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10622339 No.10622339 [Reply] [Original]

is there any reason at all to be worried about sitting on public toilets without protection?

what could you realistically catch?

>> No.10622408


>> No.10622410
File: 135 KB, 659x370, FaceApp_1556682442814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HIV but only if someone infected got their fluids on the seat somehow. Very unlikely.

>> No.10623400

what no it doesn't cross the skin barrier

does it?

>> No.10623403

It doesn't, that poster is retarded. Theoretically it could happen if someone jizzed on the seat and you had an open wound on your ass.

>> No.10624025

Without any open wounds on your ass, not really. The doorknob on the bathroom is infinitely dirtier than the toilet seats

>> No.10624155
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what if man with aids takes bloody shit and then i take a plonker and bloody shitty aids water splashes right into my butthole?

>> No.10624165

anyone else here afraid of touching doorknobs?
I usually either get a paper towel or pull my sleeve over my hand, or if neither of those are available I try to grab it in a weird spot that no one else would touch except for the same reason, like the very tip if it's a handle

>> No.10624170


Not that guy but he's having a giggle and you both fell for it (n-no I didn't and yes you are that guy) yes, you did, and no, I'm not.

He's actually referring to a real belief/fear/urban legend that was prevalent during the 80s and early 90s, when the virus was a death sentence, and was less-well understood: people really were afraid that they could catch it off a toilet seat. Which isn't likely and statistically speaking, is an unreasonable fear. But of course, it's also not hard to imagine a scenario in which it actually could happen (some pozzed material touches an open sore on the sitter's leg/buttocks), thus "vindicating" the urban legend.

>> No.10624177

then that would make you gay, a fate far worse than having aids

>> No.10624260

Afraid not really but they disgust me, especially when they're wet.
I usually open them with a finger I don't use a lot like my pinky or so.
I worked in a horse stable of my family as a kid and I didn't care about getting horse doodoo on my hands but damn these doorknobs Indian colleagues of mine do touch that's something else mate