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10603526 No.10603526 [Reply] [Original]

did the wealthy and the elite decide to from supporting eugenics to not supporting eugenics because they realized they are better off maintaining a monopoly on the genes that allows them rule over a large mass of 95 iq dull proletarians?

eugenics is genetic communism and will perhaps even make actual communism possible once everyone is on the same level.

>> No.10603542
File: 41 KB, 600x510, 120_-_benis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ruling over a horde of idiots is better than ruling over a horde of intelligent, productive, and gullible people
Based and retard-pilled.


>> No.10603730

The elite are 100% eugenicists and are generally the beneficiaries of long-term eugenics. They want you dysgenic so you cannot compete with them or meddle in their plans.

>> No.10603737

the elite obviously practice eugenics amongst themselves but abandoned advocating for it for the masses since the 30s, I agree they want the masses to practice dysgenics

i have schizophrenia and my psychiatrist got very mad at me when I told him I do wish to have kids because I believe the mentally ill breeding is dysgenic and he called me an immortal hiterlist but the truth is he just wants me to reproduce more schizophrenics so he and his psychiatrist colleagues can have more business

>> No.10603739


>> No.10603793

They just focus on memetics because it is quicker, cheaper, and more malleable.
Software is easier to modify than hardware.

>> No.10603799

Eugenics would allow an elite to more easily control a large amount of people by enabling the elite to "program" the people to follow orders blindly.

>> No.10605310

brave new world style of eugenics with specific breeds for humans?

>> No.10605334

As a futurist and a transhumanist, I see no problem with this. It will less be "cookie cutter" breeds, more like "Make yourself into whatever you want" with some basic archetypes. Plus, any and all subservient gengineered organisms would fulfill the same role as ets do now, and truth be told baseline humans would become pets for higher intelligence gengineered beings, robots and ai. I think it sounds wonderful, better than this shithole where we barely understand how to be nice to people who look almost exactly like us. It's good prep for when we make contact with aliens too, getting used to more extreme and unique lifeform designs. Gengineering will take us there.

>> No.10605366

Unless you're a part of the elite, you will have no control over your genes nor your offspring's genes. The elite will rid of all of its competition.

>> No.10605367

Eugenics was abandoned when various biological discoveries were made and they realised eugenics was pseudoscience. The real nail in the coffin was when it inspired Hitler and he did some bad things I believe

>> No.10605388

When you can walk into a dna therapy clinic, get a treatment and then go home and have changes happen to your body from over a few days to a few months until the desired result, I think people will be fine.

>> No.10605411

What I'm saying is that the elite will prohibit you from biologically engineering yourself into a superior specimen. Why? Because allowing you to do so would make you more difficult to control. The only biological engineering that will be available to the masses is that which eliminates vulnerability to targeted illnesses. Here's a rundown of what will happen:
>a new technology is created that makes bioengineering affordable and easy.
>the government is lobbied into banning public usage of this technology; the government will make up an excuse to the likes of "bioengineering will make life unfair," which will appeal to the unintelligent masses.

>> No.10605415
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>Elite controlling the masses conspiracy
Unless you live in a dictatorship this really isn't your reality

>> No.10605420

They won't be able to keep the cap on it forver. Maybe few hundred, a thousand years at worst. Like all civilization and planet changing technology, it will break free from it's captors at some point, become part of the ecos of the planet and the people and we will have to worry about the next big thing being hidden away from the masses. Same old same old...

>> No.10605425

>the elite don't control the masses
you got water in yer brain

>> No.10605431

Who are 'the elite'. Conspiracy theories belong in /x/ or /pol/ btw

>> No.10605435

Ever heard of net neutrality? Ask literally anybody and he or she will tell you that he or she supports net neutrality. Guess what has almost been repealed multiple times? Net neutrality. The government does not give a shit about you. The government just wants money. They get that money through enacting policies that benefit their lobbyists.

>> No.10605449

So because corporations lobbying governments you think there's an elite class controlling the masses?

>> No.10605457

You expect the elite to not foresee that? As soon as this hypothetical technology is created they will be scheming to ensure they remain in control. Their scheming will be expedited via their increased intelligence they derive from bioengineering themselves.

>> No.10605466

>elite existing and exerting their will on society is a "conspiracy"
i don't think it's even worth arguing with you fren. are you 15 years old?

>> No.10605468

The corporations are the elite. I'm not discussing illuminati-esque shit, but the wealthiest people on Earth.

>> No.10605486

Wrong. It's not that the elite doesn't despise and wish the "lower classes" dead and gone, it's that they profit mainly from rapid population growth and eugenics would slow that down. So they tolerate the "lower classes" reproducing.

>> No.10605487

Show me some convincing evidence then

>> No.10605498

>rapid population growth
So the elite haven't profited from the developed Western world in ages?

>> No.10605501


>> No.10605505

I dont know what part of the "western world" you live in but the population where I live has definitely doubled in the last 15 years.

>> No.10605510

and its not because of women having too many kids.

>> No.10605514

dysgenics is profitable

diabetes is profitable. psychiatric illness are profitable. promiscuity is profitable.

capitalism has a perverse incentive to breed dysgenic humans.

>> No.10605522

growth = profit
almost every half-assed retarded business idea gets to remain profitable if the population keeps increasing.

>> No.10605523

All the developed wealthiest countries in the world have very slowly growing populations

>> No.10605533

The problem is, once you get really really smart, you stop being a bad person, because it's not worth your time. Truly ascended intelligences will mostly be highly benevolent, save for some extreme outliers.

>> No.10605534

What's your point?
That the western elite aren't profiting from population growth as much as they used to?

>> No.10605537

>diabetes is profitable. psychiatric illness are profitable.
Profitable for those treating them, not a net profit for the society as a whole. Promiscuity isn't something dysgenic or that can be fixed by genetic engineering

>> No.10605545

You have this hypothesis that population growth is extremely profitable
If there's profit in population growth then we'd expect all the corporations to be flocking to countries with high population growth, but that isn't the case?

>> No.10605548

If that is your point then your point is irrelevant to the topic of whether the elite are for/against eugenics.

>> No.10605550

You consider the words of an anonymous person on 4chan as evidence?

>> No.10605560

>countries with high population growth
are filled with uneducated people
have little to no real infrastructure
generally dislike and distrust rich white people

that's why corporations don't flock to those countries

>> No.10605564

Morals are much more correlated to emotions than intelligence. A creature with a high prey drive that is highly intelligent will just find better ways to kill things. Capitalistic greed combined with high intelligence equates to more profitable businesses.

>> No.10605570

The claim is that the "elite" are the corporations.
Would you rather call them something else? You are aware of the corporate political revolving door aren't you? You do know that they all hang out together at the same cocktail parties where they discuss their plans.

>> No.10605586

There's something elite and shady about corporations lobbying governments and discussing business plans then? But we live in a democracy where the politicians answer to public opinion and the corporations don't have absolute control, or do you have evidence of that?

>> No.10605607

>corporations lobbying governments
I have an opinion. And that is that the word "elite" pretty well describes the people who are in the political/business circles.

Why are you so against naming them in that way? Would you prefer a different word? How about the "establishment"? Maybe the "aristocracy"?

Why are you so bothered that language through history keeps finding different words to describe the same group of people?

>> No.10605672

Absolute nonsense eugenics is in no way a "pseudosceince" the core principles have always been in line with the same thinking as we've put into selectively breeding anything the only problem that eugenics ever had was in its early concept and practice the same can be said of any methodology and scientific practice with it's beginning having false incorrect information that doesn't make it a "psudoscience" it just means the current theory and how you would practice it needs more work which is easily done in modern times given the sheer quantity of information we now have through population genetics.

>> No.10605695

brainlets often confuse "protoscience" for "pseudoscience"

>> No.10605709

is this the jewish subversion thread?

>> No.10605732

with automation though, how will low intelligence people be useful?

>> No.10605743

How would being bad not be worth the time. It has clearly been very profitable throughout history. The story of nature involves much more competition than cooperation. You could also do horrible things for 'the big picture' with great intelligence and feel no guilt.

>> No.10605754

yah, I think you are right. Also part of the problem is the eugenics movement is associated with nazi germany and jews. The problem with that is that jews are very intelligent (i know there are diseases associated with jews too), a lot of the people arguing for eugenics also hate jewish people which makes it pretty hard for anybody to take their side

>> No.10606226

>did the wealthy and the elite decide to from supporting eugenics to not supporting eugenics because they realized they are better off maintaining a monopoly on the genes that allows them rule over a large mass of 95 iq dull proletarians?

yes, they want to be the heirs to the throne of the kingdom of idiots.

>> No.10606534

As I said, pets and or entertainment clades.

Now that you say that, I guess I meant EQ in that statement when I said intelligence. I guess a greedy hyperintelligence with low EQ would be quite a nasty bugger, huh?

Companies with high profits tend to hurt others and the environment, at least these days, if you have high EQ would would toss your profits to help others instead. Nature isn't "more competition than cooperation" it's a balance, of those two among other factors. That last example, again, is a person with low EQ.

>> No.10606793

Eugenics is normative, which makes it engineering and not science.

>> No.10606880
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>> No.10606914

Indeed, it's also easily disguised under the umbrella of 'cultural progress' whereas active eugenics would require explicit components.

Long term, it's not very wise as we don't have the technology to cleanly sustain the proliferation of consuming masses. Active eugenics is a good idea, as less dense populations of more capable humans would be better for the ecology, mental health, quality of life, etc. I guess that well has been poisoned in the west though.

>> No.10607930


>> No.10607988
File: 50 KB, 599x478, 1506193127151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you talking about. We're living in the largest eugenics era in history.

Look at things like Tinder. We connect all Chads and stacies with each other. Meaning the top 20% master race dudes get to fuck the top 60% of females. Meaning the bottom 80% of men and bottom 40% of women will be removed from the genepool.

Women nowadays pick guys based on appearance, height and wealth. Wealth is extremely correlated with intelligence, even more than IQ meaning that Tinder, social media and the internet has caused the absolute BEST eugenics program technically possible.

Hitler would look at our society and be absolutely mind blown and tell himself that he was wrong, that this system is far better in bettering the genepool of humanity.

If you can't get laid in 21st century then you only have to blame your inferior genetics. You DESERVE to not breed.

This is why /pol/ incels need to be killed. They are literally genetic trash trying to lower the standards of humanity so that they can procreate. Hitler would gas them first if they could.

We are living in a fucking utopia right now and if you aren't seeing this then you're part of the genetic trash that needs to be removed.

>> No.10608003

as Napalm Death aptly put it,
>In a real 3rd Reich you'll be the first to go
>In a real 3rd Reich you'll be the first to go

>> No.10608027

i would agree you if only we weren't importing the entirety of the third world

>> No.10608051

Those are slave workers. Think about it. All the best people in those countries move to the west. Which causes the west to steal all their human capital as well as ensuring the third world never keeps up with the west. It's a system to ensure western dominance in the world.

Also their birthrate drop to native level within 3 generations and women still pick the top 20% males only. Meaning that the loser immigrants (elliot rogers) will be removed from the gene pool anyway.

Hitler himself would find out immigration system absolutely genius for keeping third world countries submissive to the west while stealing their labor and geniuses at the same time that all work towards white progress and wealth of the white nations.

>> No.10608064

He's totally down with that. He'd prefer having the 3rd world working for him than repugnant incels/land whales.

>> No.10608083

>Also their birthrate drop to native level within 3 generations and women still pick the top 20% males only. Meaning that the loser immigrants (elliot rogers) will be removed from the gene pool anyway.
non white third world populations may have their fertility lower after a couple of generations but it still remains relatively high compared to the rest of the first world, plus their women are not especially exogamous and are usually kept on a short leash by their immigrant communities (muslims especially) so they continue to marry their fellow immigrants and continue to remain low iq dragging the rest of the national iq lower

tinder has potential to be eugenic but none of the people who are using it are really getting pregnant from it and if they do they make a visit to planned parenthood

>> No.10608084

But if you haven't notice the 3rd world is actually displacing native population in highly affluent positions such as engineering, medicine, law, and politics. Your descendants will be given the same amount of respect that you give natives, the descendants of the ones who traded their land for beads.

>> No.10608117

Doesn't matter. Only the best of the best people reproduce due to internet, social media and dating sites.

>> No.10608124

not true

the best of the best are having one or two children at best if they are not swallowing birth control like tic tacs while third world detritus are having children with reckless abandon both here and in there homelands

>> No.10608138
File: 427 KB, 4800x4584, global-map-total-fertility-rates-over-time[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>while third world detritus are having children with reckless abandon both here and in there homelands
USA literally has a higher birthrate than China, India, The middle east and South America.

>> No.10608139

Natural birth is not an effective form of "eugenics." Artificial evolution is much more controllable and effective. Future people will have few natural kids.

>> No.10608147


Remember to affirm clear values for yourself and only then evaluate which things are 'best'.

Do you believe the highest good is "most effective self-replicator in the current environment"?

Or, is the word 'best' tricking you into thinking that optimizing for one thing will drag all other genuine value along with it?

>> No.10608161

literally only because they import million of beamers every year with no end in sight

further more China and india only dropped birth rates recently. a generation or two ago they were literally hovering above 3 children for women.

>> No.10608171

Also, China implemented the controversial but highly effective Drown Baby Daughters policy to limit the growth of their population.

>> No.10608180

Which is why China has a a trend of importing african wives en-masse. Not exactly the best thing to do...

>> No.10608196

Holy shit, seriously? I would have sworn they'd know better.

>> No.10608210

It's a real thing

Asia in general is having a massive influx of immigrants right now.


Japan had 3 Mosques in 1990s. Now they got 28 of which 5 are in Tokyo. Not even talking about the Nigerian immigrants.

South Korea has similar problems as well.

It's normal though, we're a globalized world. Even Israel is whining about the large amount of Ethiopian immigrants. And ironically African nations are whining about Chinese immigrants.

>> No.10608238

this thread is going in somewhat of a different direction but since we're on the topic anyway check out The Rising Tide of Color: The Threat Against White World-Supremacy(1920) by lothrop stoddard

>> No.10608244

Domestication of animals is literally eugenics. It’s a proven science done for thousands of years.

>> No.10608259

It's called animal husbandry, and it creates all kinds of other genetic problems, the kind of things that would be unethical to do to people.
Just go look at dog breeds, if its a purebred then the odds are good that it's inbred with a list of behavioral and physiological problems.

>> No.10608344

schizophrenia gets pretty based when you can control it, read some literature.

>> No.10608346


>> No.10608353

lol, retard

>> No.10608374

>We connect all Chads and stacies with each other
we should be breeding for intelligence, just look at Jews for fucks sake.

>> No.10608440

tinder does that wealth is correlated with intelligence and women love rich men

>> No.10608443

tinder is not producing babbies you chucklefuck it's just producing one night stands

tinder would be potentially eugenic if abortion and birth control were outlawed

>> No.10608466

you're a moron and sound like a coper, tinder doesn't make babies

>> No.10608486

Read Eugenics and Other Evils by GK Chesterton for a non-faggoty take on it from the time period it was in vogue. To answer your question though, modern eugenics is rich people who fly in private jets but tell those dirty third worlders they need to stop reproducing so much because of muh climate change.

The reason Net Neutrality will always fail is because the people who support it are the same people who say "Google has every right to censor and deplatform anyone because they're a private busines!" They don't believe in NN, they believe in government favoritism. The believe in universal access to an internet that reflects their worldview.

>> No.10608516

>Read Eugenics and Other Evils by GK Chesterton for a non-faggoty take on it from the time period it was in vogue. To answer your question though, modern eugenics is rich people who fly in private jets but tell those dirty third worlders they need to stop reproducing so much because of muh climate change.
this is what op alluding to, the elite went to promoting eugenics for the entire population to demonizing it for the masses while doing it for themselves

>> No.10608610

>Asia in general is having a massive influx of immigrants right now.
>And ironically African nations are whining about Chinese immigrants.
Sino-African caste system empire when?

>> No.10608621

Really? It seems like the people who support Net Neutrality are often the same autists who throw shitfits about major websites departing from chan-style free speech absolutism. (And I speak as one of those autists myself.)

>> No.10608666

go outside for once, I see a bunch of good looking dudes with goblins and good looking women are usually alone

>> No.10608731
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1/x as x approaches infinity > 0

True or false?

>> No.10610189

Good thread that puts incels and /pol/ faggots in their place