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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 244 KB, 628x351, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1066352 No.1066352 [Reply] [Original]

How can you believe in evolution if new life doesn't propagate in peanut butter?


>> No.1066375

well shit OP

>> No.1066393

Wow. You're right, OP. You've completely opened my eyes to the truth.

Expect to see me in church next Sunday!

>> No.1066417

Are there bananas involved?

>> No.1066427

Has evolution even been as far as to have been decided only a theory? Peanut butter is really only to have been so long as bannana proves god! Silly athiests....

>> No.1066450


>> No.1066451
File: 116 KB, 650x695, 08platypus.650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forget peanut butter, check out this motherfucker. A venemous mammal that lays eggs but still lactates its young? How could evolution ever have created this thing.

>> No.1066453

Who's been sticking their dick in the peanut butter?

>> No.1066455

>lactates its young (assuming you means breastfeeds)


>> No.1066465
File: 87 KB, 469x428, Trollface_HD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Instead, ask yourself the purpose of its creation.

>> No.1066472


Our god has a mysterious sense of humor

>> No.1066478

Hmmm. Platypus cheese - Aussies are mad enough - someone's gotta do it.

>> No.1066485

Christians. The laughingstock of the world since the late 1800's

>> No.1066493


I knew the bible was just a big joke!

>> No.1066501
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>> No.1066505
File: 426 KB, 500x4116, Religion - Christian Scientists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1066506
File: 43 KB, 468x240, 0055_13.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1066509
File: 533 KB, 500x4284, Religion - Christian Scientists - 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1066590

Way better than the original.

>> No.1066600

never seen the original thankfully

>> No.1066606


As time goes on genetic diversity is LOST

A chinese man, and an english man have more in common genetically then two tribes in africa only 20 miles apart.

If evolution is real, then why is the "tree of evolution" upside down?

Life as we know it is just a system of self replicating machines and we're too stupid to realize it... Life was put on this earth for a reason, be it by a god or a race of super beings from another planet.

Darwin didn't know shit when he wrote his book. All of DNA in a human cannot even hold enough information to create the workings of a single cell, much less a being made of billions upon billions of different cells.

Start reading other theories and stop keeping your eyes in the dark. Darwinism is just another religion.

>> No.1066632


oh shit...

>> No.1066636


You're both retards.

>> No.1066640

You know saying the word fact doesn't actually make your statements true, right?

>> No.1066641
File: 28 KB, 400x400, 1272687786010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1066655

lol, You're an idiot. So much bullshit in your post.

>> No.1066658


look it up... oh wait your too busy being told what to believe

>> No.1066666


I bet you're the retard in the video who is getting confused as to why there is no evolution happening in his jar of peanut butter.

>> No.1066673
File: 137 KB, 180x135, 1266458081980.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn to read a textbook first. (:

>> No.1066686

I'm not kidding, I almost threw up.

>> No.1066688


yo dawg, bring all your scientists together and tell me where the single cell organism came from... you know, the "first" life form... tell me how that happened? oh wait... there is no explanation

>> No.1066696


Cells weren't even the first stage.

>> No.1066698

the only "fact" i see is "
A chinese man, and an english man have more in common genetically then two tribes in africa only 20 miles apart."

>> No.1066705



Please tell me this isn't real.... please? If it's real I'm going to kill myself.

>> No.1066725

Then explain how the recent synthetic life turned one cell into an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT CELL with ONLY SYNTHETIC DNA.

>> No.1066721

I looked it up and couldn't find that either.

>> No.1066723


Durrrrr durrr durrr we must know the answer for everything, if we don't the only answer is god durrr durr durrr

>> No.1066739

That's great.

>> No.1066746

See the original.

It is actually what the author believes.

>> No.1066733

the peanut butter dude is serious sadly

>> No.1066750

abiogenesis has nothing to do with what you posted in >>1066606

>> No.1066756


but how isn't this surprising? shouldn't there be MORE diversity as animals change and spread throughout the world?

I'm not saying evolution is real, things do evolve and change over millions of years... but isn't it worrisome that genetic diversity shrinks over time? it doesn't fit with the current theory of evolution.

remember folks, its called the THEORY of evolution for a reason.

>> No.1066757

you mean "you're"?

>> No.1066768


I see...

I love you. I love you all /sci/!
I'm going to kill myself now unless you can cheer me up?

>> No.1066780

>How can you believe in evolution if new life doesn't propagate in peanut butter?
How do you know it doesn't?

>> No.1066781

google "banana proof of god". You'll wanna blow your brains out more.

>> No.1066774
File: 424 KB, 2420x933, Evolution.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You misunderstand the theory of evolution.

Please go read http://evolution.berkeley.edu/evosite/misconceps/index.shtml

>> No.1066783
File: 58 KB, 533x401, 1272829452453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Some serious trolling going on here. Haha.

>> No.1066788

Evolution is not genetically additive.

>> No.1066791

>it doesn't fit with the current theory of evolution

Pass the crack pipe.

>> No.1066793


What if the diversity decreases due to only certain specialized species being viable for survival in the newly evolved ecosystems?

Wrap that around your demented christian brain.

>> No.1066805

how can you guys respond to this thread when there is a trollface in OPs picturre

>> No.1066807


>> No.1066814

The rest of the front page was worse.

>> No.1066828


I've seen it... Oh I've seen it. I....I.....I cut so many times that day. Aaaaaah... the pain.... the pain of the banana... Woah me! Woah what a world!

>> No.1066826

woh woh woh.... so intelligent design is completely out of the picture? Not saying it's god, could be anything...

>> No.1066848
File: 325 KB, 600x450, trap card.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1066850


A platypus is PERFECTLY adapted to its environment.


>> No.1066853


No, the flying spaghetti monster is not out of the picture.

But let's not jump to conclusions.

>> No.1066859


I'm voting for Star Gate, that shits real, they just made it into a TV show before anyone could use it as a theory.

>> No.1066860

intelligent design = creationism

There is no way to prove nor disprove the role of a diety in the creation of the universe. End of story.

>> No.1066887

But who created the ancients?

>> No.1066896
File: 39 KB, 450x268, brainfullof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


but... then.... uhh...

>> No.1066891

the ancienters

>> No.1066910

Then have you ever seen an elephant give birth to a chihuahua? I thought so.

You guys are too stupid to believe His word anyways.

>> No.1066915

the ancients created themselves.

>> No.1066949

I dont see what all the fuss is about, Science itself will tell you that you cant get something from nothing, and it will also tell you that nothing is eternal. So, to my mind, something that exsists completly outside the bounds of science had to start it off. That dosen't mean I think whoever that was made us specifcly. This is how I think it went down. *Endless expanse of absolute void* *Enter He who exsists outside of science.* Wow, shits boring yo. *creates matter* **SCIENCE HAPPENS** OMG WTF LOL, Imma see what happens from here! *The End*

>> No.1066958

it says the first one, not the second one.

>> No.1066963

nothing in science says that we've violated "cant get something from nothing, and it will also tell you that nothing is eternal."

>> No.1066970

I don't know why I lol'd, but I did.

>> No.1066993

"life from non-life, apart from God's direct intervention is a fairytale"
does it mean like, apart from the God's fairytale?

>> No.1066998


Pre-Universe: x-0 = x-0

Current Universe: x+1=x-1

So despite there being something in a few places, overall everything equals nothing