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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 700 KB, 966x457, Atwood on ASD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10600525 No.10600525 [Reply] [Original]

My goodness, most of the posts on this board are garbage. What is happening to /sci/?

Anyway, just watched this lecture on atypical presentation of Asperger syndrome in girls by Dr. Tony Attwood.
I'm not sure what the point of this guy's lecture is and how it is useful in managing kids with Autism spectrum disorders. Now, I get how based on some of these characteristics ( mainly late sexual maturity/interest despite starting puberty at age 11 and comorbid social anxiety) I could be considered slightly on the spectrum. According to him, however, I and any other girl are slightly on the spectrum just for being tomboys.
I call bullshit because it seem's like he's saying girls who do not follow societal gender roles are somewhat on the spectrum. After all, gender roles like wearing make up, pink, dresses/skirts, being passive are just social constructions. I could be interpreting this wrong, though. Perhaps he means who just don't seem to understand female gender roles or fail to pick it up despite intense socialization/brain washing.
Regardless, I think expanding what is considered being on the spectrum is silly. He goes on to include people who like fantasy and animals a lot(which would also include me). But what does it matter if the people who you've now considered as on the spectrum are high functioning to the point of being near normal, so they may never need help anyway? Criteria set in the lecture would include more males under ASD as well. Again, they wouldn't be that abnormal to the point where they need help with basic life skills.

A tomboy preferring to hang out mostly with boys is not going to affect her social development at all. She still has friends and learns to socialize/engage people. I can't agree with this guy. What do you think /sci/?

Intelligent posters only, please.

>> No.10600543

Basically, is ASD slowly becoming way to broad a diagnosis?
Should all nerds/geeks be consider on the spectrum?

>> No.10600578

Ah yes ummmmm yeah hmmm, I see– yes, yes well... please be my girlfriend?

>> No.10600581


>> No.10600584

I mean who cares what some random boomer psychologist says about female autism?

>> No.10600599 [DELETED] 

Umm yeahhh, so... UGHHH. Basically, I'm 25, I like to collect crystal dolphin statues, I love A Song of Ice and Fire (aka "Game of Thrones" to you illiterate retards, read a book sometime), and this pseudoscience Dr. wants to put me on the spectrum. Am I on the spectrum because I'm 215 lbs, wear purple sweatpants and an XL Nightwish T shirt? No. Am I on the spectrum because I have over 15 pets? No. Am I on the spectrum because I choose not to work (the whole "you gotta move out" thing is a stupid social construct, plus cost of living in rural North Carolina is next to nothing anyway so I'm not a burden on my parents). These are PERSONAL CHOICES.

So *sighs* AGAIN, tell me why this Dr. wants to say I'm on the spectrum, and ONE MORE TIME FOR YOU FEEBLE MINDED IDIOTS, INTELLIGENT.. RESPONSES... ONLY

>> No.10600601

I fell like this is slowly being accepted in the main stream psychiatric community though. One of my professors joked about how "a lot of people are considered somewhat on the spectrum these days, I'm sure I could be too"
Dr. Attwood goes as far to say that girls watching soap operas a lot can be a coping mechanism for ASD. I see so many girls in the comments section of this video saying they may have Asperger now. Even some dudes. The last thing we need is more people trying to be special snowflakes, especially when they aren't even that special;they would have subclinical ASD at worst.

>> No.10600613

I didn't refute that I could be. Please, read my post again, retard. I just think some of the criteria he includes such as tomboys or being an animal lover is just plain ridiculous.

I have no pets btw, even though I desperately want a dog. I pointed out the points he made that could be correct. Again go back and read.
I also totally agree with his assessment or intellectual choices for fashion vs intuitive and using dolls only to rehearse social interactions but that's about it.

>> No.10600625

also not 215 lb. No where near actually. I admit I only work out because it's fun keeping treat of progress and it makes me seem cool.

>> No.10600645

>A tomboy preferring to hang out mostly with boys is not going to affect her social development at all.
Literally how do you come to this conclusion? A woman who spends time with male-majority social groups vs female-majority social groups are going to inherently develop differently based upon their experiences and the norms of interaction between them. I can spend 2 minutes with a woman and know if they are a "bro" or not.

I don't think there is much significance to expanding the definition of ASD to encompass more people; this phenomenon is likely the consequence of that fact that the cut-off for defining ASD is quite arbitrary, as it must be considering that defining "norms" is bullshit anyway. The most helpful reason to diagnose is to identify which kinds of people are going to require more assistance than others to achieve more meaningful, fulfilling lives and be socially successful (or maybe your society is working out all the ways to correct the next edge cases to conform to becoming a worker drone for the "economy").

Side note, dismissing things as social constructs does not remove their perceived validity to the current culture. Deviation from the current context is abnormal, and ground for labeling you different or ASD.

>> No.10600648

Why does being labeled ASD bother you specifically given that it is an arbitrary line in the sand?

>> No.10600660

Sorry, let me rephrase that.
What I mean is, a women preferring to spend her time in male majority groups will not render her with a stunned social development such that she is unable to function in society.
Much unlike a person with Autism who would not be able to develop skills such as working in a team(let alone learning at all if we are speaking of severe type) or even people with Asperger's who may not be able to get along with any of their coworkers or give presentations. Thus, unable to do many types of career or they may even develop depression from having no friends.

>> No.10600661

So what a half dozen people in the comment section have temporarily convinced themselves they have autism. A nobody conjecturing in a stagnant field is not going to change anything. That is a decent answer to the question in the OP. A heads up though– repeatedly interjecting your own OP by mentioning yourself makes it less likely people will respond earnestly.

>> No.10600669 [DELETED] 

It bothers me because reasons, and it also bothers me that other people might label themselves as that because it might give them an unearned feeling of being unique. Did I mention I'm a girl? Also, /sci/ sucks these days, I am an oldfag so I remember when the board was better. Don't post again unless you are at least within 1 standard deviation of intelligence from me. And again, I'm not 215lbs, I doubt I'm even over 200.

>> No.10600670

It doesn't other me that I could be labeled. I very well might be considering the example i gave of myself(go back and read). I'm just saying this endeavor is pointless since many of the kids we will now be diagnosing with a form of ASD by his criteria, wouldn't need help anyway. The idea of being a tomboy just makes no sense to include. Tomboys don't need extra help to function.

>> No.10600674

Just stop. This is embarrass. The level of Autism being posts like these that try to mimic other anons(usually female ones) are nauseating. Grow up.

>> No.10600684

We get it, you are a girl, congratulations. Please stop samefagging now.

>> No.10600702

I hope you're right. My professor's joke makes me skeptical though.
>don't interject in your own OP
People do it on this site all the time.
It's clear that it's only a big deal since they can easily deduce that I may be female. Not trying to play the sexism card, but it's kind of obvious that most on this site take issue with the slightest evidence of a female poster. I've seen it all over( I usually try to blend in as much as possible, minus this thread.) No matter though, I only mentioned that caveat because I anticipated stupid replies like:
"please be in London, please be my GF," or "Tits or GTFO," or some type of mocking impersonation of how they believe I talk/type since you know, I'm a girl, and all girls are the same. Even the ones that have a form of ASD apparently.
It didn't help much though, so lesson learned I guess.

>> No.10600711

This isn't about me being a girl, or even being a girl with slight ASD. It's about this man's lecture in which he uses criteria that broaden the definition for no reason. In psychiatry, diagnosis of mental disorders are only meaningful when a person has function impairment in society. His criteria would overlook that. That's my issue. Feel free to disagree.
Can we stop talking about my gender now? For a person who hates it being brought up, you sure won't stop.

>> No.10600728

I thought this guy pointed out that girls are better at hiding their autism because they tend to mimic the overt characteristics of normal girls.

Where is the stuff about gender roles?
The only thing tangentially related to gender roles is that the female gender role allows autistic girls to apologize and be forgiven when they make a social mistake while boys sperg out and a really noticeable.

>> No.10600735

You will never be a girl tranny, stop doing this elaborate larp

>> No.10600746

>It's about how girls cope better by mimicking
Yes, that was an aspect I kind of agree could be useful criteria, in so far that you can identify it as, and I quote a: "strictly intellectual choice vs an intuitive choice." After all, let's be real a lot of normal girls just like to follow trends).
I don't think you watched the the entire thing. He mentioned that many Aspie girls are tomboys because: hanging out with girls entails to many social rules/passive aggressiveness, putting on make up makes them feel weird, wearing dresses and female clothes makes them feel weird.

>> No.10600756

>People do it on this site all the time.
And their posts end up being taken less seriously because of it. It shows they are most likely too personally vested in the topic and will respond poorly to any answers that run opposite to their bias. It’s not a matter of female undertones.

>> No.10600764

Well, I'm not so much that I will not consider other opinions.
If you watched the video and think I am interpreting something wrong, then by all means, make your case.

>> No.10600773

I'll call bullshit on the whole idea of autism.

>> No.10600784

You mean Asperger's/ASD? Maybe. How so?
True autism,however, is a serious developmental disorder where the kids usually have severe learning issues and are hardly verbal. They don't even male eye contact with their mother at a young age. They are literally socially retarded and it makes it difficult for them to be educated as a result. Learning involves engaging with a teacher afterall.

My main issue isn't just the tomboy thing. It's this kind of idea he's using that introverts and nerd/geeks can be considered on the spectrum too. He mentions the concept of having to "recharge" with some alone time at the end of a day that required extensive social interaction. This was the defining hallmark of introverts in general.
It's pointless to diagnose such people if we won't end up having to do anything for them. Don't make the diagnosis. You don't need it to recommend that a kid take public speaking classes to deal with obvious social anxiety.

>> No.10600793

I did not watch the video. Going off what you said he said, you are probably right in that broadening the diagnosis of autism is counterproductive - especially when borderline patients are symptom free. I don’t see why you wanted to have a discussion on /sci/ about something some nobody said after you already came to a reasonable conclusion. Going to bed now :3

>> No.10600798

I don't think this has as much to do with the video as your interpretation of it. Try this exercise: think of a few other groups of people whose main identity characteristic is going to be used as an indication of being ASD prone and be specific. Also, expand your source pool beyond that one video if you have time. What traits made them be classified as ASD prone specifically? What are your thoughts on their status - do you agree/disagree, and on what basis? Can you apply this same consistency to the group identity and traits you personally identify with? Did you exclude any of those other groups that you thought of from the OP?

I fail to see the significance of being labeled given that you yourself have identified that doing such is pointless. Over-diagnosing children is a natural thing to occur when trying to define an arbitrary metric. There are clearly some people who need the diagnoses and need help, but we don't have a clear way of identifying who are the ones who actually need help or not. Once the bubble bursts, the scientific community will be able to sift through the pieces and discern which parts are worth using for identification, which were superfluous, and which need a different kind of metric or support system. If you're a sound-minded, independent adult, being coined with three letters should bother you in the least all things considered.

>> No.10600808

All that is pretty much what I meant. I'm watching the shit right now but, I don't know. Even of it wasn't just a fad. It still relies on some dumbass for a diagnosis. I can prove that your car needs a spark plug. I can't say that any personality is on any spectrum. There isn't a spectrum. Whar is the criteria for performance? Thats not really a question.

>> No.10600821

I need laconic calibration. Im coming back in three shots.

>> No.10600837

So he includes known characteristics of introverts(prolong socialization as a drain on their energy and the need to "recharge" with some alone time) as a metric. I know many of people, other than myself, who are completely content with some alone time but it does not stop them from socially engaging over all, especially when they need to.
I guess I'm annoyed with how he doesn't at the veryleast classify the types of criteria, the threshold, and which ones are major vs minor towards reaching that threshold in his presentation.
Star wars, Game of thrones/fantasy, and Anime nerds may or may not be socially retarded from my experience.
In highschool, I met girl in honors class who was a staunch animal lover who wanted to be a vet because she just preferred animals who had Asperger's. She had selective mutism too. I also met another girl who was die hard animal rights advocate but popular and socially normal for the most part. I think personalities are too varied to say which can be criteria.

>> No.10600846

So, my spark plug. Running bad is a psychological disorder. We identify a problem in a clean environment. Now it is a neurological disorder. I'll say a misfire falls under the ASD spectrum. But there are numerous possible reasons for the misfire. Some people may be plugs, injectors, valves, rings, gaskets. And they are put into a classification with others that aren't even made out of the same materials. Maybe a crap analogy. If you slap an aspie (or even an alcoholic) in another culture. Lets say Japan. They can fit in just fine. Even a dyslexic. People are just different. If you know how to operate your machine. Oh, fuck. Now tony just kinda said the same shit. Im still watching. But fuck that dude anyhow. Just another way for a bunch of do nothings to justify their existence.

>> No.10600847

Fair enough. Perhaps it's all a variant of generalized anxiety disorder. It can't be a total coincidence that it's a common comorbid condition. Still, the kids who wear the same clothes everyday, can't communicate vital information to their colleagues, or refuse to talk about anything but their figurine collection with colleagues are a bit worrisome.

>> No.10600877

Im not worried. I guess I'm assblasted, as they say. I was born in 77 before all this bs was a hot topic. You learned to deal. I hate the anticipation of social activity and do just fine once I get there. I don't relate to all the he said she said or think that politics are as important as people seem to believe but I know how to play the game. I don't see why we should enable helplessness in people. If your right hand is missing, you need to learn to use your left. In fact, that annoys me a bit when people ask for a hand and i see that they have one that is idle. I have observed human nature and make allowances accordingly. It is good that we are all different. We shouldn't be made to think that it is a handicap.

>> No.10601035

>what is happening to /sci/

pleb invasion after Black Hole photo. This is a clear all-time low.

>> No.10601059

>It's the invasion of the [insert recent cultural reference here] fags, and now we all have to suffer.
I shiggy diggy.

I'm watching the video right now for more info to converse with you. For clarification, what do you perceive as the actual harm caused by misidentifying some additional people who do not have "autism" as having ASD? Stigma? In what situation does that come up, because all the people I know who would label you as autistic on the basis set by this video are in this thread (4chan in general honestly, it's a favorite buzzword); and they would probably attribute your autism to making the thread at all rather than the presentation lol. Any psychologist you would potentially interact with would clearly be able to identify if you have any aspects of life that you ACTUALLY struggle with, so it's not going to sway their perception of you in any meaningful way. I'm just not clear on what the hang up is that manifests itself in the real world rather than what you believe would happen.

>> No.10601078

First off, does society want to manage or cure ASD? After all, the recurring phrase here on 4chan is that autists move the world forward while the neurotypicals keep the world together. So for all the awkwardness, people still want progress such as new tech, better medicine etc. They just do not want to deal with the people actually delivering the results.

Not him but you seem brighter than the average female. It is easier to experience snow storm in the Sahara than introspection in people.

The moment someone makes ASD medicine we will see the same explosive growth in diagnosis as for ADHD,

>I have no pets btw, even though I desperately want a dog.
I had a dog. Would want again. It is hard to describe the immense tranquility when you hold around your dog.

>> No.10601086
File: 300 KB, 1280x1280, 1490676040921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the timeline of how /sci/ developed in general

>/sci/ originally created mostly split from /lit/ and /g/
Usually it was very technical with scientists and engineers posting. It occasionally had just a normal /lit/ or /g/ poster shitting on things because of opinions instead of objective reasons but overall it was pretty fucking good and in-depth per thread.

>/sci/ slowly devolves into hobbyists and grad students
Topics are still interesting but the actual expertise level starts dropping. First memes start to pop up. Lots of LARP threads about $300k starting and stuff by people still in university.

>/sci/ starts to attract even lower quality people. Being people with just a cursory interest in science and high school students looking for a Major to pick in university
This was only a couple of years ago and was when the topics became sensational and only surface level stuff was discussed with a very high dose of bullshit elitism and LARPs by high school students that clearly didn't know what they were talking about

>/sci/ starts to attract people that don't even like science such as hardcore religious people and mentally ill schizophrenics. Or just straight up shitposters
This is the era that genuinely started ramping up this year. I'm legitimately starting to lose hope in this place and I start to post less and less. At least the hobbyists and high school students had some cursory interest in the field. Now it's just trash.

I've noticed this on other adult boards as well. /trv/ another board that was populated mainly by people in their 30s about going on holidays etc has been turned into some incel headquarters with /pol/ posts about how to get laid. The entire site has gone to shit and I've noticed that it's a trend throughout the entire English speaking Internet.

I'm starting to think it's the fact that children and every third worlder has internet now which floods the English speaking internet with lowest common denominators.

>> No.10601133

I think a more likely explanation is the "there goes the neighborhood" syndrome that seems to plague everyone who claims boards used to be better but that they are all in decline. If every poster of value shares this mindset (yours), then there would be a progressive diaspora to other sites that haven't been hit by the influx of casual internet users. They'll post there until that site is eventually populated in the same fashion, and keep hopping around and creating their own sites indefinitely or until they grow tired of the process. It's the never-ending race to stay a part of the IN group, and gate-keeping until the administration tones down the level of moderation to a critical point where it becomes impossible to maintain the previous standards.

My point isn't that a board can't be in decline, it can be. My point is that people making the claim that it is in decline no longer belong on the site. They should have left with the original "good" posters if they wanted to be part of a better community. Bitching about the current quality is like someone saying all contemporary music is bad without trying to compose anything themselves.

>> No.10601187

Yes gender roles are to a degree social constructs, but recognition and adherence to social constructs regardless of what they are is normal behaviour

>> No.10601207

>Basically, is ASD slowly becoming way to broad a diagnosis?
The spectrum is widening into uselessness. Some suggests ADHD and Tourette's are on the same spectrum as ASD.
>Should all nerds/geeks be consider on the spectrum?
Many already do but that does not mean they really are on the ASD.

>> No.10601345

>A tomboy preferring to hang out mostly with boys is not going to affect her social development at all. She still has friends and learns to socialize/engage people.
wrong, if my sister is anything to go by

>> No.10601467

>I admit I only work out because it's fun keeping treat of progress and it makes me seem cool.
A female colleague of mine ticks all the boxes and is into sports. I wonder if the reasons are the same. The tends to do sports where people use tight outfits (cycling shorts etc.), perhaps this gives the hug box effect.

>> No.10601530

>They should have left with the original "good" posters if they wanted to be part of a better community.
And where did they go? Most boards are utter garbage and /sci/ and /g/ are a lot better than so called serious sites.

>Bitching about the current quality is like someone saying all contemporary music is bad without trying to compose anything themselves.
I don't buy that argument. You do not have to be a master chef to notice the potatoes are still raw.

>> No.10601720

>wearing dresses and female clothes makes them feel weird.
How come?

>> No.10601750

Why would someone that doesn't normally come here think "oooo, I better check 4Channel's weighing in on this important scientific development", much less stick around afterwards?

>> No.10601995

I'm not worried about myself. I may be but its whatever.Why do you keep assuming that? I'm annoyed that the label will be used based on such silly criteria like introvert, or animal lover, or dis regard of gender roles. It makes no sense scientifically because these people won't need help so diagnosis is pointless. It goes against the principles of psychiatry where diagnoses are only made when it causes functional impairment to daily life. A Tomboy with mostly Male friends will still be fine as an independent adult. A child who care barely speak obviously or fails to acknowledge/engage other humans' presence will not.

>> No.10602036

Is the proper diagnosis set by a psychologist or a psychiatrist? Most people will take the briefest look from mt. Dunning-Kruger and declare huge swathes of humanity for autists. They do not matter.

Still, a wider understanding of it would help, that way we would not have to have autists in the same classes as people with ADHD in school. Just looking back at my time in school makes my ears ring.

>> No.10602042

They feel like "a man in drag" as he says. Basically they feel ugly in girly things and just dont fit in. I think this could be a potentially useless criteria though since
1. They can just feel like that due to the unfair beauty standards set up in the media that feminists have been complaining about for years that lead to eating disorders and insecurities in alot of women(something he goes on to talk about as another potential criteria funny enough lol).

2.they could just be gender nonconforming/nonbinary people. Unless he is trying to say trans people and the people who refuse to identify with a gender are autistic lol. That would be an interesting conversation to have with the LBGT community desu.

>> No.10602052

Who cares about female autism. They still ride my cock carousel, pretty normal if you ask me.

>> No.10602059

It doesn't matter, both psychiatrists, psychologists(PhD of course), and even biologists have input in helping to create DSM guidelines.

>> No.10602119

I was wondering who was making the diagnosis, as opposed to making the guidelines.

>> No.10602162

Psychiatrists mostly, but PhD psychologists like him can obviously see patients. Even prescribe meds if they have a certification. Moreover, the DSM criteria is how these things get diagnosed.

>> No.10602238
File: 503 KB, 700x700, 1537032029105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most of the posts on this board are garbage
>proceeds to make another literally Asperger thread about gender

And you don't even see the irony do you?

>A tomboy preferring to hang out mostly with boys is not going to affect her social development at all.

It most certainly will. How many guys do you see out there (past schooling) that have "girls" "friends"? They don't. They have nothing in common with a female other than what has been mimicked. A tomboy is just a guy mimick. Nobody wants a mimicked guy friend, they want an actual guy friend or a female that ISN'T a guy to fuck. What do tomboys do once the magical school age has passed?
>fail at hanging out with logical men
>hang out with gays/feminine men
>Become a dyke

The social development has been affected negatively for the tomboy because as it turns out, guys fuck women

>Can we stop talking about my gender now? For a person who hates it being brought up, you sure won't stop.

You're the one who brought it up, you dumb bint.

>> No.10602314

This post is about my view on recent theories in psychiatry about Autism and and anyone else's who also wishes to share theirs. I'm sorry this isn't another pointless thread about homework, majoring in engineering, or race baiting.

How would a guy have nothing in common with a female who doesnt act like a typical female. Males tend to feel uncomfortable with females particularly because of how different they act. Not just how they look.

Now, you're projecting your experiences on all guys which I dont understand how you think that is valid. More so since I have seen plenty or men still friends with females past schooling(whether or not they are tomboys desu).

You do have a point if you're trying to say being a tomboy is less socially acceptable after schooling. This is changing more and more these days though.
Becoming a Dyke and only hanging out with gays is not what befalls most tomboys. Dykes and tomboys are often separate these days, especially since kids are supposedly identifying as homosexual/transgender earlier.
Most tomboys will simply out grow it or move away from it for reasons I mentioned.
Some will keep at it and get married anyway. Again, especially now a days. I know a few couples like that actually.
These girls' social development was not very affected because they can still function independently as normal adults in society. You and me have different definitions of function impairment perhaps. For me, it's s definitely not what's being said in this lecture.

>> No.10602322

Stop being a jerk, she want's intelligent posters you know. I suggest we adopt that Virgin vs. Chad meme from the repile thread to females. I guess that would be fun.

>> No.10602325

He can be as much of a jerk as he wants. At least he's posting an actual argument though, unlike your dumbass.

>> No.10602331

*rubs hands*

>> No.10602440

>At least he's posting an actual argument though
Well, did he? Let us check.

>>most of the posts on this board are garbage
A premise extracted out of thin air, no source given.
>>proceeds to make another literally Asperger thread about gender
Another? If anything it is another premise, probably rectally extracted. no source given (phew!).
>And you don't even see the irony do you?
From this a conclusion is drawn.
>>A tomboy preferring to hang out mostly with boys is not going to affect her social development at all.
>It most certainly will.
Another claim, again not sourced.

>How many guys do you see out there (past schooling) that have "girls" "friends"?
One of the few things worse than anecdotal evidence is appealing to anecdotal evidence.

>They don't.
Oh yes? Still no proof in evidence.

>They have nothing in common with a female other than what has been mimicked.
More statements utterly lacking proper argumentation.

>A tomboy is just a guy mimick.
Ah yes, the "is just"-argument. I am not sure who is convinced by that.

>Nobody wants a mimicked guy friend, they want an actual guy friend or a female that ISN'T a guy to fuck.
Syntax error.

>What do tomboys do once the magical school age has passed?
I had hoped you could tell.

Conclusion: highly refined garbage. And this IS analysed.

>> No.10602471

Well, he posted something attempting to be an argument at least, not just memes and quips.

>> No.10602496

It was poorly masquerading as an argument, but in reality it was only a collection of quips, easily ripped apart once you look at it sentence by sentence as in >>10602440.

>> No.10602578

> memes aren't arguments
Not all, my friends, not all.

> According to him, however, I and any other girl are slightly on the spectrum just for being tomboys

X is aspie girl --> X is probably tomboy
X is tomboy --> X is probably aspie girl

Which one you think he would agree with the most?

>> No.10602646

If we knew where they went, then the population they were trying to escape from would also know, and would just follow them there. They likely don't talk about it outside a close-knit circle to avoid another "invasion", and it would be very hard to discover it from the outside at this point.

>You do not have to be a master chef to notice the potatoes are still raw.
Anyone who is not retarded can look and say the potatoes are raw. Everyone is going to be eating raw potatoes unless people step up and actually cook them. There is no contribution when you say a community is in decline, and it may he even to the board's detriment. It's going to discourage potential good posters from sharing or growing into great posters when they read that shit, and they may just perma-lurk or leave. What does a board like /sci/ actually have to offer to actual scientists and engineers in it's current state that would even attract them here to post? "It's shit, nothing here is good" is just a big warning sign for them to steer clear.

If you want to be on good boards, you need to not complain about what they currently are, and need to step up and contribute in the ways you would want others to do so. And even in the low times, OC is the lifeblood that will keep a place alive, and MAYBE interesting enoigh for a wave of new posters to join and revitalize the place.

>> No.10602708
File: 21 KB, 1854x235, pol raid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most of the posts on this board are garbage. What is happening to /sci/?

Bot shitposting and the newfags who think that is what this board is about. /tv/ is like 1/3 bot posts.

>> No.10602750
File: 329 KB, 700x700, cyberpink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you want to be on good boards, you need to not complain about what they currently are, and need to step up and contribute in the ways you would want others to do so.
I already do that. I am the editor for the /cyb/ FAQ, and I have worked on that for over 2 years now. I like to think I have put in an effort. And I like to think I still continue to contribute. That does not mean I cannot ask where the others went or point out the problems.

>> No.10602799

I agree. Intelligent posts attract intelligent posters. People refrain from posting in threads that takes more effort. Both to read and post. On /sci/ anybody can make a thread, so these simpler threads outcompetes the more difficult. Hence the solution is to post intelligent posts in shitty threads.

>> No.10602805

And that's why I got triggered by OP rehashing this autism thread. This thread only makes sense if it an female autism thread, so when OP says it should be that, then it comes clear it's a rehash

>> No.10602807

>it should NOT be that

>> No.10602810

I am not this >>10602238 seething bastard btw.

>> No.10602855

I don't refute your right to ask those questions or make those claims, and I tried to answer them. Unfortuantely, your asking and opinions are as inseprable from negatively affecting the board as my explanations and counter-arguments are inseparable from me being an unwarranted to dick to you while doing so, despite my intentions.

Good on you for being a contrubutor to /cyb/(I don't know what that is, but that's irrelevant). I'd like to restructure my argument to be more personal to see if it makes more sense. If /cyb/ were flooded with progressively worse participants, and you had no abilities to moderate, how would you react? My argument is that complaining won't improve /cyb/ as newcomers are inevitable. And my current theory that the good posters leave doesn't solve the problem for /cyb/, and it it doesn't prevent the reoccurence for the good posters' new community in the long run. How would you propose to maintain a quality board in that scenario? I don't believe posts like >>10601035 contribute anything positive to the discussion by themselves; there is no offering of content or solution. That's why I shiggy diggy.

>> No.10602877


And the funny thing is that schizo posters also work as a filter. Take a look at our based boy ECHS. He chases out all kinds of people in thread. If thread has promise, then intelligent and open-minded people stay. If thread was bad in first place, then thread dies and does no longer compete.

>> No.10603522

The premise of your argument is that the intelligent posters somehow diffuse into new fora that the lesser people are unable to find. That is a stretch. A second premise is that it retains its quality by being elusive and not by maintaining high quality, also a stretch. Seeing the decline of, say, Slashdot the problem started when the majority valued +3 funny over +5 insightful.

>> No.10603618

>intelligent posters somehow diffuse into new fora that the lesser people are unable to find. That is a stretch.
What is your justification that it is a stretch? High value posters won't continue to serve lesser value posters at their expense without compensation. The 4chan model has no way to provide compensation, and the quality of the average poster will decline as the (1) more casual visitors are allowed to post, and (2) as original high value posters leave. (1) is addressed in >>10601086 but (2) is completely ignored.

>it retains its quality by being elusive and not by maintaining high quality, also a stretch.
This was a reduction of my argument. I think active and mindful moderation is key to maintaining any community and the quality of its posts. Cultural pressure in response to posts is one form of gate-keeping, but maintaining knowledge of a site to only an exclusive group of people is another effective form of gate-keeping. You can't shitpost on sites you don't know about. Explain why you think this is not plausible.

>the decline of, say, Slashdot the problem started when the majority valued +3 funny over +5 insightful.
Fair enough, I think this is good evidence of the newcomers altering the culture of a site. A good analysis to prove or disprove whether original high-value posters are leaving would be to determine if the exact same amount of "quality" content continued to be posted regardless of the newcomers presence. If the amount of posting remained constant at absolute volume but decreased as a percentage, then the original posters remained. If the absolute volume diminishes, it's either a chilling effect caused by the new culture and they remained, or they left; the effect is the same, but I find that rationalize their possible continued, silent presence to be more complicated than saying they left to seek other shores.

>> No.10603635

>Society gender roles
Stopped right there, i could have helped but...lul

>> No.10603665

>My goodness, most of the posts on this board are garbage. What is happening to /sci/?

/sci/ always has been shit. On average.

>So what are you doing here then?

Because just every so often there is thread where there is actually creative, original and stimulating thought. Not very often, but often enough to make it worth the time to skim over the crap to find the nuggets.

You dont tend to find that anywhere else. Or at least its not so accessible.

You see, to me at least, science is about originality, new ideas, new ways to look at things and understand them. The people who come up with new ideas, new concepts, new perceptions are the real scientists. Providing they follow rational thought and evidence based research. Everyone else, regardless of their qualifications, are just technicians.

The posters on this board are something like 99% technicians, or worse. Its the 1% I am interested in reading.

>> No.10603667

Not the anon but doubtful that difference in quality is anything other than you getting older. It is perfectly likely that low quality leave and higher quality comes. It is offset by signs of time and toppled by gains in popularity even by sheer numbers. This place is a clusterfuck as long as I have known and I would say that is the essence of it. You will see more and more, that things aren't what they were everywhere you are. The classic struggle of static quality vs dynamic quality. Preserve the good old and accept the good new as it dilutes what you're trying to preserve.

>> No.10603850

>I'm starting to think it's the fact that children and every third worlder has internet now which floods the English speaking internet with lowest common denominators.
This is far from limited to English speaking sites. I follow a couple of Norwegian sites (tu.no and forskning.no) and these are garbage, and somehow still able to continue the decline.

>> No.10603852

So everybody except white people is socially retarded and difficult to educate? Do you have any idea how tightly knit many "non-white"societies are? Why would you even say that?

>> No.10603864

>They have nothing in common with a female other than what has been mimicked
>Males tend to feel uncomfortable with females particularly because of how different they act. Not just how they look.

I'm really starting to think the world is experiencing some kind of mass psychosis.

>> No.10603890

tony is a fucking idiot. there is NOT an equal number of males and females with ASD, males are 5 times more likely to have ANY type of developmental disorder. hes a feminist cuck. autism is strongly correlated with testosterone exposure in the womb.

>> No.10603967

Children with smartphones is my guess.

>> No.10603973

>Why would you even say that?
Nobody's saying that. What the fuck bro. Do you need to make a correction?

>> No.10604028

It is possible that the journalists are children with smartphones since phones seem smarter than the people posting there. Numerous glaring mistakes were pointed out on forskning.no and the editor retaliated by essentially killing off the comments section. It seems facts (or lack thereof) should not stop their writings.

>> No.10604117

You said that those who don't make eye contact are socially retarded. Only whites make eye contact naturally, therefore only whites are not retarded and difficult to educate. Maybe you should think twice of the implications of what you write?

>> No.10604475

>>10603618 (1/2)
>>intelligent posters somehow diffuse into new fora that the lesser people are unable to find. That is a stretch.
>What is your justification that it is a stretch?
It is hard to believe there would be a secret society that would be sufficiently invisible.

>High value posters won't continue to serve lesser value posters at their expense without compensation. The 4chan model has no way to provide compensation,
One of the things that sets 4chan apart from the other big sites out there is the anonymity, which means there is no reputation building and thus no compensation either. And yet /cyb/ has become a high value general.

>and the quality of the average poster will decline as the (1) more casual visitors are allowed to post, and (2) as original high value posters leave. (1) is addressed in >>10601086 but (2) is completely ignored.
(1): Casual visitors will always be with us unless we make a site invitation only which is hard to combine with anonymity. And that was not the reason Slashdot declined.
(2): We are also still left with the issue of where high value posters should go. I have been on many places including Usenet News, but these days I just do not see a better place than this. I know 4chan is described as the slum of the net but a lot of supposedly serious sites are far worse.

>> No.10604490

>>10603618 (2/3)
>>it retains its quality by being elusive and not by maintaining high quality, also a stretch.
>This was a reduction of my argument. I think active and mindful moderation is key to maintaining any community and the quality of its posts. Cultural pressure in response to posts is one form of gate-keeping, but maintaining knowledge of a site to only an exclusive group of people is another effective form of gate-keeping. You can't shitpost on sites you don't know about. Explain why you think this is not plausible.
The problem with moderation are the moderators. People tend to climb mt. Dunning-Kruger and moderate and up/downvote things they do not have the faintest idea about. Or use irrelevant qualifiers such as on The Register where mostly "Brexit is bad!"-posters will be upvoted. Advogadro tried chains of trust but that did not work out well either.

Clearly you cannot post (or vote) on site you do not know but I submit that it is practically impossible to build such communities. How to recruit? If it is too limited it becomes an echo chamber of no value. For all the flaws, on 4chan you find people from the most surprising walks of life. And that is crucial to build a community and also to tolerate people will disagree. Far too many sites have moderators that take a stalinistic approach to "maintaining harmony and unity". And that brings rot.

>> No.10604513

I said not. I was just butting in. Im white and eye contact is a conscious effort. And i can think of a few opposite examples. Your doing that shit where you project your shit on others and miss the intent.

>> No.10604548

>>10603618 (3/3)
>>the decline of, say, Slashdot the problem started when the majority valued +3 funny over +5 insightful.
>Fair enough, I think this is good evidence of the newcomers altering the culture of a site.
I am not sure it was the case of newcomers, to me it seemed more like a Roman style decline before the fall. Also I believe it was the result of an inherent problem of moderation where you could not on the client side search for "insight" without also getting alleged "funny". The interesting sources were probably there but were drowned in noise.

>A good analysis to prove or disprove whether original high-value posters are leaving would be to determine if the exact same amount of "quality" content continued to be posted regardless of the newcomers presence.
I have only been around here 2 - 3 years so I am not sure when the decline took place, but my main reference points /cyb/ and /ham/ have maintained and also improved quality. Most likely this period saw a lot of newcomers.

>If the amount of posting remained constant at absolute volume but decreased as a percentage, then the original posters remained.
There is too much noise to determine this clearly. These days /cyb/ normally runs all the way to 310 posts before falling off, an indicator that people find this worth following and joining in on.

>If the absolute volume diminishes, it's either a chilling effect caused by the new culture and they remained, or they left; the effect is the same, but I find that rationalize their possible continued, silent presence to be more complicated than saying they left to seek other shores.
Given we can counts posts and posters but not lurkers, this is hard. Most likely people find only a few posts worth following. Some strawpolls in /latex/ suggests there is a huge number of lurkers.

>> No.10604625

I'm saying, how they look means much less than how girls act and behave. I think you're the one who needs evaluating.

>> No.10604628

Women are emotionally dead inside.

>> No.10604638

To further break it down for you, people connect with other humans more out of shared interests, belief systems, and preferences more than appearances believe it or not. I know it's hard to believe in the case that you're some white nationalist sexist but that is the rule.

>> No.10604704

What are you saying? Did you reply to the wrong post? People with autism literally can't make eye contact with the same person they have been with literally since they were born, so its obviously not shyness or social anxiety at that point. Its something more. They just do not find it useful to engage with other humans in the slightest. Human presence means nothing to them. Humans are basically like dogs, mice, or some other animal. They could try talking to them, but why should they? This has nothing to do with race. Rather, in certain ethnic groups where it is socially important for people to party, be talkative, or touchy feeling as the presenter mentioned(hispanics, Blacks, Italians) those kids will stick out even more. Learning issues I mean they will not begin to talk until like 4 years( normal is 1-2). That's a problem. How can the

Aspergers kids basically understand the importance of socializing but the just dont understand how. They just dont get people and how to approach them. They can engage so learning isn't a problem.

>> No.10604727

Only whites think eye contact is somehow a prerequisite for mutual interaction, the majority of non- white cultures see it s a negative gesture, not positive. This is the opposite ffor whites, who see a lack of eye contact as a sign of diapproval. Autistic people are not retarded, but if thier parents intuit they are retarded and refuse to interact with them, the of course don't learn much. Also in all nonwhite languages, the meaning of words depend on c9ntext, while for whites it depends on who you talking to, meaning that a child wired for the opposite kind than its parents will have trouble deciphering language, as the meening will seem to constantly change. And stop phrasing it like "people with defect", please.

I don't care about intent, I care about consequences.

>> No.10604734

I mean why would people behaving very slightly differently make you feel "uncomfortable"?

>> No.10604824

for example https://www.japan-guide.com/forum/quereadisplay.html?0 16030

>> No.10604837


>> No.10604851

No, other cultures see no eye contact as weird too. I'm not sure about Asians(though I'm pretty sure it is) but you're off the mark. Whites and nonwhites are being diagnosed with autism at the same rate. Only gender is where difference shows(males more).
Sorry, but actual autism, where you can't even talk or learn to interact with your primary care givers(mom and dad etc) is a problem. They will need lots of intervention just to start talking.
We can argue that Aspbergers is a waste of time to diagnosis in the first place but not this.

>> No.10604860

>atypical presentation of Asperger syndrome
I like the sound of that.
That sounds like more people signing up for SSI/SSDI to me.

>> No.10604895

(1/2)(and phone posting, forgive me)
To address the doubt of a secret, secluded site, let's reframe the idea in the context of the typical life cycle of an online community. With the exception of heavily marketed corporate endeavors, knowledge of the existence and location of a new website or online service is going to be spread by word of mouth at the start (this is even more exacerbated the further back in internet history you look). The conditions for an ideal site that attract or spawn quality posters is going to be a balance between early adopters who actively sought out that particular kind of website (or were adopted in), and the influx of fresh blood that offers the new, genuine, valuable ideas and content. In the early phase, assuming adminsitrative competence, moderation is manageable as a whole with small kinks here and there that can be remediated. Once a critical mass is reached, it's going to become cumbersome. Some moderation heuristics have to be put into place by the the staff to oversee the increasingly disproportionate amount of content per active review. This is where the tipping point for quality and general culture is going to occur, and the nature of this is different from the dynamic culture shift that >>10603667 brings up. Moderation culture, quality, and method must change in order to be scaled/be increasingly profitable.

If at this point a group of posters splintered off to form another website, they are "secret" in the sense that they are just not well-known (yet). This was the case for 4chan, Something Awful, ABS, and I imagine most sites that aren't back by a flagship product/service. It's the life cycle of many Linux distros for devs to splinter to side projects.

>> No.10604923

My comments on /cyb/ and /ham/ are limited, and are non-specific to their content, as they should be for a good argument. Those boards must conform to the current culture and standards of the viewing and posting population in order to be successful. Their success as a metric for the quality of the general community is something along the lines of anecdotal in the context of time scales. Two to three years is a rather small sample size compared to the life of the site and sub-forum it belongs to. I also take an abstract view on it much like the law of thermo. that dictates that entropy is always increasing as a whole, but that pockets of decreasing entropy can manifest themselves on smaller time scales.

It's of limited utility, but perhaps the solution to maintaining board quality (that does not attempt to address dynamic culture, >>10603667 ) would be for the community to prioritize a lock-in of moderation standards and the ratio of staff to site population. I don't know of any commercial site that does, or would ever, implement this strategy indefinitely, as scaling moderation saves money.

>> No.10605096

Hmph. My wife is japanese from japan and hollers at our son to look people in the eye. I only want to do that for fighting or fucking... internet, what am i going to do with you? I'm the first (You)

>> No.10605225

No, you can't get those types of benefits with Aspberger. Even autism, unless severe. They just get extra help in school or get put into special classes.

>> No.10605246

Really? This is your evidence?
I hate context too I suppose.
No but, this is clearly different. They gave one exact context when looking slightly down in actually more polite, but that's it.
While being too out going and aggressive can more easily get you framed as a narcissist in Japan/other Asian cultures than other places, eye contact is just a normal part of conversation generally. It shows you are giving your attention to that person's presence/you're being honest/you are confident.
I admit, and actually agree with the aspect of Dr. Atwood's argument that people with ASD may more easily slip under the radar in certain cultures like Japan, however, if observed closely enough, I'm sure it's noticeable to anyone there.

>> No.10605258

Btw, I love how you frame yourself as progressive and culturally competent, meanwhile you're pretending that the only cultures on earth are White and Asian. I suppose, they are the only ones that matter to people one here, especially/pol/tards.
That sad part is, even within those RACIAL groups you mentioned, there are huge variances in between. British and German(more reserved) vs French and Italian (more touchy feely).

>> No.10605280 [DELETED] 

>Really? This is your evidence?
No, that is really something I just looked up, becuase I am a random person on 4chan and I have bo way to share my knowledge directly.

It isn't that aspies make no eye contact whatsoever, the problem is that normies won't even talk with you unless you stare them down as if you wanted to eat their face, and eye contact is really just the tip of the iceberg.

>just a normal part of conversation generally. It shows you are giving your attention to that person's presence/you're being honest/you are confident.

No. In fact most cultures assume you do listen when you're being spoken to unless you have an obvious reason not to.

Others don't stare at each other like that either, and all people are pretty much alike except the White west.

>> No.10605290

Well first off, it was 4:1, not 5.
2nd, he says 2:1 not 1:1and while I disagree with him to a large extent obviously, he's no moron.
Lastly, why are you making it a badge of honor that males have autism more than females?lol It's not good. Lol I would call it, the pathologically extreme version of the Male brain(if that's a thing).
It's not merely testosterone exposure persay, but may have to do with the Y chromosome. The real genetic evidence they have linking Autism to a maleness is the fact that boys with XYY chromosome abnormality(not that bad obviously) are more likely to have autism. No, they are not more likely to be serial killers so that meme can die. It's clearly a balancing issue with something; having too little or too much of chromosomes ot anything desu, is bad see trisomy 21(Down's).
Developmental disorders being a Male thing overall, is due to again, mostly to chromosomes. Fragile X is the most common developmental delay disorder and its X linked, if you remember your highschool biology. Also a major cause of autism. Do the math.

ADHD is most likely over diagnosed in boys, especially these days in a world with increasingly less recess.
Boys have a lot of energy and need to release it? Who knew!? It can't be a coincidence that hyperactive variant of ADHD is by far more common in boys while attentive component is common and almost always present in girls diagnosed.

>> No.10605294

>>10605246 #
>Really? This is your evidence?
No, that is really something I just looked up, becuase I am a random person on 4chan and I have no way to share my knowledge directly.

It isn't that aspies make no eye contact whatsoever, the problem is that normies won't even talk with you unless you stare them down as if you wanted to eat their face, and eye contact is really just the tip of the iceberg.

>just a normal part of conversation generally. It shows you are giving your attention to that person's presence/you're being honest/you are confident.

No. In fact most cultures assume you do listen when you're being spoken to and are aware unless you have an obvious reason not to. A short glimpse may be needed at most if there was a reason for doubt.

>>10605258 #
Others don't stare at each other like that either, and most people are pretty much alike except the White west and possibly some minor groups elsewhere. Papuans are said to be different as well, in a different way, but I know nothing about them.

>> No.10605323

You tell me. A lot of guys are literally terrified to talk to girls for most of their early life and see them as some grand mystery. Likely due to how girls tend to grow up being encouraged to be more restrained polished, and passive aggressive which makes for a completely different set of preferences and responses. compared this to guys who are allowed to be direct, less restrained, a bit less polished, and encouraged to freely speak whatever comes to mind. The fact they look different doesn't help, but not knowing what the other gender is thinking tends to be a huge source of stress on both sides: the women typically over thinking, the men typically under thinking.
With tomboys, boys can be assured that the girl is probably easy to talk to and since they more often than not, dont find them that attractive(as it was pointed out) it's easier.
Possibly similar thing with women and many gay men in regards to feeling judged since the gays wouldn't find them attractive and possibly vice versa. At least, this is what I've gleaned from observing people. I also hang out with both girls and boys near equally(slant towards boys though).

>> No.10605346

>I know nothing about them.
Well. Perhaps this is where you should stop and either look something up or leave this conversation.
I dont really know if I'm on the spectrum since I never got tested (though im sure it's not impossible that I may be ever so slightly given this and other sources). Ita not a western thing. It's pretty intuitive to normal humans. Ever played a video game? What happens when you talk to an NPC? They turn to face you.
I have difficulty making eye contact the only when I'm anxious, especially if dont know them. Knowing people are looking about makes me nervous and I can't focus on what I'm saying, so I become embarrassed and more likely to stumble(yeah I admit I'm a splurge whatever). I dont think that's normal. It's either just social anxiety or some ASD with comorbid social anxiety but its definitely one of the two. For people with ASD, they dont even realize they're doing it, which is worse.
It's kind of weird, unless you're doing something, to not take the time to look at the person you're talking to.

>> No.10605858

So I looked up that "cultural dependent" eye contact article you must have read and my opinion remains unchanged. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3596353/
There are specific contexts where it is not appropriate for eye contact. In many other nonwhite cultures(mainly conservative ones like I'm African, Middle east, Asia), it's usually between genders as it's seen as flirtatious and thus provocative. For many East Asians, making eye contact is bad when it's a superior, especially if they are lecturing you apparently. Making eye contact is normal if talking to a friend or peer. Mostlikely family too. These same people only hug their close friends and family after all.

With eye contact, obviously you dont stare someone down constantly for nearly a whole minute. Just look them in the eye here and there briefly when talking. It really does show you're interested in having a conversation with them tumor that you are just being honest.

Lacking eye contact is just one criteria for true autism, btw. it's specific to parents/siblings at a very young age , say 3 years or less, where social rules shouldn't be a thing to you anyway.

Another is playing by yourself way past toddler age(when it was normal) by moving from/pushing away anyone who tries to play with you, never sharing experiences with mom or dad even as a baby by showing them things ("here look at the thing I just grabbed, mom"), no social smile as a baby(you can look that one up yourself).

>> No.10605949


>> No.10605953

>Only whites
Just not true

>> No.10606254

>you tell me
I wrote it seems psychotic to me, why do you think I have something to tell you?
>Well. Perhaps this is where you should stop and either look something up or leave this conversation.
why? Their existence nor the exact details really matters for this question; what I say would remain true even if they didn't exist or were the same.
>I don't think that's normal
It is perfectly normal, read the link above about the Japanese. It's the western normies who are strange; what you describe is fairly typical.

That difference is enough to completely break the flow of conversation though.

>Just look them in the eye here and there briefly when talking.

That is not enough and will make people think you don't want to listen.

>> No.10606277

op you are wrong

>> No.10606287


>Use the 50/70 rule. To maintain appropriate eye contact without staring, you should maintain eye contact for 50 percent of the time while speaking and 70% of the time while listening. This helps to display interest and confidence.
>Maintain it for 4-5 seconds. Once you establish eye contact, maintain or hold it for 4-5 seconds. After this time passes, you can slowly glance to the side and then go back to establishing eye contact.

>> No.10606378

Fucker. What about my japanese wife (raised in japan) who bitches about other people having insufficient eye contact? What about any color person in general who grew up around gringos? 70% or 4 seconds is ridiculous for this honkey. I just glance eyes like one second out of thirty.

>> No.10606401


>> No.10606410

A tomboy preferring to hang out mostly with boys is going to end up as a BPD slut.

>> No.10606422

These numbers are generally supported by research. I'm pretty sure others see you as the typical aspie, who makes NO EYE CONTACT AT ALL. Your Japanese wife may not be the typical Japanese, many which is why she left Japan.

>> No.10606424

Identity has a basis in biology and it makes sense that the alienation from other females and subsequent identification with the counter-cultural idea of a tomboy by a female could point towards a biologically stunted originary mental scene. Qualifying something as "abnormal" doesn't by itself have validity, but a "norm" is facilitated by the ability to properly react to your environment -- which is affected by your genes. Value judgments aside it's accurate to view mental illnesses as phenomena that prevent you from fulfilling your full "person", rather than by themselves constituting you or your identity, which is the basis for why they're regarded as an illness.

>> No.10606695

White guy here, I worked in Japan for a few years, and I never noticed anything different in level of eye contact with the Japanese compared to what I am used to home.

>> No.10607215


>> No.10607258

I dont understand how this discounts my point as I referenced similar articles.
Eye contact doesn't mean holding a gaze for prolong time, at that point its staring which makes you look like a serial killer or something.
You dont over think it. It's pretty natural once you get into it how much is too much. Like just feel. Obviously, it is harder for some people as I pointed out.
With my issue in particular, being a more conscious fear. I do not think that it normal, bro lol. You should not be stammering and getting nervous in most conversations just for looking a person in the eyes.

>> No.10607410

>A lot of guys are literally terrified to talk to girls for most of their early life and see them as some grand mystery.
There are lost of mysteries here. Nice guys finish last while wife beaters never run out of wives to beat. How does that make sense??

>Likely due to how girls tend to grow up being encouraged to be more restrained polished, and passive aggressive which makes for a completely different set of preferences and responses.
In recent cases one girl snarled to me like a wounded animal, the other started pretending I was not there. What to do? It cannot all be explained by rampaging autism. Drama queens, perhaps. Who knows.

>The fact they look different doesn't help,
That doesn't really worry me.

>but not knowing what the other gender is thinking tends to be a huge source of stress on both sides: the women typically over thinking, the men typically under thinking.
Failure to talk clearly is more of a problem and does worry me.

>With tomboys, boys can be assured that the girl is probably easy to talk to and since they more often than not, dont find them that attractive(as it was pointed out) it's easier.
There is less drama with tomboys and in any case the presence of a female does not mean I plan to date her.

>> No.10607465

"Nice guys" don't finish last. I only like the "nice" and passive guys. Regardless, notice there is a difference between being nice and passive. Most of these "nice" guys are dumped by more popular girls, especially, because you are passive and not assertive enough. These chicks are often themselves very assertive and "alpha" for lack of a better term.
Be respectful to women, be charming, dont be a wallflower. It doesnt really work for guys as well as it can for girls.
That extreme of domestic abuse you're referencing inappropriately is way more complex. It's a cycle that includes control, intimidation, and and isolation.
Girls do not like assholes who abuse them. It's just unfortunate that a lot of abusers and sociopaths tend to be charming on the surface at first until you get to know them...this isn't from personal experience though, more women I have worked with.

>it can't just be autism
I didnt say miscommunications between the genders had anything to do with autism. That entire post had nothing to do with autism, especially since I'm arguing tomboys aren't on the spectrum.
It's all perspective and upbringing.
As for you, also examine the women you are going after; they may be bitches and not worth your time. Maybe also lower your standards a bit.

>I dont plan to date every girl I see.
Well yes, you have to be attracted to her first which is what I just mentioned.

>how girls look doesnt really worry me
Good to know. So I was right for the most part>>10604625

>> No.10607873
File: 408 KB, 1164x708, femasd-profile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> According to him, however, I and any other girl are slightly on the spectrum just for being tomboys.
>I'm arguing tomboys aren't on the spectrum.

Tony Attwood does not say this. It's simply a strawman you have created. You should see >>10602578 .

Here's a transcript starting at 12:40 in the video

> Now for the girls ... yeah, they have their special interests as a part of the actual syndrome is that, because the syndrome includes social confusion. My definition of aspergers is very clear, it describes someone who in life has found something more interesting than socializing, but they live with social zealots. So a characteristic is, yes, there is social confusion, it's routines and repetetive behavior, high levels of anxiety, so you impose routines and rituals and so on, but you have special interests. Now that interest may last hours, it may last decades. With the boys it's Thomas The Tank engine and all those sorts of things, but for the girl it may be horses. And people will say "Lotsa girls like horses", but it's July and she's moved the matress into the stable. All she thinks about is "horses horses horses".

Such intelligent thread.

>> No.10608056

Where do Arabs fit into your mental model of human existence?
Their language isn't tonal, it has extremely specific structures, core Bedouin Arabs value personal bravery (psychopathy) above every other trait, and their philosophy is as rigid and definition-obsessed as anything the West has ever produced.

Let's also point out the fact that you cannot become "nonwhite" by filling out a form and changing your racial citizenship. It's not going to happen, anon. Go to a "nonwhite" place and enjoy being the foreigner who doesn't belong for a while.

>> No.10608067

...Furthermore, context-based meaning isn't autistic. It requires SHARED context, not absent-mindedly making a reference to something that's on your mind and your mind alone. It requires empathy and attentiveness.

>> No.10608092

I think we are saying the same thing and you should direct at this guy>>10606422

>> No.10608093

Nice guys are usually "nice" in the way that salesmen are "nice."
You want to be basically decent but not ingratiating.

>> No.10608351 [DELETED] 

Still better to be a foreigner than an alien creature.

Thing is that aspies expect context to be the situation in which something was said, while normies expect "context" to be who said it with what tone while making what facial expresion or gesture etc.

No idea about Bedouin Arabs, I'm sorry.

>> No.10608367

Still better to be a foreigner than an alien creature.

Thing is that aspies expect context to be the situation in which something was said, while normies expect "context" to be who said it to whom with what tone while making what facial expresion etc.

No idea about Bedouin Arabs, I'm sorry.

>> No.10610203

>Nice guys" don't finish last. I only like the "nice" and passive guys.
If you are the OP femanon I can see why you felt a need to state you are not posting to date. In my painful experience you are one in a million.

I hear few guys with autism get married, what is the statistics for women?

>> No.10611008

>I'm arguing tomboys aren't on the spectrum.
I can buy the argument that tomboys do not have to be on the spectrum. How then about the other angle, are females on the spectrum more likely to be tomboys than neurotypical females?

>> No.10611082

Normalfaggots like to tag themselves for special snowflake points.
Never thought autism would be fashionable, i always thought it would stay on the depression and psychosis spectrum.
Guess i'm cool in anno domini MMXIX. But having an actual diagnosis from psychiatrists might be too cool even for them.
Anyway, you're not autistic. Adhere to the 90's psychiatric standards, not the joke that it is now when every little thing is a disorder.

>> No.10611227

>Never thought autism would be fashionable, i always thought it would stay on the depression and psychosis spectrum.
Why on Earth would you think that??

>> No.10611233

Is social seclusion a cause or a symptom of autism ? Deaf people are more prone to be on the spectrum

>> No.10611336

Because autism traits were always undesirable, even among snowflakes while symptoms from psychosis spectrum were highly desirable - the whole gender "spectrum" mess is a prime example.
We autists were always looked at as trash. Especially when you have vocal or motoric manifestations. But suddenly, everyone and their wife's son is "on the spectrum" and kids measure their dick by the number of self-diagnosed (or psychologist-diagnosed, but that's the same thing really) disorders they have. Weird times.

>> No.10611579

Any congential neurologic/developmental disorder, tends to put you at risk for autism. Its primarily an organic abnormality with the brain itself.

>> No.10611589

Very similar and if they do, they are probably dating other ASD peopple. I knew a girl in my highschool i was in a public speaking club with who was definitely on the spectrum as I came to know she was diagnosed. This girl refused to talk to almost anyone except this one girl who was very quiet as well and nerdy(not 100% sure she was ASD but she went into film writing so probably) and me(after about a year mind you).
She had never dated and didnt seem the slightest interest in every considering it, to this day. She's in vet school now.

>> No.10611595

1. You took that post out of context.
It was mostly in reference to what anon was accusing me of saying.

2. And Atwood does mention tomboys. Keep watching. Even amissed the idea of "social confusion" he presents, I fail to see how preferring and being more interested in traditionally boy things means social confusion. They still have friends. They understand gender roles but just dont care for them. I will need you and of course Atwood, to back up that claim.

>> No.10611597

Again, doubt it. He seems to be adding that as a criteria but it's pointless. Tomboy's being
declared as more likely to be on the spectrum makes the "spectrum" more and more meaningless.

>> No.10612518

Interesting. In my line of work it is said there are many with Aspergers, and all the ones I suspect are single.

>> No.10612796

>1. You took that post out of context.
>It was mostly in reference to what anon was accusing me of saying.
Well, the context doesn't matter right here. You state this in the OP as well as I additionally qouted in my post. It is clear that this is your interpretation of Attwood, which I believe is wrong.

>2. And Atwood does mention tomboys. Keep watching.
I know. He got 3 out of at least 20 slides with tomboys, and he stays at those slides for literally 40 seconds out of 32 minutes. Pic related.
>Even amissed the idea of "social confusion" he presents, I fail to see how preferring and being more interested in traditionally boy things means social confusion. They still have friends. They understand gender roles but just dont care for them. I will need you and of course Atwood, to back up that claim.
At 24:22 Attwood talks about how girls with aspergers in primary school often try to be ultra feminine as a cope for their aspergers. He claims that if this strategy fails, then they often can swing into tomboyism by adolescence. He does not really mention social confusion here, but it's reasonable to suggest he would want to call this dynamic a type of social confusion. The thing is, Attwood does not claim that tomboyism is inherently autistic. He merely puts forward tentative explanations for why a chunk of aspie girls becomes tomboys. I cannot see where Attwood claims that tomboys in general are socially confused. And if they were, ticking off 1 aspergers trait does not mean you get the diagnosis. Diagnosis of aspergers is very exhaustive, and this talk isn't a rundown of diagnostic criteria for aspergers. Neither I nor Attwood argues that
> tomboys are on the spectrum.
which is the contrapositive of your statement. I think that's rubbish.

>> No.10612797
File: 1.94 MB, 1280x3774, attwood-tomboy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.10612827

>err HONK no I decided this can't be HONK right because I said so
>HONK only people I want to respond HONK can respond
>I decided

Good job being clearly autismal in your OP

>> No.10612897

>I will need you and of course Atwood, to back up that claim.
It is very hard to understand which claims you are talking about here. The anon you are discussing with is simply arguing that you have misunderstood Tony Attwoods talk, and that is the only claim that this anon needs to back up. Assuming this is correct, Tony Attwood does not have to back up whatever strawman you have cooked up for him either.

>> No.10613235

>I call bullshit because it seem's like he's saying girls who do not follow societal gender roles are somewhat on the spectrum.
He simply do not claim this.
> I think expanding what is considered being on the spectrum is silly. He goes on to include people who like fantasy and animals a lot(which would also include me).
He simply do not claim that you can get an autism diagnosis from liking fantasy or animals. His talk isn't an attempt to redefine any of the several existing diagnoses for autism.
> But what does it matter if the people who you've now considered as on the spectrum are high functioning to the point of being near normal, so they may never need help anyway?
This is not how ASD is diagnosed. All autism diagnoses requires a significant reduction in function because of the relevant traits.
> Criteria set in the lecture would include more males under ASD as well.
He doesn't set criteria for ASD, and even if he were setting criteria that included more males than females, so what? Psychiatric disorders do not need to be defined such that there are 50/50 or each gender. People do not react to the fact that BPD is three times as common in females as in males.

t. diagnosed sperg

>> No.10613254

>I am autistic
How many times daily do you punch yourself in the head and flip yourself onto the floor?

>> No.10613412

0, but i do close my eyes and wave my arms as if i was a function when i'm thinking about them. I do this in public very often, because not thinking about functions is very boring.

>> No.10613454
File: 195 KB, 1650x1050, 1541342026667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post sounds like you have autism.

>> No.10613554

But anon, that's not autism, that's just chad stride.

>> No.10613776

>Because autism traits were always undesirable,
Not sure about that one. I like the expression that autists move the world forward while neurotypicals keep the world together. Without autistic risk taking and excessive focus the world would have been a different place. I can agree though that most people will *say* autism is undesirable, just like they never care who developed the latest gadget or medicine they just demand.
>even among snowflakes while symptoms from psychosis spectrum were highly desirable -
>the whole gender "spectrum" mess is a prime example.
>We autists were always looked at as trash.
True, sadly.
>Especially when you have vocal or motoric manifestations. But suddenly, everyone and their wife's son is "on the spectrum" and kids measure their dick by the number of self-diagnosed (or psychologist-diagnosed, but that's the same thing really) disorders they have. Weird times.
I think that is the result of excessive pop-psychology gunk in newspapers.

I have been a few places where we were considered a little, well, peculiar, by others as well as ourselves. In one place we kind of celebrated and made peculiarity the culture. And life was pretty good. Years later I wonder if it was high functioning autism but I will never know for sure.

>> No.10613907 [DELETED] 

Asperger /ASD kids*
Kids with Autism are just retarded.

>> No.10613912

>>10613776 #
Asperger /ASD kids*
Kids with Autism are just retarded.
Since when do ASD kids take risk? You're speaking of something else entirely.
>Excessive focus
Now you're making sense.
ASD may be undesirable since it means not understanding people and thus losing that fundamental human trait of being a profoundly social animal

>> No.10613927

>You're speaking of something else entirely.
He is speaking of high functioning autism or aspergers syndrome. Clearly, low functioning autists do not move the world forward or take much risks.

>> No.10613931

The latter obviously.
However, he turns around and says due to their ability to mimic, they can also be hyper feminine in an attempt to "fit in" even if they dont get it. So they can present that way or not now according to his talk.
Clearly he doesnt think all tomboys have ASD. My issue is he uses it as a criteria.
So if a girl is introverted and is a tomboy, you going to start thinking of autism now(that's another thing that annoys me because he seems to point to the traditional idea of introverts as described by Jung as a possible criteria if youvwatxh 20min in)? that's my issue with using that as one of the criteria.

>> No.10614204

>The latter obviously.
He would most probably pick the former, anon. I am going to intepret this as pure stubborness.
> My issue is he uses it as a criteria.
Where do you have this from? He does not give criteria in this talk, he rather characterizes female aspies to make it easier to see through their coping skills. At the time being all girls still need to satisfy ordinary diagnostic criteria for aspergers which is very thorough.
> So if a girl is introverted and is a tomboy, you going to start thinking of autism now
People may be influenced to think that, but I do not think it is clear from Attwoods talk if this is intended. To understand if this is a reasonable heuristic we must know the prevalence of tomboys amongst women, prevalence of tomboys amongst female aspies and the prevalence of females aspies. The prevalence of aspergers syndrome worldwide seems to be under 0.1%, and there are more boys than girls that have it. So a very high estimate of female aspies is 0.05%. How many of all females do you think are tomboys? Is the prevalence of tomboys in general small enough to be rationally colored by the aspie tomboys?

>> No.10614219 [DELETED] 


it does not matter if girls are on the spectrum because people expect women to be retarded anyway