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10626886 No.10626886 [Reply] [Original]

Even assuming we do discover magical FTL, what's the point of colonizing outside Solar System?

We have all resources we could possibly need for a million years right here. Creating new colony planets would be a gigantic pain in the ass and I really don't see the average lazy person of today wanting to move somewhere far away from infrastructure and internet.

>> No.10626897

FTL is not possible and humans will never leave the Solar System.

>> No.10627381
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The point is escaping the worst of humanity now that things such as genocide and eugenics are out of favor.

>> No.10627382

The meek shall inherit the Earth.

The rest of us shall go to the stars.

>> No.10627386

Are you a telephone sanitizer?

>> No.10627391

The threat of unavoidable X-risks, namely, gamma ray bursts. It's a surface area problem, not an efficiency measurement.

>> No.10627430

What's the point of anything, retard

>> No.10627498

>he believes we can even leave earth's atmosphere
nasa lied to you, bud

>> No.10627576

>We have all resources we could possibly need for a million years right here.
But what to do after a million years passes?

>> No.10627581

People won't abandon their comfy life style in big cities because there is a possibility something may kill all life on Earth. Especially in the future when they are even more addicted to internet and whatever is the thing at the moment.

>> No.10627584

You mine the nearest systems and bring stuff here.

>> No.10627611

The mass of comfy individuals is never the source of the drive to explore and creativity to discover new things. Evidence about the wrong end of the population isn't evidence about the side that does the shit that pushes our reach as a species.

>> No.10627626

>"People won't abandon their comfy life style in big cities because-

History is filled with examples of people who left life in the big smoke to go exploring and pioneering.
Just because you haven't got an adventurous bone in your body, it doesn't mean you can reliably rationalize reasons why nobody else has either.

>> No.10627662

You won't create a thriving planet civilization with 300 people you took on your ship.

>> No.10627671

Those people did the exploring and pioneering mostly for the money.

>> No.10627704

What about the ocean levels rising and all that stuff? Also, more country opportunities

>> No.10627711

to escape from the less intelligent population on earth and all the problems they cause.

>> No.10627776

I bet you oppose Trump's stance on immigration

>> No.10627897

Not with that faggy attitude of yours.

>> No.10627915

Things can fuck up a sun or a solar system, for example. In which case, it'd be nice to have people living around more than one.

>> No.10627920

People will colonize other star systems literally because it's cool to them and for no other reason. You're right that we have ridiculously large stocks of resources at our disposal in our own solar system and don't need to colonize other stars. However, given continuous growth and expansion into space habitats once we actually kick off interplanetary colonization, EVENTUALLY our population will be so huge that even if just one in a billion people was willing to trade all of their wealth to pay for the construction of an interstellar ship and to go on that one-way voyage, there would still be a total population of those people measured in the hundreds of millions. Imagine the entire population of North America all focused on putting together an interstellar ship as their singular goal, but with access to the industrial capability of a civilization on its way to becoming a dyson swarm. The modern equivalent would be the difference between seven guys organizing a camping trip, buying a 70 dollar tent and a stove etc, relying on modern global industry, except that camping trip is actually a dozen-light-year epic voyage on a fleet of trillion ton generation ships.

>> No.10627926

People have throughout history abandoned their comfy lifestyles for much less. Some do ti just because they crave adventure -- because they WANT to do that, given the chance.

Sure, most want. Vesuvius starts to rumble and smoke, some people gafiate, some people stand pat. If the city does not wind up under a ball of fire and ash, then everybody is fine. If the pyroclastic starts to flow, though, the ones that went elsewhere keep some families from going extinct -- might even come back and rescue any survivors, if there are any.

>> No.10627931

Off topic post, stop that.

>> No.10628731

What is this book about?

>> No.10628748

No, you create it with the embryos you stored. You might not be willing to make the journey yourself, but how many people would be willing to sell their sperm or freeze eggs for that exact purpose?

>> No.10628819

>We have all the resources we could possibly for a million years
Not for 8 billion people

>> No.10628868

room temp IQ, he is talking about resources in the entire fucking solar system

>> No.10628893

And what government will allow this? It's like sending kids to some abandoned island because you think it's a good idea.

>> No.10628901

Somebody has to be

>> No.10628904

It doesn't matter if there is a point, if it is possible, people will do it. There's nothing we can do to stop it.

>> No.10628906

Don't forget personal glory

>> No.10628909

It will be beyond governments control, if we had a space economy, private ventures would do it. And there would be huge reasons, the main one being no government regulation on another star.

>> No.10628923

For the past million years, we've been slooooowly turning tiny fractions of the earth's biomass into incredibly primitive computronium. This process has been accelerating rapidly in recent years. We've unlocked access to more resources, reserves of pre-processed biomass and minerals.

At a certain point, we will hit critical mass and things will take off. The doubling time of the economy will go from decades, to years, to months, to weeks. We will turn the whole Earth's surface into energy-collection and plumb for all the geothermal energy we can find. Strip-mining kills the biosphere as we break free from the constraints of flesh.

This will all happen incredibly quickly. We'll start work on planetary disassembly, extending the signal race as we self-replicate. Altered perspectives of time will let children come to maturity in hours. Trillions of trillions might never interact with the real world, residing in virtual reality for their lifespans.

Expansion outside the solar system will be a matter of cataclysmic conflict. It's a winner takes all situation, with those who leave first being disadvantaged by those who stay and build bigger, faster ships. The first to arrive in Proxima Centauri will self-replicate across the universe.

>> No.10628925

No nigs or poofs in other star systems.

>> No.10628937

Sounds like orionsarm

>> No.10628949

>We have all resources we could possibly need for a million years right here
Trouble is, many are not easily extractable.

>> No.10629176

I really hope we can discover some way to break nature laws but even if not, space exploration will be fucking great