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10600005 No.10600005 [Reply] [Original]

Will we have a settlement on Mars by 2050?

>> No.10600014
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a better question is
will we have the second coming of hitler by 2050?

>> No.10600400

the better question is will we get enough 40k nerds up there to set up a proper machine cult?

>> No.10600561
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the better question is can we get enough 40k nerds up there to keep the Void Dragon from awakening

>> No.10600634

why contain it
iz cool

>> No.10601522


What's the point of terraforming if you are going to turn it into an ecumenopolis in the first place?

>> No.10601529
File: 900 KB, 1200x630, watch-this-epic-trailer-of-the-first-commercial-space-station-1200x630 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


By 2050 there will be a space station with a section under rotation to produce artificial gravity by centrifugal spin. The first one is likely to simulate either Moons or Mars gravity to test the long term health effects of low gravity, and likely be partially funded by or later converted over to a space hotel. While commercial travel to space will include a space hotel to allow people to experience zero-gravity, most people will find lower gravity more appealing after initially experiencing weightlessness and prefer to take their rooms in low rather than no gravity. The number of people traveling to space in any given year will exceed the total number of astronauts to visit space in the entire 20th century.

>> No.10601613

So you're saying in 2019 that by 2050 we'll have what was showcased in the 1968 film [math]\mathit{2001}[/math]? Optimistic prediction.

>> No.10601657
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I really hope we won't have a settlement on Mars by 2050. Since settlements on planets are actually inferior from a physics standpoint.

You waste a lot of energy going into and out of a gravity well such as planets. It makes a lot more sense to have space habitats instead since that is the long future of humanity either way.

In the far future we'll most likely deconstruct all planets and use their mass to contruct artificial habitats and ships since you can only live on the surface of the planet while all the mass within it is not utilized. It would make a lot more sense to use the mass to make millions more surface area habitats by deconstructing the planets.

So no HOPEFULLY. The politicians actually think about it for a minute and don't fall to populism of the retarded masses and just decide to focus on space habitats and space habitat research such as the International Space Station.

>> No.10601693

Humans will never reach Mars.
Our technology is far too primitive and our only way to move around space are the highly inefficient rockets which are essentially explosives in a can.
Until proper propulsion methods are developed and ways to shield people from radiation beyond the Earth's protective magnetic shield we are stuck here, probably forever.

>> No.10601710

>Until proper propulsion methods are developed
So the 1960s?

>> No.10601713

Such space stations so soon are too optimistic. The energy required to maintain that speed of rotation, trying to construct the damn thing, and then docking a ship to it while spinning... We'll test low gravity the same way we test everything else. Shove a small colony or base on said object and go from there. We didn't build polar habitation modules before setting up Admundsen base, we aren't going to waste time and money building a rotating space station when setting up a base on Luna is cheaper and easier.

>> No.10601792


Once infrastructure is set in space and we begin mining asteroids, building stuff directly in space is cheaper than on any planet.

>> No.10601831

>The energy required to maintain that speed of rotation,
Anon, I...

>> No.10601837

I'm sorry anon but you're retarded

>> No.10601921
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>> No.10602764

>film 2001?
how did you do that?

>> No.10602928

it's /sci/, read the rules and the sticky

>> No.10602942 [DELETED] 

No, because we'll have spent all of the money that could have paid for it on subsidizing the reproductive incontinence of low-IQ brown people instead.

>> No.10603009

One necessitates the other.

>> No.10603016

He's already been born.

>> No.10603046

>The energy required to maintain that speed of rotation

Oh no you don’t know basic motion physics

>> No.10603048

Back to /pol/, little guy.

>> No.10603053

There will never be a human settlement on Mars. The expense is just too much. It would take all the world's military budgets combined. And that's not going to happen. But what will happen is the energy crisis will not be solved, we will run out of fossil fuels, and all this shit is done, son.

tldr; morons cling to the fiction stories of humans on Mars fucking growing tomatoes and shit.......

>> No.10603061

tldr; Morons cling to nihilistic fiction stories of human civilization ever ending to feel better about their failure to contribute to it

>> No.10603067

It's not nihilistic to acknowledge every species on earth has or will meet its end in extinction. Humans are extinction waiting to happen. Show me the colony on Mars and I will eat my shoe.

tldr; Morons cling to imaginary comforts because they also don't contribute anything to society.

>> No.10603070

>It's not nihilistic to acknowledge every species on earth has or will meet its end in extinction.

That’s not even true. Multiple chronospecies have existed for hundreds of millions of years.

>Humans are extinction waiting to happen.

Never happening. We will evolve into new forms but never die.

>Show me the colony on Mars and I will eat my shoe.

“Show me the landing on the moon and I will eat my shoe.” “Show me a continent across the Atlantic and I will eat my shoe.”

>> No.10603072

I'll wait patiently.

>> No.10603157

what game?

>> No.10603162

Build moon base , build ship in moon base, use big ship to build base on mars

>> No.10603167

Nice refutation there, bud.

>> No.10603173

Stellaris. Paradox Interactive space 4X game.

Sorry, don’t dignify racists making non-arguments with arguments. Racists get shot.

>> No.10603184

Some subhumans favor violence to settle conflict, while others resort to glibness and treachery.

>> No.10603193

Either works, as long as the racists are killed and defeated. :-)

>> No.10603258

No settling mars will be next to impossible and probably pointless as it has very little potential.

>> No.10603261

You ever worry about racists who aren't white, you know like immigrants?

>> No.10603272

A Sanford Torus orbiting Jupiter makes more sense than a Mars colony.

>> No.10603280

Yeah who needs quintillion’s of tons of precious metals?

>> No.10603288

What the hell are we going to use it for, unless we're magically going to invent the materials science necessary to build Alita-style orbital ring systems, etc.

>> No.10603300

>What the hell are we going to use it for, unless we're magically going to invent the materials science necessary to build Alita-style orbital ring systems, etc.

O-Neil cylinders, more spaceships, more power plants, habitation, batteries, yadayadayada.

>> No.10603316

We may be able to build a Martian space elevator with modern materials science, which would make transporting harvested materials to and fro comparatively trivial to what we currently spend putting stuff in orbit.

>> No.10603322

Given that Spacex is looking to have the capability for manned trips to Mars by the mid 2020s, the only realistic way I can see there not being a Mars colony is if it turns out that zero-G journeys or Martian gravity are absurdly damaging to the body.

>> No.10603327

Stop having disgusting meat bodies. Become robotic silver-clad gods. We could significantly cut nutrient requirements for astronauts by having them have all their limbs replaced with at-minimum on-par prosthetics whenever those are available.

>> No.10603792 [DELETED] 

Call me when Faglon Fucks actually does something besides land a stick on a ship. We should have had lunar and martian bases in 1985 but instead we went with the faggot-assed space shuttle missions. Pure faggot shit. At least the telescopes were cool.

>> No.10603809

They might have a kid who finds a way to increase production of antimatter 1000000x. The more well educated brains the better. Results are all that matter.

>> No.10603917

>The energy required to maintain that speed of rotation
Minimal. Plenty of electricity to be had in LEO anyways.
>trying to construct the damn thing, and then docking a ship to it while spinning...
We could easily build one today. Bigelow has already verified their fabric habitats, so you simply send up an expanding module that forms a torus, which would produce a stationary, pressurized superstructure, and then build a rotating hab in it. It wouldn't be ideal, but we could do it with verified technology and start learning about spin gravity.

>> No.10604270

>settling mars with humans
>turning mars into planetary mine operated by machines
possible and necessary

>> No.10604425

>which would make transporting harvested materials to and fro comparatively trivial to what we currently spend putting stuff in orbit.
What resources are you getting from mars that you can't get from the asteroid belt?

>> No.10604854


Tau women prefere human men.

>> No.10605403
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>imprisoning the void dragon gives humans "mastery of machines"
Unironically humans are the only ones who can use AI, it only turned on them because the men of stone are fucking brainlets :^)