-fair-the-code-of-the-meniscu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my first time venturing onto this board and the first thing I see is this IQ LOLZEORZ my penis is bigger than yours thread.

I can see why no one likes science students.

tl;dr grow up.

>> No.1068662


>> No.1068667



>> No.1068705


No, the group you get compared to changed

>> No.1068718

116 :(

>> No.1068725

everyone who says his IQ is over 145 here is either lieing or didn't do a real test. There are, on this moment, no tests which cover anything higher than 145.

>> No.1068745

my IQ is 146

>> No.1068788

i'll take this test when i am not drunk