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10593181 No.10593181 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most dangerous thing you've done in the name of science?

>> No.10593206

touched your mom.
Im living (so far)

>> No.10593225

fuck off, electroBOOM nigga

>> No.10593237

Getting into STEM to pursue a career as a researcher

>> No.10593560

I drank and ate a lot of different things but nothing made me sick or killed me yet

>> No.10593733


>> No.10593739

how the everloving fuck did he survive. Holy shit this is honestly one of the luckiest individuals ever.

>> No.10593816
File: 555 KB, 440x528, Burning-sulfur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a kid, I burned sulphur to see the pretty blue flame it makes. Did this in a poorly ventilated room and breathed in the fumes. Then ran outside gasping for air.

>> No.10593967

>got one of those chemistry kids from a book fair
>also bought one of those crystal growing kits from a science fair
>combined the two in my garage in a plastic bucket
>threw a match into it

>> No.10593995

Where did you get sulphur as a kid?

>> No.10594001

now that's how you identify a gifted kid

>> No.10594008

you haven't seen his videos before? he makes custom electric devices and hurts himself with them on purpose pretending it was a mistake. he probably knew what he was doing

>> No.10594023

Grandpa just had a bag laying around. Still think to this day, that i could have an hero'd myself.

>> No.10594038

wtf happened don't blueball us

>> No.10594113
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Hows your brain so far ?

>> No.10594129

also a lot of the time he's not actually hurting himself, he's just shorting out a capacitor he palmed

>> No.10594933
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I used to do a ton of shit when I was studying to be a laboratory technician, I'll probably die of cancer one day
>used to grab chemicals with my hands in order to use them, even shit like Sodium Hydroxide
>We weren't allowed to go into the lab without a gas mask for certain experiments, the masks were quite expensive so I just used a broken one that almost let everything in
>When left alone in the lab I'd just turn on a fan since putting things in the extractor would be a hassle. I'm pretty sure I have brain damage from inhaling acetone from an extraction of radish essence I once made.
>Once tried to make artificial honey with potatoes, used to much Hydrocloric acid and I tasted it without checking the pH, tongue burnt like shit
>I would routinely see how the results of our biochemistry experiments tasted like (you only get to see what almost pure DNA tastes like once)
I didn't really ever give a shit about my own personal safety and I still don't, I'd take care of other's though. I'm studying electronic engineering now.

>> No.10594936

>I'm pretty sure I have brain damage from
>I'm studying electronic engineering now.
checks out

>> No.10594941

Does pure DNA taste sour?

>> No.10594946

Oh I forgot about several other dumb things I did
>Made activated charcoal by hand and inhaled a a fuck ton of charcoal dust, this is probably the worst thing I've done by far since I have asthma and I had several attacks afterwards
>Would never read any instructions, would always just eyeball every mixture, I have a good eye so I almost always had the correct experimental results though.
>Would sometimes experiment with solvents with my fellow classmates (usually just seeing how they smelled and shit).
And this one really doesn't really matter safety wise but I'd routinely watch porn while in the lab

>> No.10594947

Those are some really interesting stories you have anon!

>> No.10594950


>> No.10594951

just tastes kinda gummy desu, nothing I can really compare it to.

>> No.10594958

I routinely dissect specimens preserved in formaldehyde and other preservatives without gloves

>> No.10594971

Damn, now I am craving DNA

>> No.10595030
File: 558 KB, 2000x1547, Louis Slotin, at left, stands with his colleague Herb Lehr beside the first nuclear bomb, here only partially assembled. Photograph courtesy Los Alamos National Laboratory Photograph courtesy Los Alamos National Laboratory .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Once I was holding this beryllium tamper with my screwdriver...

>> No.10595074

This guy is insane check out his channel he gets electrocuted so often hes crazy.

>> No.10595077
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when I was a kid I just cut a power cord at home and stuck each wire on one side of a magnet to see if it would make it stronger.

I could feel the magnet vibrate and I think it did make it stronger.

>> No.10595112

DNA tastes like cum, right?

>> No.10595114

Most of the time it's a gag. He shows how he does it. But I'm pretty sure the jacobs ladder one was legit he could have really fucked himself.

>> No.10595117

Is there a way he was faking this or does he trust the outlet completely to save him? Or is the idea that it's not *that* dangerous since it'd just flow through his leg?

>> No.10595125


>> No.10595151

Mehdi says 'suicide showers' are crazy and unsafe in this video but they're absolutely everywhere in the developing world. I've used them tonnes and it's done me no damage. Does he actually know what he's talking about on that one?

>> No.10595165

real magic

>> No.10595196

I think it's a case of, you're probably fine if its working right, but theres definitely ways it could get bad. Like, say the water flow drops suddenly and you get more of a solid stream of water hitting you, theres a conductive path. Or maybe you get too close to the head and hit an uninterrupted stream.

If you have enough headspace between you and the faucet and consistent water pressure you'll be fine, I think.

>> No.10595201

>handling the equipment used to weigh the material at Los Alamos to make the atomic bomb
>with my bare hands, multiple times,for years
>taking tons of electric shocks
>"yeah, it'll probably hold, hold my beer"
>handling even more radioactive material
>handling carbon tetrachloride
>using my body to complete a circuit
>making antibiotic-resistant bacteria in a fridge
>"shoot it, maybe it'll explode"

>> No.10595269

>tried to make artificial honey with potatoes and HCl
Please tell me this is a real thing

>> No.10595280

Won't the electricity always flow through the (shower) head and not down through you? How would it be otherwise?

>> No.10595387

What the fuck does a clump of DNA look like?

>> No.10595414
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electrically stimulated my own brain in order to increase mathematical ability (dorsal parietal lobe).

>mfw it worked

Then tried locating brocas area (language processing center) to learn chinese
didn't work as well,

>> No.10595986

I have never done anything in the name of science but to quench my own curiosity I have produced several high explosives and run solid rocket motors at 120% calculated burst pressure.

>> No.10596040

How am I supposed to know?
>jk I have no idea

>> No.10596043

in my case we extracted it from tomatoes so it ended up looking like a small mash of red shit, kinda like ground beef but much more softer

>> No.10596046

I stole the experiment from cody's lab and since I was in charge of lab safety and cleanup (ironically) I decided to try it out.

>> No.10596048

post guide anon, you are a god among men if your not lying.

>> No.10596050

usually it is in water, so it appears just like water. Concentrated DNA looks like wet cotton fibers, it sticks to itself and is very gummy, almost like cum, less stringy i guess though. White dense liquid that sits on top of a solution though

>> No.10596051

Guide pls

>> No.10596053

I call bullshit on that

>> No.10596170

Because he is an electrical engineer, not a physics virgin.

>> No.10597856


>> No.10598568
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Can of axe body spray into fire.
Big boom.

>> No.10598579


>> No.10598588


>> No.10598640

It's thanks to crazy risk taking bullshit though that we have had many accidental breakthroughs in science.
Most artificial sweeteners were discovered by mistake.

>> No.10598643

it's sold as fertilizer.

>> No.10598654

ouch, im guessing shrapnel from the can?

>> No.10598676

>be 16
>take apart bug zapper
>turn it into a little tazer
>accidently taze myself multiple times while making it, it's way stronger than you'd think
>invite friend over
>we both hold a node, I press the button, wait a few seconds
>little did I know, in those few seconds, our bodies were acting as capacitors and we kept charging it up without closing the circuit, making it way stronger than what I was expecting. (Correct me if there's something going on, that's just my best guess.)
>we then touch hands, I involuntary jumped and felt my heart skip a beat, he fell on the floor
>legit think we could've died, but we were both laughing really hard

>> No.10599226

I always liked minerals and wanted to do a collection based on the chemical elements in them and add some pure elements to it if possible.
I took a lot of precautions when manipulating mercury, arsenic, lead, antimony and things like that but I'm pretty sure it wasn't enough with the shitty crumbly radioactive minerals like Autunite and Torbernite.

>> No.10599312

Nothing I can recall. The weirdest "experiment" I did was to throw a Samsung inflated battery that I hit with a hammer and was sparking into a swimming pool full of chlorine + water.

>> No.10599772
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I'm a heroe really

>> No.10599795

>handled some pretty strong radioactive sources
>worked 16 hours a day for 2 weeks
>carried beam pipe parts without safety shoes
>placed things in a particle beam that shouldn't be (and hence were activated, I'm not sure how much dose I got in my hand that day, but my body dosimeter was fine, wasn't wearing one on my finger)
>ate at R3 at cern (probably the most dangerous on this list)

>> No.10599838

Awww shit...a bunch of things:
1. I've ground my own gun poweder using mortar and pestle.
2. Handled dangerous amounts of Na-22 beta + emitter for [math] e^{+} e^{-} \to \gamma \gamma [/math] experiment.
3. Experimented with 70 KeV x-rays. within 10 feet of x-ray source experiment with different ways a ccd chip can detect x-rays. And once again used 50 Kev x-rays for crystallography experiment.
4. Burned myself plenty of times blowing my own glassware.
5. Performed electrolysis on concentrated salt solution which gave off a lot of chlorine gas.

List goes on and on.

>> No.10599882

Here's more:
6. Dipped my hand in liquid nitrogen untill it started to feel uncomfortable.
7. Built a jacob's latter from a CRT flyback transoformer.
8. Built an aluminum foundry furnace using refractory cement and used to cast all sorts of blobs and ingots.

There's more I know it.

>> No.10601282

How much acetone do you have to inhale to get braindamage? I had a bottle of acetone i always used for cleaning cpus. Never really worried about breathing it in.

>> No.10601290

Realistically probably using things outside of the fumehood that should be in the fumehood because I couldn't be bothered to move the scales.
I would just hold my breath then leave the room for a couple minutes with the fume doors open.

It would have been water solutions and salts, the match would just go out.

>> No.10601299

>>used to grab chemicals with my hands in order to use them, even shit like Sodium Hydroxide
No real longterm issues to worry about.
>>We weren't allowed to go into the lab without a gas mask for certain experiments, the masks were quite expensive so I just used a broken one that almost let everything in
Eh, probably fine, most modern precautions are over the top (not that I don't think they're worthwhile, good to have a large buffer between safe and unsafe). I've worked with people who were still mouth pipetting until retirement and lived well into their 80s.
>>When left alone in the lab I'd just turn on a fan since putting things in the extractor would be a hassle. I'm pretty sure I have brain damage from inhaling acetone from an extraction of radish essence I once made.
Acetone's no issue. Undergrad labs leave washbottles of it on benches for cleaning glassware.
>>Once tried to make artificial honey with potatoes, used to much Hydrocloric acid and I tasted it without checking the pH, tongue burnt like shit
Same shit that's in your stomach. Not going to hurt you longterm.
>>I would routinely see how the results of our biochemistry experiments tasted like (you only get to see what almost pure DNA tastes like once)
Nothing very toxic in biochemistry.
>Made activated charcoal by hand and inhaled a a fuck ton of charcoal dust, this is probably the worst thing I've done by far since I have asthma and I had several attacks afterwards
That's pretty bad.
>Would never read any instructions, would always just eyeball every mixture, I have a good eye so I almost always had the correct experimental results though.
This is fine, in my experience half the chemists misread the instructions anyway.
>Would sometimes experiment with solvents with my fellow classmates (usually just seeing how they smelled and shit).
Not a great idea, their are some pretty nasty solvents out there. More acute effects than longterm though.

>> No.10601301
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> got the chemistry kit for growing crystals
> took it to school
> religion class
> teacher steps out
> I pull it out and empty all the ingredients into little bucket, then mix
> fumes start rising
> children are choking
> everybody runs out of the classroom screaming
> ohfuck.jpg
> need to get rid of the evidence
> run to the back of the school with my friend behind me
> I splash it against the rocks
> shouldBeFine.png
> friend is holding a sprite
> starts pouring it on the rocks
> rocks turn bright blue

And that is how I almost got expelled for creating a contemporary art masterpiece.

>> No.10601334
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>be 12-13
>watch youtube vids about helium making the pitch of one's voice higher
>have no helium around to try it out
>check periodic table
>relalize that hydrogen is even lighter, and can be made out of water just by adding electricity into it
>"im a fucking genius"
>fill up a glass with water
>sharpen 2 pencils on both ends (since graphite conducts electricity
>stick the 2 pencils into water
>take an old phone charger, cut off the plug that goes into the phone and peel off the insulation from the 2 separate wires
>connect wires to the ends of the pencils
>plug into electrical network
>nothing happens
>realize that there is transformator inside the charger
>"that must be the problem"
>rip out transformator, connect wires directly to the network plug
>plug in
>shit goes crazy, lights flashing, but smoke starts to generate
>wait a bit, but after a minute i turn it off, becuase "this might not be how it's supposed to work"
>flat neighbours knocking on door asking whether the electricity went out in our apartment as well
>say "no its all right here"

>> No.10601478

Mixed bleach and pool chlorine in my basement. I just wanted to experiment, I didn't know what I was doing, just bad luck. It made bubbles, turned the recipient green, and I began to cough. I got out of the basement, coughed really hard for a few minutes. I then dropped the fucking thing in the sewer. I survived but I still wonder how much I fucked up my lungs. Everything seems normal, even when I am breathing deeply during exercise, but still.

>> No.10601492

I tried making acetone peroxide (an extremely dangerous and powerful explosive).

The prep method said to keep the reaction mixture in the fridge overnight. The teenage me decided I can speed things up by heating it on the stove instead.

The beaker exploded, sending the heated mixture of acetone, hydrogen peroxide and acid all over me and the kitchen.

Luckily, most of it got absorbed by my t-shirt and didn’t reach my eyes and face. After that incident I learned to follow the preparation method more closely for my future experiments.

>> No.10601493

You're probably fine as long as you got the fuck out at the first sign of trouble. Acute exposure to chlorine gas causes intense discomfort at levels far below those where it starts causing permanent damage.

>> No.10601502

handled something that was contaminated with uranium without protection

>> No.10601538
File: 49 KB, 680x626, idfuckthat4adollar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> DNA tastes like cum, right?
Negative. Human tongues have 4 types of receptors - salty, sweet, sour and bitter. Pure ribonucleic acid would not trigger any of these.

It would basically taste like snot. Ever chew on a raw oyster? Same thing.

Semen (cum) gets its taste from the nutrients added by your seminal gland. That depends on diet. It's heavily salted to buffer the vagina on the spermies' journey north, so the acid (caused by the bacterial flora of the coochie - yes, coochie germs) don't degrade the spermatazooa before one hits the mark.

Past that, it depends largely on the flavonoids you consume in the diet. Beer contains a shitload, which is why your mom reports cum to be bitter when she blows truck drivers behind the bar every Saturday night.

>> No.10601564

I've tried to create an acetone peroxide with my friend. And the guide said that it is illegal so we went to some random forest to do the experiment and record ourselves to be next Bill Nye. Little did we know, the forest was actually garden of some very rich guy and he found us creating illegal explosives. He asked us if we are creating meth or some bullshit and we told him that it is an experiment to school. He wanted to call police but then he didn't for some reason. The solution we created which should sit inside the fridge was instead in my basement for something like 2 years. Mom then threw it away.
Another dangerous thing I did was that my friend brought a cable which you can put in AC and it was not connected to anything. I wanted to zap ants with it.
I've also used to make bombs out of plastic bottles, sodium bicarbonate, and vinegar/citric acid powder. If you cover it real fast it will explode (it even makes a small crater in soil) and I handled it like a balloon or something completely safe.

>> No.10601574

All kinds of weird cancer smells in organic chem lab. All the stuff we were using there was old as shit because our school couldn't afford other stuff. Funnily enough we were the last year to work in the old lab, cause they coughed up enough cash to renovate it the next year.

Also worked with genetically modified micro-organisms once. That was a scary one.
Have had those hydrochloric acid breaths more often than I can count, where you can taste it in your throat and feel it stinging.
Took a full breath of hot toluene vapors once. Many chemical spills on hands, pens I've used for years after that etc.
Smoke inhalation from unknown substances stuck on the bottom of metal tripods. Basically a mix of possible reasons why I might get cancer sooner or later.

>> No.10601598
File: 401 KB, 2500x1656, americafuckyeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to work for a food company. Won't say which one because the bastards laid me off, but we worked with flavor compounds. You know the shit they add to drinks to make it taste like apple juice? At 50 ppm it tastes like apple.

At full strength it's like tear gas. I worked with that shit in an unventilated room one time. The rubber in my shoes melted to the floor just from the fumes. I got a free chemical peel on my face, and everything tasted like tinfoil for a day afterwards. Fun times.

>> No.10601603

A PI I know once told me that EMS, a commonly used mutagen, smells like bubble gum. Obviously smelling a mutagen is a bad idea so I'll never intentionally check, but I've wondered ever since if true.

>> No.10601606

When I was a kid I loved wall sockets. I plugged countless shit directly into the mains.

When I was very little I had this bracelet thing made out of aluminum. I vividly remember taking it off and putting it against the wall around the socket, and then plugging the cord for the vacuum cleaner in halfway and dropping the bracelet across the leads. I also remember it all being very intentional.

I also remember when I started to getting into electronics, but still didn't know how AC worked, and I wired up a tiny (prolly 5V) LED to the mains, just to see how it'd fare. it popped instantly, and molten plastic landed on my arm.

>> No.10601607

They laid you off… What are they gonna do, fire you again?

>> No.10601611
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Pic related. This sample is stained though. Normally it is an opaque white

>> No.10601679

Why not start a lawsuit?

>> No.10601681

DNA doesn't really have a taste, maybe a bitter taste.

>> No.10601714


I used to work in a lab for a chemicals company that makes paints. One of the common solvents we used was n-butyl alcohol.

We used to mix the paint samples in large tins using this spinning metal rotor, kind of like an immersion blender.

During the mixing process the paint would heat up and release fumes laced with n-butyl alcohol. I have never had anything that made me cough so bad. It felt like I’d cough my lungs out like an inside out sock. And it makes you feel dizzy and hung over for hours.

After a few months of this torture I asked to get transferred to work in sales.

>> No.10601724

Nigga you should have just asked for a mask

>> No.10601739

he would have just been fired

>> No.10601746


We didn’t have any masks in that lab. There was a pipe you were supposed to position above the mixing tin to suck the fumes out but it didn’t help much.

The labs don’t really care about your comfort as long as they’re complying with regulations.

I can totally believe the experience of that toxic apple extract lab guy. It really is like that in the chemical industry.

>> No.10601749

conditions like that only change if workers unionize or if OSHA stops by.

>> No.10601786

holy kekkers dude

>> No.10601924

Did you at least harvest the cool crystals?

>> No.10602341

Supporting this anon
>>10594933 is full of shit

>> No.10602373

Literally looks like cum, I'm not joking.

>> No.10602382

>Same shit that's in your stomach. Not going to hurt you longterm.
bad reasoning. just cause it's in your stomach doesn't mean it's safe for the rest of your body. example: chronic acid reflux can lead to esophageal cancer because stomach acid is damaging cells in your esophagus so frequently they end up accumulating mutations. you're right that one instance of getting acid on you won't lead to long term damage but you were right for the wrong reason

>> No.10602395

I built a bomb out of fireworks and allahuakbar'd a finger off of my right hand

>> No.10602397

RNA is bitter, I once tasted a solution of mRNA fragments on agrose gel.

>> No.10602414


>> No.10602456


>> No.10602494

Can confirm, I've extracted DNA from a strawberry before for a lab assignment in an introductory biology course.

>> No.10602508

Good thread OP, will contribute later today when I finish up some work

>> No.10602789

Not me but when I was in undergrad bio lab a kid ate a planarian and a daphnia for money.

>> No.10603333


>> No.10603357

Stick my asshole on every anons dick here.

>> No.10603364

This is not that dangerous. Even if the outlet shut off didn’t work the voltage would only be across his leg. He could hurt his leg bad but he would be okay. Even then, he tested it multiple times I’m sure.


That video was actually a big mistake. You can see him shaking when he was describing what happened when the Jacob’s Ladder fell on him. Usually he does it on purpose for comedic effect but that one was a scare for sure.

>> No.10603373

I once badly soldered a bunch of capacitors together in attempt to get to get some kilovolts. Nothing happened.

>> No.10603385

That’s because capacitors in parallel hold the same voltage. If you want high voltage you need to make or buy a Van de Graaff generator. Static electricity is an easy way to generate high voltages at (somewhat) safe energies.

>> No.10603387

Also capacitors in series would still not generate super high voltages. Just get a Van de Graaff

>> No.10603391

I didn't solder them in series, I'm not that stupid.kek

>> No.10603399

Lol just making sure. But yeah static electricity is pretty fun and safe as well. A Van de Graaff is a great way to play with high voltages

>> No.10603402

This is mostly true.
In fact tossing a toaster in that bath tub with a person has no statistically significant deaths to it, because the electricity flow through the path of least resistance, like the metal and water not the person body.

That said you are still in the circuit zone so the chance is non-zero that it could kill you. It is a probability kind of thing as non ideal circuit flows happen and have killed people, but are often ignored as rare anomalies or someone doing something very dumb. Still there is no reason to test your luck even if the odds are in your favor.

Also those shower systems are designed with a number of decent safety system so it shouldn't even get that far to start with. So they are safe, but technically could kill you. Same goes for everything else, like cars or potato.

Now you have to decide what your cut off point is. Do you live your life knowing you will die. Or do you hide in crippling fear that everything could painfully kill you and desperately try to fight the passage of time and death.

I plan to have one in my house someday, but I will pay more for a nice one from a reputable company.

>> No.10603416

I can see what you are saying. Honestly I prefer a water heater because I live in Michigan so hot water is a must for a lot of things but yeah the electric shower head is not that big of a deal.

>> No.10603420

most solvents are dangerous, and almost all chemicals have a certain ammount of neurotoxicity (in the case of certain chemicals this might be 6 brain cells per microgram or something like that, I'm making up ammounts). A small ammount won't do almost anything, though it is toxic and can cause damage if used consistently in the long term. However even then the damage isn't that big. IN my case I did essence distillation (my direct translation from spanish) with around 80 ml of acetone and 420ish liters of water, the remainng solution after evaporation probably had 10 ml of acetone? I'm not usre it was long ago.

>> No.10603436

if I'm talking straight out of my ass please correct me anons

>> No.10603441

the guy who invented the GFCI demonstrated his product by dropping a hairdryer into a tub with him standing in it.

>> No.10603448

Nah you sounded fine. Only thing I would say is that some solvents (like water) are not dangerous but I get what you mean.

>> No.10603452

seems like good info. always a good idea when messing around with chemicals to be sure of what you are doing and use the proper safety equipment. Nothing like cracking open a bottle of concentrated hydrochloric acid and catching the fumes

>> No.10603570

Those electric shower heads can't cope with really cold water (like you'd get in Michigan in winter). They work well in warmer areas though.

>> No.10603591

420 ml sorry

>> No.10603815


>> No.10603824

Very pure dry DNA (like after DNA extraction and ethanol evaporation) is clear crystal powder. If its hydrated its like white goop.

>> No.10604031
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Not in the name of science but in the name of food.

I once tried to get a toast out using a metal fork when the toaster was turned on..

>> No.10604041

> Put my hand in a container of liquid nitrogen.
> Moved unshielded radioactive material *by hand*
> Cut through live electrical mains cable with metal scissors - though that was accidental rather than for science.

Some incidents that come to mind, pretty sure there are more I'm forgetting.

>> No.10604047

Bonked this tranny without a condom

>> No.10604051
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>> No.10604083

Pursued a PhD

>> No.10604084

I mentioned that specifically because he ate it and already mentioned it burnt his tongue. Aside from the acute injury it's not going to cause any longterm issues except like you say when it's a chronic thing.

>> No.10604088

That shit sounds fucked up. We give our manufacturing grew access to N95 dust masks and an extraction fan and low dust input method just because one of our ingredients is a bit dusty (totally non toxic though we don't bother with masks or extraction or anything for the small batches we made/make in the lab during product development).

>> No.10604131

>DNA tastes like cum, right?
How am I supposed to know, I never tasted DNA

>> No.10604146


>> No.10604274

I make and test primary explosives as a hobby. Organic peroxides, meatl picrates, azides, carbides, copper tetramine salts, ammonium permangante, and counting. Thankfully nothing ever exploded on me by accident.

>> No.10604277

*metal picrates

>> No.10604302

Wow that’s cool! Where do you live? Asking for a friend

>> No.10604308

How is that relevant?
Lithuania, and I do not care about legality if that's what you're wondering.

>> No.10604338
File: 211 KB, 1900x1900, 22E09933-4FF3-425A-B2FC-D2A2071CC0C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s relevant cuz I want to sniff the stench of your Mom’s stinky brapper