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1064295 No.1064295 [Reply] [Original]


Just click on your country.

>> No.1064302


>> No.1064309


>> No.1064317

"please sign in"

Well suck my cock.

>> No.1064323
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>> No.1064324

wtf are you talking about? click on the map.

>> No.1064326


>> No.1064331

ITT: Lies

>> No.1064332

So what really are the most reliable university rankings?

>> No.1064335


>> No.1064336

Dude, don't be jealous.

>> No.1064348


>> No.1064350

>>itt:waawahhh im a failure irl, so that must mean everyone here is too

>> No.1064352

402-501 world
163-184 Americas

But I got accepted to 1.

>> No.1064358

>implying i study in any of these fields

>> No.1064359

49, but I question it because the Score of Alumni and Score of Award is 0 for my university.

>> No.1064364
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#303 world
#3 country

>> No.1064365

>But I got accepted to 1.
Try telling that to your future employer.

>> No.1064370

i'm rather bemused to the sub par list for the uk which is completly out and not even half the length
however from the guardian newspaper i'm 25 for my subject and 45 overall

>> No.1064373

Why are there so many US schools on top of the rankings?

>> No.1064379

Simply put, we are just smarter then the rest of the world, by far.

>> No.1064381


Because US>Everyone else amirite, gais...

>> No.1064383
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24th for my major (worldwide)

>> No.1064388

i might suggest
if your uk

>> No.1064389

nation #12
world #14

but this place is so fucking easy, i dont get it

>> No.1064390

7-18 National

201-302 World.

>> No.1064391

I'm sure you're being sarcastic, but, we really are.

>> No.1064396

This is kinda idiotic. Who cares if the over all best university is one place, and the countries best university for what you want to study is something completely else?

My university wasn't even on the list. Yet The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise established the specific program at my university to be the nations best.

>> No.1064397

because in the ultimate irony, there is a sizable section of our population that isn't composed of retards.

also people found out running excellent schools in a non-profit way makes you a decent living.

>> No.1064403

these rankings only focus on how good the faculty is in terms of research, not in terms of teaching...

>> No.1064407

Nation #36/ World #49
I wish I picked #12 instead.

>> No.1064409


pick harder major?

>> No.1064411

The US is simply on top because half the students are foreign in your top universities, and MOST the profs are also foreign.

>> No.1064412


>> No.1064414

The index is based on academic clout.


>> No.1064416


>i need people to hold my hand
>i can't ask professors if they want me in their research

>> No.1064424

Rankings apply more to graduate schools. Undergraduate learning is pretty much the same for the top 100 schools and maybe even the top 500.

>> No.1064433

requires log in. Someone do it for me.

University of Cincinnati

>> No.1064434

400 something.

Meh. Its undergrad.

>> No.1064435

what country is that?

>> No.1064445


>> No.1064447

Fact - If you're an undergraduate, it really doesn't matter much where you go.

>> No.1064453


>3 years later in grad school
>"Rankings don't matter"

>> No.1064454


Yeah, I already regret it slightly. But I couldn't afford it. Hopefully I can go there for post-grad.

>> No.1064455

71-90...it doesn't require a login

>> No.1064456

how does he fucking write on it

>> No.1064457


>> No.1064464

>>butthurt cuz i got to a shitty uni

>> No.1064469

thank you good sir. My apologies for not investigating properly

>> No.1064470

Not listed =)

>> No.1064471

Lol, you must be from the US (22k average tuition- lol'd). In most countries in Europe, it's like under 2k per year, sometimes even free like in France, and in Canada it's 5.5k average.

>> No.1064481


No, you actually work with professors and do research THAT ACTUALLY MATTERS and hopefully you're working toward your doctorate with the help of professors. It becomes a lot easier when the professors are the innovators of their field.

>> No.1064482
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UCSC Computer Science

>> No.1064494


No, I'm Canadian. It's just the school i'm at offered me close to a full scholarship, whereas the top rank offered me a few thousand. And i'm too poor to pay the difference.

>> No.1064496


Depending on the program, of course. Engineering tuition in Ontario can be over 10k.

>> No.1064500

My university is around 100th for my field.

Not too bad

>> No.1064501

Ever heard of OSAP? Most people get $12k/year from it (and half is grants).

>> No.1064502

18. Thought it was higher than that, but whatever. It's public, so fuck all y'all.

>> No.1064511

Yea, but OSAP is pretty much guranteed to cover. Then things like UTAPS cover the rest.

>> No.1064514

2, I go to Oxford.

It says Cambridge is number 1 but that's bullshit.

Oxford > Cambridge.

And i'm doing postgraduate in maths.

>> No.1064515

4th for my program.

>> No.1064520

University of Central Florida: #91-112. Not bad.

>> No.1064522

LAMO, you faggots think it matters where you do your undergrad

>> No.1064534

It's cause I have a small penis.

>> No.1064537

#1 National.
#152 - 200 World.
#78 - 99 Americas.

Feels mildly ok.

>> No.1064541

14th in world

>> No.1064545


So do I, but I don't go around gloating about it on an anonymous image board.

>> No.1064558

US: 27, World: 35, Americas: 28

>> No.1064583

#1 in Canada

>> No.1064584

18 in USA (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)
22 World

>> No.1064599


How does it feel to be failure at life, faggots?

>> No.1064621

Not too bad considering I got a comparable education at a much lower price

>> No.1064631
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>> No.1064633



>> No.1064635

It's not what university you go to, but what you make of the resources provided by that university.

>> No.1064639

Not even in the list.

>> No.1064645

1st Nationally.
27th Globally.

Feels sorta good, man.

>> No.1064672

17th Worldwide on subject, 3rd in Europe
9th on field, 2nd in Europe

Feels good man. No tuition makes it even better.

>> No.1064677

U of T?

>> No.1064701

I wanted to go there for engineering...but at least I got into Waterloo.

>> No.1064742



This place is ok. Nice old and new buildings. Profs are a hit or miss though, and the student body is full of ultra-competitive pre-med/pre-law cunts.

>> No.1064769

for those that brag being at a private top10 school.. ur debt account will be amazing.. (y)
im in a public ivy UW-madison :)

>> No.1064795

>Laughing at people for getting into a better school


>> No.1064835



>> No.1064889

Not in college yet, but my first choice, Reed College, doesn't submit information for ratings, but is generally considered to be very good. My local second choice college is University of Utah, ranked # 47.

>> No.1064906

university of maryland

37 overall. but 17 for physics (my major), which is why i went there (do some cool undergrad research)

>> No.1064912


>> No.1064957


I'm at U of T too, but don't think I necessarily fall into either of those categories, although I am planning to attend law school. What are you taking?

>> No.1065008


I'm a Math/Econ specialist undergrad. Want to get into I-Banking, but Law was my initial choice too.

Who knows, we might meet each other in Law school soon.

>> No.1065027

I can't even click my country. What the fuck.

>> No.1065050



>> No.1065133

Won't let me click on my school to see the ranking but it's Kettering University

Engineers FTW!!!!

>> No.1065165

>university not listed
>hate myself for being retarded in highschool

>> No.1065176


>> No.1065179

you would you fucking crownie

bet you are majoring in game design
and your hobbies include: videogames

>> No.1065187
File: 110 KB, 638x900, Hoover_Tower_from_Quad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#2 Stanford.

It was easily my first choice, turned down Yale, Princeton, and Harvard. You couldn't pay me to go to Harvard... horrible place.

>> No.1065194


>> No.1065203

How could you turn down Yale?
Their video is so cool

>> No.1065212

USA: 56-70, feels okay.

>> No.1065220

38 8-)

>> No.1065228


Yale was pretty nice. I took the longest on those two. I turned down Princeton and Harvard the second I got into Stanford though.

Yale has a better world recognition than Stanford, but in Engineering/CS Stanford is simply superior and the industry contacts better. Plus, California.

Both offered really good financial aid so I didn't have to choose based on money.

Too bad Dot Comb burst while I was there, maybe Yale would have been less depressing the year no one got jobs.

>> No.1065234

DotCOM. not Comb. Perhaps that was Freudian angst over my hair falling out.

>> No.1065240

>mit lower than berkeley

>> No.1065247


Yeah, Harvard is actually a really ugly school. It's nothing like the movies. Their law school is a hideous conceret neo-blah building... not some stately columned building with some class.

Princeton has some kick ass architecture too.

Stanford's Spanish Colonial is nice, although I can see how some people think it's like one big Taco Bell.

>> No.1065248

i didn't think UW would be so high, i guess i don't have to feel bad about going to state school

>> No.1065262


Harvard has NO math/science cred with out MIT. One of the reasons I didn't go. I talked with a counselor and they basically said that I'd be taking most of my classes at MIT.... so why am I paying Harvard $$$ for a Harvard diploma, when you're just shipping me across the river most classes?

Stupid fuckers.

>> No.1065271

Mine's not even on the list.


I'm happy knowing the fact that the average starting salary out of my school is $60k with 85% job placement at graduation, compared to liberalfags graduating out of those same top schools you purport to matter.

So to you, Anon OP, I "meh".

>> No.1065279

139-152 national, but undergrad

>> No.1065283


Harvard is way over-rated.

I found that Stanford was too in some respects. There were simply too many classes with too many students in CS and PreMed.

And they have horrible weed out practices... it's not a fostering environment in those areas... which sucks... they have SO many kids who want to be Drs and Bill Gates that they simply make it miserable.

>> No.1065284

I dont want to know

>> No.1065295

It's more of a ranking of the researchers at the school, so it doesn't really apply to prestige/education quality/job training in most cases.

>> No.1065305

29th in US
38th in World.

Not that bad.

>> No.1065306


Don't feel too sorry for yourself. It's not as if you get a blowjob and job offer for $200k when you graduate from a top 10 school.

I have friends who are fucking teachers and bureaucrats, etc. making shit. The economy was so shit when I graduated in 2003 that I worked as a realtor for a few years.

Plus, most of those cushy jobs on Wall Street?? They're not great. They work you to the bone, 90 hours a week or more, and now all of those companies are going under and the first to go are the new hires. Plus, you can make $180k a year in NY and still not afford more than a shot hole box apartment.

I'm glad I didn't end up in an I-bank.... I'd probably have killed myself by now.

>> No.1065311

> job training

American schools don't do job training at all. Practical skills? PSh.

>> No.1065316

McMaster University
91 Americas 54

>> No.1065327

60, not bad.

>> No.1065333

#3 country
#65 world

#49 world for my major

>> No.1065342



>> No.1065419


I went to Stanford and graduated with no debt. Also, now, every undergrad goes for free. FREE.

My parents lived in a large (1.3 million dollar) house 4000 sqft, on an acre of land in one of the 50 richest towns in America, and Stanford still gave me a virtual full ride.

I worked to pay my food bill and some living expenses and books, but between the aid package and the scholarships I got, I was debt free the day of Graduation.