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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 461 KB, 3507x2480, __komeiji_koishi_touhou_drawn_by_qin_xin__c560e502152980f0ad52b0d343aa3b66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10598437 No.10598437 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me, /sci/ how is it possible after several decades of advancements in psychology, we are still incapable of understanding the subconscious?

>> No.10598439

Because we abandon Freud's teachings. He did more to advance psychology than any person before him or after him.

>> No.10598452

Freud was a fraud
Subconscious understanding is the occult

>> No.10598458

Your brain does what it does to reproduce and survive and that’s pretty much it. Not that hard or mysterious.

>> No.10598494

That doesn't make any sense.

>> No.10598498


>> No.10598501

If you were capable of writing a complex program with its function being to reproduce and survive you could get the human brain and all of its processes including subconsciousness.

>> No.10598506

We do understand it.

I understand it when I'm talking to someone, I understand what they're thinking subconsiously or projecting subliminally.

It's hard to describe using words in a scientific format, so much data, at such speeds.

What does this statement maek you think subconsiously?

>You probably erazed it with "I don't know" immedaitely after you read it.

When we use the mind we use it consciously, the subconscious is, inter alia, the aspects of thought which we don't use directly, but rather indirectly.

>> No.10598860
File: 167 KB, 1200x800, Koishi cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With advances in Computational Neuroscience
by modelling the brain with Connectomes
we are closer to understand how the
Brain works in a deeper level,



>> No.10598869 [DELETED] 
File: 218 KB, 1200x1697, Koishi 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Psychological Warfare Mid Control Techniques is already used by Secret Agencies, Mass Media, Hollywood, Music Industry & Educational System.

>> No.10598873

Prove a subconscious even exists.

>> No.10598879
File: 218 KB, 1200x1697, Koishi 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Psychological Warfare Mid Control Techniques are already used by Secret Agencies, Mass Media, Hollywood, Music Industry & Educational System.

>> No.10598883
File: 77 KB, 330x1024, 4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can manipulate people's subconscious by Subliminal Messages on Carefully crafted propaganda (disguised as Memes)

>> No.10598892
File: 70 KB, 540x540, Komeiji Sisters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modern Computational Neuroscience & Artificial Intelligence Research also overlap & are intertwined

>> No.10598898
File: 139 KB, 1280x720, Koishi in living room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also Koishi is the best Touhoou anime Waifu
And 3D Virtual Reality + Artificial Intellligence
will make Animes real..

>> No.10598911


There is no such thing as subconsciousness.
You never had control over your consciousness to begin with, it's just something that happens to you as a byproduct of simple arithmetic operations of your neurons.
You have about as much control of your thoughts as you do of your heart rate. Meditation and shit like that are just attempts to influence other processes in the body to then influence those things, but still a very indirect "control", if you'd want to call it that.

Also the entire notion of subconscious relies heavily on results from psychology that can't be replicated (psi is the worst offending area of the replication crisis), and the supposed "validation" that comes from fmri has been debunked a few years ago when the statistical methods used for those studies was harshly cricitized.
We have no way of knowing if any of those advancements you mention hold at all.
It's possible within the next 100 to 200 years we'll see the entirety of psychology and fmri based neuroscience scrapped and redone from the start.

>> No.10598919


The near entirety of the animal kingdom disagrees with you.

>> No.10598921
File: 1.64 MB, 1682x720, Koishi chan.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More research is needed



>> No.10598967
File: 77 KB, 1080x1080, Pewdiepie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can manipulate people's subconscious by Subliminal Messages on Carefully crafted propaganda (disguised as Memes)

And remember lads:
Subscribe to PewDiePie



>> No.10598995

This reads like an incrediblu oversimplified view of psychology by someone who gets all their info from popsci headlines

>> No.10599007
File: 101 KB, 753x500, Pepestein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Psychology is a meme.
But Memetics is a legit brain of /sci/ence.

Researched by DARPA / US military:


WW3 will be fought with meme magic.

>> No.10599128

Most older narratives of the unconscious are from schizos like Jung who were projecting their fantasies onto others.

>> No.10599487

>writing a complex program
Totally sounds like evolution.

>> No.10599511

based schizo posters - tell me more!

>> No.10599547

>There is no such thing as subconsciousness. You never had control over your consciousness to begin with, it's just something that happens to you as a byproduct of simple arithmetic operations of your neurons.
I do not think many people think that what you call "control" is cental to the distinction between the subconscious and the conscious parts of the brain. Maybe religious people do.

> arithmetic operations

>> No.10599969
File: 200 KB, 328x328, 1556431400375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And what about Freud? He did more to advance psychology than any person before him or after him.

>> No.10600478

What benefits do we get from understanding the subconscious?

>> No.10600504
File: 23 KB, 474x315, MKUltra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>10598437 >>10600478 >>10599511
Did you even heard of CIA mind control experiments called: MK Ultra?


The most dangerous weapon is Information

MK Ultra (also called project Monarch)

>> No.10600508
File: 127 KB, 1280x720, MK Ultra Predictive Programming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>10598437 >>10600478 >>10599511
MK Ultra also called the CIA mind control program


USA after WW2 took Nazi scientists to work in Unethical Psychiatry experiments

Using Hypnosis & Developing the LSD drug,

>> No.10600513
File: 35 KB, 474x338, Weapons of Mass Deception.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>10598437 >>10600478 >>10599511




>> No.10600514
File: 60 KB, 474x470, PSYOP Regimental.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>10598437 >>10600478 >>10599511
Persuade Change Influence


>> No.10600532
File: 15 KB, 474x395, Goebbels (Reich minister of Propaganda).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>USA after WW2 took Nazi scientists to work in Unethical Psychiatry experiments


>> No.10600534
File: 46 KB, 474x666, Joseph Goebbels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10600547
File: 489 KB, 1200x630, Chaos is a Ladder-Game of Thrones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What benefits do we get from understanding the subconscious?

"Chaos is a Ladder"
- Littlefinger to Varys
(Game of Thrones)



>>10598437 >>10598439 >>10599969

>> No.10600563
File: 37 KB, 474x266, Ordo Ab Chao in Freemasonry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>10599511 >>10600478 >>10600547
>"Chaos is a Ladder"

Order out of Chaos


>> No.10600568
File: 455 KB, 660x660, Lorentz Attractor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>10599511 >>10600478 >>10600547

It's the Butterfly effect from the Chaos Theory

tiny subtle changes can produce big results

Chaos theory is a branch of mathematics focusing on the behavior of dynamical systems that are highly sensitive to initial conditions.

>> No.10600571
File: 103 KB, 800x590, 800px-TwoLorenzOrbits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Lorenz system is a system of ordinary differential equations first studied by Edward Lorenz.
>It is notable for having chaotic solutions for certain parameter values and initial conditions.
>In particular, the Lorenz attractor is a set of chaotic solutions of the Lorenz system which, when plotted, resemble a butterfly or figure eight.

>> No.10600576
File: 20 KB, 800x800, The Sigil of Chaos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chaos Theory

Chaos Magick

>> No.10600589
File: 40 KB, 474x478, The All-seeing Eye, The Eye of Providence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>10598437 >>10598879 >>10598892 >>10598898 >>10598921

The Pineal gland

The Eye of Providence, The All-seeing Eye

The 3rd Eye

>> No.10600595
File: 109 KB, 600x600, Koishi 3rd eye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>10598437 >>10598879 >>10598898 >>10598921 >>10599969

Koishi's 3rd Eye

>> No.10600608
File: 319 KB, 1119x1200, 3rd eye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10600611
File: 13 KB, 189x267, Koishi with 3rd eye open.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Pineal gland

>> No.10600616
File: 299 KB, 480x800, __komeiji_koishi_touhou_drawn_by_zibun_owl__eca37c74712c94bc26f75d91637abf1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But can the Psychology field explain why I want to stick my big pp inside the koish???

>> No.10600644
File: 31 KB, 474x474, Nendoroid Koishi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In evolutionary biology it's called "Neoteny" or "juvenilization".

People instinctively want to protect cute things.
It's an evolutionary mechanism deeply programmed in Mammals' brain.
Mammals instinctively feel the urge to protect their cute female mates & cute offspring.

It's the principle behind
"Moe Anthropomorphism" meme

It' employed in Japanese Moe anime

>> No.10600663
File: 52 KB, 474x502, Komeiji Koishi chan2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Moe" is related to Japanese Aesthetics concept of "Kawaii"

"Kawaii" (可愛い) means "lovable", "cute", or "adorable" in Japanese

"Moe" (萌) means "little bud", "little sprout".
An euphemism for "cute little girl"

>> No.10600696
File: 689 KB, 1280x1024, koishi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, I love Koishi among all Touhou waifus.

Because she is Autistic & a bit Schizophrenic.
And I have a crush for sweet but a bit crazy girls.

She officially has Autism Spectrum /Aspergers in Touhou's game canon.

She might not be the strongest (strong as Yukari, Reimu, or Remilia)

But I don't like Tsunderes (as Reimu)
I prefer kind autistic girls instead.

>> No.10600701
File: 40 KB, 474x335, Evangelion - Rei x Asuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koishi is like Rei from Evangelion


Reimu is like Asuka

>> No.10600704

the subconscious maybe doesnt really exist as most people think.

>> No.10600709

oh well i didnt notice it became a weeb thread

>> No.10600716
File: 31 KB, 474x325, Reimu & Koishi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reimu is too Tsundere (cute but angry)


Koishi has Autism but she is kinder.
Kindness is what matters

>> No.10600805
File: 295 KB, 960x540, 1556436353439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10600828

>understanding the subconscious
you might want to define it first

>> No.10600833

Why do they let teenagers dress like that?

>> No.10600861
File: 107 KB, 759x800, Asuka&Rei-Evangelion-Cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do they let teenagers dress like that?

>> No.10600873

Implying it isn't yet.

>> No.10600881
File: 198 KB, 968x1288, Marisa reads Quantum Mech Book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying it isn't yet.
Yeah. It's happening

>> No.10600953

good thread pls continue to post koishi

>> No.10601009
File: 1008 KB, 857x1200, __komeiji_koishi_touhou_drawn_by_rapa_heisei_strawberry__165c4d60978eb0ac8533838e653c2dd5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks you for the reply!!

>> No.10601100
File: 55 KB, 474x474, komeiji koishi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are welcome


>> No.10601537

The subconscious is already defined, its just not understood.

>> No.10601560

Is there any reason psychology 'should' be capable of understanding the subconscious in a span of several decades?

>> No.10601570

The subconscious is understood, but the knowledge is classified for obvious reasons

>> No.10602707

It's been proven to exist.

>> No.10602921
File: 179 KB, 1213x881, Cute agression, anime & amigdala.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>10600616 >>10600644 >>10600663

>> No.10603044
File: 489 KB, 687x1000, __komeiji_koishi_and_komeiji_koishi_touhou_drawn_by_efe__3ed3a108c2426dae57f2c17e0de33652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10603063

Why? Surviving and reproducing does not need to be as complex as it is.

>> No.10603528

This is a brainlet take by someone who looked up a term and can't even fucking understand a basic definition let alone a scientific study.

>> No.10603706

It does exist, but its full extent is not known. The CIA has developed classified procedures to manipulate the subconscious in all living beings, no matter the species. Most people believe that they've searched only to manipulate humans... But that's not creative enough. All ways of arriving to a solution must be found, which is why they've managed to extend sub-mind control programs to every species on planet earth. When you hear of someone important being killed by an animal, it was in reality an assassination. They can control all the instincts of animals, and with it goes propaganda and control methods to confuse the population as to its real causing factor.
One thing is that, over time, the usage of this technology leads to damage to the nervious system. This is why "Mad Cow disease", "Alzheimer" and so on exist. Even just a few seconds exposure will set you on the path of developing these sicknesses.

>> No.10603969

No ita not. Stop with the conspiracy theories.

>> No.10603978

Because of competition for resources. Only the strongest can survive with limited resources for survival and this creates evolution. Living organisms always need to be getting better to compete. For some more concrete examples think of businesses and how they are always trying to be better so they can beat their competition. Another good one is despite the fact that humans are the most superior animal on Earth there are still people who die broke virgins and their bloodline ends. There will always be competition so organisms will always need to become better to win and complexity is usually a side effect of this.

Our brains are definitely extremely complex and hard to understand yet you can trace its development from single-celled bacteria to present day humans. There is no underlying secrets or magic that slipped in along the way.

>> No.10604008

It's just a meme saved in my computer.
That used to be posted often there.

>> No.10604011

>It's just a meme saved in my computer.
>That used to be posted often there.
A meme that used to be posted often *here on 4chan

>> No.10604027

Trogging too hard to read this shit now but just seeing it kinda blows my mind. Easy to argue that consciousness doesn't exist but hard to refute the existence of the subconscious. We know that we know shit that we don't know and don't know what the thinking part that isn't thinking isn't thinking of. Does this enforce the idea of a consciousness?

>> No.10604093
File: 1.00 MB, 1100x1200, komeiji_koishi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Subconscious is understood. it's influence outside of conscious effort, its like if a child puts their hand absentmindedly on a stove and immediately take it off as a response because it is hot. That's subconscious.

>> No.10604457

What stupid shit are you reading.

>> No.10604467

Subliminal messaging was found to be a bullshit meme (thank god)

>> No.10604521

>What stupid shit are you reading.
An exercise in recurrence. The stupid shit I am reading is in green above. You're practically asking for it.

>> No.10604661

>Dynamic versus Cognitive Unconscious

This is a good read about it.

>The psychodynamic concept of the unconscious is contrasted with the view of unconscious mental life taken by modern cognitive and social psychology. For Sigmund Freud (1856–1939), the dynamic unconscious contained thoughts, feelings, and desires that were denied to conscious awareness because of a psychological force, i.e., repression, arrayed against them. It was part of a larger unconscious structure whose contents were descriptively unconscious, simply because they were not in awareness at any particular time. Evidence for the cognitive unconscious, in the form of automatic processes, implicit memory, subliminal perception, and the like, does not warrant acceptance of the dynamic unconscious of psychoanalytic theory. The entry briefly describes three examples of research programs that have attempted to document the dynamic unconscious.

And if you're too lazy to read the whole thing, the summary-
>As cognitive psychology revived its interest in consciousness, and then took an interest in the psychological unconscious, it was perhaps inevitable that Freud’s view of unconscious mental life would experience a resurgence of interest as well. But the carefully controlled experiments that have provided evidence for the cognitive unconscious—automatic processes, implicit memories, subliminal perception, and the like—have not yielded much evidence favoring the view of the dynamic unconscious as conceived in psychoanalytic theory, with its unconscious conflicts over primitive sexual and aggressive motives. The Freudian dynamic unconscious may well exist, in parallel with the ordinary unconscious of modern cognitive psychology, but that remains to be seen.

>> No.10604664

Basically there is very little evidence of the kind of dynamic unconscious proposed by Freud, populated by Jung, etc... However there is ample evidence of the cognitive unconscious, meaning implicit memory, background brain processing etc..

But the two are completely different in nature. Neuroscience has revealed Freud's theories to be a load of bull, especially psychoanalysis, unfortunately his influence still looms large in the popular conception and culture, spreading outdated misinformation to this day, even in schools where you'd think they would be on top of things.

>> No.10604689

Also replace unconscious with subconscious if you need to but just note "subconscious" has negative wacko connotations in academic psychology and neuroscience so they use unconscious instead in those fields and literature, or sometimes just use implicit (unconscious processes) vs. explicit (conscious processes).

>> No.10604808

Such unwarranted confidence.
Could you light yourself on fire and not move a muscle like those monks in Vietnam, then?

>> No.10604836

There is little in the way of evidence for these theories, but regarding therapy nothing comes close to the success rate of the psychoanalytic approach, especially in situations where more basic treatment like diet and exercise and CBT fail. There's no scientific way to understand Jung, in the same way there's no scientific way to understand a thought of a color or any other kind of qualia. In such a field there'll be many grifters, loonies, and charlatans as a result. But to deny the intuition behind these ideas is myopic and suggests a staggeringly sparse degree of self-reflection and self-awareness, and I find is often the position of the kind of STEM students, often Chinese and Middle Eastern, who never bother to read anything other than their textbooks.

>> No.10604878

Are you seriously trying to argue psychoanalysis has any remaining credibility in this age?

>> No.10604921

It's really quite simple. The cerebral cortex is the computer, what you probably call "your brain". The cerebellum is the programmer, the "you" you. Your conscious is the cerebellum+the parts of the cerebral cortex under its direct control. Your subconscious is the rest of the cerebral cortex that is not well controlled by the cerebellum (that is, not under your direct control). The conscious is like the cultivated land in the cerebral cortex and the cerebellum as the city fed by that land. The subconsicous is like the jungle, something may run out of it from time to time, but it's a hit or miss if it will feed you or torture you.

>> No.10605222

I dont need to argue anything, chang, the results speak for themselves.

>> No.10605248

>decades of advancements in psychology

>> No.10605409

Is he wrong?

>> No.10605434

Sounds bullshit, because the program all too often fails. Take me for example, I’ve never had sex, in fact I’ve hardly even tried.

>> No.10605705

psychoanalysis is a meme

>> No.10605723

Freudian holdovers who refuse to get with the times, and with modern academic psychology are the worst

>> No.10605739


>> No.10605747


>> No.10605753

We know it exists, subconsciously.

>> No.10605755

Prove it

>> No.10605956

Sorry, I thought the cerebellum was mostly for balance and fine movements but I'm just a med fag...

>> No.10606145
File: 47 KB, 474x474, komeiji koishi call.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10606341

You thought wrong. You are by far not the only one though:




>> No.10606428
File: 1.28 MB, 900x1200, __komeiji_koishi_komeiji_koishi_and_komeiji_satori_touhou_drawn_by_nomayo__3b6a195666bd4388f947634deeb01b4f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tell me, /sci/ how is it possible after several decades of advancements in psychology, we are still incapable of understanding the subconscious?
Because there's too many normalfag retards majoring in this who have no passion for the subject whatsoever and just want to "jelb peepuul in ned xDD" who should be majoring in Social Work instead or want to unironically become a con-man who's going to trick you on doing bad things for their own benefit (・`ω´・).

Since this question reminded me of that one Psych professor who was rigorous as fuck but wanted to teach everyone how's the University of California system nearby (UCSD) and how this subject is being teached there, yet he got pretty much raided by normalfags at RMP with those 1/5 reviews and ended up almost being fired because of brainlets not understanding shit.

I'm really sure it will take at least two decades for the Psychology field to get back on track in research and have new discoveries of the human mind.

>> No.10606759

Christ almighty.

>> No.10606871
File: 102 KB, 500x665, Facebook-The-recurrent-laryngeal-nerve-is-a-5daa08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10606922

What am I looking at?

>> No.10606929

follow the black line. shit bricks

>> No.10606930
File: 551 KB, 245x220, 1515297856569.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>after several decades of advancements in psychology

there, I quoted the false assumption

>> No.10607166

Doesn't answer the question.

>> No.10607219

Who the fuck is this chick and why is everyone posting her?

>> No.10608140
File: 247 KB, 300x300, 1556688870974.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If people looked within themselves, the unconscious would become conscious. Only because it's subtle and they're so concerned with the gross reality they don't notice it.

>> No.10608149

It does.

>> No.10608270
File: 32 KB, 474x306, Komeiji Koishi (Touhou Character).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Komeiji Koishi

A Character from the legendary Japanese game, anime & music franchise called:

Touhou Project



>> No.10608311
File: 61 KB, 474x524, Komeiji Koishi (Cosplay).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Komeiji Koishi chan
is a master of Subconscious manipulation.

here one of her karaoke songs on youtube

>Subconsciously I can feel love awaken In control with my closed eye, with you Shake up tonight

>Loving and being loved, we hold hands My distance to you is becoming shorter In order to find things yet undiscovered I laugh and revel in paranoia

>Loving and being loved, we hold hands My distance to you is becoming shorter In order to find things yet undiscovered I laugh and revel in paranoia

here the rest of lyrics for of this song

>> No.10608320

Because the unconscious can't be understood while you're being conscious.

>> No.10608478
File: 1.51 MB, 1366x768, Koishi&Satori(KomeijiSisters).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10608577
File: 163 KB, 733x1000, komeiji_satori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 3rd eye

that controls


>> No.10608635

Subconscious operations are easier to understand than conscious operations.

>> No.10608659

Because psychology is not based on ontological mathematics

>> No.10608866
File: 597 KB, 782x786, anime pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but 99% of people falls to Psychological manipulation ''Traps''.

See how much people are so easily deceived & manipulated by Mass Media &/or Fake News.

Even manipulated by freaking Memes.
Like the Subscribe to Pewdiepie Meme

Example of Psy-OP:
global warming (hoax)
false flag attacks
Syrian refugee crysis
Yellow Jackets in France
mass shootings
Jihad (muslim holy wars)
False alarms

>> No.10609454

Wow, what a fag.

>> No.10609935
File: 239 KB, 1462x2048, __komeiji_koishi_touhou_drawn_by_wiriam07__5ab99c37058e2566839acdafcaa8ffb5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Komeiji Koishi chan
>is a master of Subconscious manipulation
How does Subconscious Manipulation even work?

>> No.10610267

What if there is another consciousness inside my head except it's divorced from any output stream but in the future 6g antennas can interface with it and it can finally get its revenge on me

>> No.10610282
File: 27 KB, 500x364, tumblr_patne9zeOq1xqonqto1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine la web of lines that is a sensory attack upon you. It can project, screech, and touch you. It also a current. So, first imagine a web of lines, and then imagine how that is also a current.

Coming up for us is an impulse in our heads, as we recongize what others are saying/thinking. The impulse is from the web and it's encircling and deep currents.

Subconsiously what are you thinking now is an web-current path or line, which is coming up in a position in your mind. Subconsious is manipulated when people use their harsher nature to commuicate to common thinking and gain. Causing encircling power in the web to force a certain current to be anticipated.

>> No.10610353
File: 827 KB, 1200x1800, __komeiji_koishi_touhou_drawn_by_tian_my_dear__7858c28e4e222f19cf1fe8004be2e2e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If people looked within themselves, the unconscious would become conscious
That doesn't make sense, whatsoever. Explain why you believe this.

>> No.10610392


>> No.10610490

Wow, look at this fucking hylic.

>> No.10610625

This is what materialists believe

>> No.10610676

I agree with Freud. I am most definitely thinking of deep throating my father's cock whenever I eat a hot dog.

>> No.10611477

Nothing wrong with materialism.

>> No.10611939

First, we have to define what is the subconscious, which we have yet to do.

>> No.10611946

Materialism is fact, get over it.

>> No.10612557

Sounds deep

>> No.10612689

truly an alpha male, you must perform all of your bodily functions manually

>> No.10613077
File: 285 KB, 3000x1688, __komeiji_koishi_touhou_drawn_by_daruma_karei__354535d586b45b0fd2302f342f6dfacc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we are still incapable of understanding the subconscious?
The human brain and mind is a complex thing, anon.

Also is there any reason why the subconscious is portrait as a body of water.

>> No.10613718

This is useless if we dont understand how the neuron itself works at its physiological.and biochemical levels.

Easy: Thoughts and behaviours executed without conscious deliberation.

>> No.10614316

>Thoughts and behaviours executed without conscious deliberation
Seems rather broad and vague.

>> No.10615437
File: 3.69 MB, 2769x2869, __komeiji_koishi_touhou_drawn_by_shuukenyuu__d9818b4402697eec4380e23530bebd25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing to gain from understanding the Subconscious. It's that reason alone.

>> No.10615536

We gain a shit ton, the fuck you talking about.

>> No.10616472

Imagine quoting fotm television to sound smart.

>> No.10616474

So digestion is subconscious

>> No.10617338


>> No.10617709

>Also is there any reason why the subconscious is portrait as a body of water.
It's symbolic.

>> No.10618194

But when and why was the subconscious portrait as a body of water? Wouldn't it be better if it were a void or darkness?

>> No.10618770

What do we gain?

>> No.10619556

Source on this?

>> No.10619778

>Tell me, /sci/ how is it possible after several decades of advancements in psychology, we are still incapable of understanding the subconscious?

occult knowledge isn't taught to the masses.

>> No.10620088
File: 1.11 MB, 1000x1414, __yoizuki_azur_lane_drawn_by_ryara_vivi__9e9848cdfa52e4607d6e956abddc1240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell me, /sci/, will anime girls ever be real?

>> No.10620261

>will anime girls ever be real?

Well, anime technically refers to a drawing...

So, they are real right now, by definition.

>> No.10620670

Is it par for the course to feel extremely gay while listening to this?

>> No.10620673

Yes, they're called women.

>> No.10620718

3d pigs.

>> No.10620724

prove you exist

>> No.10620727

>Subconscious understanding is the occult
this is the best post on the thread

>> No.10621682

Please leave /x/.

>> No.10621694

Tell me, anon how after several decades of life, you still haven't been able to get a girlfriend?

>> No.10622827


>> No.10622837

Waste of time.

>> No.10622842

When I sharply tap your leg just above the knee, do you consciously jerk your leg up, or did it happen without you thinking about it?