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10629796 No.10629796[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10629807
File: 13 KB, 236x165, religion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, it's waaay too easy

>> No.10629809

Cultists don't have a mathematically precise description of their god.

>> No.10629812

Who would worship something a mere human can fully understand?

>> No.10629820

is it so hard to just understand the theory instead of invoking your shitty sky-man?
sky-man makes less predictions, sky-man makes more wrong predictions, sky-man bad

>> No.10629823

On the contrary, it's too easy and convenient.
Alas, it's hard to understand for people, whose dogma is literally build on the preface of people living in perpetual punishment of labour and death for being curious.

>> No.10629824

>worship something

>> No.10629829

nobody. people don't worship physics. they understand it, and they use their knowledge to get actual results.

which is more than can be said for religion, because it's fake

>> No.10629831

>Who would worship something
a fucking idiot who can't live without idols

>> No.10629833

Ocean currents were discovered because one man read Psalm 8.

>> No.10629838

Theists tend to live happier and more meaningful lives. You can’t really claim you’re superior in that regard

>> No.10629843

>boot boot where is boot

>> No.10629844

Christianity is an imperialist construct, so it is my moral duty to hate it

>> No.10629845

might be an amusing mirage.
living in a lie, is it living at all though

>> No.10629852

What he's saying is that string theory is real, and yes, it's god at work. Let his will be done, amen.

>> No.10629860
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>> No.10629861

Retards are the happiest people on earth, because they can't even grasp the concept of hardship.
You don't want to use this as a benchmark.

>> No.10629864

>unironically believing truth exists
might aswell say you worship truth as an idol at that point

>> No.10629867

>unironically believing god exists

>> No.10629869

>not believing truth means you believe in a god

>> No.10629870

These sayings mean nothing to believers. It’s almost laughable for you to brag about believing in nothing. Reason cannot prove or disprove God. There’s no basis to make fun of believers, but I guess it’s a good coping method

>> No.10629874

>not valuing ""truth"" as the highest ideal means you are a theist
absolute state of fedoras

>> No.10629881


Is this like that CIA document shit? is it real?


>> No.10629886

Notice how the fedoras have not mustered up a snarky response against this

>> No.10629890

>These sayings mean nothing to believers
or drug addicts etc.

A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything.

>> No.10629894

>Reason cannot prove or disprove God
It also cannot prove or disprove any number of utter bullshit unverifiable claims.
You've just pegged down your almighty all-knowing creator to the level of trashtalk between two preschoolers.

>> No.10629900

>faith does not prove anything.
That’s why it’s called faith. We can’t prove God or disprove God. Believing is not so different from not believing. We shouldn’t rely on proof, but there are actually more arguments for God’s existence than non-existence. So you could even make the argument that if we should have faith in anything, it should be God’s existence. But this doesn’t even include the practical benefits of believing. What is the benefit of not believing? Feeding your pride.

>> No.10629905

Might be because sea currents were known to people who predate bible by a bunch of millennia you utter mongol.

>> No.10629906

We can’t prove uricorn or disprove unicorn. Believing is not so different from not believing. We shouldn’t rely on proof, but there are actually more arguments for unicorn’s existence than non-existence. So you could even make the argument that if we should have faith in anything, it should be unicorn’s existence.

>> No.10629908

hologram in the abstract sense

what does a lunatic asylum have to do with the creator of reality

>> No.10629919
File: 1.51 MB, 250x250, 1556027436532.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this entire fucking post

>> No.10629922

Not him, but why do you even think space and time, the universe exists? Why do you get so mad when people speculate and try to give meaning to being conscious and existing?

>> No.10629923

>lunatic asylum
>faith of being Napoleon

>> No.10629924

Got a source for that?
Interesting that you also cut off the last but where I mentioned the practical benefits of believing. I don’t see any benefits in believing in unicorns. Also, there are no reasonable arguments for the existence of horse creatures with a horn on their head. The source of all existence is a little less arbitrary than unicorns.

Are you even trying, dude? I thought atheists were masters of debate.

>> No.10629927

>why do you even think space and time, the universe exists
I got a parking ticket

>> No.10629930

why should a creator or creators of the universe leave proof for their existence anyways?

>> No.10629931
File: 87 KB, 807x480, D2DB7ADB-1BD2-436A-875C-07EB328D9702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the beginning (Time)
the Heaven (Space)
and the Earth (Matter)

>> No.10629933

I don’t see any benefits in believing in god

>> No.10629936

Well, I’m not sure how you came to that conclusion. Personally I was depressed when I was an atheist, even a bit suicidal, but now, as a believer, I’m happier than I ever was.

>> No.10629938

how convenient that god always does things in a way so that it seems like god isn't needed

>> No.10629939

>seems like god isn't needed
Do you remember how this thread began?

>> No.10629941

that could be fine for you, but beleiving a god can help you for sure, dosent even have to be a christian god

>> No.10629943

>I had mental problems, ended up religious
lots of crazies are happy, sure

>> No.10629945

explain why space exists

>> No.10629947

>t beleiving a god can help you for sure
not with spelling it seems

>> No.10629948
File: 148 KB, 750x1036, 83E744BD-2BD4-467B-90CA-C0D9C5DCD943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’d rather be “crazy” and happy than “sane” and miserable

>> No.10629949

>Personally I was depressed when I was an atheist, even a bit suicidal
So you applied a hilarious self-delusion to cope.

>> No.10629951

no such thing
but this is a good candidate for how

>> No.10629957

You seem to be confident that I’m objectively wrong. Care to support your position with some sort of proof?

>> No.10629959

it's a hypothesis
it's completely untestable, mental masturbation

>> No.10629960

yes, I agree that you are crazy
you seem sort of pissed off tho, so the jury is still out on the happy part

>> No.10629961

Why not be sane and happy?

>> No.10629962

Feels good to be crazy desu, better than being a neurotic self hating atheist
are you ever going to point out why "self delusion" is bad? or are you just using this to flourish a superiority complex to cope and compensate for your own psychological flaws

>> No.10629965

>no such thing as why
thats a new one

>> No.10629966

>you seem pissed off
>Why not be sane and happy?
I believe I am. There’s nothing more reasonable than realizing the limits of human reason

>> No.10629968

>why "self delusion" is bad
masturbation gets you only so far
one day you'll have to come out of mommy's cellar and deal with the real world

>> No.10629971

You seem to be under the mistaken impression that being atheist somehow results in a person becoming sad. Not surprising, since a lot of religious organizations try hard to push this narrative so their product seems more valuable to the consumers

>> No.10629977

>You seem to be under the mistaken impression that being atheist somehow results in a person becoming sad
Not him, but that perfectly describes my life. When I was an atheist, life was depressing and meaningless. Now it’s the opposite. I don’t think most people who commit suicide are theists

>> No.10629979

why would you project so hard, its not healthy for you
>You seem to be under the mistaken impression that being atheist somehow results in a person becoming sad
no, thats you putting words in my mouth, (thats something that most atheists do in my experience).

>> No.10629988

Joining a religion definitely has some benefits to your mental health; specifically giving you a community if you're some shut-in. It might have also helped you kick some unhealthy habits you had fallen into.
I would agree that joining a religion can in some cases be greatly beneficial, but they're all things you could also do as an atheist. You can join a community that isn't religious based, and you could change your habits in a different way, etc.

>> No.10629995

>putting words in my mouth
Your conversation keeps rambling in random directions, but the common thread is that you keep making arguments that make no sense at all unless you make the pre-assumption that being theist somehow makes you automatically more happy than being atheist. If you don't hold that belief than your posts are just non-sequitur, and randomly lashing out and insulting atheists.

>> No.10629998

the most Judaeo-christian post ive ever read

>> No.10630001
File: 264 KB, 960x640, 1487159437451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whether you're wrong or not absolutely doesn't matter to me. You've just admitted that before you climbed back into the cuck cage, you were a typical doomer who never managed to climb to the 5th tier of maslows pyramid, so you resorted to the next best thing, which is a infallible imaginary daddy who will make everything good in the end as long as you suck his dick.
I'm posting this for you as well.
You guys would do better to read some fucking Nietzsche instead of your goat herder's middle eastern campfire fairy tales.
That stuff actually deals with ways to cope with crippling lack of direction and existential crises in general.
But if you're really OK with pretending to be a fucking moron for the rest of your life ( textbook self-delusion) go right ahead.

>> No.10630002

Wtf I’m a Christian now

>> No.10630005
File: 33 KB, 960x462, mfw_idpol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10630009

>stop coping with a rich religious tradition and cope by reading Neetsche
I’m perfectly happy with God, thanks

>> No.10630012

Literally everything you are posting is wrong, you have no reading comprehension, or you refuse to talk to and understand individual people instead of grouping people together
>Your conversation keeps rambling in random directions
it dosent, everything i said was relevent unless it wasnt me.
>but the common thread is that you keep making arguments that make no sense at all unless you make the pre-assumption that being theist somehow makes you automatically more happy than being atheist
depends on the psychology of the person in question, some people have a nihilistic complex that can be nullified by believing, some people are more concerned with alleviating anxiety by not believing. Its simply the path of least resistance
>If you don't hold that belief than your posts are just non-sequitur
they are non sequitur in the sense that im not going to put forth an argument for someone thats not putting forth an argument reciprocally
> randomly lashing out and insulting atheists
its not random at all

>> No.10630014

>better than being a neurotic self hating atheist
nice projection, just because you were never able to come to terms with the universe doesnt mean its impossible for other people
id be fucking miserable if i thought my life were in the hands of an "all loving" being with a penchant for killing innocents

>Personally I was depressed when I was an atheist, even a bit suicidal, but now, as a believer, I’m happier than I ever was.
you should kill yourself if believing in something totally arbitrary can affect you that much you fucking puppet

>> No.10630015



Not maths or science