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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 39 KB, 300x300, ebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1060065 No.1060065 [Reply] [Original]

Back again. Uploading eBooks as said yesterday.

http://i48.tinypic.com/20uoj7t.png =
~173 mb

http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/3587/physicsbooks.png =

About 190 mb per part. Incomplete set, uploading 9 more parts of it. You can download those 6 already but it'll say that some files are corrupt upon extracting.
Rest of it should be uploaded in something like 30 minutes.

Also got ~35 gb in ebooks on other subjects (ranging from more quantum physics to oncology), so just give (specific) information on what you need and I'll look for it.

>> No.1060074

Part 7/8/9 finished as we speak:


>> No.1060085

lol nederlands

>> No.1060097

Yesterday? Missed it.. what was the discussion about?

>> No.1060109

Have you read all of the books?

>> No.1060119
File: 1003 KB, 5000x1768, books6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mainly about people requesting ebooks.

Pic shows about 1/5 of the other books I've got.

>> No.1060131

Only some on mathematics/physics. Other books came in a giant collection which I just wanted to have. Quick calculations showed that a lifetime wouldn't be enough to finish everything.

>> No.1060137

This is an astounding collection OP, too bad it would be impossible to read all of this in a single lifetime (for me anyway).

>> No.1060142

Got anything on chemistry?
I'm thinking of downloading everything...where did you get this collection anyways?

>> No.1060146

did you download all these from somewhere OP namefag?
usually when i download 500+ "ebook" pdfs, they usually come with trojans/malware...

>> No.1060151


Don't mind the OP part, thats from the other thread.

>> No.1060154

Just disable Javascript in your PDF reader, and you're safe.

>> No.1060163
File: 37 KB, 702x412, chemistry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Majority of the books I actually think about reading come from http://avaxhome.ws/ebooks/science_books/ and ebookee.net, but it took me quite a while to download everything (checking for broken links, only 1 download every 2-3 minutes depending on the host etc.).
Also searched on usenet and was astonished with the gigantic amount of books on there.

On your chemistry-request, this is what a quick search on 'chemist' gave. Uploading now.

>> No.1060180

All the books in the maths+physics.rar were downloaded 1 at a time. Also renamed those books with the corresponding ISBN.

Part 10/11/12 are done now too:

Using MegaUpload for requests since it's a bit friendlier towards people without an account.

>> No.1060183

its the best, i dont know why anyone uses any other

>> No.1060276

135 mb, contains the files from >>1060163

Tried that one now, since Megaupload failed already.. Thanks for the tip.

>> No.1060308


Thank you! You are awesome!

>> No.1060335

Last part from the physics-files are stored too now:

http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/3587/physicsbooks.png =


If you can't download them all at once, just save the links. I'll keep the files on there as long as possible.

>> No.1060496


Nobody wants some brainfood?

>> No.1060545

oh im dling

im putting it on rhizome later. ty very much uploader

>> No.1060564

Just send this to the /sci/ project

>> No.1060570
File: 18 KB, 518x387, heman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh mah gahd Biochemistry Demystified plox Uploader

>> No.1060578

Only 2.3 mb.

>> No.1060580
File: 9 KB, 245x329, 1239158570333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

turns out I'm retarded, it's in here right?

>> No.1060587

Yup should be in there too.

>> No.1060589

Can you show every ebook in your collection, Uploader?

>> No.1060594

Got anything in microbiology?

>> No.1060600
File: 557 KB, 1920x1080, 1268386573470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thx OP
btw, using jdownloader to download all those rapidshare links, much easier than downloading manually.

>> No.1060608

Biochemistry is the only class I'm taking this summer. A quick look through that book showed me it's gonna be one of my study tools. Thanks anon.

>> No.1060638


>> No.1060648
File: 257 KB, 3000x856, Col1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, will post in multiple images though.

Microbiology Demystified + 5 other files, 23 mb.

>> No.1060661
File: 329 KB, 3898x854, Col2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't had the chance to organise these, let alone check if they're any good.

>> No.1060673
File: 283 KB, 3206x858, Col3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3/12, I guess you can see where this is going. Too much to read or scan through.
Just post some subjects/keywords you're looking for, and I'll check if I've got 'em.

>> No.1060676


Its alright. You are doing me( and a lot of people) a huge favor by sharing your collections. Thanks in advance.

>> No.1060697
File: 57 KB, 475x316, 12223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1060712

okay, look up any engineering/material science/ thermodynamics/ and more calculus books (preferably differential equations) books. Thanks again.

>> No.1060721

Anything on radiation hardening and microelectronic fabrication plox.

>> No.1060730

virtually every book here can also be found on ebookee. that's where I get my stuff, and it's way better to selectively choose one or two than just dl'ing GB of books you'll never read anyway and probably won't find what you're looking for in it.

>> No.1060740

OP, are you in ProjectRhizome?

>> No.1060776

I would appreciate more ebooks on Pre Calculus, Calculus, and Chemistry.

Thank you

>> No.1060784

Found tons of stuff on those subjects. Will upload when I split them in parts.

Only found a couple of books on micro-electronics, nothing on radiation hardening :(

Nope, might join though.

>> No.1060787

First, op, thanks for posting.

Are the nanotech books in >>1060065 ?
If they aren't, can you upload them please?

>> No.1060788

Any Organic Chemistry OP?

>> No.1060792
File: 7 KB, 150x191, phys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have this? The 8TH edition?

>> No.1060803

Any books on astrophysics, OP?

By the way, you're a god.

>> No.1060810

why not upload this to rhizome?

>> No.1060814

Most of them are already in it anyway.

>> No.1060817

Where is this Rhizome?

>> No.1060822

its invite only, post your email

>> No.1060824

Post your email and I'll invite you (this usually works only for gmail emails)

>> No.1060834

http://www.mediafire.com/?d52namztnzm - Chemistry files
http://www.mediafire.com/?1tjmmjjtmyy - Calculus

Nope, no nanotech. books in there. Will look for those in a sec.

Only one I've got is Organic Chemistry Demystified:

Don't have that one either. You could check ebookee.net for other editions though (7th should be on there)

All the astrophysics-books I've scanned through (+ added ISBN) are in the links posted @ >>1060335

>> No.1060837


>> No.1060839


>> No.1060851

and in case you don't want to post your email you can ask projectrhizome@gmail

>> No.1060857

can I get an invite, too?


>> No.1060859


>> No.1060860


Can someone send me an invite?

>> No.1060861

lol'd at your troll email

>> No.1060864


>> No.1060874


Yeah, this is the email I give out in places like 4chan.

>> No.1060882


Thank you

>> No.1060886


>> No.1060902

Thanks again, I just got it.

This is amazing!

>> No.1060905

Can someone pls send me an invite to ??


>> No.1060917

Hey is there any way I can add files? I have a few chemistry PDFs and I want to add them as well.

>> No.1060924

click 'upload' once you are in

>> No.1060925

Oh nevermind I think I know how to do it now

>> No.1060926

Yea anyone can add files and invite other people, feel free

>> No.1060928

Thank you very much!

>> No.1060938

Just do this if you need an invite. I did after this post and I already got it.

>> No.1060941

Can someone make a torrent for these?

>> No.1060942

Is there a search function in rhizome?

>> No.1060944


How much could it be that you could not finish it all in a lifetime?

>> No.1060946

im not automated, fyi

just another /sci/tizen like the senders above

>> No.1060949

yea, top left

>> No.1060958

you see this post?

>> No.1061009

Are there non science reading material in the Rhizome project?

>> No.1061020

Awesome thread is awesome.

>> No.1061029

What exactly is rhizome ?

>> No.1061037


Thanks alot:
OP = god
Whoever is inviting = also god

>> No.1061047

think so
A collection of books in a googledocs group

Alright I gotta go, someone else will have to take over the invites, or email projectrhizome@gmail.com for an invite

>> No.1061049

First retarded post I hope HUUURRR got anything on guitar building/wood work or anything on M theory?

>> No.1061051

Sir, could you just make these into a torrent and upload that? I mean, all your science books. Torrenting would be alot easier for all of us without a rapidshare premium account.

>> No.1061056


damn we're getting big

>> No.1061084

Did you ever get those nanotech books, op?

>> No.1061088

But he had to keep his Pc on all the time and you know that almost noone seeds.

>> No.1061093

>>Alright I gotta go, someone else will have to take over the invites, or email projectrhizome@gmail.com for an invite

>> No.1061099
File: 325 KB, 1280x1024, 1230529246097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uploaded my first file

Feels good man

>> No.1061109


>> No.1061110

im still here

>> No.1061197

bumping this vault of knowledge.

>> No.1061229

/r/ing principles and perspectives in cosmochemistry

>> No.1061240

/r/ing anything you've got on Godel

>> No.1061249

/r/ing everything on electrical engineering you have

>> No.1061302

So...how many of those books have you actually read?

>> No.1061305

/r/ everything on Jungian psychology.

>> No.1061669


>> No.1061672

bump for great justice

>> No.1061890

senor.oz@gmail.com invite please

>> No.1061978

There are a few self help books I wouldn't mind reading. Can Rhizo help?

>> No.1063314

I'm only getting about 30 kb/s from rapidshare but full speed from other sites. It's taking forever to download everything.

>> No.1063338

i am downloading with 230k/bit

maybe a restart of the internets wil help

>> No.1063760
File: 41 KB, 303x425, spongebob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1063931


>> No.1063953

Think I sent, though I could be wrong.

>> No.1063972

OP I alreay uploaded yesterdays pdfs to Project Rhizome. So if you upload, don't upload yesterdays books

>> No.1063994

You guys have e-readers?

>> No.1064072
File: 44 KB, 400x288, ered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1064789


>> No.1066167


>> No.1066269

damn I wish they where MU

>> No.1067036
File: 43 KB, 652x353, pdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1067097

OP if you're still around, can I get some ebooks on anything related to Economics?

for example, this pic
has a book tittled Economics Mathmetics Manual.

Can I get it, please?

>> No.1067099

Along with any other economic related books, I meant.


>> No.1067114

Can I PLEASE get invited to this project Rhizome thing?
I have classes during the summer and I'm trying to spend the LEAST amount of money on books!


>> No.1067119


Project Rhizome has like 10000 texts on econ.

>> No.1067121

Dammit, now I REALLY want to be invited to it!


Someone help a poor anon out. : )

>> No.1067134


u get my email?

>> No.1067138

I did, thanks. I'll be asking for an invite from them right now.

>> No.1067143

hey i hope OP is still around

can i get the bayesian choice?

>> No.1067158
File: 236 KB, 1680x1050, beers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


damn too much in this thread

if anyones still sending invites, tastycakeman@hotmail.com pllllllllllllllzzzzz and thank you

in return, beer science

>> No.1067163


also mathematical methods in risk theory - buhlman would be tight

>> No.1067877


>> No.1068894

bumping for good books

>> No.1068918

Undernet irc


I upload under name Oglog

Have a number of science/maths books.
Type @Oglog for list.


>> No.1069543

Oglog again
May I have an invite to Project Rhizome.

>> No.1069681

I love it when threads dont 404

>> No.1069709

Why not just upload this to a torrent?

>> No.1069734

because this is organized and available for direct download straight from Google

also, everyone above got invited, and everyone who emailed me got invited (even to the talk group)

>> No.1069750

Rhizome invite?

afibrousroot@hotmail.com (hur hur biology)

I can exchange a bitgamer invite...

If you're into that sort of thing.

>> No.1069793

/r/ anything on anatomy

>> No.1069802

you need a gmail account its through google docs

>> No.1069817

no you dont

>> No.1069821

May I have a Project Rhizome invite please?

>> No.1069826


>> No.1069840

Great work here OP. This is pretty cool of you.

I gotta ask though did you get all these books cia a torrent? If you did I might as well just go find that and get them all at once.

>> No.1069859

Thanks OP! :D
Do you have any Computer Science books? I'm looking for the New Turing Omnibus, but I can't find it on the interwebs anywhere.

>> No.1069907

thanks a million

>> No.1070057

What about this:


75GB ebook torrent on pretty much any field of science you could imagine.

I own a fileserver, just comb through the list, see if there's anything that interests you, I'll upload it.

>> No.1070102 [DELETED] 


From the 75GB torrent:

[null@LHC:~/eBooks]$ slocate -d Science-Books.db -i "turing"
Science-Books-75GB/Great Science Textbooks DVD Library 2007 - Supplement Four v3/Electronics/Fundamentals of Semiconductor Manufacturing and Process Control - G. May, C. Spanos (Wiley, 2006) WW.pdf
Science-Books-75GB/Great Science Textbooks DVD Library 2007 - Supplement Six/Computer Science/Game Programming/Texturing And Modeling - A Procedural Approach, 3rd Ed (Morgan Kaufmann, 2003).pdf
Science-Books-75GB/Great Science Textbooks DVD Library 2007 - Update Oct 2008/Computer Science/Copeland - The Essential Turing - Writings on Computing, AI, etc. (Oxford, 2004).pdf
Science-Books-75GB/Great Science Textbooks DVD Library 2007 - Update Oct 2008/Computer Science/Petzold - Annotated Turing (Wiley, 2008).pdf
Science-Books-75GB/Great Science Textbooks DVD Library 2007 - Update Oct 2008/Physics/Nanotechnology - An Introduction to Nanostructuring Techniques 2nd ed - M. Kohler, W. Fritzsche (Wiley-VCH, 2007) WW.pdf
Science-Books-75GB/Great Science Textbooks DVD Library 2007 - Supplement Five/Electronics/Microfabrication and Nanomanufacturing - M. Jackson (ed.) (CRC, 2006) WW.pdf

I guess the 2 related ones are:

Science-Books-75GB/Great Science Textbooks DVD Library 2007 - Update Oct 2008/Computer Science/Copeland - The Essential Turing - Writings on Computing, AI, etc. (Oxford, 2004).pdf
Science-Books-75GB/Great Science Textbooks DVD Library 2007 - Update Oct 2008/Computer Science/Petzold - Annotated Turing (Wiley, 2008).pdf

Is that anything close to what you're looking for?

>> No.1070112


From the 75GB torrent:

[null@LHC:~/eBooks]$ slocate -d Science-Books.db -i "turing"

Fundamentals of Semiconductor Manufacturing and Process Control - G. May, C. Spanos (Wiley, 2006) WW.pdf
Computer Science/Game Programming/Texturing And Modeling - A Procedural Approach, 3rd Ed (Morgan Kaufmann, 2003).pdf
Copeland - The Essential Turing - Writings on Computing, AI, etc. (Oxford, 2004).pdf
etzold - Annotated Turing (Wiley, 2008).pdf
Physics/Nanotechnology - An Introduction to Nanostructuring Techniques 2nd ed - M. Kohler, W. Fritzsche (Wiley-VCH, 2007) WW.pdf
Microfabrication and Nanomanufacturing - M. Jackson (ed.) (CRC, 2006) WW.pdf

I guess the 2 related ones are:

Copeland - The Essential Turing - Writings on Computing, AI, etc. (Oxford, 2004).pdf
Petzold - Annotated Turing (Wiley, 2008).pdf

Is that anything close to what you're looking for?

>> No.1070115

Great cheers, just did my first upload, hope people like maths books!

>> No.1070144


You know, the 'tree' command works on Windows too.

tree C:/Users/Profile/Documents/eBooks > Directory-Tree.txt

For next time.

>> No.1070158

where is the loc of this torrent? can't find it

>> No.1070177


null@LHC:~/eBooks]$ slocate -d Science-Books.db -i "Physics for scientists"

Serway - Physics for Scientists and Engineers 6e HQ (chapters 1-39).pdf
Serway - Physics for Scientists and Engineers 6e HQ (chapters 1-39).pdf
Fishbane - Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics 3e.djvu
Fishbane - Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics 3e.pdf
Serway - Physics for Scientists and Engineers 6e HQ (chapters 1-39).pdf

[null@LHC:~/eBooks]$ slocate -d Science-Books.db -i "nanotech"

Ratner - Nanotechnology - A Gentle Introduction to the Next Big Idea.pdf
Williams - Nanotechnology Demystified.pdf
Nanophysics and Nanotechnology - An Intro to Modern Concepts in Nanoscience 2nd ed - E. Wolf (Wiley-VCH, 2006) WW.pdf
Nanotechnology - An Introduction to Nanostructuring Techniques 2nd ed - M. Kohler, W. Fritzsche (Wiley-VCH, 2007) WW.pdf
Nanotechnology in Biology and Medicine - Methods, Devices and Applns - T. Vo-Dinh (CRC, 2006) WW.pdf
Wolf - Nanophysics and Nanotechnology.djvu
Foster - Nanotechnology - Science, Innovation and Opportunity.chm
Bionanotechnology - E. Papazoglou, A. Parthasarathy (2007) WW.pdf

Godly collection.

>> No.1070180

The biochemistry books plox

>> No.1070190


>> No.1070198
File: 25 KB, 400x343, spongebob21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strabismus - Fundamentals of Clinical Opthalmology - F. Billson (BMJ, 2003) WW.pdf

>> No.1070201


It took me 20 days of CONSTANT downloading with my server to complete this torrent.

Average swarm speed = 35KB/s.


>> No.1070210


Uploading now.


Pick a few. Some books are greater than 200MB. Give me a list of the ones you want, I can't upload GBs of books on a home connection.

>> No.1070217

Holy shit.

Can I put the text of all the books on the rhizome for requests? Jesus shit.

>> No.1070222


Your Maths and/or Electrical Engineering would be muchos appreciated!

>> No.1070225



>> No.1070237 [DELETED] 


See >>1070210

If I do a search for "math" and "engineering", the results are over 25GB of books>>1070217
. Pick a few books or just download the whole torrent, it would take pretty much the same amount if you that many books.


Sure? This is only 1/100 of my collection by the way.

I have over 15Terabytes of ebooks.

>> No.1070242


See >>1070210

If I do a search for "math" and "engineering", the results are over 25GB of books.
Pick a few books or just download the whole torrent, it would take pretty much the same amount if you that many books.


Sure? This is only 1/100 of my collection by the way.

I have over 15Terabytes of ebooks.

>> No.1070270
File: 68 KB, 480x629, spongebobkenny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glaucoma - Science and Practice - J. Morrison, I. Pollack (Thieme, 2003) WW.pdf

Ophthalmology - A Short Textbook - G. Lang (Thieme, 2000) WW.pdf

>> No.1070280

How much would that be in shelf length, roughly?
That's crazy, how many hard drives are that?

>> No.1070286


The Biology of the Eye - J. Fischbarg (Elsevier, 2006) WW.pdf

>> No.1070319


Uploading now.


No idea really. I'd imagine you'd need a warehouse to store them though.

It's 15 1TB hard drives. Built a customized file server.

>> No.1070326

if op could read it all, he would become a god

>> No.1070347

Just for ebooks you can't ever read anyway? Why, may I ask? That sounds borderline batshit insane

>> No.1070355
File: 180 KB, 1462x780, wat do.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, am I doin it wrong?

>> No.1070365

Don't think so... the New Turing Omnibus is a collection of CS problems, essentially "ideas" to think about. Do you know anything similar to that?

>> No.1070366


/cruise control

>> No.1070375


http://www.megaupload.com/?d=A0SD74KG -- Glaucoma one.

Sorry, this is taking a while, the books are big.

>> No.1070377

meh, I guess it's better than 15TB of porn

>> No.1070386


I made a program in C that parses through all the text in the books for certain keywords. You'll never be able to read all of Wikipedia, but it's not useless, mine is like a searchable, comprehensive, and very detailed database on anything technological or scientific.

I just search through it if I ever need to know something. I have books ranging from Nuclear Weapon design and manufacturing, to microprocessor design techniques and scalar/vector core schematics.

Very useful info.

>> No.1070408

I envy that resource

>> No.1070416


Haha, there's not many seeds, just wait a while, and use a better client.



That might be why I don't have it. Let me comb through my stack here and see if I have anything related to that.

>> No.1070430

anyhing about ecology? or theoretical biology?

>> No.1070442


I have theoretical ecology. And a few books on general ecology.

>> No.1070448


http://www.megaupload.com/?d=4SZXZQGO -- Ophthalmology

>> No.1070470

any and all woud be gladly appreciated.

and any marine bioloy/ecology/conservation biology would be amazing

>> No.1070477

I want these lines:

4, 39, 57-70, 84-85, 93-94, 96-97, 132-140, 142-147, 168, 172, 197, 208-215, 218, 252, 261-266, 269-271, 285, 319, 323, 393, 402-403, 406, 408-409, 411, 416, 461-462, 491-492, 510, 518-521, 542-544, 546, 558, 560-561, 592-598, 633, 663-666, 753-755, 768, 778, 787-789, 792, 794, 904, 910, 997-1007

...for now. If you could, could you just up them to the rhizome when you have the time? anyway, I'm going to try and DL the torrent. before I finish Im gonna have to transfer most of my current hd to my external lol

I too bathe in jealousy at this anon


>> No.1070487



Shitty flash uploaders.

>> No.1070488
File: 117 KB, 800x571, optometry4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks so much for these man. I'm headed to optometry school in the fall. I'm sure these will be an excellent resource.

>> No.1070518


I would just transfer the 75GB torrent to my server and let you guys download it but.... my upload speed is only like 300KB/s. It would take days, and if you all tried downloading it at once either my modem would just fry or you'd get like 2KB/s speeds.

Hmm, you know, I still have a few TB free on here. What if I just hyper-compress the torrent to like 30GB and upload it somewhere? What is Rhizome anyway?

>> No.1070533


No problem! Glad to help.

>> No.1070535

>What if I just hyper-compress the torrent to like 30GB and upload it somewhere?

Rhizome is where you would do that

>> No.1070539

We use googledocs for filesharing.

Currently 670 members from /sci/, and I can't exactly estimate how much we have but I don't think it's a TB.

Either give an email or hit projectrhizome@gmail.com to see what's up.

>> No.1070551

Maybe we could find designated persons to more or less directly receive portions of your collection, and then each could gain responsibility over them (not even talking about torrent)?

>> No.1070569


Alright, I'll email you, my email has "null" in it, so, watch for that, I'll send you an email in a bit.


Uploading even 1TB of data would take ages. I think I'll either compress the several parts using custom algorithms, and upload them separately, or just buy a 100mbit Dedicated Server and upload stuff to that. I've been meaning to buy one anyway.

>> No.1070575

anything for ecology? it would be a small amount

>> No.1070579

rhizome invite plz. societyhigh@gmail.com

>> No.1070589

k. Imma go get lunch quick and check if i have anything to do tonight, be back later

>> No.1070594


>> No.1070601


To both of you:

May,McLean - Theoretical Ecology - Principles and Applications 3e.pdf
Begon - Ecology - From Individuals to Ecosystems 4e.pdf
Danforth - Obstetrics and Gynecology 9ed.pdf
Plants and Mushrooms/Schulze,Beck - Plant Ecology (Springer, 2002).pdf
Insect Ecology - An Ecosystem Approach 2nd ed - T. Schowalter (AP, 2006) WW.pdf
Comparative Primate Socioecology - P. Lee (Cambridge, 2004) WW.pdf
Functional Plant Ecology 2nd ed - F. Pugnaire, F. Vallardes (CRC, 2007) WW.pdf
Glencoe - Science - Module E - Ecology (McGraw, 2005).pdf
Mayhew - Discovering Evolutionary Ecology (Oxford, 2006).pdf
Morgan - Obstetrics and Gynecology 5e [National Medical Series] (2004).djvu
Medicine/Williams Gynecology (McGraw, 2008).chm
Hart - Gynaecology Illustrated (Harcourt, 2000).pdf
Complexity in Chemistry, Biology and Ecology - D. Bonchev, D. Rouvray (Springer, 2005) WW.pdf
Dewhurst's Textbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 7th ed - D. Edmonds (Blackwell, 2007) WW.pdf
Comprehensive Gynecology 5th ed - V. Katz, et al., (Mosby, 2007) WW.chm
A New Ecology - Systems Perspective - S. Jorgensen, B. Fath (Elsevier, 2007) WW.pdf

Pick some.

>> No.1070618

Is this fundamentals one still uploading?

>> No.1070620

Someone who can send a Rhizome invite to me? Got some files to share too.


>> No.1070629
File: 134 KB, 327x400, 1-29 WEEK attenborough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when ctrl+f for 'ecology' results in Gynecology

>everything went better than expected

>> No.1070647

these, if possibe kind sir

May,McLean - Theoretical Ecology - Principles and Applications 3e.pdf
Begon - Ecology - From Individuals to Ecosystems 4e.pdf
Comparative Primate Socioecology - P. Lee (Cambridge, 2004) WW.pdf
Functional Plant Ecology 2nd ed - F. Pugnaire, F. Vallardes (CRC, 2007) WW.pdf
Glencoe - Science - Module E - Ecology (McGraw, 2005).pdf
Mayhew - Discovering Evolutionary Ecology (Oxford, 2006).pdf
A New Ecology - Systems Perspective - S. Jorgensen, B. Fath (Elsevier, 2007) WW.pdf

oh and Hart - Gynaecology Illustrated (Harcourt, 2000).pdf

.....you know....for the articles...

>> No.1070652


It's the first one I uploaded. Look here >>1070225


Hahaha, yeah. I use the case-insensitive switch to get all possible results, but it causes it to pick up words within words as well.

>> No.1070661
File: 34 KB, 500x314, giant-weta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gillott - Entomology 3e (Springer, 2005).pdf

>> No.1070672

Ah sweet! Missed that one, thanks again.

>> No.1070691


http://www.megaupload.com/?d=M3OGNF59 -- Theoretical Ecology

It'll take me a while to up all of those. Does anyone know of any sites that don't use FLASH uploaders?

>> No.1070693


brb lunch

>> No.1070711


Awesome, love you <3

>> No.1070713


That book is 38MB.

>> No.1070734

oh, just these in particular then
A New Ecology - Systems Perspective - S. Jorgensen, B. Fath (Elsevier, 2007) WW.pdf
Hart - Gynaecology Illustrated (Harcourt, 2000).pdf
Insect Ecology - An Ecosystem Approach 2nd ed - T. Schowalter (AP, 2006) WW.pdf

>> No.1070747

a lot of bugs bro.

>> No.1070749


If anyone could send an invite, it would be greatly appreciated!

>> No.1070753

fake proof of car insurance

dont get fined the next time you get pulled over


25 dollars any car anywhere in the usa or Canada just send me an email if you want more information

>> No.1070757
File: 37 KB, 640x454, oh_u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hart - Gynaecology Illustrated (Harcourt, 2000).pdf

>> No.1070764


The Gynecology one is all just drawings, but if you want it, alright.


I'll upload it, just reading the man pages to see which program has the highest compression ratio.

>> No.1070775

which gyno book is hot then?

>> No.1070790

I've studied pathogenic microbiology...the diseased Raginas are NOT hot, just horrifying.

>> No.1070813


None. The ones with pictures are nightmare inducing, see >>1070790

>> No.1070819

What is the greatest amount of literature one can read in a lifetime? Or just a year?

>> No.1070902




>> No.1070956



A new ecology.

I'm going to use zshare now. At least it doesn't freeze my browser while I upload shit.

>> No.1071010


Insect Ecology


>> No.1071067


The only thing I found, is a few books on abstract programming, like genetic algorithms and whatnot.

>> No.1071275

bamping epic info thread

>> No.1071346



>> No.1071393

This anon here needs his own /r/ folder on Rhizome.

>> No.1071424

Said that too.

When s/he emails me about the rhizome we'll discuss exactly what s/he wants to do to disperse this epic library.

>> No.1071588


I've just emailed you.

>> No.1072159

Books on combustion, astro/aerodynamics, vehicle propulsion, bio-mimicry, anything to do with space-colonies, and/or anything in mechanical engineering would be much appreciated (no need to get all those listed).

>> No.1072179

These three would suffice
Vehicle Propulsion systems
Vehicle Dynamics and Control
Textile Composites and Inflatable structures

>> No.1074494

Bumping with an inquiry on neuroscience books.

>> No.1075715

Have any books of medicinal botany? TY very much op

>> No.1076921

OP uploaded those for me on the first thread (book5.rar).
I don't have a link for that anymore but OP might.

>> No.1076944

as this been archived?

>> No.1077589

anything on relativity theory and quantum physics?