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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10664457 No.10664457 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw want nothing more than to be a physicist

What is your passion?

>> No.10664463
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>> No.10664513

>tfw want nothing more than to be a physicist

>> No.10664516
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Table tennis and math. I'm terrible at both.

>> No.10664608

same here, philosophy is my passion and everything orbits around philosophy, so in that sense I love almost every subject, especially those subjects with enough generality like literature, physics, mathematics, cognitive sciences, biology, computer science, and the like, since all of them have something useful to say about philosophy! :D

>> No.10664625

That's just a bunch of bull shit on the chalkboard

>> No.10664659

I love the earth sciences.

It started in my engineering undergrad when we did surveying and I learned about datums, geoids, etc.

I then began to study geology and geodesy on my own time and fell in love with studying the earth. Geology, physical oceanography, physical geology, hydrology, meteorology, it was all interesting.

I'm finishing off my MSc in earth science now and I hope to continue onward to do a PhD.

I really feel like I missed out with my undergrad. Going back I would have liked to have majored in physical oceanography or atmospheric physics, but whatever. You can't change the past.

>> No.10664664

physical geography*

>> No.10664718

Knowledge, all knowledge!

To exit and rise above the ralm of creation, kick the mega creators behind and finally truly light that spark of true awareness, disjoint myself fully from the unity, the one. And finally concur what this crap show creator can only dream of, I plan on going solo and won't let this here spark out with me! That is my passion, the unknown!

>> No.10664742

>>tfw want nothing more than to be a physicist

It sucks. Run far away.

>> No.10664743

psh I like the DNA box

>> No.10664745

College newbie here who also wants to study earth science, glad to see someone here who studies this kind of stuff.

>> No.10664857

Natural products, not the easiest double major, the botany units tend to overlap with the 'real science' units. Makes co-ordinating study a bitch. Plus I couldn't imagine work will be easiest to find, i guess I'll be relying on cannabis growers for that.

>> No.10664889

Having my own business

>> No.10664893
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I would love to have been in astrophysics, I love reading about the wonders of space and strange and crazy compounds that exist on and in planets all over the cosmos. I'd like to have been able to have pushed the field forward, however. To be able to solve problems so we all get to experience that feeling of finding out more and more.

But I just don't have the high end mathematical ability required to do it, you read over "unsolved problems in maths/astrophyics" articles and some are just mind boggling. You really do need to be a step above in intellect to attack these things. So I never pursued the career.
All I can really do is be a cheerleader for space/maths related study. Maybe if I ever become really rich I'd give grant money to people and contribute that way.

>> No.10664910
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I don't have anything but passing interests. I find people with intense passions for things odd. I'm thankful for them, but I don't understand them

>> No.10664922

Engineering but for shit like sustainable development

Sounds gay I know but shit like building aqueducts and green energy projects in some third world shit hole and it really makes me tick for some reason.

>> No.10664927

its okay, you are probably making it out to be more than it actually is. Depends what level you are at (I take it to be undergrad or before).

Its human nature to think "After I do X I will be happy", but it seldom turns out that way.

>> No.10664928

Gonna prove the Collatz conjecture fight me faggots

>> No.10664949

>and it really makes me tick for some reason.

i can tell you why, have you ever had the misfortune of helping drug addicts or homeless people who don't want to be helped, don't appreciate the effort others make for them, or just expect it as a matter of course?
it's soul draining, and people can cut off loved ones when they do this when the pain is unbearable and unappreciated

helping much of the third world gives one pretty much the same feeling, they fucking hate us and blame the west for all their problems, then come here and hate us more

of course it will piss people off, a genuine offer of assistance is viewed with entitlement and scorn, but this is all "racism" or some other meme bullshit so we all have to pretend it's normal when it isn't

>> No.10664958


i tricked myself into studying maths and now all i do is work and drink while failing classes

i didnt even go to any of my 4 finals last semester

>> No.10664962
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It was science but I guess it's programming now, I'm flexible.

>> No.10664970

pretty sure you need to reread that post again

>> No.10664977

Chemistry and math
Gonna go for a poly sci and engineering grad program after I pick up some more classes post undergrad.

>> No.10664984

get out

>> No.10665056

Philosophy. I honestly don't give a fuck about space. For all we know, everything about space is a lie, I mean NASA is Hebrew means to deceive.

The "I fucking love science" redditors that flood a uni's engineering, bio, chem, physics and CS programs are honestly cancer and turned me away from science in general.

All I care is about knowledge of the beyond. So theology, philosophy and esoteric aspects of history (conspiracy theories, the masons,zionists...etc) and ESP

>> No.10665070


>> No.10665079

Nice one, bugman. I'll bludgeon you until your little roach frame is nothing but a bloodied pulp (rhetorically) with the wrath of God.

>> No.10665087

Love, not being alone.
Hang out, hug, kiss, have intercourse. Be able to fill the hole for the longest time possible, at least for the first time.

>> No.10665103
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I used to want to be a physicist. Now I want to make war.

>> No.10665126

I think you'll really enjoy yourself. I haven't met an Earth Science major who didn't enjoy their degree. I think part of the reason for that is because the degree is so versatile.

You love physics, focus on geophysics:
- how electromagnetic radiation from the sun impacts earth
- petroleum geophyics
- geodesy
- seismology
- atmospheric physics

You love chemistry, focus on chemistry:
- isotope geochemistry
- crystallography
- photogeochemistry
- atmospheric chemistry

You love rocks? We got rocks!
- minerology
- geomorphology
- sedimentology
- hydrogeology
- petrology
- tectonics

You like the technology as much as the science? Cool, someone needs to collect data.
- Acoustic propagation
- RADAR Theory
- LiDAR and Optical Remote Sensing
- Mining geophysics
- aeromagnetic surveying

>> No.10665129

he's not wrong. Just the wrong solution.
This is why math exists

>> No.10665194

I want to be an Ant/Arctic geologist but I cannot afford University in the USA and my parents laughed when o said that I wanted to study on Europe for free

>> No.10665197

I want to build muscle but I can't

>> No.10665227

To kill myself

>> No.10665258

My passion is math. I would like to learn about biology and physics and computers but after I know enough math.

>Not science or math

>> No.10665265

power generation and transmission. Just thinking about them makes me feel happy inside.

>> No.10665288

I want to be a physicist too. Finished my masters last year, but I needs the moneys to do a PhD. Shit's somewhat fucked up at home and scholarships aren't enough.
Oh well, my current job isn't that bad either. Maybe in a few years.

>> No.10665761

I wanna be a computer scientist, but people keep trashing CS for some reason so I feel a bit discouraged. Just doing CS research for a living seems cool man.

>> No.10665805

programing computers.
until I realized that in order to do anything of relevance you need to know math like the back of your hand.
so im kinda bummed

>> No.10665820

Pure math

>> No.10665846

I like the random organic molecules next to "(center of the universe)"

>> No.10665853

Philosophy and Mathematics

>> No.10665901

I can't wait to do this stuff again, there's a hollow space in my soul where earth sciences used to be.

>> No.10665916

dumb weeb

>> No.10665978

Does Europe not charge foreign students?

Also it might be wise to do your undergrad at a small R2 or R3 local university that charges less tuition. Alternatively if your grades are good enough ride the scholarship train to graduation.

>> No.10666038


Actually everything you listed here was likely done to 99% in the 60's, and the departments struggle for student and government funding ever since.

>> No.10666056

>but people keep trashing CS for some reason

Jealousy most likely, as the masses cannot into mathematics.

>> No.10666152

By "people" he probably meant /sci/ shitposters.

>> No.10667501


I thought this too going into undergrad. Then I realized my IQ is average and my family isn't rich, bashing any chance of pursuing a passion that isn't code monkey work.

>> No.10667503


CS proper is a worthy academic endeavor. However, nowadays, industry pressure has turned CS undergraduate studies into glorified trade school, where pajeets and neckbeards bandwagon with intent to wageslave and drag academic standards into the dirt.

>> No.10667566

I want to be a smart guy.

I have convinced everyone but myself.

>> No.10667628

i like physics.

at the start i liked maths more than physics, but now physics seemed to surpass it. i cant do maths for its own sake, also doing proofs seems to get tiresome, in physics at least i could think my way through instead of memorizing/reciting said definitions and theorems. if i were at my old university, i would of switched from maths to physics.

my new university doesnt offer pure math, it only applied maths. i did study a bit of pure maths at the other university (got kicked out and had to transfer to another university), e.g. abstract algebra, real analysis, number theory, ..., etc.

>> No.10667657

This is true, I just graduated with a bachelors in geophysics, it's less about physics and more on geology, also the geologists will always get payed more than you and be in higher demand and have higher job security. A majority of
my geophysics class are planning on going to grad school for data science due to the same amount of pay and added job security as compared to geophysics. I just want to study pure physics for focusing on electrodynamics and solid state physics or go into materials science for focusing on metallurgy and magnetic materials.

>> No.10667718

I could have had a relatively easy life by staying in my family business. I chose science to make a lasting contribution, challenge myself, and have an interesting career.

>> No.10668450

Pushing the limits of human body, the human body is the greatest machine in the world second only to the next evolutionary breakthrough

>> No.10668455

Black chicks desu