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10597883 No.10597883 [Reply] [Original]

How similar to humans are gorillas?

>> No.10597887

distant cousins

>> No.10597888

Pretty close. Considering 90% of the behavior of 90% of the human population is governed by the exact same impulses.

>> No.10597915

Depends on the race

>> No.10597992

We are gorillas

>> No.10598014

there's only one race the gorilla race

>> No.10598061

kek'd. there's a truth in it though.

>> No.10598066

Mine is bigger.

>> No.10598658

“I wouldn’t study gorillas”, Nicole said.
“Why not”, I asked.
“They are men.”
“Gorillas are men?”
“Yes, of course”.

>> No.10598732

>Doesn't understand taxonomy.
By arguing some humans are closer related to gorillas, you're saying that humans are not a monophyletic clade.

You're basically saying that, either humans don't exist or gorillas are a species of humans.

>> No.10599432

I'm more of a fan of simple but goody "some human groups on average possess genes that make them behave more like gorillas more than other groups". I'm sorry if it doesn't have enough scientific terms.

>> No.10599901

Based. Looks like I'm not the only sane person on /sci/

>> No.10599909

In the case of everyone but me, exactly the same.

>> No.10599910

The same argument, with the same level of complexity can be made about any species. On average more like a banana, on average more like a sea turtle, on average more like a poison dart frog, etc.

It's a meaningless statement that hides away a meaningful notion of frequency of observation.

>> No.10599922

Can someone put up that shit with that smart dude from Missouri writing about that smart gorilla who died and talking about how some people are dumber than she is?

>> No.10600044

>gorillas are a species of humans

Of corse they are. To say otherwise would be racist.

>> No.10600127

>I'm sorry if it doesn't have enough scientific terms.
It doesn't have any scientific accuracy either, but ok

>> No.10600186 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10600453

There was this gorilla (or monkey) that learned to start and use fire, he even teached that to his son. Cool stuff.

>> No.10600466

That's the one.
Cool. Gonna check it.

>> No.10600484

Stop raging with /pol/tard and alt right racists. They're a lost cause and no amount of logic will pierce their thick skulls.
only idiot on /sci/
well, actually, that wouldn't be exactly accurate either since there are still plenty of idiots on here like you.

>> No.10600491

Pretty similar. Our proportions are a bit off and they have much larger teeth but we’re comparable enough intellectually that we can communicate with sign language. They simply lack the neurology for literal speech.

>> No.10600492

“Racism outside of /b/“, my man. Useful tool.

>> No.10600509

They dont lack the neurology for speech, they lack the neurology for grammar. There ability to learn sign language is quite restricted as well, in that they dont display the ability to construct grammatical utterances or sentences even sign language. There ability amounts to being able to sign single words, or words pairs or tripples strung randomly strung together without attention to syntax or morphology, and often confusingly repeated numerous times.

>> No.10600510

Unnecessary to get an idea across.

>> No.10600533

That's true for all other animals though, no? They just make sounds that function as alerts. Nothing complex like actual phrasing, symbolic reasoning, or structure where a combination of sounds can represent an entire word and a couple of words represent a concept or idea.

>> No.10600538

Disagree. They may make sounds that function as alerts or signals of some kind, but not actual logically arranged sounds that form represent an abstract idea or concept via a word or phrase.

>> No.10600548

I haven't hung out with too many monkeys but dogs can understand simple language. Is creating ideas and process of them different functions?
Your use of the word "right" makes you a /pol/ tard. This is no place for your liberal bullcrap.

>> No.10600556

That makes literally no sense. Just go back to /pol/ already if you're not about having intelligent and civil conversations.

>> No.10600580

They're also physiologically incapable of making the range of speech sounds humans can.

>> No.10600593

>Disagree. They may make sounds that function as alerts or signals of some kind, but not actual logically arranged sounds that form represent an abstract idea or concept via a word or phrase.

We’re talking about signing, not making sounds. “Me cry there” while pointing at a picture of another gorilla taking a bath is a pretty obvious impartation of the fact that the speaker also dislikes baths, and “good sign” when another gorilla properly uses sign language has pretty clear meaning as well.

>> No.10600598

Never been to /pol/. Sounds like you know what its like there. Are you not the one who started picking teams? I don't think we have to worry about intellectualism too much in this thread but by your reasoning, we shouldn't try to reason with people. "They are a lost cause." Say hi to /pol/ for me.

>> No.10600637

I browsed it in the past ironically and to mess with the morons there. Now a days, I only go on once in a while when something concerning one of their ilk getting BTFO happens so I can relish in the stormfaggotry.

Believe me, I try reasoning with them and having intellectual conversations. It just ends with frustration as they fail to grasp the simplest point and turn it around as a result of you just being "a nigger."

>> No.10600650

Their sign language is pretty limited that it can be sparsely called a language though imo. Just signaling to blatant specific environmental stimuli.
Any sources on the degree of their signing?

>> No.10600778

Not them but you're complaining about pol while being a pol user. There is no reason for you to be inserting your political garbage in this thread. Take your own advice and go back there.

>> No.10600875

I'm actually participating meaningfully in this thread. I just hard to point out the senseless argument

>> No.10600891

Transend that shit Anon. They make you fight over chocolate and vanilla but they still feed you ice cream. The right and the left are really something in the middle. I am him.

>> No.10601015

Complaining about pol/right wing/racists/etc. is not meaningful or participating. Please keep YOUR political issues in the political craziness containment zone setup for people like yourself.

>> No.10601016

how'd they get that gorilla in the back and front to wear clothes?

>> No.10601102
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i read that bonobos are closer, and remarkably close at that, apart from not being able to vocalize words like we do, not being fully erect, and some different brain development, they are almost humans

makes me think that if all technological and social development ceased to exist, people would probably live like chimps, the people who really make a difference and dictate how all future generations will live aren't even 1% of the population, it took thousands of years for us to get where we are, and it is been only in the last 100 years that our lifestyle was radically modernized

>> No.10601102,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10601408

It doesnt bode well when your post reads like a shitposting pasta. Sounds like youve got some foul grievances.

T. polnigger

>> No.10602123

Im sure they do lack such phonetic organs and the related neuology, but even more significiant for their cognitive and communicative abilities is their lack of universal grammar. What prevents animals from communicating with humans is not their ability to precisely articulate mouth-noises or to hear and identify sounds as words. Many animals are capable of one or both pf these behaviors. Furthermore, mamu humams are born or developement a severe impediment to speaking or hearing and yet they still maintain perfect control of their linguistic abilities, because these abilities are hard wired into the human minds, but are absent in animals. In favt that human linguistoc capacity and our natural understanding of grammar is largeley independent of the neurology we use to articulate and produce speech in that these grammatical capacities are entirely general and will arise regardless of the sernsory-motor system through which this linguistic capacity is expressed. In other words, whether a human learns a language based on auditory, visual, tactile, or kinaesthetic sensory-motor systems, the same underlying grammatical principles will determine the nature and scope of their linguistic ability.

>> No.10602135

Im sure they do lack such phonetic organs and the related neuology, but even more significiant for their cognitive and communicative abilities is their lack of universal grammar. What prevents animals from communicating with humans is not their ability to precisely articulate mouth-noises or to hear and identify sounds as words. Many animals are capable of one or both of these behaviors. Furthermore, many humans are born or develope a severe impediment to proper speech or hearing and yet they still maintain perfect control of their linguistic abilities because these abilities are hard wired into the human minds (and are absent in animals). In fact the human linguistic capacity and our natural understanding of grammar is largeley independent of the neurology we use to articulate and produce speech in that these grammatical capacities are entirely general and will arise regardless of the sensory-motor system through which this linguistic capacity is actually expressed. In other words, whether a human learns a language based on auditory, visual, tactile, or kinaesthetic sensory-motor systems, the same underlying grammatical principles will determine the nature and scope of their linguistic ability, and these general principles of cognition and grammar are roughly consistent across the human species.

>> No.10602180

If you honestly think that human social groups, with their complex rules, symbolic culture, tool creation, and role specialization mimic bonobos' significantly, you dont even qualify for the 99% human intelligence bracket you seem to mock.

>> No.10602184


>> No.10602198 [DELETED] 

>Trying to cope and project this hard shutting down /pol/ storm faggory and thread detailing hardly means I desire to converse with them on their containment board. Quite the opposite actually, I wa t them ofc this thread so we can actually have an evidence based, logical discussion on phylogeny. Something not important to /pol/tards from my experience on different boards

>> No.10602201

Trying to cope and project this hard

shutting down /pol/ storm faggory and thread detailing hardly means I desire to converse with them on their containment board. Quite the opposite actually, I wa t them ofc this thread so we can actually have an evidence based, logical discussion on phylogeny. Something not important to /pol/tards from my experience on different boards

>> No.10602209

yeah and for how long all of that existed again?

everything you mentioned was created maybe 1 hour ago

>> No.10602212

>protospecies A splits into species B and C
>species B splits into subspecies B1 and B2
>B1 is relatively unchanged compared to B, while B2 is much more distant
>B1 is closer to C than B2 is

>> No.10602219

Go back to /pol/

>> No.10602220

So this is clearly bate but I'll bite.
For at least 100,000 years. Say 50,000 to be skeptical.

>> No.10602225

I really dont go on that board bro but whatever. If saying that to me helps you sleep at night, do as you please. I'll be staying on this board though as I have an active thread going on. One that's actually science related unless have the mess on this board.

>> No.10602230

Shut the fuck up. You were already warned once. Not everyone agrees with your retarded religious zeal to purge "heretics" for checking out a section on a Chinese cartoon imageboard.

Complaining about pol/right wing/racists/etc. is not meaningful or participating. Please keep YOUR political issues in the political craziness containment zone setup for people like yourself. We have had enough threads ruined by you because you find the concept of genetics, race offensive. Well guess what? WE DON'T. Moreover, everyone on this thread crossposts, so recognize the utter stupidity of your crusade, you schizo. Don't ruin this one, or maybe the right course of action will be too stomp out people like you.

You were warned once. Don't repeat your mistake again.

>> No.10602235


>> No.10602241


"Three gorillas walk in front of the camera man and pose!"

>> No.10602248

Depends on what metric you use. There was this paper by two russian genecists that covered this area rather well along with pretty much debunking the out of africa hypothesis pretty much entirely, but I can't seem to find it.

>> No.10602250

holy shit you sound like a redditor take your head out of your ass

>> No.10602260

Oh wow, such intellectual arguments and conversation about genetics and race.
I dont live to purge all different opinions, just ones that are baseless. But keep projecting. Stupid ass posts like this is the majority that comes from your presence here. But sure, let's just call it baseless moral fagging.

>> No.10602267

Oh great, now suddenly I belong on reddit, another site are I dont browse. Get YOUR head out your ass.

>> No.10602288

that's a blink of an eye, it's nothing

humans were a rarity even into the middle ages, and not organized at all, not much different from bonobos and other primates, take a look at feral children, their behavior is animalistic, that's what you're looking at when you're thinking of a human that was isolated from smartphones, someone who can't even acquire speech because their actual development falls into "mentally impairment" by modern definition

also lmao at
>"tool" creation
bonobos can do this shit too

>> No.10602289

>just ones that are baseless
just ones that I disagree with

>> No.10602367

Language was existed far before the middle ages so I dont get your point? Do you not know that there is specific anatomy(hyoid bone shape) that allows humans to enunciate more precisely than other animals as long as they practice young, thus allowing for language rather than just grunts and sounds. That combined with our frontal and temporal lobes makes humans capable of creating meaning symbolic meaning through our sounds.

Smartphones and books are not what make us capable of speech. Hanging around other humans does. Any human. It had been this way for the past near 100,000 years. It is what prevents "feral children." Kids who cannot do this have a severe development disorder(mental retardation/Autism).

>bonobos can make tools
Yes, but not as well as even the most isolated and thus primitive human societies clearly.
Believe it or not, human collaboration is what lead to our advancement. Not just a couple smart dudes in each separate corner of the world.
If you're talking about our more base desires like sex or taking care our our kids, then yeah I guess we' re pretty similar. Other than that, not really.
No, your post was just really dumb. It's not hard to disagree with stupidity.

>> No.10602544
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kek you're hilariously obtuse, but now i know why you're strawmanning me, i was talking shit about "menial work".. ops.. i mean "collaboration"... so i am definitely not believe any of that, i really can't apply such degree of importance to something so disposable, i am sorry

>> No.10602567

by that, newfag, I meant that "ones that are baseless" actually means "ones I disagree with"
I was hoping that other anon was a mod and that he was going to ban you

>> No.10602619
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inb4 the copers

>> No.10602741

I lol'ed