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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 302 KB, 1200x900, oh no no no no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10619386 No.10619386 [Reply] [Original]

What an absolute mess, from design to application

>> No.10619393

works well enough to use it to shitpost on 4chan about it, don't it ya queefhuffer.

>> No.10619399

Research over-design of the human body.

>> No.10619405

safety factor of at least 4

>> No.10619407


except for the part where I masturbated again against my will and my whole body aches despite being in my early twenties and exercising everyday

>> No.10619424

hey man the factory is going to produce some defective products. for the most part they get kicked out by QA, perhaps they were on a break when you were on the assembly line?
write to them with your UPC and maybe they'll send you a coupon for $5 dollars off the next one.

>> No.10619430


i think it has something to do with my mom being 38 when she got pregnant

>> No.10619437

We are the dominant metazoan fuck off nigger

>> No.10619439

You masturbated, so it was your will to do so. Having the desire to masturbate might be against your will, but certainly the act is within your control.

>> No.10619695

Religionfags need to go back to the /b/rainlet containment board: >>>/b/

>> No.10619953

That is the most advanced piece of nanotechnology in the known universe. Let's see you try to do better.

>> No.10620280
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Thats what i told the faggets who made these bodies.
>A good start and then fucking flopped with shitty execute.
>Imagine being too retarded to not be intelligent and too weak to not be strong. Thats what your picture encompasses.
Humaynes aka cattle

>> No.10620304

It's more comfy this way. Sterile organisation. Organs being close together keeps everything warm.

>> No.10620317

>Exercises every day without taking rest days
>Body aches
>Is surprised about this
Take a couple of rest days every week, your degenerating your muscles.

>> No.10620327
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"They can survive in an atmosphere that's TWENTY PERCENT PURE OXYGEN. They actually need it to function!"

"If you breach their outer surface, an aqueous solution squirts out. On top of that, the weather on their homeworld regularly involves pure water falling from the sky. They live on the surface anyway."

"They progressed from tool use to apex species in only about 100000 generations. They went from writing to spaceflight in less than 500. They are about to create artificial intelligences based upon their own."

"They are covered and filled with some form of microscopic biological material that completely overwhelms any compatible surface in a matter of days. Attempts to eradicate it result in rapid adaptation."

"They have some form of mental superpower that allows them to defy logic and reason. All of their recent technology has resulted from generating seemingly random propositions and then gathering the evidence necessary to prove those false, rather than generating only propositions that conform to existing evidence."

>> No.10620332

This stuff is pretty dumb. I don't think we are particularly remarkable.

I'm sure theres some aliens who evolved on hellish worlds and ours is an absolute paradise to them.

>> No.10620343

>ours is an absolute paradise to them

They wouldn't be evolved to live on our world numbnuts so how would they see it as a paradise?

Did you not learn about how natural selection works or have you reached high school yet?

>> No.10620346


This is actually very true. The biggest problem with the body is the limited size of hips, in women. I don't know how they could be further expanded, but it would let us have way bigger skulls. That and the fact our spines aren't good enough to hold our heads (arthritis is a purely human condition) are what i would change.


>20% pure oxygen

>> No.10620355

>I don't know how they could be further expanded

Artificial wombs, but once you start doing that we can never go back to having natural births again.

Our spines are perfectly capable of holding our head. How many people do you see dragging their head along the ground?

>arthritis is a purely human condition

>> No.10620387

Do you not drag your head on the ground? Asking for a friend here

>> No.10620393
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this you?

>> No.10620402

>bin of trillions of colored marbles
>shake them until a complete copy of the first Magic Treehouse book is legible on the top layer
>bitch about a few typos and subpar font rendering

>> No.10620408

Look into the photoreceptors of the eyes.
those are a real fuckfest compared to chad species such as octopi.

Also the laryngeal nerve passes under the aortic bridge in mammals, which is totally shit if you are a giraffe.

>> No.10620475

Yeah, the engineering department really ran away with that one.

>> No.10620481

There are species that live like absolute shit in terms of quality of life (like having most individuals affected by parasites, having a really high infant death rate etc) even if they are "still alive and therefore winning".

>> No.10620795
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> Arthritis is a purely human condition
Tell that to my 13 year old dog. Any mammalian synovial joint can have arthritis for any number of reasons. Go home pseud.

>> No.10621254
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Kinda offtopic but, can someone ask me why medicine is so retarted comparing to other disciplines.

People has been doing that since they have started to exist.
For me it is amazing how engineering, science, math has developed, and is developing.
Although fucking human body is still one big unknown.
I probably(diagnosis takes even up to 10 years xD!) ankylosing spondylitis.
Medicine know shit about that, about arthisis in general.
Not even talking about cancer, but these diseases are very old.
Despite that medicine is still at the level of just pain relief, nothing besides that.
It is chronic disease and people are just left to live like that, pain sometimes makes me want to kill myself.

Obviously I respect meds and dont want to sound dumb, but it is really fascinating to me.
Are there any developments in arthisis or cancer?

>> No.10621723

>Despite that medicine is still at the level of just pain relief, nothing besides that.
You sound very ignorant. Medicine has improved vastly over the centuries and there's fucking loads of diseases that went from certain death to easily preventable, easy to treat. The ones that remain are fucking complicated, and typically involve genetic mutations that we're only just being able to plausibly think about curing.

>> No.10621728

Please kill yourself retard

>> No.10622030



>> No.10623595

>certain death to easily preventable, easy to treat
Which would be?

>> No.10623599
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Looks perfect to me.

>> No.10623611
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A fool saw a camel grazing, and said, 'why is thy form all crooked?'
Said the camel, in disputing thus you censure the sculptor; beware!

>> No.10623646

>This stuff is pretty dumb. I don't think we are particularly remarkable.
Nothing surprises you, Anon, therefore nothing about you is surprising.

>> No.10623653

>Which would be?
How many people do you know who have died of tetanus?

>> No.10624530

it's almost as if we evolved from a patchwork of other organisms before us. still god it for a reason. who are we to question his omniscience?

>> No.10624981

It works good enough. Sure it might be error prone, like false positives by the security system or stack replace cell overload, but they'll be worked out by the time we reach human 2.0.

In the mean time, just work with addons like immunotherapy and corticosteroids.

>> No.10624996
File: 28 KB, 454x358, eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at how terrible our color vision is. A huge gap between blue and green peaks and an unnecessary amount of overlap with the green and red cones? Can't wait until we have bionic eyes that can see equally well across the visible and near visible spectrum.

>> No.10625000

>be god
>create reality
>create goblins so they can maitain this reality while i jack off in the void
>they create beings which are self aware of their existence and have bodies which can suffer tremendously
>dont care lol

And this is the tale of all beings in this universe.

>> No.10625021

Most vertebrates get arthritis,dumbass.

>> No.10625029



>> No.10625071
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>> No.10625073
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>"beneficial for one’s physical, emotional, and relational health."

>"masturbation now is regarded as a normal, healthy sexual activity that is pleasant, fulfilling, acceptable, and safe."

>"the medical community considers masturbation to be a natural and harmless expression of sexuality for both men and women. It does not cause any physical injury or harm to the body, and can be performed in moderation throughout a person's lifetime as a part of normal sexual behaviour."

>"Masturbating is totally healthy, and totally normal. There are tons of myths out there meant to scare you into thinking masturbation is wrong or bad. But the truth is masturbation is perfectly safe. Masturbating won't make you blind, crazy, or stupid. It won’t damage your genitals, cause pimples, or stunt your growth. It doesn’t use up all your orgasms or ruin other kinds of sex."

>"Masturbating frequently could significantly reduce a man's risk of prostate cancer.
>"What qualifies as frequently? According to recent research from Harvard University, men who have 21 or more orgasms per month could cut their odds by 33%."

>> No.10625085

It's older males that cause defects in pregnancy by being old. Older women are just way less likely to have a pregnancy take.

>> No.10625147
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/sci/ is a board of evidence. Show some.

>> No.10625207
File: 89 KB, 542x1026, TIMESAND___Jonathan+Tooker's+answer+seven+six+to.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10625214
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>> No.10625268
File: 93 KB, 410x525, 1543543463213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of these are garbage. It's ironic how someone postulates something dealing with agency oversell and you rage spam a patchwork of blogposts, media buzz, webMD, and other imbecile tier links. It's almost like something about his post bothered you so much that you had to spam your garbage. You want to believe you are in control....that this is good for you but this is all one big massive cope.

Let me first address the prostate. Not only is it patently absurd pathogensis that not masturbating would somehow raise the risks (amounting to something like DUDE THE PIPES NEED CLEANED!), it's also contradicted by better studies which indicate that sexual frequency for YOUNG MEN, the demographic of this fucking site, is correlated with HIGHER instances of prostate cancer. This should be expected as sexual activity precipitates inflammatory responses, and sexual excesses can cause prostatitis, something any older urologist will attest to.

>Sexual activity and prostate cancer risk in men diagnosed at a younger age

>Whereas frequent overall sexual activity in younger life (20s) increased the disease risk, it appeared to be protective against the disease when older (50s). Alone, frequent masturbation activity was a marker for increased risk in the 20s and 30s

>Prostate cancer mortality among Catholic priests.

>> No.10625288
File: 185 KB, 982x717, 1557269928419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>"beneficial for one’s physical, emotional, and relational health."
Based on shit tier psycho/social surveys.
Of course brainlets self-report they feel better after orgasm.
>>"masturbation now is regarded as a normal, healthy sexual activity that is pleasant, fulfilling, acceptable, and safe."
And homosexuality and other defects are now regarded as "regarded as a normal, healthy sexual activity that is pleasant, fulfilling, acceptable, and safe." but this is false. This is a shit-tier belief, which originates from sexologists, who by in large are social 'scientists', not physicians or actual scientists. They have no understanding of anatomy or physiology. Some have such a botched understanding that they believe the scrotum to be some sort of bladder where semen is stored.
>>"the medical community considers masturbation to be a natural and harmless expression of sexuality for both men and women. It does not cause any physical injury or harm to the body, and can be performed in moderation throughout a person's lifetime as a part of normal sexual behaviour."
WEB MD is not the medical community. Fallacious reasoning.
>>"Masturbating is totally healthy, and totally normal. There are tons of myths out there meant to scare you into thinking masturbation is wrong or bad. But the truth is masturbation is perfectly safe. Masturbating won't make you blind, crazy, or stupid. It won’t damage your genitals, cause pimples, or stunt your growth. It doesn’t use up all your orgasms or ruin other kinds of sex."
Appeal to Normality again.
Straw man arguments refuting easily demolished reductio ad absurdum arguments "dude it wont make you go blind see everyone would be blind....le hehe harry palms).

Kill yourself, cumbrain.

>> No.10625296

Nearly all present research on sexual matters is not even rooted in medicine, let alone psychology but the shame field of sexology, which has the a priori assumption that sexual activity is harmless. This is assumed a given on the basis of naturalistic fallacy. The premise that a biological act has no toll, is absurd, and laughable to anyone with even the slightest understanding of medicine.
People who assert that sex and everything relating to it is "harmless" rely on all of the following when confronting evidence to the contrary:
>1. Naturalistic Fallacy (it's natural dude!)
>2. Freudian reasoning (dude, repression dude!)
>3. Appeal to ignorance (well dude, no studies exist so looks like I'm right!)
>4. Straw man arguments (le current year)

Looking back, we see that the old research, while crude in it's understanding and attribution of exact mechanistic cause, it nonetheless, appeals to medicine and physiology. The counter research of it's day and carrying over to "present research", is far divorced from this, and rather than doctors and men of science studying the field, it is conducted by sham experts with degrees in the social sciences. The fact is, your emperors promulgating this "present research" have no clothes.
Case in point, Dr. Ruth. She is not a physician as her name implies but holds a terminal degree in teaching. Yet, she plays the role of an expert on all matters regarding sex and holds the notion that it is harmless.

In fact, if we look at the present research from neurology and endocrinology journals, we see that the sex act triggers a profound response in the body, beyond what anyone could have imagined (rises of "prolactin", hypofrontality, habituation, etc).
The 300+ years of research showing the negative effects of the sex act cannot be neglected or swept under the rug with such simpleton assertions. It's time we drop the charade of the sexual revolution and reexamine the hypotheses put forth by physicians and scientists of old.

>> No.10626613

i wish i could stop

>> No.10626640
File: 79 KB, 585x399, 1555979007526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the way you talk. How do i learn to talk like you? Not bait. Im in college btw.

>> No.10626675

>dont want to sound dumb
You failed.

>> No.10626748
File: 75 KB, 630x630, 1557187611796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Medical school, heavy review of scientific literature, and particularly reading older works will have this effect after some time. Good luck with your studies, friend.

>> No.10626752
File: 18 KB, 338x236, 593340-20mfw000445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the undergrad angst is strong with this one

>> No.10626757

being a teen and hanging out in /pol/ too much, more like

>> No.10626987

>breaks streak
>blames body

>> No.10627060

t. Augustine of Hippo

>> No.10627149

I too enjoyed the HFY threads.

>> No.10627168
File: 836 KB, 684x3066, 20131108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What an absolute mess, from design to application

>> No.10627192

Justice in comic form yet again.

>> No.10627345

That only justifies the location of sewage but fails to address the location of recreation.

>> No.10627355

The same logic applies. You either have it on your chest, face, or genital area. The former two don't work out so well in practice.

>> No.10627364

you talking about the receptors being on the far side of the retina? Because the cells between actually have fiber optic properties that make this problem into a nonproblem.

>> No.10627371

god put it there so you can't fuck yourself in the ass

>> No.10627372

Wow that's some real title 9 shit right there, I should know. I rape myself all the time, when I don't really want to jerk off but I do it anyways. I'm a monster.