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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1064303 No.1064303 [Reply] [Original]

Why is there a disproportionate number of males interested in science vs females?

>> No.1064306

Because you're a faggot.

>> No.1064310

Because of the spatial-reasoning and analytical abilities involved in beating the shit out of a sabre-toothed tiger.

>> No.1064315

womun r dum lol

>> No.1064334

Science involves logic and gross things, the two things women hate the most.

>> No.1064338

because of society

outside of engineering this is actually changing pretty fast

>> No.1064341
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>> No.1064346

I think it's simply because women, in general, tends to go out for professions where they're working with people, and can feel as if they're really helping them.

That'd also be the reason why there's more women at the softer sciences than the harder ones.

>> No.1064354

science is seen as geeky, and there are very few girls who are geeks in the media, therefore girls feel as if geekiness is wrong and avoid science.

>> No.1064398

>Weird Science
>Geeky hot girl

>> No.1064408


ask a sociologist

>> No.1064420


Ironical, pretty big chance said sociologist will be a girl

>> No.1064428

I'm not. :3

>> No.1064476


>> No.1064524

Have you ever spoken to one? I'm convinced we just aren't raising them properly in this society because their priorities are always fucked.

>> No.1064589

Yeah, there was an engineering chick in one of my physics classes. She was awesome, but sadly, she left to go off to a bigger University.

And that's the only one I've seen.

>> No.1064593

Men have more Testosteron a hormon which makes you adventurous and more likely to take risks (some say it's the insanity elixier). Thus men are more inclined to go there and find out what there may be, to take it apart to see how it works and risk destroying a nice tradition for the sake of a better insight. On the other hand this hormon produces wars, fights, and incomparable suffering and atrocities. Though the female behaviour can be explained both ways. Oestrogen and Oxytoxin calm you down and make you more caring about other people and looking for a cozy and save environment (ever wondered why women go crazy for snuggling after sex? That's b/c their body is then flooded with oxytozin). Now it is of course nice to be friendly and such but imagine Galileo being a female: " The earth is not a center." "Yes it is" " Ehhmm ok let's compromise here"

>> No.1064598


>> No.1064612

well my sister is pretty big into sciences and wants to be a theoretical physicist...

>> No.1064625

What are their priorities?

>> No.1064689


>> No.1064699
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>> No.1064716

link to sources?

>> No.1064722


>> No.1064724

As a female I "learned" shouldnt act or behave adventurously or you would risk disapointing your parents. My first t-shirt was written PRINCESS IN TRAINING, what princess do other than smile and salute people?

>> No.1064736


Is she hot, though?

>> No.1064750


Depends. If you're Princess Di, it involves supposedly being caught in a conspiracy and getting murdered.

>> No.1064752

That reminds me of an experiment they did with monkeys
basically they gave young chimps dolls and toy cars
The majority of the male chimps chose the toy cars while the majority of the female chimps chose the dolls
I bet it'd be the same if you gave a boy and a girl a choice between the two

>> No.1064757
File: 14 KB, 200x332, 21042_222884384411_632534411_3108295_5529813_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk, she's my sister. you be the judge. pic related

>> No.1064772


Tits plox. I need tits to decide if she is hot.


>> No.1064774

I'm going to have to say yes.

>> No.1064777

im female and i love those two things.

>> No.1064779

kind of don't believe you could read your first T-Shirt.

But try injection of a male dosis of Testosteron for a few days and see in how many confrontations you will "naturally" drift. It is not really possible to go and make a "neutral" kid into a female or male by education. Males are at least 2-3 times stronger than females for a reason (testosteron) not by education and believing they should be.

>> No.1064786

lololol I should've known. I have no pics of her tits, she is my goddamned sister. use your imagination or something.

>> No.1064817

I'm going into engineering, and I'm a girl.

...the male/female ratio would be totally awesome if it weren't for the fact that I'm gay.


>> No.1064823


I already am buddy. I already am.

>> No.1064838

They told me that story. And showed me the pictures. Is a red red shirt. Even very young i could get the message implyed of how i should behave.
I much imaginative and creative than my brothers, being imaginative is a sort of adventurousness and risktaking. But as a girl growing up the social pressure and expectation to behave like a princess is something you may never understand.

>> No.1064839

there were a couple hot smart chicks in my physics class.

>> No.1064840

you feel our pain

>> No.1064847

I thought a gay girl is a lesbian ?

>> No.1064854


No, not really. You have a fugly sister.

>> No.1064863

it's a meme (gay engineers)

>> No.1064868

so? who said I behaved like it is expected from boys?

>> No.1064870


Women, in my /sci/?

It's more likely than you think.

>> No.1064877

not in the mood to get into it all, but it doesn't matter if she could read it. It's how others treat and socialize you.

Don't believe that... find me the study.

>> No.1064891

glad I checked to see if this was posted already


>> No.1064898

You know what's funny... you guys generally look down on social sciences, yet that's all you can talk about...

religion (well, some it is social science)
economics (read: class)

>> No.1064903

here you go

>> No.1064910

where does one find the bonus comic?

>> No.1064928

speaking as a chemist, when i'm done working for the day i like to discuss topics that arn't very mentally taxing.

>> No.1064930

my sister is studying Astrophysics and frequents /sci/. She's also into science, transhumanism, scifi freak, History, painting and plays the piano very well.

My other sister is still in HS and plays MMORPGs and watches anime all day long. She's popular but secret geek (is ashamed of it in public)

>> No.1064946

btw I think race/gender classification is for the most part bullshit and mostly cultural. i see this in my sisters and the way they were brought up.

>> No.1064947


My favourite theads are the maths threads...

>> No.1064971

found original article. Reading. Will post

>> No.1065031

Any of them hot?

>> No.1065036


indeed I do! I always commiserate with my guy friends about how there aren't any hot women in science fields. :/ chem/bio science and chem/bio eng are both a little more popular with the ladies, but it's still a vastly skewed (1:8 or so) ratio at the school I'm going to.


gay has always encompassed male and female to me, I guess...lesbian's just another word that can also be used if happens to be a female specifically.


it is? I was unaware of it if so, haha.

>> No.1065063

Sex differences in children's toy preferences are thought by many to arise from gender socialization. However, evidence from patients with endocrine disorders suggests that biological factors during early development (e.g., levels of androgens) are influential. In this study, we found that vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus) show sex differences in toy preferences similar to those documented previously in children. The percent of contact time with toys typically preferred by boys (a car and a ball) was greater in male vervets (n=33) than in female vervets (n=30) (P<.05), whereas the percent of contact time with toys typically preferred by girls (a doll and a pot) was greater in female vervets than in male vervets (P<.01). In contrast, contact time with toys preferred equally by boys and girls (a picture book and a stuffed dog) was comparable in male and female vervets. The results suggest that sexually differentiated object preferences arose early in human evolution, prior to the emergence of a distinct hominid lineage. This implies that sexually dimorphic preferences for features (e.g., color, shape, movement) may have evolved from differential selection pressures based on the different behavioral roles of males and females, and that evolved object feature preferences may contribute to present day sexually dimorphic toy preferences in children.


>> No.1065068

I'd agree, but I am a sociologist... it's what we think.

>> No.1065078

yes. they are both hotties

>> No.1065110

sociology fag here.

Looks rather sound. I'd only argue it's possible the monkeys were socialized already. An experiment where infants were raised outside of the troop and in a neutral fashion might resolve that issue.

>> No.1065170

How can monkeys be socialized to play with toy trucks?

>> No.1065174

Men in science have a lot of male role models .Women dont. That also a factor. I wish I could say I found a female scientist brilliant and insping...

>> No.1065181

That's because all the women that tried to become role models failed

>> No.1065188

That means less girls will try science.

>> No.1065199

Why not Marie Curie?

>> No.1065209

more that girls socialized to play with babies
boys socialized to play with tools

>> No.1065218

Never mind the fact that biologically women have more white matter in their brains which deal with connections as opposed to males who have more gray matter which leads them to prefer things with spatial motion

>> No.1065230

oh cool that's true for everyone?

>> No.1065256

so that explains everything?

Need more concept of explained variation

>> No.1065261

Thats the only exception. I dont know a lot about her life or work. I have been to beautifull science expositions about Darwin, Einstein and Da Vinci but not Marie Curie. We never consider that women can seriously contribute to science. I never read anything scientific writen by a women. Its discouraging.

>> No.1065287

>On average, male brains have approximately 4% more cells and 100 grams more brain tissue than females do. However, both sexes have similar brain weight to body weight ratios. Men have larger left inferior parietal lobes,[19] while women have larger Wernicke's and Broca's areas.[20] Evidence of gender differences in the size of the corpus callosum is ambiguous.[citation needed]

Seems like it

>> No.1065291

my sister is studying astrophysics because of carl sagan. not sure it matters much to her.

she told me at school they were showing women and she said it was all so discouraging because they were crappy

>> No.1065318

ok but see >>1065256

>> No.1065335

>The parietal lobe plays important roles in integrating sensory information from various parts of the body, knowledge of numbers and their relations[1], and in the manipulation of objects. Portions of the parietal lobe are involved with visuospatial processing

>Wernicke's area ("Wernicke" English pronunciation: /ˈvɛərnɨkə/ or /ˈvɛərnɨki/; German: [ˈvɛʁniːkə]) is one of the two parts of the cerebral cortex linked since the late nineteenth century to speech (the other is the Broca's area). It is involved in the understanding of written and spoken language.

>Broca's area is a region of the hominid[1] brain with functions linked to speech production.

>> No.1065345

Hello Mr.Risler.

>> No.1065346


y fbry gaqiyp xnt o dCHRgISThOPHbEtR POOmLE (AuKrA MOOhTy, AKA TkHkEc ADMIsN OdFx 4eCHiAN)j IS A DANyGEROoUS,f MlEuNTALLYy ILLl THIzEF. REAhD ALuL ABOuUxT IT HEbRE: HTTiP://8x8.b8l0.21p.12/ ORp HmTgTPf://tWWW.uANpONhTALK.SE/ OR HTTP:/z/sAT.KnIMkMkOeA.hSE/lt w emj k l tf bymlv k vg yn pg

>> No.1065352

Um, what's that have to do with explanation of variation in a phenomenon?

>> No.1065363

I work in a hospital lab and almost every person who works in there with me is a middle aged woman. There are like 3 other guys and me. I was really surprised when I first started working there.

>> No.1065375

Differences in socialization, both external and innate. Girls tend to look at each other, guys at things, or girls(lol objects.)

>> No.1065382

Read my earlier post
Men have larger parietal lobes, while women have larger Wernicke's area and Broca's area
Parietal lobes deal with knowledge of numbers abd their relation, spatial information and manipulation of objects(like a toy truck maybe?)
While Wernicke's and Broca's area deals with speech
Maybe's its because women enjoy helping and healing people?

>> No.1065401

Let me clearer. Differences in brain matter percentages are not enough to explain the huge differences we see. If biology explains 50%, then that's 50% not explained.

>> No.1065418

Also you are equating biological averages with a deterministic view. Just because they have less grey matter doesn't mean they can't do science. Where is the agency?

>> No.1065470
File: 14 KB, 225x291, Marie Fail Curie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even when woman succeed in science, they still fail. Take Rosalind Franklin for instance. She is really the one that discovered DNA's double helix structure, but she was to stupid to do anything with the information. She later died of cancer caused from hurr X-ray spectroscopy work and died before she could be awarded a Noble Prize. A better know example is Marie Curie, but everyone already know that example. When women try to do science, they get themselves killed. They need to stick to the science of sandwich making.

Pic related. Someone who had potential to be an excellent cook.

>> No.1065509
File: 15 KB, 140x198, Marie_Curie_(Nobel-Chem).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If want to make a sandwich from scratch, you must first research radioactive elements.

>> No.1065516

You guys are like those anti evolutionist faggots that keep asking for the missing link

>> No.1065521

>>observes OP's pic

this thread is now about Furries 1, 2, 3, GO

>> No.1065525

Hey Marie Curie... TITS OR GTFO!

>> No.1065536


Twas beautiful, motivation for all women.

>> No.1065558
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>> No.1065583

Sometimes, you have a VERY limited picture supply and just have to go with what you've got -_-

>> No.1065595

women are dumb


>> No.1065619

someday women will feed brains with science... Hope you get to see your grandaughter making theories for starving minds not sandwiches for misogynists.

>> No.1065650

But for the time being I'm hungry
So gb2thekitchen

>> No.1065681

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal

>> No.1065683

In a lab? Maybe it's because women like working with piss and shit and various bodily fluids.


>> No.1065703

I don't think they knew what the job would entail before they signed up

>> No.1065711

lol no. I am a sociologist. I think society has a HUGE role in shaping these outcomes.

>> No.1065718
File: 34 KB, 375x500, rr-before1920 marie curie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Marie Curie TITS recently discovered...

>> No.1065748

If only women could cure breast cancer instead of just getting it.

Do you think you could have here make me a sandwich as well?

>> No.1065764

Yeah but dude common
Those moneys were given dolls and cars and were barely 4 years old and the brain biology of each gender seems to point towards that direction
I mean its hard to argue against this results
I bet if the monkeys had been raised by scientists you would claim that they indirectly influenced them as well

>> No.1065776

I need source to believe that.
A male chimp doesn't know what a car is, and therefore can't choose it because it's a car
Just like a female chimp doesn't recognize the doll as female, because it bares no resemblance to chimps

This experiment must've obviously been a coincidence, or the "majority" must've meant 51%

>> No.1065793
File: 132 KB, 900x545, SpaceElevator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey some body gotta progress science while women get brain washed from tv more and more through the generations.

>> No.1065804

Hunter, Gatherer.

>> No.1065809

Its so funny. Women are the ones who can get men to do anything they want ...

>> No.1065819
File: 37 KB, 375x500, rr-before1920 marie curie &amp; sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As you wish. This computer is a friends... nothing but ms paint and a touchpad mouse...

>> No.1065856

For a typical man the world is just a big kitchen and they try to combine the best ingredients to attract and satisfy women. They never leave the kitchen.

>> No.1065867

Women use pussy power. Men use brute force. Hmm... I wonder which one would win? My bad, I almost forgot the advantage men have with intellect as well. Men win again.

>> No.1065868

I agree the monkey thing is interesting. But monkeys socialize too. And we are able to move above and beyond the limitations of our instinct and predispositions.

>> No.1065877

ITT: ppl do not comprehend the influence of gender roles

>> No.1065884

All the man brute force and the intellect are there to attract and satisfy women. Women win.

>> No.1065925

hate the term "gender roles", but I know what you are trying to say

>> No.1065926

That's the whole point
The monkeys couldn't have been socialized to like those things because they've never seen them in real life
So in conclusion something in their brain must of motivated them to pick one over the other.
Perhaphs male monkeys chose the tuck because pariental lobe deals with movement and spatial relations while the female monkeys chose the dolls because female monkeys are predispose to take care of things.
I mean its pretty obvious that a male monkey would be more predisposed to like something that has to do with hunting while the female monkey would be predisposed to taking care of something. Its basic instinct, just like birds do mating songs and lizards know bugs are food.

>> No.1065958

And you're missing my point.

The male monkey did not choose the truck because the pariental lobe deals with movement. In order for the pariental lobe to recognize the truck as a moving object, it must know what are truck in the first place. I presume these monkeys have never seen a truck, so it can't recognize it as a moving object.

I can sort of understand the female monkeys though, because the human doll does bare some resemblance to the monkeys.

>> No.1065964

man fucking everyone is on 4chan. now I remember why I had that 'don't post IRL pics' policy before.

>> No.1065988

nobody wins, except trolls.

>> No.1065999

The monkeys realized the trucks moved after they tried playing with them

>> No.1066011


Anything you give 4chan, it will fashion into a large blunt object and buttfuck you with. You should know this.

>> No.1066022

I posted a link to the article here:

They noted that male monkeys were more likely to play with toys in general.

>> No.1066039

Same reason there aren't a lot of male nurses.

>> No.1066605

what? there are plenty of faggots out there. this board is full of them.

>> No.1066974


Holy crap, learn to spell.

>> No.1066999

The way a person is, has everything to do with their childhood.

What toy's did you play with?

>> No.1067086

Alright I'm gonna ask since nobody has: what show is the OP picture from?

>> No.1067100

I played with dolls when I was little, and now I'm a scientist.

Granted, I'm not a woman, though.

>> No.1067112

Out of the 9 other engineers I've met, 1 has been male.

>> No.1067136

posting prior to "my penis"

>> No.1067140
File: 18 KB, 180x257, dorothy_hodgkin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my chemistry class half the people are girls.

>> No.1067161

getting knocked up doesn't count as chemical engineering.