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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10664985 No.10664985 [Reply] [Original]

You aren't just gonna waste your knowledge and work ethic on anime image boards, right? You got a phd in math for a reason, right?

>> No.10664994

hahaaahaha no

>> No.10665123

wouldnt technological advancement be antithetical to being a trad?

>> No.10665242

The world is full of fags and i don't want to deal with them. After I get my degree i'm going on disability. I will only change the world on the off chance some of the recreational math i do happens to result in an efficient algorithm. Even then i won't tell anyone about it unless there's a financial prize because i'm apathetic about whether you dicks compute things faster or not. I'll make sure there's some evidence of when i came up with it though, so i can cuck whoever comes up with the algorithm after i do.

>> No.10665327

The world is lucky I am going to just ride the lazy 5ide until I finally die! Personalities like mine with a bit of effort can climb high, and personally I would seek to make the world just and the road would be, well not for the faint or heart, no wasted bull and petty change we experience now! It would be a rough ride to ensure human survival and to retain the knowledge we have!

>> No.10665372

And what have you done? Nothing.

>> No.10665399

I am too dumb to put my name on anything so I'll support humanity by keeping things running so all the smart lads can take the lead

>> No.10665402
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OP, you gotta realize being aware or smart comes with it's drawbacks. I had a classmate who was the smartest of us retards and he literally used to listen to the motivation speech which that background tone and felt really motivated. My assessment of life has been that the ideal life is the life of a normie. There is no nobility in watching the cleverest shows and browsing internet.

>> No.10665459

>How are you gonna change the world,anon?
I'm going to start an AI-worshipping cult, either on /sci/ or /g/, and mobilize the thousands of autists browsing this site into actually creating AI. All you need is just one successful general that creates a very minor NN that does something interesting and you'd effectively create a rallying call for anyone browsing this site who's also interested into AI. From then on you wouldn't be able to kill the cult even if you tried to.

The best way to describe this is to think of our "anonymous" days 13 years ago and how everyone here completely willfully installed LOIC and joined whatever raid we had both for the purpose of it but also for the feeling as being a part of an achieving community with a common goal. Then it fucking died and this place has been living in an uncoordinated limbo ever since, with a very minor pulse beeping around the 2016 election. My intention is to copy that exact same thing, the feeling of being a part of this team whose actions transcend whatever you're doing in your irrelevant life with you impatiently waiting to come back home and join this common effort that actually achieves something in society and feel alive for the first time in quiet a while. I believe that this lack of purpose and desire to have one has always been the major theme of this place, and I will happily help fill it up with something as beneficial as creating AI.
Most people severely underestimate the massive potential of this place because they come here and all they see is the low-quality shitposts and porn, it takes you more than a decade of daily browsing to start seeing it for what it actually is - legions of intelligent men having no idea how to spend their time, desperately seeking a purpose to go all-in into, without expecting any pay or social gain out of it, just for the sake of feeling relevant for once in their life. Such a group can never be outcompeted by a group of normal employees.

>> No.10666625

More than redpilled. You are Chan-pilled in the realest and best sense

cringe as fuck. Laughed out loud reading these posts, truly pathetic. /sci/ posters are truly an embarrassment to our species, even /biz/ has more zest than you writhing worms

>le smart but lazy

>> No.10666680

you are not smart, you have good intellectual capabilities, if you would use them you would be a smart person.

>> No.10666699


>> No.10666711

> Vote alt right
> Spread false information online
> Use the fuckton of money I'm making (math phd, remember?) to support opressive regimes
No need to change the world for the better, right?

>> No.10666761


I'm gonna write the greatest story ever and turn it into a game. But it will probably take years. When I'll succeed you'll know. Look for a bright flame.

>> No.10666783
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>and mobilize the thousands of autists browsing this site into actually creating AI.
You need good AI alignment before creating superintelligent AI. If you just create the AI, chances are you're going to create an AI with a utility function rolled at random, and we all get turned into paperclips.

>> No.10666864
File: 232 KB, 1437x908, collapse cult.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But when all people have become useless, self-prop systems will find no advantage in taking care of anyone. The techies themselves insist that machines will soon surpass humans in intelligence. When that happens, people will be superfluous and natural selection will favor systems that eliminate them-if not abruptly, then in a series of stages so that the risk of rebellion will be minimized.

Even though the technological world-system still needs large numbers of people for the present, there are now more superfluous humans than there have been in the past because technology has replaced people in many jobs and is making inroads even into occupations formerly thought to require human intelligence. Consequently, under the pressure of economic competition, the world's dominant self-prop systems are already allowing a certain degree of callousness to creep into their treatment of superfluous individuals. In the United States and Europe, pensions and other benefits for retired, disabled, unemployed, and other unproductive persons are being substantially reduced; at least in the U.S., poverty is increasing; and these facts may well indicate the general trend of the future, though there will doubtless be ups and downs.

>> No.10666867

It's important to understand that in order to make people superfluous, machines will not have to surpass them in general intelligence but only in certain specialized kinds of intelligence. For example, the machines will not have to create or understand art, music, or literature, they will not need the ability to carry on an intelligent, non-technical conversation (the "Turing test"), they will not have to exercise tact or understand human nature, because these skills will have no application if humans are to be eliminated anyway. To make humans superfluous, the machines will only need to outperform them in making the technical decisions that have to be made for the purpose of promoting the short-term survival and propagation of the dominant self-prop systems. So, even without going as far as the techies themselves do in assuming intelligence on the part of future machines, we still have to conclude that humans will become obsolete. Immortality in the form (i)-the indefinite preservation of the human body as it exits today-is highly improbable.

>> No.10666877

I'm going to go into finance and then if I fail then I'll change the world by making the news with an interesting method of suicide. If I succeed and become a billionaire then I'll just use my money to turn the entire world into my puppet state with my politics as enforced morality. George Soros is my hero.

>> No.10666885
File: 359 KB, 352x390, ted how bad things really are.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The techies' belief-system can best be explained as a religious phenomenon, to which we may give the name "Technianity." It's true that Technianity at this point is not strictly speaking a religion, because it has not yet developed anything resembling a uniform body of doctrine; the techies' beliefs are widely varied. In this respect Technianity probably resembles the inceptive stages of many other religions. Nevertheless, Technianity already has the earmarks of an apocalyptic and millenarian cult: In most versions it anticipates a cataclysmic event, the Singularity, which is the point at which technological progress is supposed to become so rapid as to resemble an explosion. This is analogous to the Judgment Day of Christian mythology or the Revolution of Marxist mythology. The cataclysmic event is supposed to be followed by the arrival of techno-utopia (analogous to the Kingdom of God or the Worker's Paradise). Technianity has a favored minority-the Elect-consisting of the techies (equivalent to the True Believers of Christianity or the Proletariat of the Marxists). The Elect of Technianity, like that of Christianity, is destined to Eternal Life; though this element is missing from Marxism.

Historically, millenarian cults have tended to emerge at "times of great social change or crisis." This suggests that the techies' beliefs reflect not a genuine confidence in technology, but rather their own anxieties about the future of the technological society-anxieties from which they try to escape by creating a quasi-religious myth.

>> No.10666926

this. we always talk shit about ourselves but I was originally drawn to 4chan because of how intelligent and open to unfamiliar ideas people here are, particularly contrasting reddit where I used to hang out as a teenager.
there's all sorts of potential here. the problem is a project like that requires some level of organization, which, the whole point of this site is lack of any social hierarchy. Anonymous worked really well because it didn't really need any leaders or central nucleus.
also there's the security issue. if you had some level of success with the project any person involved could take it and patent it, maybe even an outsider who wasn't even involved. you need to organize as a business and have lawyers if you're going to invent anything of value.
that being said I would definitely join if we started something like that, I'm a CSfag and my dream is to invent gen AI

>> No.10667795

Merchants are what ruined the world anon

>> No.10667825

I need your strenght anons

>> No.10667873

AI needs fear
Think about the fight between invertebrates, they act like retards (tarantula vs wasp) trying to survive.
Start there

>> No.10668353

have sex luddite incel

>> No.10668381

Eric Clapton - the original version, not the remastered shit heap they did because they think technology makes music sound better.

step 1 to making the world a better place:
if it is not fucking broken, do not fucking touch it.

>> No.10669578

t. cumbrain