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10606483 No.10606483[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

you are studying 15 hrs a day, right?

>> No.10606489

I should be but I'm not

>> No.10606496

studying is really boring
i dont get how people hold their concentration on it for more than an hour

>> No.10606517

yes of course

>> No.10606520

To those that do it (or even just close to it) - how do you achieve it?

>> No.10606521

No, but I browse 4chan 15 hours a day

>> No.10606525

prescription stimulants.

>> No.10606527

Science and math in my mind 24/7

>> No.10606528
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First learn to meditate. It will help increase your attention span.

>> No.10606535

I do it to drown depression, learning stuff is just a bonus at the end

>> No.10606593

Cawfee + gween t

>> No.10606604

No - that would leave no time to do research

>> No.10606633
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Yes, and I still haven't produced anything noteworthy

>> No.10606634

Do you have any advice/guides on learning to meditate?
I consider research as part of my study hours desu

>> No.10606638

everything has already been discovered ree

>> No.10606778

what was that youtube channel where you can watch a korean guy study 24/7?

>> No.10606797


>> No.10606842

His longest one is literally 30 hours kek, I wonder what he studies

>> No.10606844

whole playlist

>> No.10606857

I'm not even awake 15 hours a day anon.

>> No.10606892

3-4 hours on average, not including the hours in uni. Probably even closer to 2-3. Easy spending all day doing nothing/browsing/etc.

>> No.10606899

no because I dont need to

>> No.10606913
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You practically need a form of autism to study that long and I mean *actually* study, not be at the desk with your shit in front of you but still goofing off so you fool yourself.

I used to be able to study in high school and now I have no fucking clue how I managed it, I get distracted when I get distracted.

>> No.10607030

Kill your emotions and isolate yourself from stimulants
There's no other way to study, unless you're a highly motivated or a stupid person

>> No.10607049

100% this

>> No.10607055

No but the few days every year when I manage to actually do it, it's basically a combination of a manic episode plus coffee overdose and undersleeping.
It's quite interesting actually, how society shits on bipolar as if it's something everyone should avoid and seek treatment for asap, yet the most productive days of my life are all thanks to it - the depressive episode clearing my desire of wasting time with games and other fun activities, flushing my willpower completely and emptying up a huge portion of my day for something else, followed by the manic episode filling the void up with as much productivity as physically possible. In fact I just finished reading this book http://gen.lib.rus.ec/book/index.php?md5=9710E0E82B4C51279145A6F834821E48 which is specifically around this topic and I also recommend you read it

>> No.10607075

Could you please elaborate on how you make use of the depressive part? Cuz it seemed to me useless and horrifying all along.

>> No.10607091

Well there's not much to explain, I simply get depressed and do nothing, and that nothing includes breaking my internet addiction as well because I can't experience the joy of playing games or browsing 4chan even if I tried to. After my mind is clear from those addictions, the manic episode follows and fills up the free time.

I should note that while my mood follows the old pattern of depression->mania as it did when I was younger, the severity of the episodes is drastically reduced as I have most of it under control and the depressive episode is no longer "fuck this I'll probably kms in a week" while the mania no longer borders psychosis either. Getting my mind under control and monitoring every single thought occurring is probably the reason why I can derive productivity out of it as opposed to just letting the chemical imbalance run my life

>> No.10607157

ok how do i actually meditate? point me to some good resource i actually want to take this seriously now

>> No.10607191

So thanks anyway, your reply somewhat gave me an inspiration/hope (not bipolar but probably cyclothymic, never diagnosed though but the shit's been tough anyway).

>> No.10607216

>Kill your emotions
I occasionally get bursts of apathy that last an hour or two, but all I want to do when it happens is lie in bed, watch Top Gear or play Factorio
I feel like I have zero motivation, I'm running on pure willpower right now
even fooling around with my gf takes effort
maybe the summer will cure me, this has been a real shitty semester
I've tons of work that's largely unrelated to my major, so I've had to put in a lot of effort but it still feels unproductive

>> No.10607224

>(not bipolar but probably cyclothymic, never diagnosed though but the shit's been tough anyway)
Definitely read the book I linked

>> No.10607249

fucking this, people always say to meditate but they never give a guide

>> No.10607332

It's googleable quite easily. What you can actually ask for is personal advice and experiences.

I've read about mindfulness meditation so maybe it's the thing. Again, google it, I've found some links about half a year ago.

>> No.10607383

Let me suck your cock, you faggot.

>> No.10607411

Your problem is dopamine release addiction. Unplug yourself for a week and see the results

>> No.10608020

>leaving less than 9 hours to sleep
You would be more efficient if you set aside 10-11 hours for sleep, 1 hour for exercise, and 1-2 hours to take care of yourself (shit, piss, cum, shower, brush teeth, cook a good healthy meal if you can't afford to buy one, and eat). If you really want to improve your time, here are some suggestions
>memorize the material and some difficult problems. Try to solve them as you are working out, shitting, eating, or whatever you are doing that doesn't allow you to have your materials in front of you.
>pay a whooore to come over for maybe 30 minutes before you go to sleep. Your inexperienced penis will cum right away and you'll sleep like a baby. Obviously don't keep her around for the full amount of time, unless you have the stamina to go that long. Only as much as you need.
>get a high powered blender like the vitamix. Blend all your meals so everything you eat is liquid and can be consumed very quickly. It will probably taste nasty, so consider burning your tongue and drink while plugging your nose, or maybe get that one food that makes all food taste different, I think it's called magic fruit.
>I know you're not spending all that time on just one area of subject. If you find you're not understanding a problem, do the next one. If you find you are not understanding anything, switch subjects.
>keep all distractions away from you
>If you ever have to go outside and a girl chats you up (from all the lifting you've been doing) intentionally act like a rude/obnoxious dweeb. Literally say to her "fuck me now or good bye." This will take care of any mesmerizing distractions that life might throw at you. If she actually says yes, do it and then leave and you don't have to pay for a whoooore tonight.
Maybe you now get 11 hours of study (this is more than a work day), but they are much more efficient, and you will feel better. Don't meditate, it's a waste of time.

>> No.10608245
File: 52 KB, 474x502, Koishi Komeiji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course

>> No.10608274
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You're a faget.

>> No.10608279

lel I misread your post by 15 credit hours

>> No.10608292


This is what going to college for a piece of paper does to people, they treat it like an office job

>> No.10608321

>10-11 hours
wayyy over sleeping, no one needs that much
Also I personally perform better with 10 hrs a week desu but it depends on what exercise you do. Lifting won’t need so much but I do fighting sports so that much is advised. Also what is the point in blending food? No wonder you sleep so much considering you have sex every night

>> No.10608424
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>>10606483 >>10608321
You can study even asleep, in your dreams.

I do that everyday by Lucid Dreaming


>> No.10608435

That seems wrong, you're supposed to study for 3 hours for every credit hour you take. It is reasonable to assume 20 credit hours would require 60 hours of work if they were all difficult classes and you were not talented

>> No.10608519
File: 225 KB, 1330x1000, komeiji_koishi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I do that everyday by Lucid Dreaming

>> No.10608529
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>>10608424 >>10608424
>I do that everyday by Lucid Dreaming
Actually every Day AND Night

>> No.10608586

but is it actually effective? I'd expect it to *feel* like you're studying but without actually gaining knowledge.

>> No.10608644


>> No.10608685
File: 178 KB, 1333x1000, asleep koishi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reads book awake once
Study Theorem 5.3.1

Semi-awake in class so
learning from Osmosis

Reads same book in a dream
Sees Theorem 5.3.1 again

Flashback images comes to mind when awake.




It's like hearing the same song over and over again so you memorize it.

>> No.10608709

Studying more than 8 hours is usually a waste of time and won't work if sustained more than a week. Study regularly over a longer period next time instead of procrastinating.

>> No.10608711

>using valuable REM sleep for spaced repetition
why not just use ANKI and dedicate sleep time to doing difficult proofs?

>> No.10608716 [DELETED] 
File: 218 KB, 1000x1000, schizo koishi talking alone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>10608685 >>10608586
>It's like hearing the same song over and over again so you memorize it.

Hearing voices inside of your head like a lunatic

The voices inside your head

So if you are a schizophrenic with supernatural contact with angels, demons & ghosts it helps as well

REM sleep is the best hours to study.

>> No.10608721
File: 218 KB, 1000x1000, schizo koishi talking alone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>10608685 >>10608586
>It's like hearing the same song over and over again so you memorize it.

Hearing voices inside of your head like a lunatic

The voices inside your head

So if you are a schizophrenic with supernatural contact with angels, demons & ghosts it helps as well

REM sleep *are the best hours to study.

>> No.10608762

Yes, now that I only have two more classes left.

>> No.10609066

I wanna fug koishi chan

>> No.10609072
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Maybe 1.5.

>> No.10609106


Literally all you need to do (to begin with) is focus on the breath. Count how many times you breathe in and out and once you've realised that your mind has wandered then just bring your attention back to the breath. You don't really realise the benefits of meditation for at least one month (or at least that was the case for me) so don't quit after a week or two thinking that it's bullshit.
Start off 10 minutes a day, then move to 15, 20 etc. Currenly I do at least 1 hour every day. The most important thing is to be consistent and do it everyday. Starting off at 1 hour will only discourage you just like lifting extremely heavy weights on your first work out isn't ideal. You may want to listen to guided meditation (but they will only take you so far) or mediation music to help you concentrate to begin with.

>> No.10609124

;-; hi me

>> No.10609177


>> No.10609468
File: 148 KB, 914x969, 1555435513514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op here. i might have just studied 8 hrs and slept 12 hours

also here is something i probably should have linked but i have been asleep the entire day:


>In the days of the Seminaire de Geometrie Algebrique, he reportedly worked 18 hours a day, 7 days a week, 10 years per decade. And when he needed an even bigger subject, he brought that same vast energy to studying himself.

koishi-poster you have good taste. any tips on lucid dreaming?

>> No.10609500
File: 459 KB, 900x1046, flandre_scarlet & komeiji_koishi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any tips on lucid dreaming
Step1. Just after awakening try to recall the dream so you won't forget the dreams.

Step2. Before sleep, pursue it as a goal. Do mantras, prayers, etc. Focus.

Step3. Try to become aware that you are dreaming inside the dream by noticing details such as:
Noticing that Physics is different from real world.
Such as you can jump high inside dreams, or you can fall from very high heights without getting hurt.

And you heal wounds extremely fast.
And you can use Magick spells.

Just like Anime.

>> No.10609512
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Step 4. Try to pursue Anime like superpowers Flying, Invisibility, Manipulating Flames, Summoning Weapons, Teleporting, Passing through Walls.

Summoning Weapons is the easiest superpower for me inside of dreams.
I can summon Weapons such as Knives, Semi-automatic Rifles, Swords, Machine guns, Sniper rifles out of thin air easily.

Flames creation is the 2nd easiest skill for me.
And I can manipulate flames direction & intensity.

I tried other elements: Electricity, Ice, Water, Rock... but Metal & Fire are easier to control for me.

I also can Teleport to far away countries.

I can Fly but it's challenging to control. I suck a bit on it.

Dragon ball like superpowers are hard to me. I'm physically weak inside dreams. So I can't punch or kick ass directly. I avoid direct combat & I keep distance.

Although I can climb a high place then jump and break the floor creating an impact wave just like Dragon ball.

>> No.10609514

All replies are fucking crap. You do it with trucker meth.
>15 hours a day
It's like they spend no time doing absolutely anything else. 4 hrs sleep minimum to even function. The other 5 - where does it go? Summer vacation isn't here yet.

>> No.10609521
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Step 5.
The Essential & most important skill is:

Reading inside Dreams.

Reading inside Dreams is a skill
that some people think
it's impossible to achieve.

Reading inside Dreams is
an essential key
to study inside Dreams

Otherwise the effort would be wasted

>> No.10609528

some of what
works but the common triggers for realizing you're dreaming are light switches do literally nothing and looking at your hands
you can also not react to any of the itches your body gets when you fall asleep (it does this to test if you're awake because sleeping you does not scratch) and staying incredibly still but still awake

>> No.10609538
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Sexual abstinence.
No sex. No masturbation.

>> No.10609545
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>light switches do literally nothing
In nightmares there are evil forces that turn them off.

When everything turn pitch black it means that you were surrounded by hostile monsters that hide in darkness.

(1) Run to bright place.
(2) Put fire around you.
(3) Persuade/pacify the enemy.

(4) Turn the light on:
how? raise our hands and push energy from you towards the lamp so you become the electrical energy source.

When you do that the location of enemy is revealed. So you can strike back.

And if you are completely surrounded you can Teleport away or just awake.

>> No.10609550
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And try to finish the demons off inside the dream & win the fight whenever as possible.

Otherwise the demons will cause bad luck & misfortune. "hunting" you even through the day.

it's the downside of being a schizo

>> No.10609567
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When I'm surrounded in close quarters. I can't punch.
But I still can summon a shotgun or blades (knives & swords)

Flames are also very effective to damage many enemies at once in a single blow.

But some times you need to retreat by
Teleporting or hide by Invisibility / Camouflage.

>> No.10609594
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Step: 1. Recall 2. Focus 3. Awareness 4. Superpowers 5. Reading

Level 6. Travel in Time. Premonition. Precognition

You can Predict future events (Premonition)
& see the Past history (Time travel)

Like Bran Stark of Game of Thrones.
(I'm not in his level)

>> No.10609598
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>(I'm not in his level)
I'm not *on Bran Stark's level yet.
But I had some success predicting the Future.
Sometimes months ahead.

>> No.10609653
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>> No.10609672

Buy good books and skip the easy problems if you're feeling understimulated. If you've found the right workflow and materials, study should feel like vigorous dialogue.

15h is memeing, but 6-10 is totally viable.

>> No.10610167

The only people I know who could study >10 actual hours a day were studying meme subjects

>> No.10610208

>pay a whooore to come over for maybe 30 minutes before you go to sleep.

Great way to pick up some study productive STIs.

>> No.10610242

kek more like 15 hours a week and its fine.

>> No.10610244

I do that for an exam, but I still distract myself its just that I would study 15 hours because I would sleep like 2-4 hours, and the others 5-6 hours I would have myself distracted.

>> No.10610245

An artisan busies himself with his work for three hours each day and spends nine hours in study.

>> No.10610246

In Europe EC is quite a meme. Currently doing 30 EC in 3 months time but I'm studying like... 15-20 hours a week?

>> No.10610474

Based schizo poster

>> No.10610690

cgdct animu 1 ep after 30 minutes of study.

>> No.10610795

I don't know that it qualifies as studying but I'm definitely doing something for 15 hours a day

>> No.10610798

No but I should be

>> No.10611230

cool sounds safe.

>> No.10611238

maybe 15 hours a week