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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 11 KB, 474x315, pomodoro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10674557 No.10674557 [Reply] [Original]

Which scientifically backed study methods does /sci/ use?

>> No.10674795

Study until you can't take it any more, the take a masturbation break. Since you can only realistically masturbate about 5-10 times a day, this ensures long and fruitful study sessions while also promoting increased ejaculatory control (in case you ever get laid) and trains your stamina (heart rate, slow twitch arm muscle)

>> No.10674851

Is this a joke?

> shilling for masturbation

I wonder who could be behind this post...hmmmm...

What occult benefits do you derive, exactly, when a young virginal male scholar emits his seed? I wonder, is there some sort of demonic mechanism in place to immediately capture the newly released energy so that you can put it to use for ulterior, material, evil gains?

OP, don't listen to this advice. Nofap has scientific backing (see nofap.com and r/nofap for a full list of benefits, which include needing less sleep, more energy, more focus, more willpower). You should keep sexual thoughts to a minimum, and you should keep your semen inside your body. This is a much better study habit.

>> No.10674880

1. Figure out the intended learning outcome (ILO)
2. Figure out how the instructor will gauge your understanding of the ILO
3. Demonstrate that you get the ILO
No, it doesn't matter if you understand anything or not. Unless it's maths...

>> No.10674882

>OP, don't listen to this advice.

Thx for your advice, I already agree with it tho as I am aware of Nofap and its benefits (though it is really hard to follow through with it)

>> No.10674885

I mainly like pomodoro because it utilizes both focused and diffused modes of thinking (which got shilled by coursera)

>> No.10674891


understanding is not the problem for me as I study for biology and chemistry finals, which are in a few days.

>> No.10674897

Is summarizing overrated?

>> No.10674902

It's really not that hard. Many men have gone for years without voluntarily spilling their seed.

If you need some help, read this full paper: http://www.dlshq.org/download/brahmacharya.htm

It gives specific exercises (postures, ways of sitting, breathing tips, and cold showers) that can help you deal with urges and overcome sexual thoughts.

Many of the greatest scientific and philosophical geniuses (Newton, Tesla, Schopenhauer, Socrates, etc.) were on NoFap for most of their lives.

>> No.10674912


>> No.10674939

> I wonder, is there some sort of demonic mechanism in place to immediately capture the newly released energy so that you can put it to use for ulterior, material, evil gains?

This is sarcasm, right?

>> No.10674949

pomodoro with some liberties take is the best method

>> No.10674963
File: 76 KB, 800x371, 1529262352248.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this what peak reddit looks like?

>> No.10676430

I agree with this anon. but clearly they are lying about their nut capacity to be humble. because clearly fi you think you can only nut 5-10 time you have not tried hard enough.

nofap is a meme. I did it for a month and just dedicated fap time to youtube videos (I recommend flammable maths) and achieved no difference. However I was able to bust a fat one for a tribute so that was cool.

>> No.10676699

>just take a meaningless five minute break every time you enter flow state
retarded meme

>> No.10676701

>Which scientifically backed study methods does /sci/ use?
just having discipline and not being a retard

>> No.10676708

>everything I don't like is reddit

I'm not a nofapper, but nofap is sneered at on Reddit. Self-control is not given much respect over there.

>> No.10676729


>nofap is a meme

literally kys right now moron.

>> No.10676743

Guess what faggots I’m chopping my balls instead

>> No.10676754

fuck never thought about it that way

Though I go into flow state i.e. the zone rarely, only when I feel immense pressure to study.

>> No.10676755

>step one have high IQ

>> No.10677856


You only did it for a month and you expect to see a real difference? If you do it for many months to a year, you can see benefits (more vivid dreams, less sleep, heart feels different, more energy, etc.). Nofap is very real, if you do it right and with confidence. Don't take my word for it. Do you have the dedication to continue and see for yourself? That's entirely up to you, the reader.

>> No.10677989


but i'll be jerking off while I do it.

exactly and is studying. that is the fucking thing, just study and do shit. fapping has nothing to do with this. There is no fucking magic trick, just do your stuff, plan out what you need to do, do it. If you don't fucking enjoy it then dont do it.
I like maths and jerking off, I'll do both.

>> No.10677997

You are completely unaware of the massive extent to which you are harming yourself, not only physically, but spiritually also. Please take my advice and stop, for your own good. If not, please don't tempt others who might be reading this. Masturbation should not be condoned at all.

>> No.10678001

Funnily enough, although this comes across as somewhat counter-intuitive, I like to get up early in the morning to perform my leisure activities (gaming, watching videos etc.) and this helps me to stay focused as soon as I get home in the afternoon. While this is essentially downsizing the effects of my gaming addiction, I've reached a stage where I can go the entire afternoon without procrastination.

>> No.10678017

masturbation fucking rocks.

do it as much as you want you'll only see the effects when you're an old fuck and should already be dead anyways. Life is too fucking short to give a fuck about arbitrary means.

>t. muh Spirit, yoga, and zen
gtfo with that shit, it is harmful to science. There needs to be a huge distinction between god tiers: maths, physics
and pop-sci-shit tiers.
most of guys like me will be underweight or overweight, play vidya, drink soda, do maths or physics instead of having friends...so jerking off is just the cherry bro. I'm just rubbing my little dingle or using a flesh light.

bust a nut in a sock for free. bust one in a plastic bag inside a women for big bucks....SURE NIGGA

you reward a dog for its tricks. I do good study I bust, study more I bust more.

>> No.10679265

>t. muh Spirit, yoga, and zen
listen this shit for 3 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=un3dB-pcGeU