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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 35 KB, 594x323, demichan10a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10602627 No.10602627 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any other physics graduates on here or is it just me?

>> No.10602634
File: 14 KB, 500x500, A35E7B89-DA71-476D-8C98-80C02C5BEF20.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cuz physics fags eat buhhole. Electrical engineering is better

>> No.10603383

Honestly, they are probably busy

t. Mech engi grad who thought about doing physics

>> No.10603397

my guess, from having interacted with about 5 graduate students and 2 professors, is that they are so socially awkward they are too afraid even to post.

>> No.10603406

EE here who started as a physics major. A physics bachelor is a waste of time. I’m glad I switched to EE, less liberal arts bullshit I have to deal with and it’s better on the job market.

>> No.10603408

Physics grad here, hoping to do a masters soon.

>> No.10603503

maths or engineering, either of the two seems to be the most popular. afterwards i think its physics, then cs.

>> No.10603512

I think CS might be 1st or 2nd, they just larp as engineers since they don't want to be ridiculed

>> No.10603514
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What this board really lacks is lab-biologists (Not pre-meds)

>> No.10603519

Why would they larp as engineers if they didn't want to be ridiculed?

>> No.10603530
File: 379 KB, 2560x1440, 1487888050260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have brainlet ""physics"" undergrads here anon

>> No.10603696

Literally anything is better than admitting you're studying CS

>> No.10603718

this, physics major here, but its either that or the people you interact with (especially the higher you are i.e. graduate or doctorate) are such insufferable cunts that you never want to talk to anyone ever again. HS Instagram grills dont have shit on some of them, they're so gossipy/critical of everything everyone does, its unbearable

>> No.10603813

Why? I know the attic goes you don't need a CS degree to work in it but it is not exactly detrimental either and forces you to engage with the material. Sure some people have the drive to do EE and study CS in their free time but nigga I need to work and have a social life I can't get two BA at the same time and might as well choose the one that doesn't force me to do micro controllers for the rest of my life.

>> No.10603829
File: 90 KB, 852x655, 1548294669564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a phd student at a good university, but I mostly come here to troll people with stuff like pic related.

>> No.10603875

it is one

>> No.10604006


>> No.10604020

heavy ass flies

>> No.10604032

There are many of us.
t.PhD Physics

>> No.10604058

Most good physicists are women, and women don’t go on 4chan.

>> No.10604063

What are you all studying then?

>> No.10604107

Extremely based and redpilled opinion

>> No.10604113

once you have a physics PhD, it's called "research" not "studying"

hep-ex here

>> No.10604141

yeah youre probs right, seems to be that way. i also see a lot of people here claiming to have math and cs double majors.

>> No.10604144

good joke

>> No.10604164

*pukes in your general direction*
Don't ruin my theory, tard.

>> No.10604368

Because you cucks fucking round

>> No.10604685

Physics is hard, and this board is full of brainlets, who can't even read wikipedia.

>> No.10606383
File: 29 KB, 480x240, back-to-pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GTFO pill-popping /pol/esmoker

>> No.10606387

enginiggers and cs the least creative, most innumerate people in STEM who aren't premeds or ecologists.

>> No.10606506

Maybe on the highest level of researchers but the average STEM joe is basically the same guy with in different fields. The average /sci/ guy won't contribute anything significant to their fields and adorning yourself with the achievements of your more accomplished peers is gay. Just study what you like.

>> No.10606513


>> No.10606546


Yes it is one

>> No.10606664
File: 239 KB, 1080x1143, fascist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've a PhD in physics, but in the last years my free time is largely devoted to math foundations.
Otherwise I work in computer vision / Bayesian inference.

>> No.10606670

What do you plan on making your professions, if I might ask?

I'd love to believe I'm lurking with a bunch of aspiring Einsteins

>> No.10607404

I'm a physics grad but I press 'source' on tvs for a living and don't remember anything in enough detail to be useful.

>> No.10608807

bump for physics related thread

>> No.10609021

I did my undergrad in Physics and applied math. I had some interest in computational work for particle physics but I ultimately settled on doing a Mechanical master's instead for worry of job security. I actually enjoy a lot of what engineers do and am able to bring over experience from my undergrad into my grad work. Funnily enough, I do computational work in materials, which is pretty much solid state physics tossed in with thermal physics. I hope to one day be exceptional in computational work and maybe improve on what we have so far, e.g better exchange-correlation functionals. I want to also go into fluid mechanics and modeling heat. I like computers I guess.

>> No.10609084



I'm a physics grad student, and every one of my classmates is an annoying critical bitch. They belong on Reddit arguing

>> No.10609097
File: 91 KB, 640x639, dozchhk5z9j21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This here.

Learn physics because you enjoy it. Read papers, talk about it, solve textbook problems, and stimulate your intellect for it's own sake. Don't worry about how it will tie into a career, because chances are you'll end up doing some stupid bullshit for money at some point anyway.

>> No.10609295


> The picture name


>> No.10609305

hey, i'm a physics postdoc. then again i have a super good education and all. but it's not impossible. don't discourage the youngins

>> No.10609356

And I'm just a voice of bitter failure warning that academia might not be all that you expect so you might be better off taking an IT job or something where at least you'll have free time.

>> No.10609359

I'm currently failing at my way-too-applied thesis and I feel your pain. I have neither legitimate free time nor stimulating research. Just kill me with a laser beam.

>> No.10610402

I'm considering switching from theoretical fundamental physics to either quantum optics or solid state physics.

I want a Ph.d but also an industry job afterwards.

What do you guys recommend. Solid-state is most directly employable, I think, but I have zero experience or classes in that area.

>> No.10610413

lol yeah i c now

>> No.10610451

I still don't get it. Please explain.

>> No.10610453

>quantum optics
Meme tier

>> No.10610681

>Meme tier
Why? And what isn't a meme, then?

>> No.10610691

I'm just about to finish my master in theoretical. Over the years I had a few solid state modules and desu they were my favourite non-theoretical ones, people have done some really cool experiments and made some clever devices using solid state physics

>> No.10612252

>Are there any other physics graduates on here or is it just me?
You are not alone. I am a regular in here.

t.Physicist with PhD.

>> No.10612271
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>> No.10612274
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>> No.10612277
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>> No.10612460

as depicted it weighs one. this is simple brownian motion where no particles have made a collision with the edge of the container. for a good, wonderfull, thought out explaination, please see richard feynman's book, "what is life?", chapter one, which can be found and read quit readily by google, or even the amazon preview.

>> No.10612462

this is highly demoralizing.

>> No.10612481

Why does one attempt to troll? Also, 1.5kg; the only acceleration vector is gravity, which is constant.

>> No.10612488
File: 78 KB, 500x479, Physics PhDs on suicide watch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>10612274 >>10612277 >>10612462
A classic /sci/ meme:
Physics PhDs on suicide watch


>Graduate with physics PhD, 31, fell to his death from block of flats after taking job in call centre he was over-qualified for

>> No.10612496

why do you do this for us?
is there hope for me? i hope to go into NRE and develop fusion engines

>> No.10612724

What specialty?
What do you do now?
Are you still in academia?

I'm in a bit of a rut. When I was a youngling I decided I wanted to be like Ed Witten, so I did my bachelor thesis on his work in TQFT, then I did a year of gravitational physics classes with the aim of getting into quantum gravity.

Now I see that I don't like where I'm heading. The easiest path is to continue with this stuff for now and get my Ph.d thesis, but then I know for sure I will not find a place in academia. And I don't think I want to, either.
So now I am thinking about switching advisors and doing something else, but I don't know what will be employable and profitable (if I'm getting out I want to earn big bucks), and I have no background in more applied stuff. I also don't want to be a simple code monkey. I'd like to still do some kind of physics.

>> No.10612739

Well, they'll all die eventually

>> No.10612759

electrical engineers are the niggers of the academic world. they make no contribution to society and to any educated man doing your work is basicially like picking cotton. we could do it but you will suffice lest you start rioting over the fact that the electrons in your measly R>0 wires actually move in the opposite direction it says in your circuit diagram. electrical enginiggers are the plumbers of physics