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10607820 No.10607820[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10607822

You'd have to ask Ba'al.

>> No.10607830

Yes. Ja bhole ki. Praise Lord Shiva.

>> No.10607834

Orthodox Christian here

I think so. There is nothing that excludes a God from facilitating our universe if hes all powerful and all knowing. Evolution? Big Bang? Universal Life? All can work out in coexistence.

>> No.10607835
File: 48 KB, 520x578, uncaused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren’t both theism and atheism paradoxical?

>> No.10607836

Yes, my sunday school teacher said so herself, and that is all the evidence that I need.

>> No.10607840

>prima causa cucks dont realize infinity is causa sui

>> No.10607841

But doesn't evolution imply randomness, impersonal & irrelevant/deistic God ?

>> No.10607843

Nothing prevents the existence of God, but you picked a shit god to worship.

>> No.10607860

Not necessarily.
I just means that the tools being used are different.
The tree of life is like a constantly growing slab of clay.
The natural laws are like extrusion molds and machines which the clay expands into, creating a vast array of shapes.
An infinite mind could know before setting up the extruders/machines exactly what they want the clay to like like over time, and set up the tools so that the intended vision will come true.
But this is purely hypothetical philosophy
t. Catholic

>> No.10607898

First off, God is not in scientific terms a "Theory", that implies empirical evidence for what essentially is an inverifiable hypothesis. Thus what you're asking is no longer a question of science, but of philosophy. There is no specific and at the same time intelletually honest reason to think that the universe was created by a consious being, as there is an infinite number of equally valid explainations, same goes for the maintaining and shaping of cosmic laws like gravity and thermodynamics. All of this is just man made structures and categories in what essentially is just a big mess, God is likely nothing but a back-scratcher for humanity's unquenchable itch for explainations and complete knowledge.

Besides, the truth doesn't need temples, cultures, and indoctrination from birth to be believed, the truth speaks for itself. There will always be the question of what lies beyond, and thus God as existed from evrywhere from the top of a mountain, to above the clouds, to beyond space and time, all after the reaches of humanity.

Inverifiable hypotheses are a waste of time because of their very nature, you can debate them ad infinitum but you will never come to a conclusive answer, it's like a dog chasing its tail.

>> No.10607906

There is nothing that excludes Unicorns from facilitating our universe either, doesn't make 'em real now does it?

>> No.10607917

The only way God can be logical is if the Simulation hypothesis is true.

>> No.10607918

How’s “God” a theory?

Causality isn’t real independent of time, and time began to exist, so time is uncaused.

>> No.10607936

Time began to be relevant. We don't know if it began to exist. >>10607834
Jesus wouldn't want you to be "orthodox" he thinks outside the box.

>> No.10607951

There is nothing that excludes a Unicorn from facilitating our universe

>> No.10607954

>Time began to be relevant. We don't know if it began to exist.

Yes we do. Spacetime began to exist 13.7 billion years ago

>> No.10607962

>Le unicorns xD
Unicorns also have no philosophical basis for existing

>> No.10607963

Theory means it can be used to predict things. Therefor god ISN'T a feasible "theory".

A hypothesis means that you can explain every observation with a specific idea. God is more in this area but still not completely.

You can see god as a hypothesis if the hypothesis is that god caused the big bang or something precise like that.

Problem is that we only consider something a proper hypothesis if it's testable. Which this isn't.

>> No.10607966

Nor does the christian god
Might as well worshop Quetzalcoatl

>> No.10607970

I gave you the proper word substitution and you still fucked it up. What a lemming

>> No.10608039

Let's suppose universe was created by a unicorn - here's philosophical basis for existence of a unicorn.

>> No.10608046

Neither does God, unless you think God has a philosophical basis in being the creator of the universe, in which case so do unicorns since they can be invoked to explain that too.

>> No.10608048

That sounds tautological. Does time exist if it's irrelevant?

>> No.10608066

You’re a retard. Relevant to who?

>> No.10608188

You sound like Hawking
You do not.
We are not arguing.

>> No.10608239

That only disputes the basis of believing any specific god.
Each person has their own justification for why they believe that their religion is true, whether that be fulfillment of prophecy or what have you.
Is this imperfect and susceptible to bias?
Of course, as are all other unfalsifiable truths.
We cannot know metaphysical Truth, and there is no reason to believe that everything that is "true" would be falsifiable (unless you use a very narrowed down definition of true).

>> No.10608328

You could apply the same logic to the entire concept of Gods too.

As for your other argument, "die Welt is alles, was der Fall ist". If something cannot be tested, it inherently means that it does not have a detectable impact on the enviroment, thus it does not have presence, and without presence, there is no existence. That is unless you have a terribly convoluted definition of truth, in which case the destinction between what is true and what is false becomes so blurry that any argument of either side loses all weight because truth has lost all valuable meaning.

>> No.10608405

There's absolutely no chance of any of the existing religions being real. However, I do believe the sheer absurdity of our universe points to it having been created, and that there's a different higher reality out there, where the laws of that universe actually make sense.

>> No.10608411

>If something cannot be tested, it inherently means that it does not have a detectable impact on the enviroment, thus it does not have presence, and without presence, there is no existence.

We cannot detect it in our current circumstances.
In the BC times, did the magnetic field not exist because we couldn't detect it?
Did gravity waves not exist in the 1800s because we couldn't detect it?
Supposedly, dark matter is a form of matter which only interacts gravitationally with the environment. Who's to say that there isn't a form of matter which doesn't interact with our visible universe at all, but would be easily detectible to something which evolved in the universe where such matter is the primary material?
If that were true, would our normal matter not exist because those aliens wouldn't be able to detect it?
Your argument could hold weight if it were true that from no possible perspective would something be detectable, but that hypothesis would be.. *ahem* unfalsifiable.

>> No.10608412

For something to be absurd, you’d have to have some sort of norm to contrast it to, and there isn’t one, so the universe isn’t absurd.

>> No.10608420

>In the BC times, did the magnetic field not exist because we couldn't detect it?

Magnetic compass were in use as early as the Han Dynasty two hundred years Before Imaginary King of the Jews.

>> No.10608423

>Haha! I found a flaw in one specific part of the example, so his argument is wrong!
I think this debate is over. Believe what you wish.