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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10618546 No.10618546 [Reply] [Original]

What's the point of compsci when mathematicians and engineers already exist?

>> No.10618567

I wonder this also, because every physics, math, and engineering student, grad student, and instructor that I encountered all were capable programmers, had to program to do their work, and there were no CS concepts that were beyond their grasp.

>> No.10618660

To build the dev tools, frameworks, and operating systems that the other's in STEM use.

>> No.10618663

Someone has to develop the open source algorithms other people later use to make profit from

>> No.10618745

So stuff that can be done by mathematicians and engineers?

>> No.10618758

Most mathematicians and engineers don't know jack shit about comp sci

>> No.10618857

ITT: retards who can't even hardend their kernel cuestioning why CS exists

>b-but it's with my grasp

>> No.10618861

>implying specializations aren't useful
That's the whole point of having separate fields.

>> No.10618879 [DELETED] 

>CS is IT
I wonder why /sci/ shits on CS

>> No.10618880

>Thinks operating system research is IT

Thanks for proving you have no idea what you are talking about


>> No.10618890

Shut the fuck up, csnigger

>> No.10618923

Computer science (the field) is a subfield of mathematics.
Computer science (the course) is job training with some theory thrown in.

>> No.10618939

CS is a part of IT. Software engineering is a part of CS. CS is a part of Maths.
And we don't have sub-genres for no reason, fools.
Engineering consists of lots of disciplines (bridges,aircraft,computers, etc) and you need to specialize otherwise your brain would explode / you'd be a jack of all trades but a master of none...

>> No.10618951

To not be underpaid cpoing beta cucks.

>> No.10619124

Mathematician here. I used gentoo hardened but I've switched to openbsd built from source.

>> No.10619136

What is the purpose of biology when chemistry already exists

>> No.10619145


Are people really this dumb or are you people just memeing?

You don't really think the simple coding mathematicians, or physicist do is CS, right? You do also realize web dev isn't CS, right?

>> No.10619328

I don't think it's comparable since computer science was born out of mathematics and taught at mathematics departments until recently. Biology and chemistry have distinct origins as fields and work on different levels of abstraction even though they are intimately related.

>> No.10619487

Mathematicians do more actual computer science than most people with computer science degrees.

>> No.10619524

Depends. Math is a very, very large discipline.
Stop making such bold statements like that.

>> No.10619533

Lowest iq in the room

>> No.10620069

Prove it.
Oh what's that, you can't?
Of course you can't.

The vast majority of people who study math will never take discrete math yet every CS major takes discrete math. That itself proves you wrong.

>> No.10620654

>the people who do mathematics don't do mathematics
lmao shut up compscissie

>> No.10622212
File: 78 KB, 960x960, faceberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone has to be rich

>> No.10622236

Useless nigga go back to your hole

>> No.10622241

most chemists don't know anything at all about physiology, evolutionary theory, genetics or ecology and wouldn't have the intuition or mathematical skill to work in those fields. you can make a much better argument that physicsists should take over most of my bio but that is already happening now so its not that profound of a statement not that you weren't just being a faggot retard in the first place which you were and are.

>> No.10622832
File: 18 KB, 355x255, One ring to rule them all.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI to rule them all

>> No.10622892

No proof then. Gotcha kid.

I'm sure you also think mathematicians are experts at algorithm design. Life after you graduate and settle down in your new Starbucks job is going to be quite a revelation to you. Enjoy it.

>> No.10622933

What's the point of anything when you can just study math and understand it all?

>> No.10623043

Tribalism, the thread.

>> No.10623115

Unironically to summon the Elder God into our world.

>mathematicians are wizards
>computer scientists are cultists
>engineers are fags

>> No.10623129

Computer scientists also do more math than most people with math degrees.

>> No.10623171

programming isnt cs. I majored in cs and didnt do much coding my senior year. mostly math electives and what coding i did do was learning how to write a compiler or multi thread in C. anything but comp e students dont do this

>> No.10623175

Yeah, but if mathematicians and engineers did that then they would have less time to do what they specialized at.

>> No.10623180

>>engineers are fags
I think you mean sacrifices, it is their jobs we will automate after all

>> No.10624042

I agree that mathematicians aren't computer scientists. I, however, disagree with your claim that mathematicians don't take discrete math; they usually do. Also it looks like you're getting all worked up here lmao

>> No.10625387

We're all getting automated, anon. Don't kid yourself. Engineers will remain fags even after our master cometh.