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10626282 No.10626282 [Reply] [Original]

Last final tomorrow morning I feel like I'm going to ace it. How is everyone else doing?
Finishing, crunching, stressing etc... tell all about it.
I'm going to chill and crack open a bear before the summer holiday begins

>> No.10626317

yesterday i had a short oral presentation at uni so i took 0.5mg of benzo and i fell asleep at 21 and i woke up after 14

>> No.10626319

I'm going to fail.

>> No.10626321

Got top percentile in my math exam, slightly worse than expected in my Java exam, significantly better than expected in my databases exam, given that I didn't study at all. Also felt like I was a top contributor in the team-based portions which isn't reflected in the scores but feels nice to know anyway.

>> No.10626369

I say you earned yourself a bear, crack one open, bro

>> No.10626374

You know what? I think you’re right
Cheers my man, bottoms up

>> No.10626395

>crack open a bear

>> No.10626402

I'm going to fail two classes but I'm glad I got this wakeup call early since I still had the highschool mentality at the time and now I realize that I gotta step it up big time

>> No.10626406

A's in all my classes, as per every other semester. Have a presentation for distributed systems project soon, which I'm super prepared for. All is well. A little stressed to start my internship this summer tho

>> No.10626418

Recognizing the core of the problem is a big first step. Act on it and continue on, one step at a time. You will get there. Don't forget to be chill and have a good night sleep, the most important in maintaining good study performance.

>> No.10627717

Good post

>> No.10627726

U was at the club

>> No.10627731

>crack open a bear
fucking STEM

>> No.10628336

Well failed my last exam in electricity and magnetism. Could barely cram any information and ended up wasting 8 hours only productive for 2. Went to the doctor after and explained to him my situation. Asks me about my childhood and shit and turns out I have almost every symptom of ADHD.

>> No.10628340

>go to doctors to get a Ritalin or adderal prescription
>gives me a leaflet on stress instead

>> No.10629114

Stop looking for excuses, medical or otherwise. People with much more serious conditions finish with flying colors.
Just sit down to study, pop in some background noise to cancel out your surroundings and won't pay attention to, like smooth jazz or prog rock. Go from the beginning and have a steady progression. Stay out of parties and other social things, go down once or twice a day to sit for a coffee and went out your head, then go back and continue studying. It is surprising how much material you can cover when you have no distractions, you only need to get into the groove, the rest takes care of itself. Don't forget to have a good rest.

>> No.10629149

I miss uni and acing finals, it fed my ego so nicely.

>> No.10629175

>when in early semesters after a clac/algebra/physics test everyone is talking about how hard it was and how much they failed and you just whip out a smug smile
I agree on the ego stroke, it was a hard transition to reality when immediately after graduation I got my first job as a project leader