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10645336 No.10645336 [Reply] [Original]

> Online quiz answers are on chegg

>> No.10645357
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> Input 7.43
> Incorrect: The correct response is 7.4

>> No.10645369

>question 1
>round to 3 decimal places
>question 2
>round to 3 decimal places
>question 3
>round to 3 decimal places
>question 4
>round to 2 decimal places

>> No.10645539

Online homework was the dumbest part about university. I do not miss that cancerous bullshit.

>> No.10645545
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>pay for the course

>kike prof forces us to buy textbook and subscribe to (((online learning aid))) to do homework assignments

>the textbook is like $200, paperback, and the pages are made of abnormally thin paper so everything you do to the book like accidentally brushing it against the zipper of your jacket or carrying it in your backpack slightly damages it and reduces its value

>even if you keep the book in immaculate condition the uni book store's buyback price is like $8.00, barely enough to buy fast food

>> No.10645549
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>be British
>don’t immediately drown in hundreds of thousands worth of student debt

>> No.10645553

buy used off amazon before semester starts to avoid price spike/supply shortage

sell back during next semesters price spike/1st week

If your net loss is more than 50% of what you paid you did something wrong. The system is still bullshit tho

>> No.10645557

Lads should I go to my physics professor’s last office hours and ask if he’ll give me an A if I ace the final? Came short from misreading one exam question.

>> No.10645559

>be Europoor
>get paid to go to uni

>> No.10645561

The mandatory online homework aid(s) is the point why you have to buy the shit-book.

>> No.10645563

did you go to the rest of them?

>> No.10645575

The rest of office hours or classes? None to the former all but one for the latter.

>> No.10645580

I can confirm this. Was spared from this bullshit, but now I’m dealing with this in my mandatory economics class.

>> No.10645585
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> Weekly 2 hour quizzes each worth 1.5% of my grade

>> No.10645600

The mandatory online homework comes with the book and buying the subscription to it alone plus a textbook from a third party source will come up to about the same price. Also, the publisher comes out with a new edition every year with scrambled questions and page numbers and profs ALWAYS use the latest edition when assigning homework or readings.

>> No.10645601

He won't give a fuck. Maybe a tiny fuck if you convince him it's necessary, like to maintain a scholarship or something. Otherwise you'll just be another autistic sperg interrupting his work and wasting office hour time other students could be using.

>> No.10645615

He’s a pretty cute guy though, his personality and mannerisms are similar to sean carroll. I CAN supplicate if need be! Honestly this is mostly a matter of me being triggered by not getting an A in a class I was so comfortable in, gpa is secondary.

>> No.10645619

Yeah I'm taking intro to microeconomic and macroeconomics for my non-science elective. The homework is all on MyEconLab and it is like 10% of the final grade. And the tests are all multiple choice and the questions are based on test banks that are based on the homework. It is an extremely jewish course that has been perfectly contrived to make you pay some money to Pearson, the book's publisher. And the subject matter of the course also consists of jewish lies.

I was reading the textbook (another one of these paperbacks with single ply toilet paper style pages) and noticed that when describing two similar topics (price floor and price ceiling for instance) the writers outright copy/paste the identical paragraph and change some key words instead of bothering to write out something new.

For my physics class we are forced to use $apling learning and the $200 bible paper textbook has a ton of misprints and doesn't even offer solutions to all questions.

>> No.10645630

Not him but sometimes for textbooks that don’t come with a full list of solutions, your department may have copies of the ‘separately paid for’ solution manual.

>> No.10645638

I just can't let go of the fact that all university textbooks have bible paper for the pages. I am convinced it is 100% to reduce resaleability potential because all my uni textbooks so far have been like this. But when I just got started at uni I ordered a copy of the high school textbook we used in case I forgot something I needed to know so I could easily reference the familiar and easy-to-understand source. Well this high school text book was durable af. Hardcover with nice thick pages. You could set fir to the thing and you would have trouble destroying it. And it has to be that durable because schools lend these things out to students annually and they change hands hundreds of times and take all kinds of abuse.

>> No.10645643

Nah, the solution manual came with the book. It was actually one of the selling points for the physical text. Well it turns out that the solution manual has only solutions to odd number questions. At least Stewart Calculus has solutions to every damn problem! This fucking book doesn't even have the answers.

>> No.10645648

Yeah I think my gen chem textbook was like that but the tutoring center had solutions to all the ones the textbook nonsensically omits.

>> No.10645650

It’s similar here.
>meme lectures, where he just reads the definitions
>tutorials are lagging behind and half the time they just write down the formulas after just repeating the definitions without giving us examples
>sample questions at the end of each chapter in the script are nothing like the homework
>only office hours are the week before the deadline from 8-10 am and it’s overcrowded as fuck
Econ is really disgusting

>> No.10645722

My faggot alarms are off the charts.

>> No.10645742

Sorry bro I’m not gay, but I hope you find someone my man

>> No.10645743

Enjoy handing in answers so disgusting you'll owe your teacher points.

>> No.10645853

I'm just glad I don't need to try to understand or memorize any of this nonsense after I'm done with the course. It seems like 30% common sense and 70% bullshit. Absolutely 0 basis to assume """"""rational infividuals"""""" exist, which is what every model is based on.

>> No.10645866

then highly unlikely, see>>10645601

>> No.10645897

I might try tomorrow anyways and report back if I do

>> No.10646320

>tfw uni intentionally delays professor assignment (and by extent syllabus posting) to the literal last day of the week before the week of classes start in order to prevent people from doing exactly that.

>> No.10646326


>> No.10646347

>Paying for answers on Chegg when you can find them for free on Quizlet

>> No.10646413

He'd have to offer it to everyone, should have asked sooner, he might have done an extra credit essay or something but it's too late, you'll get the grade you earned.

>> No.10646756

The intro courses totally suck dick, however if you take the upper level courses, you need to have taken calc I-III, probability, statistics, and linear algebra, in addition to knowledge of R, Python, or Stata. To even be eligible for grad school you need to have real analysis under your belt.

>> No.10646760
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Hell yes my dude

>> No.10646840

>professor uploads incorrect answers on chegg to his own questions

>> No.10646861

>your university has a "online quizz"

>> No.10647100

>find PDFs for 40% of my books
>another 40% aren't even ever used by professors
I still can't believe normies just buy whatever their syllabus says outright from the bookstore

>> No.10647689
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>formatting the answer in a way that the system will recognize is more difficult than the problem itself

Boy I sure do love this bullshit.

>> No.10647697

Why do Brits have higher average student debt than Americans?

>> No.10647702

"Hundreds of thousands in debt" is med or law school. Go eat beans on toast.

>> No.10647730

pdfs beat loose leaf, they last longer than a year and are quickly searchable without tearing out pages

>> No.10647890

Plus you can usually find the pdf for free. Previous editions are nearly identical to the new one in my experience.

>> No.10648183

>not renting
You might be literally retarded

>> No.10648190

pdfs are honestly harder to search than paper

>> No.10648343
File: 85 KB, 600x807, 968425E5-F191-47B1-B7B9-EEBFD73BCC7C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the rescheduled version of a standardized exam harder?

>> No.10648709

Stop blaming the Jews for your country's shitty capitalism
Israel is full of Jews and no one expects you to buy textbooks here
Studying here is also 10 times cheaper

>> No.10648714

>be European
>no homework
>use whatever book I want
>or no book at all, doesn't matter

sucks to be murrican

>> No.10648744

Why was palestine the decided victim, things would’ve been so much better if you could have been bothered to occupy korea instead

>> No.10648768

Student loans take ages to pay back if you don’t have earn over a threshold.

>> No.10648780

>no homework
Sounds weird
Obviously you shouldn't have to pay for online platforms to answer homeworks in, but shouldn't there be a way to make sure you understand the material?

It's the only place on Earth we had an approval to go in (by the Partition Plan), which most countries voted in favor of
Who do you think started an independence war by murdering citizens, before we even had a country? Hint: not the Jews

>> No.10648786


There are a few... dont know how to put it but miniexams that give you bonus points if you pass them. However, they are completely optional.

Only final exam and lab work are mandatory.

>> No.10648787


>> No.10648875

>final grade has a participation component

>> No.10648877

Homework isn't a universal thing in the US

>> No.10648901

Fun fact: "Significant figures" are nonsense

>> No.10648905

Based prof

>> No.10649010


good to know, thanks.

>> No.10649028

Unironically. Why can't the pajeets at Chegg get their shit together? Once you move to anything more complicated than mechanics/gen chem 1 shit is just wrong half the time and when it's right it's a fucking mess

>> No.10649057

>living in a capitalist country
>going to a private capitalist university
>trusting the capitalist professor to not swindle you out of even more money
>trusting the capitalist university not to abuse their position and swindle you out of even more power
Your fucking fault for being a capitalist pig, desu.
>still blaming the jews like the capitalists told him to
You're a fucking moron. You deserve it.

>> No.10649067

>second most expensive tuition in the world
>he thinks he can brag about this
>at least we aren't yankoids
>we are like 0.001% behind them
Pathetic fucks, you lot.

>> No.10649078
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Capitalism works. Socialism doesn’t.

>> No.10649083

i'm going to BU and all the homework is optional. obviously you're a fucking retard if you don't do it because you will never pass the exams without the practice, but it's still optional.

i just finished physics 3 and the homework was optional, but on the last day our professor said that if we're bordering on the next letter grade he won't bump us up unless we turned in all our homework and had good attendance. the amount of sighs i heard when he said that was hilarious. of course i had perfect attendance and did all the homework because i'm a tryhard so it was amusing for me.

>> No.10649090

>be british
>fail to do anything that impacts the globe in nearly a century

>> No.10649098

This, lol.
The whole system is setup to incentivize this sort of behavior yet somehow the Jews are to blame.
What is ironic is that OP is probably being thought to behave in this way at this same university.

>> No.10649108

Brits still have outrageously expensive universities. They are an exception within Europe.
Their salaries are also pretty low.
Sucks for them.

>> No.10649122

They’re useful that doesn’t make them infallible or strictly necessary, without them idiots can completely misinterpret the accuracy of their calculations

>> No.10649171

Because they're getting paid pennies, and people are asking them to solve entire assignments without context or access to the associated readings.

>> No.10649180

Absolute bullshit, ctrl-f nigger

>> No.10650491

This is also suffering because it means the lecture hall is packed every class.