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10622245 No.10622245 [Reply] [Original]

Is 0/0 100% or 0%.

I can’t figure it out.
What do you think?

>> No.10622443

Anything divided by 0 becomes infinite, its limit bounds toward infinity and becomes irrational so technically both are correct

>> No.10622504

It's neither. We leave 0/0 to be undefined.

>> No.10622508
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0/0 = %

>> No.10622561


>> No.10622563

You can make sequences of numbers for which the top and bottom both tend to zero but the fraction tends to zero and sequences for which the same happens but the fraction tends to infinity. This tells us there isn't a good answer. This is the main reason we exclude infinity from the real numbers; it ruins them algebraically. By that I mean, there is no good answer to infinity times 0. There are topological reasons why you would want to, however.

>> No.10622567


>> No.10622603

Depends on the application. Use whatever makes it work

>> No.10622765
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The fuck

>> No.10622976

it is 2

>> No.10623019

0/0 is the number that satisfies 0*x=0 (infinite solutions)

1/0 is the number that satisfies 0*x=1 (no solution)

1/2 is the number that satisfies 2*x=1 (unique solution)

>> No.10623193

This is not a homework board. Fuck off.

>> No.10623197

imagine not finishing elementary school and posting on /sci/

>> No.10623963

This is wrong, but I like it. Go tell Tooker

>> No.10624006

It doesn't fucking matter, 0 is a way to express a concept, not the concept itself

>> No.10624024

Depends on context


>> No.10624028

What's the matter with what he posted other than omitting the term "undefined"? Wouldn't it be correct if he had just included "infinite solutions, therefore undefined?"

>> No.10624095

Well for one thing a/a is equal to 1 so the first one is wrong. Another problem is that any number divided by zero is plus or minus infinity which is just infinity due to multiplicative absorption so the second one is wrong. The third one is correct unless you consider complex numbers in which case there are multiple solutions the proof of this is trivial and left to the reader

>> No.10624106

The solution to anything divided by zero or infinity times zero is good and simple: 'no'

>> No.10624110

plz help

>> No.10624113
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Percent. Per cent. Per 100.
No factor of zero will ever yield 100. Say for example we want to know what 2/5 is as a percentage. We multiply the numerator and denominator by 20 so the fraction is out of 100. We get 40%.
There is no way to multiply 0 by anything and get 100. So 0/0 isn't 0%, it isn't 100% either.
This question is really just a variation on the "0/0=1?" question.
I know this answer isn't satisfying, we always want there to be a yes or no to things.
unironically most accurate answer

>> No.10624117

Are you trolling? I'm going to go against my better judgement and assume you aren't,
0/0 is not one. I understand your reasoning but it is universally considered undefined
Dividing by zero does not get you infinity, positive or negative. It's easy to see why, first of all zero * infinity is still zero, second allowing x/0 to be infinity opens to door to all sorts of problems like x = x+1

>> No.10624209

>opens to door to all sorts of problems like x = x+1
It is when x is infinity. This is due to additive absorption. What is the value of y=1/x at x=0? By inspection we can see that it is asymptotic and that one side is increasingly negative and the other is increasingly positive. Therefore the value reached at that point is equal positive infinity and negative infinity and negative infinity absorbs the -1 to become positive infinity. This function is not undefined at this point because it has only one value: infinity

>> No.10624228

You can't absorb the negative sign like that. Positive and negative infinity are as different as you can get on the number line.

>> No.10624230

Very nice. I am going to remember this for some occasion.

>> No.10624235

Very good, honest and kind post. This warms my frozen /sci/ heart.

>> No.10624258

What I meant is that you'll end up implying that a finite x = x + 1.

>> No.10624294

It's really more of a field

>> No.10624296

No, the only solutions for x are x=x+1 and x=x-1 both of which are satisfied by infinity

>> No.10624481
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>> No.10624505


Who gives a fuck? Math fags autists. This is totally useless.

>> No.10624688

It's not defined. Therefore it's not a number so it can not be interpreted as a percentage.

>> No.10624721
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>> No.10624724

>a/a is equal to 1
>any number divided by zero is plus or minus infinity
Way to contradict yourself, retard

>> No.10624878

(0/x) = 0
(x/x) = 1
(x/0) = infinity

Going by these rules 0/0 could be three different things

>> No.10624914

What are the odds that nothing will happen if
nothing happens?--- It's a guarantee! 100%

>> No.10624915
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>> No.10624918

Put it into words and it obviously becomes 1.
look @ >>10624914

>> No.10624956
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>> No.10624966


>> No.10624993

Infinite isn't a number, you can't make arithmetic with infinite numbers, as much finite numbers with infinite decimals

>> No.10624995


What about transfinite numbers?

>> No.10624998
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1/infinity= 0.0...1 which is proven here to equal 0
therefore the initial work remains true

>> No.10625009

fuck sake

>> No.10625027

0.0...1 isn't the same as 0.999... and other recurring numbers because by defining an last number it can't be never-ending.

>> No.10625044

it is called an infinitesimal anon.
Everyone agrees 0.000...1 + 0.999... = 1.
The debate is on if infinitesimal are there own numbers or simply another notation for real numbers.

>> No.10625068


Trichotomy law : For arbitrary real numbers a and b, exactly one of the three relations a < b, b < a, a = b holds.

Now let's be brainlet for a minute and consider 0.999... as a real number like you are stating.

0.999... < 1


>> No.10625075

Also, suppose we were able to go to infinity there we would see that "last" digit being a 9 and to get that to equal 10 we need to ad 1. However, we can't interfere with all those other 9s so what we do is list an infinite amount of 0s before the 1. This allows for the "ending" 1 to be added to the "ending" 9 creating 10. that 10 puts a 0 where the 9 once was and the 1 is carried over and reacts to the second 9 in the same manner. From there the cycle continues till you get to the ones place where the problem finally terminates.

+ 0.000000...00000001
------------repeats till----------------
-------terminates and equals------

>> No.10625078

0/0 = 1
0 = 0*1
But 0*2 = 0 also so
0*1 = 0*2
(0*1)/0 = (0*2)/0
(0/0)*1 = (0/0)*2
1 = 2
This is an obvious contradiction, which resulted from your assertion that 0/0=1. So it must be a false statement.

>> No.10625082

I am showing 0.999... is simply another notation for 1 you Tiktaalik

>> No.10625084
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>> No.10625086

Well what do those values really mean and where are they measured from? Level 5 question

>> No.10625090

if 0.999.. < 1 then 0.999.. ≠ 1

>> No.10625094

It's equivalent to 1 dumbass that's what
this>>10624998 proved

>> No.10625101

>as much finite numbers with infinite decimals
All numbers have infinite decimals

>> No.10625111

What about the trichotomy law? :P

Let T be the set of all real x satisfying 0 ≤ x < 1
This set is bounded above by 1 but it has no maximum element because 0.999... is a irrational number.

>> No.10625119
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Show me where this is wrong

>> No.10625124

Is it worth reteaching myself math from trigonometry forward so I can shitpost on a higher level

>> No.10625125

You sound so stupid 0.9999... is RATIONAL.

1/3= .3333333...
3= 3
3*(1/3) = 0.9999999....

>> No.10625131

Fuck dude you gotta retake preschool learn what rationals are!

Rational- A rational number is a number that can be expressed as a fraction.
YoU SOuNd SpeAciL

>> No.10625136

dunno maybe the whole part about doing algebraic operation like it is real numbers when you are playing with an irrational number

>> No.10625139

3/3 = 1 not 0.999..

>> No.10625141

You can't have anything after the ellipsis. You never get to "after" the ellipsis, because it doesn't have an end you can't "put a 1" at the end. Infinitesimals don't exist regardless

>> No.10625146

Now I like this anon. Firm handshakes out to yah for being a free thinker.

>> No.10625154

Let T be the set of all real x satisfying 0 ≤ x < 1
So the maximum element of the set would be 0.999...
but if 0.999... = 1, then 0.999... cannot be the maximum element because 1 is excluded from the set. So what would be the maximum element?

>> No.10625169

>sideways photo
Nope. Ain't reading that shit.

>> No.10625171

It's 50% as >>10624966 pointed out.
It either is or it isn't.

>> No.10625182

>you can't make arithmetic with infinite numbers

>> No.10625184

1 = 0.999...

>> No.10625194
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>> No.10625201

you need help

>> No.10625328

Got your answer OP? Lol

>> No.10625413
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>> No.10625864

that's not a very good question, do you want to take a limit or what?

>> No.10625880
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Only good post ITT

>> No.10626526
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>> No.10626587

Jacob Barnett.
Here we go...

>> No.10627078
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I've dealt with Tuba Jam, and I will do the same to you, name fag.

>> No.10627089

dividing by zero is always false. So, 0/0 does not exist

>> No.10627092


>> No.10627127

What are you a fucking child, learn some math or fuck off

>> No.10627132

Jacob barrett to you faggot, its my actual name dumbass, grow up

>> No.10627140
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>> No.10627400
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Look at them go! Can they pass the Turing test? We'll never know!

>> No.10627404
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>0/0 = 1/1

>> No.10627405
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>> No.10627450

well in set theory certain properties hold for the empty set in a vacuos sense, since for a property to hold on a certain group, the only requirements are that every element in the group hold such a property and that there is no element in the group that doesn't (you might notice that these things are equivalent when a property has only the ability to hold or not hold), an empty set always fullfills these two properties (all elements in the set have the property and there is none that don't).
so with this now stated, I would argue that 0/0 is a 100% success rate.

>> No.10627599

Replying to an obvious bait thread because I have nothing better to do with my time.
\lim_{x\to0} \frac{x}{x} &= 1 \\
\lim_{x\to0} \frac{x^2}{x} &= 0 \\
\lim_{x\to0^+} \frac{x}{x^3} &= +\infty \\
\lim_{x\to0^-} \frac{x}{x^2} &= -\infty \\
\lim_{x\to2} \frac{x^2 + 2x - 8}{x-2} &= 6
Take your pick.

>> No.10627714
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>> No.10628843

There's nothing wrong mathematically with appending infinity to the reals and defining x/0 to be infinity for nonzero x. There are worthwhile reasons to do this, for example, you compactify the reals, which is nice toplogically speaking. You can do the same for the complex numbers and in fact by doing so here, you get that the automorphisms here are the linear fractional transformations which I think is nice. You can also talk about meromorphic functions, extending nicely the properties of holomorphic functions.

So no, I do not say 'no' to such a thing. Sure, the reals stop being a field in this case, in fact, they stop being a ring and they also stop being a topological group with respect to multiplication or addition. So choose carefully when you want to do this.

>> No.10628845

There is no maximal element.

>> No.10628903
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Oh my...

>> No.10629288


>> No.10629556
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>set theory

>> No.10629856

fuck that's good