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File: 1.42 MB, 1200x750, stromatolites.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10628485 No.10628485 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine being such a successful organism that you changed the composition of your biosphere to the point that it killed you

>> No.10628510

I don't need to imagine.

>> No.10628525

The call to be a cheeky cunt is too powerful here.

>won't have to imagine for long

>> No.10628550

There have only been two in the history of the world. One was useful, the other was not.

>> No.10628574

religion meme ?

>> No.10628615


>> No.10628655

So far, I don't think anybody knows what you are talking about. I got you bro.

>> No.10628679

lol brainlet

>> No.10628701

Look at your post and tell me who the brainlet is? You have no idea what's going here. But fine, here is your (You).

>> No.10630178
File: 173 KB, 1200x820, 1545368339051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being such a useless organism that you changed the composition of your biosphere to the point that it killed you

>> No.10630187

Stromatolites good.

Humans bad.

God and the Devil call it a draw.

>> No.10630296

Human tastes good
Stroshit tastes bad

>> No.10630372

chainlink is 64 cents now, i am full of hope

>> No.10630386


This is what most alien life in the universe probably looks like. Smelly slimeball planets.

>> No.10630397

yeast fermenting in alcohol do it all the time

>> No.10630403


The first great extinction when oxygen almost killed all life on Earth because most life was anaerobic.

>> No.10630406



>> No.10630419


>> No.10630830

Society/civilization itself is in the complacency stage right now

>> No.10630883

Wasn't there some research that concluded those might just be geological formations without any organic origins?

>> No.10630889

The organisms which created them are still alive there though.

>> No.10631174
File: 148 KB, 271x426, consumer2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Consumers gonna consume, consume consume.

Then call you a hypocrite for trying communicate the concept to them.

>> No.10631183

I'm becoming obsessed with the nitrogen cycle. I wish I took more biochemistry in school.


>> No.10631443


>> No.10631576

based OP. just had to handle a bunch of these in a paleoecology lab practical earlier this week, some pretty remarkable stuff.

>> No.10632205

In a billion years, students of a newly evolved intelligent species will handle you and make the same comment

>> No.10632509

Are we really doing that badly, we have really only known that we have a meaningful impact on the environment for about 50 maybe 60 years. Imagine going up to a 15th century christain and asking them to change their entire way of life. They would kill you. At least there are people who have listened. Change will come but all cultural changes almost always take 100 years to take root.

>> No.10632691

no way, I doubt they'd find humans nearly as impressive as we find stromatolites.

>> No.10632698

I literally don’t have to imagine

>> No.10632710
File: 25 KB, 349x349, Elon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol who cares

Fuck the Earth - We going to Mars

>> No.10632762

what's the useful one?

>> No.10632790

The useful one is the one that filled the atmosphere with oxygen and made it possible for more complex life to evolve.

>> No.10632844

>Imagine being such a successful organism that you changed the composition of your biosphere to the point that it killed you

I don't get why this is strange? Dying out from resource depletion is how mother nature works. It happens with almost every species. It's a natural part of evolution.

>fox enters new territory with TONS of rabbits to eat
>fox population grows as does rabbit population
>fox population grows too fast for rabbit population to keep up
>fox population starts to die out due to starvation

The ONLY difference is, foxes only have ONE resource they do this to. Humans are smart enough that they can utilize almost any resource, and thus are cursed to sufferer endless resource deletions. When did humans start thinking they no longer a part of nature, or star thinking they were immune to the laws of nature?

>> No.10632853

>Dying out from resource depletion is how mother nature works.
That's wrong. Successful species live in balance with their surroundings in perpetuity.

>> No.10632857

Your fox analogy is wrong. It isn't sustainable because both the rabbits and the fox end up extinct almost immidiately.

But we know both rabbits and foxes have lived in balance for millions of lives.

>> No.10632874

animals that live in competition with each other evolve with each other and reach a balance. When there's no competition resource depletion happens.

You see this in places like Australia where animals who didn't evolve together become introduced and an extinction level event happens. Having a 2nd animal that you can compete against is the key to achieving balance. Humans don't compete with any animals, so of course there won't be a balance.

>> No.10632883

now you're saying foxes need wolves to compete with for rabbits?
you're all over the map bro. settle down. take a deep breath. and concentrate. focus. its not complicated

>> No.10632890

Hence why competition with other humans are necessary and why I'm a nationalist

>> No.10632959

>Then call you a hypocrite for trying communicate the concept to them.
They really just state the truth. People believe it's an issue and care but nobody seriously puts their heart into that belief, so they'll still go out and waste without realizing it.

>> No.10632967

fair enough but there are differing degrees of hypocrisy. the most egregious hypocrites tend to be the ones screaming "hypocrite" the loudest.

>> No.10632985

>Dying out from resource depletion is how mother nature works.
that's not how stromatolites declined. they oxygenated the atmosphere through photosynthesis and once complex multicellular life adapted to the new geochemistry they started grazing on the defenseless stromatolites reducing them to fractions of their original populations.

>> No.10634465

Life used to be predominately anaerobic and oxygen is toxic to these organisms.
There was close to 98% extinction after the GOE which happened relatively suddenly due to the earth's Iron content acting as a huge O2 sink buffer that held up for millions of years

>> No.10634489

cool vid

>> No.10634511

>trusting bald """men""""

>> No.10634626

speak for yourself, prokarycuck

>> No.10634863
File: 137 KB, 250x250, 13xg6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>primitive photosynthesizing slime is more interesting than a life form that builds particle accelerators and lands autonomous robots on other planets

>> No.10635207

One of the possible great filters is life figuring out photosynthesis, and then surviving it's proliferation.

>> No.10636032

Yeah unironically. Cyanobacteria pioneered a metabolic pathway that drastically altered the Earth’s geochemistry and allowed all other complex organisms to evolve thereafter. Homo sapiens’ accomplishments are peanuts compared to that.

A newly evolved intelligent species looking at the record of human dominance might see the LHC and space travel but they’d also see nuclear profileration, industrial fossil fuel pollution, and the Anthropocene biodiversity crisis. They’d judge us accordingly.

>> No.10636088

>They’d judge us accordingly.

Here's an idea. What if someone made a new religion, and preserved it for posterity in a in archival media or a time capsule. (kinda like L Ron Hubbard, but instead of creating a cult, he just sticks his newly written religious text in a time capsule) A religion that was centered around going on crusades erasing all trace of our existence from history. When new intelligent life arrives/evolves on Earth they'll find this preserved religion, follow it's commandments, and remove all trace of humans from existence.

That way the new intelligent life forms on Earth won't know we ever existed but more importantly, won't be able to "judge us accordingly."

>> No.10636135

>An intelligent lifeform would follow rubbish material written by subhuman filth

>> No.10636163

I must have read this a dozen times over and I probably lost some more brain cells each time. Good god.

>> No.10636616
File: 9 KB, 279x180, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitch, I do that shit every day. It ain't hard.

>> No.10637546

Cringe and bluepilled

>> No.10637588

>They’d judge us accordingly.
Earth evolved us, we play by it's rules.
If we shit the nest then we die and something else gets a shot and will thrive under the conditions we leave behind.
I don't believe man will die out though. We are too smart and adaptable.
Maybe 99% of the population will die out, this will be a boon to human evolution.