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File: 812 KB, 1920x1080, Mars123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10620364 No.10620364 [Reply] [Original]

Would you live in a Mars colony?

>> No.10620430


>> No.10620432


>> No.10620438


>> No.10620448

Can you repeat the question?

>> No.10620449

It would basically be living on Antarctica but with more cancer.

>> No.10620455

We would be completely dependant on Earth's resources for a few decades to ensure survival like some african niggers

>> No.10620476

>the entire stock of the food you like has gone bad, now you have to eat crap for the next 18 months until the next shipment

>> No.10620491


>> No.10620503

I would live on one temporarily, like if they needed a contractor to repair some machines or help plan new electrical infrastructure. I would rather live on Earth and work in space for limited periods.

>> No.10620508

It would probably pay extremely fucking well, working in offshore oil rigs already pays pretty high due to the risk and time commitment.

>> No.10620512

I would take a big shit on Mars and then zoom off with the BFR.

>> No.10620513
File: 84 KB, 478x480, 1480596553059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do protons taste good?

>> No.10620515

I am currently tempted to work in the petrochemical industry when I complete my EE degree. I mostly just want to be a glorified technician because I love fixing shit

>> No.10620518

No it wouldn't pay well at all considering it would be a novelty and the type of technically skilled people are exactly the type of people willing to PAY to do that work.

Oil rigs have no such fantasies or romanticism to them so nobody wants to do it bringing up the average pay.

>> No.10620523

That's like saying being an astronaut doesn't pay well because it's romantic, or being a pilot. Both of those pay well, but if you only care about money the answer is always to go into finance.

>> No.10620527

I'm >>10620518
I'm a EE but with a specialization in Precision Engineering for semiconductors. Don't go work in the petrochemical industry. It's extremely oversaturated and while your starting salary is good you will quickly reach your pay limit and have no valuable experience that can be used outside of the industry. Most friends that went working in petro after getting their bachelors instead of getting a specialization deeply regret it and are thinking about switching careers altogether.

My tip is go join a EE fraternity and ask around. Most will tell you horror stories about the petrochemical and also mining industries.

Most people cling to the high starting salary but that's a really big mistake to make. Look at growth potential and valuable (marketable) experience instead which will pay off more in the long run.

>> No.10620531

Thx for the heads up anon

>> No.10620533

Finance has lopsided payments meaning the income distribution is extremely concentrated in the 0.1% top performers while the rest make pittances. If you don't already have the connections and know how before you even go into finance then you won't make bank.

Software developers and computer scientists have a similar structure but it's more like the top 20% have reasonable pay while the bottom 80% don't have very good pay.

Engineers have the most distributed income out of all fields making it far easier to have guarantees of good money. It's important to look at the median incomes, median retention rate/turnover and median experience.

Engineering is the best if you want to be guaranteed of a decent income.

>> No.10620591

Why didn't you do a strawpoll?

>> No.10620801

why not

>> No.10620917

that's great advice, cheers

>> No.10621907

what game is that

>> No.10621912

they are very sour

like, literally the definition of sour lmao, any time you taste something sour it tastes that way because an acid is passing protons to your tastebuds

>> No.10622004

no jello for me, thanks

>> No.10622546

Not any longer. I'm too old and lack stamina.

>> No.10622559

You must not know anything about commercial aviation.

It suffers from exactly that. Pilots that aren’t Boeing or Airbus captains make shit pay, and are treated like shit, too.

>> No.10622572


Aviation guy here again. I make at least 5 times the highest paying astronaut salary, according to some quick googling. I am not a professional pilot btw, because of this kind of shit. I fly for fun only.

>> No.10622614
File: 417 KB, 499x374, kill_yourself.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahahah nice

>> No.10622618

Retarded kike

>> No.10623054



>> No.10623582

>It would probably pay extremely fucking well
What economics does this colony have that it's going to be worth them flying someone to mars and back to fix a broken sprocket?
Also you'd ideally have a lot of cross training and redundancies with specializations, especially on your first few waves.
It's not like earth where you're basically withing 24 hours travel of any other place on the planet, where you can be brought in to put out fires. You've got to wait for good launch window, and still spend months-to-years traveling to get there.
I'm sure there will be plenty of consultation earth side, but by telepresence. Everyone on the ground would be a swiss army knife technician who should be able to fix, repair, maintain, and expand any essential machinery.
Just like the pioneers of old, you bring the essentials and the tools to build better tools so you can bootstrap yourself as fast as possible.

>> No.10623698
File: 187 KB, 1024x792, 1548727550767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still less than i deal with in this shithole

>> No.10623733

Without hesitation

Not likely. Your ticket to Mars will probably be something you pay off with your income, or, like Antarctica, you work for free for a free trip. So, the company bones you with a ticket that they arbitrarily set the price for, you shop at the company store, and you cannot find another employer. Still would go without hesitation.

>> No.10624216

Still better than living in America, I'd take it

>> No.10624471

It would be like that gay movie downsizing, where people are selling their houses and belongings to move to Mars

The people that would be going would have to still work, and they'd have to do a lot of vetting beforehand. It would be a super intelligent colony for a long time

>> No.10624569

Would you live in a Mars colony?

>> No.10624589

Fuck sharing that shit of a planet with filthy plebs in public transport style accommodations. I want a private planet for myself, fully terraformed and guarded with ICBM's that shoot down any ayy or human that tries to land and disturb my peace.

>> No.10624664

Fuck you, you made a worse version of my joke

>> No.10625025

What are the racial demographics?

>> No.10625074

100% martian, you fucking space racist.

>> No.10625107

Only if it's 80% black transwomen, that way the emerging martian culture will finally be sexism and racism free.

>> No.10625129

Indeed, the British settlers who colonized the US became racially American as did the negro slaves they brought. That's how it works.