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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10619028 No.10619028[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10619031

>Global Warming
not science or math

>> No.10619033

Why do you need so badly for climate change not to be real?
Why do you believe that there is a conspiracy among scientists to falsify results?

>> No.10619040

Boomers need to be eradicated

>> No.10619062 [DELETED] 

(((They))) love the environment and are trying to trick whites into being there slaves to save it. We dont really need the environment anymore, we have cities now for a reason. Yet we're constantly told not to pollute or litter and shit.

>> No.10619069

>Why do you need so badly for climate change not to be real?
Because I'm tired of being lied to. Why do you need so badly for it to be real?
>Why do you believe that there is a conspiracy among scientists to falsify results?
Because money. Why'd they lie about cigarettes?

>> No.10619077

The irony of oil, gas and the military industrial complex shilling against protecting the environment because it will harm their profits by accusing other people of being swindlers is disgusting.

>> No.10619085
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Global warming is real, and that's a good thing. Many people are going to die, but it will be centralized in the third world, thank god.

>> No.10619093

>Why do you need so badly for it to be real?
I don't, I'm going with the scientific consensus.
Do you honestly believe that you, personally, are seeing through a conspiratorial veil of misinformation? Do you rate yourself that highly? I'm being honest when I say that if I were in a similar spot, I wouldn't give myself enough credit to be able to 1. detect a conspiracy 2. discern the truth and 3. be able to act with the utmost confidence that I had the right of it

>> No.10619097

You seem like the first kind of person who will bitch incessantly when climate issues create a refugee crisis.

>> No.10619102 [DELETED] 

Only morons and shills claim that anthropomorphic climate change is real

>> No.10619106

Only morons and shills claim that anthropomorphic climate change is not real

>> No.10619109

move to china. I hear they don't care about the environment.

>> No.10619125

It's will only be a problem because that's what the people in europe and America want. They could just ignore it, but they wont. It's the future you choose.

>> No.10619131

>big oil shilling
not science or math

>> No.10619137

(((They))) are materialistic capitalists that don't give two shits about the environment, tradition, or land that has belonged to indigenous people for thousands of years. (((They))) would rather see Europe and the entirety of this planet degenerate into a massive industrial wasteland, then preserve the people, culture, heritage, and natural landscape of this planet. You can even been or the right or left if you dont care about nature and the environment. If you dont recogbize and ceept the need to preserve nature, then you cant be anything other than a coporatist, bugman retard.

>> No.10619158

Science is subjected to political tugs, just like everything else. Therefore, its natural to have reasonable doubt. Even more when its pushed down the throat of people by every media outlet. So I ask you. Why do you need so badly for climate change to be real? Are you afraid of the consecquences of a possible man-made global warming or are you afraid of dissenting with the media?

>> No.10619166

Why do you believe human activity is trascendental to the world when there are natural forces at play on a much larger scale? Why do you value humanity so high above the scale of the Earth?

>> No.10619186

ironic you'd bring up cigarettes

>> No.10619191

Like I said, I'm going with the majority of climate scientists have concluded, and not believing that I can overrule experts in their field.
Am I afraid of the consequences of global warming? Not especially. I think the hysteria is largely overblown. But that's what the media does, it reports on science poorly and it creates panic.
Reasonable doubt is reasonable, but that's not what you're expressing. You're expressing certainty that a lot of scientists are wrong, to the point of conspiracy. This would require a great deal of evidence to demonstrate.

>> No.10619224

I don't give a shit about climate change, but humans sure are fucking up earth biodiversity past the point of no return and birds are really beautiful so I'm kinda upset about that one

>> No.10619253

Not at all, in fact that will also be a good thing. Historically the only way to deter refugees in times of crisis is to start killing them at the border. They WILL try to come north, and the west will be forced into an awakening that is long overdue since it's completely impossible to absorb or support the prospective migrant horde.

>> No.10619263

Historians lie about even recent history. Doctors lie about drugs. We see this shit in every level of society. It doesn't take a huge barely controlled cabal to pass this stuff off.

>> No.10619269

It's pretty astounding that some people deny the absolute devastation that humanity is wreaking on the environment

>> No.10619277

>We don't really need the environment anymore

The education system is a failure

>> No.10619313

>I'm not rulling out doubt you are

>> No.10619334

Ok, well if there really is a massove phenomenon of scientists misrepresenting data and drawing inappropriate conclusions, why not just lay out the obvious truth for the scientific community, and literally over night become the most famoys climate scientist in the world. Thats the great thing about science - it incentivizes critique rather tryhan suppresses it.

>> No.10619340

You do realize faking results to show climate change isn't real is much more lucrative than doing it the other way around, right?

>> No.10619341

>it incentivizes critique rather tryhan suppresses it.
cute how naive you are

>> No.10619377

Some people arrogantly assume humans are no longer part of the environment and thus will overcome any changes to it

>> No.10619384

not really, bugmen like >>10619062 can't think for themselves and only repeat the propaganda their corporate masters give them.

>> No.10619928

Actually it is, you'd think people want to lose that easy research funding?

>> No.10619968

dumb redneck motherfucker

>> No.10619972

It's true. The best way to keep your job at universities is to research established things and get the same "correct" answer.

>> No.10619994


>> No.10619996

Kys fggt

>> No.10619999

>>>10619994 (You)
>Kys fggt
I hope you die of starvation and burn in hell

>> No.10620005

Die fucker

>> No.10620021

Cringe and retardpilled

>> No.10620023
File: 142 KB, 800x600, 782f76fb-878f-48dc-9103-47bb00ded7dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember when the scientific community believed in
>static universe
>we're all africans
>spontaneous generation
>aether wind
>global warming

but dont worry, they'll never be wrong again. especially since theres so much pecuniary interest, err, I mean, research funding going in to climate change!

>> No.10620031

the ones who are so sure climate change is a real thing are also these people

>> No.10620044

Dur hur look at my youtube video expling my argument for me, read a book retard

>> No.10620049

Dumbass, look around you, the fucking planet is dying, there is a literally trash island out in the ocean wtf is wrong with all you people

>> No.10620053

Kill all boomers

>> No.10620058

Hail satan boomers

>> No.10620694

A few hundred years the experts screamed "Look around you, you idiot, clearly the world if flat!"

>> No.10620705
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>> No.10620720

Humans are burning shitloads of fossil fuels, this adds co2 to the atmosphere with a distinct isotopic signature. We can tell that a quarter of all current atmospheric co2 is human emitted. Thats insane. How can u dispute this is a problem?

>> No.10620760

>easy research money
>at universities
go back to /pol/ Cletus

>> No.10620762

dumb lying retard

>> No.10620773

Cletus may be ignorant but in this case, he is right. It is not easy, but it is relatively easy in the sense that most researchers do that and if they didn't they would have an even harder time getting any fucking position anywhere.

I mean, this happens everywhere. In math one gay got basically kicked out of academia because his doctoral thesis was proving that some older results were wrong, and this is fucking math. Politicized fields like psychology and economics must be complete absolute garbage. Academia is just one big circlejerk and everyone knows this.

>> No.10620781

THIS !!!
This is a terrible crime, we were just mere millions of years away from the death of the biosphere, and because of humans, plants will be able to survive for hundreds more now !!!


>> No.10620782

>Academia is just one big circlejerk and everyone from /pol/ knows this.
fixed, now go back

>> No.10620790

Well, it's clear you've never been even close to a research department.

>> No.10620802

Are any you climate deniers getting paid for your efforts or are you all just afraid of change?

>> No.10620806

Sorry highpriest, we'll sin no mo'

>> No.10620808

Just afraid of change then, huh? Well look at it this way, everyone knew there wasn't an infinite amount of fossil fuels under our feet so it had to end sometime

>> No.10620818


>> No.10620819
File: 257 KB, 1848x1024, PIA04361_hires.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you all really think that the CO2 from the gray city areas are overwhelming all the green? All that green cant keep up with human activity?

you can barely even see any cities in this map.

global warming doesn't even pass rational scrutiny...

>> No.10620823

No Patrick, thorium isn't a fossil fuel

>> No.10620825

>Imagine being this retarded
Why don't you plug in a few numbers, champ?

>> No.10620828
File: 148 KB, 900x1247, 14bc9e7f9faa993fef9bf081a6769a08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the los angelas haze, as nasty as it is, will forever damage the interior of canada...

you can even see los angelas. imagine the haze had 3x the footprint of the entire los angelas metro area and superimpose it on literally any forest in the rest of north america and then contemplate whether or not your being fed bs so some research grant funded "scientist" and al gore can get paid for nothing of substance.

>> No.10620830
File: 68 KB, 620x476, CMIP5-73-models-620px.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you didnt really dispute it tho...

>> No.10620831
File: 44 KB, 741x513, carbon_cycle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assumed you knew how to operate google

>> No.10620832

Behold the historical revisionism in action.

>> No.10620834

you use google to cherry pick ideas that already say what you want to hear

>> No.10620835

Check out Retraction Watch to see how dire the situation is.

>> No.10620840

>The data doesn't agree with me so it's fake
Wew, lad. I think you wanted

>> No.10620869

you are projecting an argument onto my words i didn't make, i'm a pro-nuclear pro-geoengineering guy

>> No.10622243

>leftists lose
>they become sad
>rightwing lose
>they become angry
There's a meaningful difference here.

>> No.10622319

My point was that without humans, in mere dozens millions of years, the carbon in the atmosphere would have dropped below the level required for macroscopic plants to grow.
Due to hydrocarbon usage by humans, hundreds of millions of years of green is assured.

If my business prosper, i'll expand it in a way that uses as much hydrocarbons as possible.
0 electric vehicules, only gazoline, no nuclear for electricity, but extremely polluting renewables or if not possible, petrol, gaz and coal.

>> No.10622332

making some pretty big assumptions there hombre I'm sure you have some actual science to back it up. Surely you aren't just some clueless retard talking out of your ass on the internet.

>> No.10622334

>A few hundred years the experts screamed "Look around you, you idiot, clearly the world if flat!"
Eratosthenes calculated the circumference of the earth in 240 BC.
Have you ever been wrong and then were like hey maybe I'm wrong and should change myself, instead of just picking the next thing to shout about

>> No.10622336

Ok genius explain the rise in atmospheric CO2 from ~280PPM to 400PPM over the past 80 years which is the highest CO2 levels have been in aprox 3 million years. Please also explain why the ratio of carbon isotopes in the atmosphere now exactly matches the ratios found in fossil fuels. Go ahead take your time I'm waiting.

>> No.10622341

Literal cyanobacteria, single cellular organisms can change the earth's climate by pumping a bunch of oxygen into the atmosphere. Why are we different with CO2?

>> No.10622347

The earth operates on an geologic timescale. Humans operate on a human timescale. Nothing else can even come close to keep up. To put things into perspective all volcanic activity (land and sea) releases on average 300 million tons of CO2 annually. Human activity on the other hand releases over 34 billion tons of CO2 annually.

>> No.10622375

There's a reason far right Christians commit more acts of terrorism in the US than Muslims.

>> No.10622377

You know how we're seeing a resurgence in diseases that were previously eradicated? It's because people think that their own thoughts and beliefs are as valid as established science.
You're that, but for climate science.

>> No.10622393

>Muslims kill people
>those aren't real muslims!
>some white person off their anti-pschotic meds kills people
>the religious right should be accountable, those white male christian scum
seems legit
of course we all know how actual violence per capita based on religious and ethnic background turns out

>> No.10622397

The resurgence of diseases is subhuman immigration and nothing else.

>> No.10622400

When did I ever say Muslim extremism isn't a problem?
The fact of the matter is far right Christians commit more acts of terrorism in the US. I'd say they're pretty equal in my opinion.

>> No.10622403

And by that you mean subhuman fundies afraid of science.

>> No.10622451

>I'd say they're pretty equal in my opinion.
Yeah, there's a 20 year war going on instigated by far right christians that's killed and dispossessed tens of millions, right?

>> No.10622460
File: 56 KB, 450x450, 1539911770552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/ tourists

>> No.10622464

By you and what Army? Pussy ass bitch.

>> No.10622472

9/11 was instigated by Saudis agents under the orders of Dick Cheney and Larry Silverstein so that's a pretty invalid argument.

>> No.10622471

Yes it is.

>> No.10622475

Heart disease will kill you in a couple years fatass

>> No.10622486

So, you cannot deny it.

>> No.10622488

Deny you're a pathetic fatass who's going to kill himself though his own lack of self control? Yeah I can't.

>> No.10622505

>9/11 was instigated by Saudis
Saudi Arabia is a muslim country you know.

>> No.10622512

They make good mercenaries i'll give you that one.

>> No.10622539

Damn youngling! You'll get your turn.

>> No.10622558

Keep telling yourself that, if it eases your suffering any it's the least I can do.

>> No.10622623

Why do deniers always come with the same three or four duped pictures and graphs
I'm getting tired of it, please ask gour employers for more creativity

>> No.10622634

They come from Facebook and anti-science blogs

>> No.10622637

Idk but I'm not even denying stuff that isn't even happening. Can't we come up with some better names for realists?

>> No.10622651

>Idk but I'm not even denying stuff that isn't even happening
Wew, lad. Are you a moron or a shill? If you don't think you're either then offer explanations for these posts

(The image)

If you want to chalk it up to a giant conspiracy then you'll have to justify it reasonably. If you can't do any of that then you are pants-on-head retarded and shouldn't weigh in on important matters.

>> No.10622668

>only way he can explain reality is if a vast international network of lizard jew aliens is manipulating all physical data, and murdering anyone who discovers the truth.

>> No.10622672

Youre crazy- outedGaslighting nigger

>> No.10622674

So how do you explain the greenhouse effect, current warming trends, and basic physics without a vast international network of lizard jew aliens is manipulating all physical data, and murdering anyone who discovers the truth

>> No.10622722

>no talk of breeding licences
we need to stop the third world sub 80 IQ's from breeding FAST

>> No.10622736

What we need to do is switch to renewable energy and begin carbon sequestration

>> No.10622999

Yes, I agree that evolution, round earth, and vaccines are lies because that's what scientists currently believe.

>> No.10623200

many sceintists have published against global warming, and soon after lost their jobs, and morons like you say "Good", no wonder there's no conspiracy to be found.

>> No.10623308

Ok show some examples, names and papers please.

>> No.10623885

Fucking niggers

>> No.10623897
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>> No.10623925

its the exact opposite actually. many more scientists have lost their jobs for publishing for global warming... and even still, the evidence is overwhelmingly clear

>> No.10624149

show some examples, names and papers please

>> No.10624171

happens all the time. oil friendly government gets elected. funding goes bye-bye. its more of a problem for temp/contract scientists (which make up the majority)

how many climate scientists do you think even work in petrostates?

>> No.10624181

you said "lost their jobs for publishing for global warming", very different from getting defunded

>> No.10624184

no. not really. same cause. same effect.

>> No.10624213

I'd like to here more about this math gay, sauce?

>> No.10624221

the guy you responded to originally was implying that they were being fired for advocating ideas against the status quo in the field, your example is merely the government considering the department unimportant

>> No.10624233
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We can't die of heart disease if we can't afford the greasy food (or any food)

>> No.10624303

which for some reason he can't provide examples of how odd. I guess the Jew lizard alien satanists got to them first.

>> No.10624325

Milankovitch figured out a century ago we should be entering an ice age not heating up.
Check out Richard Alley.
Why doesn't /sci/ do science?

>> No.10624348

>Dumbass, look around you, the fucking planet is dying

and? The universe is also dying. It is the fate of all things.

>> No.10624351

We're 10k years into our current inter glacial. Historically they last 20-40k years so it's a long way away.

>> No.10624354
File: 99 KB, 260x294, b77_0428a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lovely how cryptic and non-specific you are with your answers, definitely the traits of (((someone))) capable of debunking global warming

>> No.10624358

It's true there is no argument against Nihilism. Do it anon take the only path left to you, end your meaningless existence.

>> No.10624380

can't find it now, but i remember a couple of years ago there being a mild scandal after it was found that some of the biggest oil companies were bribing researchers all over the US to say that the poles aren't melting and that polar bears were better than ever.
it's amazing how 4chantards can go from redpilling people on jews to bluepilling themselves on jews.

>> No.10624390

>heh, I'll use the jew meme, then the filthy incels will HAVE to agree with me

>> No.10624403

calm down there shekelstain i'm not buying shares in exxon mobil

>> No.10624416

>heh, i'll keep cryptically and non-specifically answering so he doesn't have any points to refute!