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File: 495 KB, 554x558, halp the wahmenz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10590989 No.10590989[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This pic sums up the situation for women in STEM perfectly. It's exactly why they're getting hired preferentially so that companies and universities can virtue signal and avoid irking the SJWs and growing entitlement of female scientists who expect preferential consideration for hiring because they're wamen. Look guys she's a WOMAN! Who can do SCIENCE! Despite the OPPRESSION! Give her the jerb!!!! No more hetero white males in sciance!!!

>> No.10591018

Dude women can be smart too.

>> No.10591021


>> No.10591023

looks like it’s a bit easier for dudes, anon. you know what escalators do right?

anyhow whatever; for sure affirmative action is annoying, i for one probably didn’t get two job offers i wanted because of it (white straight “cis” male) and there is a trend in STEM to buy into social scientists’ idea that the “pipeline problem” is because of systemic bias. the social scientists fail to see how maybe, just maybe, guys like science and math more but women like fashion and cooking more, thanks to our hunter-gatherer ancestry going back ~200,000 years. fine, i don’t care, diversity is nice (i’d be happy to see more women in my field), and i got a job doing what i love anyway, thanks to my own undeniable abilities. meritocracy still makes room for us even though there are dads that cause a bias against us in the current world. and maybe it’s justifiable in the grand scheme because there was real bias against women in the past. however, i’m not to blame for injustices that happened before i was born

>> No.10591030

**even though there are fads (not dads)

>> No.10591117

Does the advertisement suggest that women are too stupid to take the escalator?

Or maybe that men need to stand still to beat off to dat passing ass?

>> No.10591125

maybe the escalator is going down? the dude just turned around and the qt totally beasted him to reach the bottom but she was like “wtf i need to wait for my male companion before going into the dangerous subway station”?

>> No.10591168

I'm a woman in STEM and have never felt opressed. SJWs are mostly either exaggerating tiny problems or butthurt about most women not making as much money as men when most choose to be teachers and social workers.

>> No.10591175

good post
>inb4 vegana or gtfo

>> No.10591176

If men require escalators, wouldn't it cost more to cater to them?

>> No.10591205

>Does the advertisement suggest that women are too stupid to take the escalator?
STEMlords are so fucking dense holy shit.

>> No.10591207

which field?

>> No.10591229

Humanityfags are so sensitive holy shit. It’s your clitoris level sensitivity that got you in such a shitty discipline anyway.

>> No.10591234

This whole thing has already turned into a pointless war of arguments which deliberately fails to adress the actual problems women face today. Feminists originally were against the sexual objectification of women by men. Completely oblivious to the fact that this "sexual objectification" is often wanted and even artificially induced by women.

>> No.10591238

>fails to adress the actual problems women face today
Which are literal nothing. The world bends over backwards.

>> No.10591241

At least I can communicate with people unlike your autistic ass :))).

>> No.10591243

Just step on the fucking escalator. I've been at bars where the line for the women's bathroom was long and have seen girls just say fuck it and go to the men's room, wasn't much of a problem because we had plenty of space available.

>> No.10591255


>> No.10591257

womp womp

>> No.10591261

Also majored in chemistry.

>> No.10591263

From a purely objective point of view, women always had fewer problems than men.
Fighting a war? -> men
Working 12 hours a day in a life-threatening factory? -> men
Being the sole legally responsible person when something goes wrong? -> men
Paying taxes? -> men

Sure, women had fewer political rights but boy were they exempt from legal and political obligations.

>> No.10591264

okay, that redeems it somewhat, but if you post here, you should be aware we’re mostly math or physics majors

>> No.10591266

>communication with plebs
Heh, nothing personal kid

>> No.10591274

Your personal experience totally trumps the statistics that show that women make less per hour than men for the same job.

>> No.10591277

which they don't if someone would actually account for the fucking jobs.

>> No.10591278

Men make the economy run while women are accessories in its functioning. There is an illness going around and it smells like Marxism.

>> No.10591282

will the cure be worse than the disease?

>> No.10591289

It really depends on when and where. And women have been abused plenty in factories since industrialization. Children too.

>> No.10591291

The only cure for cancer is radiation therapy. Nukes are objectively better than the illness.

>> No.10591295

Yes, they were abused too. No discussion there but on average to a lesser degree than men.

>> No.10591300

okay, let’s say we fix the gender inequality gap in how much people get paid? are you sure that physics will suddenly become 50% women and fashion will suddenly become 50% men?

all that under the assumption that women get pregnant for 9 months of their prime working years while men don’t. ignore that for the purposes of this argument

>> No.10591306


>> No.10591308

Joke's on you, I've already been posting here for months

Yeah ok but that doesn't happen nearly as much anymore

>> No.10591322

>I've already been posting here for months
proof? show me some warosu links to threads/posts you’ve made. i am quite confident that women simply do nit posy here, and would be happy to see evidence against that hypothesis

>> No.10591326

t. Someone who has never had a real job

>> No.10591342


Women should be making babies, not in the workforce.

>> No.10591358

that stats don't show that retard

>> No.10591361

>Literally ignoring reality

>> No.10591362

That sounds like more effort than I'm willing to exert, but earlier today I recommended a textbook on an amino acid thread that should still be active.

>> No.10591364

please stop perpetuating the stereotype that women are bad at math

>> No.10591368

Oh look an incel.

>> No.10591373

But the stats literally show that women make the same per hour as men, and they're actually legally required to receive equal pay by law.

>> No.10591392

The moral, good, and holy solution is to hate women.

>> No.10591419

Oh boy another incel. You should make a little virginity club.

>> No.10591450

what's this fishy smell in here?

>> No.10591460

Technically there is a wage gap around 5-6%, but it can be mostly explained by confounding variables.

>> No.10591521

>muh incel incel incel
go back to r9k

>> No.10591542

the statistics have been repeatedly debunked and feminist retards still parrot this same bullshit

>> No.10591544
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>> No.10591549

fine, well i’m obviously too drunk to keep
pestering you (based on my many typos), but big if true

i mean having a girl on /sci/ is unicorn level, but if you’re the one to break that ceiling, j support it

>> No.10591551
File: 305 KB, 1536x2048, wherenomanhasgonebefore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"hypothesis" in non scientific topic
>desperate to see a femanon's threads

I bet you imitate anime characters in real life

>> No.10591557 [DELETED] 


The smell of all the incels that inevitably commit suicide. It’s a good smell.

>> No.10591558

then show me the source

>> No.10591561

There's a big difference between "it's tougher for me because my boss/professor doesn't take me seriously" and "it's tougher for me because I don't see many other women therefore I don't feel comfortable here and I quit". There is no systemic discrimination. The pay gap is a myth.

>> No.10591570

>it's tougher for me because my boss/professor doesn't take me seriously
Yeah, this happens all the time

>> No.10591576

Feminism then
>women are unfairly restrained
Feminism now
>men are unfairly aided

When did this sleight of hand happen? Why the shift from uplifting one to dragging down another?

>> No.10591577

>There is no systemic discrimination.

Prove it.

>The pay gap is a myth.

Nope. Women do earn less than men on average.

>> No.10591580

>when did this sleight of hand happen?

It never did. It exists in your head.

>> No.10591581

Master race

>> No.10591597

>per hour

Professionals don’t get paid by the hour dumb ass, they are salary. If a woman in STEM is working more hours than a man it’s because she can’t solve her problems fast enough.

>> No.10591598

Have you ever considered that discrimination could be a reason women don't go into the same kind of jobs as men?

>> No.10591614

Nice gaslighting. I'll see u @ the women's rally, ye sis?

>> No.10591619

>it's tougher for me because my boss/professor doesn't take me seriously
literally never seen this happen

>it's tougher for me because I don't see many other women therefore I don't feel comfortable here and I quit
This has happened to me but I got over it easily
"Women need other women to feel comfy in STEM" is more sexist than saying that there isn't a significant wage gap desu

>> No.10591623

Hardcore manual labor is essentially prostitution for men. For a woman to do that would be retarded because she can easily outdo that risk/reward ratio by literally being a prostitute. Prostitutes earnings are not counted in any of these studies and is completely tax free in most cases.

>inb4 not many women are prostitutes

Your 60 yo grandma who used to be a nurse is giving handjobs on the side as a “massage therapist”

>> No.10591633

No no no, anon. Men working back breaking labor jobs CHOOSE to be there. Women who are prostitutes are being FORCED by OUR SOCIETY.

Men act, women react. Every good feminist knows this! Women are weak victims and we have to protect them.

>> No.10591634

>be women
>get free stuff because of vagina
wow so oppressed

>> No.10591635

>i for one probably didn’t get two job offers i wanted because of it (white straight “cis” male)
and yet white straight cis males are like 90% of the STEM workforce.
you just can't buy the concept that the person that got hired was actually more qualified than you.

>> No.10591651

Epic anecdotal evidence my dude thanks

>> No.10591661

NSF says white males make up about half of the STEM workforce, nice job pulling stats out of your ass

>> No.10591668

My grandma isn't 60 like yours because I wasn't born to a drug addict at 16. Either that or you are 12 years old and should get the fuck off this board

>> No.10591715

>and yet white straight cis males are like 90% of the STEM workforce.
confirmed doesn't work in STEM

>> No.10591731

>the social scientists fail to see how maybe, just maybe, guys like science and math more but women like fashion and cooking more, thanks to our hunter-gatherer ancestry going back ~200,000 years.

only took a couple of decades since Title IX before the gender distribution flipped entirely in fields like biology - this conclusion sounds like bullshit to me

>> No.10591732

Why do women like biology more than physics?

>> No.10591738

Except you can't protect them because they're strong and independent and don't need no man!

>> No.10591753

Also what percentage of each gender of bio majors are pre-med or at least potentially interested in medicine? This is an honest question and not a rhetorical one like that last one. I'm kind of curious if medicine (and veterinary medicine, other animal-related fields etc) is a motivating factor that makes women choose biology.

>> No.10591757
File: 7 KB, 249x250, 52893288_320796372117808_7951601915219935232_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I could string together words good enough to explain why women shouldn't have been allowed to vote but me personally and my friends, whenever we look at a girl in my college doing well( I go to a good enough college), I never think about how smart she would have to be to study in the same class with us incels but which Women-in-STEM program she would have applied for.

>> No.10591761

Incel. Commit suicide.

>> No.10591762

Pre-med probably does explain some of the disparity since women gravitate more towards people-focused industries.

But likewise even in graduate school it seems like there's a clear female plurality in biology

>> No.10591766

Because women are less oppressed in biology

>> No.10591781

Explain, no, but I think it's part of the trend and at least a contributing factor.

Also, bioengineering seems to be a lot more appealing to women than other engineering fields.

Really, I'm just not sure what the takeaway is. Biologists are less sexist for some reason? Despite making up 13% of scientists, physicists commit 60% of the sexual harassment? The Muh Patriarchy hypothesis doesn't seem very parsimonious when it comes to addressing these discrepancies.

>> No.10591782

I've never applied for any women in STEM scholarships or programs. I got in because I'm good at math and science.

>> No.10591786

No, it's less math heavy and women tend to be less interested in math.

>> No.10591832

But did you fill the box in which it asked for your sex? I am sorry to break it to you but always remember there was a more deserving incel than you who didn't get the admission because you were a women.

>> No.10591840

Same. I'm treated as if I have equal knowledge being in accepted in the same place.

>> No.10591857
File: 100 KB, 375x375, 1451005993764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"STEM is hard for women!!"
- retard

Your STEM career as a woman is on fucking roller skates if you are even slightly attractive and of average intelligence. Doors will open constantly for you.
This also just makes a lot of men dislike and distrust women who *are* there on merit because how do you know they're not there on a crusade of bullshit? Look at that the Metoo movement has done to mentorships for women, nobody wants to deal with this fucking bullshit in a serious environment and the solution is to engineer it out entirely.

My advice to anon's reading this on their job applications is, if asked, say you're gay and use this stupid system against itself.

>> No.10591858
File: 281 KB, 719x552, IMG_20190426_103804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao. Actually believing guys around you don't consider you a brainlet and a burden if you are in the same project group as them.

>> No.10591859

My high school GPA was 4.1, and my college GPA was 3.8. Pretty sure I earned my place, thanks.

>> No.10591867

Will always be a virgin

>> No.10591902

The people saying
> Incel
at guys is definitely the most pathological in this thread.

>> No.10591904

>post hoc ergo propter hoc

There was much more going on culturally and legally in those decades than Title IX. The ends to not justify the means.

>> No.10591907
File: 136 KB, 1200x825, 1549499082489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're an idiot. the issue is merit and raw intelligence.... the iQ differences among sexes.

>> No.10591911

>women tend to be less interested in math.
Oh yeah, that's also because of oppression.

>> No.10591923

Is it though?
I've seen zero evidence of that

>> No.10591941

Is that alot? ”Muh anglocentrism” kys desu

>> No.10591946

On a 0-4.0 scale
Both are generally seen as very good GPAs.

>> No.10591971

Don't blame women in STEM for the current situation, many of them hate it because those that got their on their own merits are assumed to have gotten a free ride. The people responsible are "activists" and the institutions that refuse to stand up to them.

>> No.10591984

>activists go on about "speaking truth to power"

Why don't our institutions have the courage to likewise speak truth to adolescence?

>> No.10591992

Because the rank and file of education tend to "progressive" after decades of infiltration so if a dean wants to call it out they risk an employee strike and internal documents being leaked.

>> No.10592003

Never seen a picture more accurate. Only women are stupid enough to take the hard way, when the easy way is literally right next to them.

>> No.10592105

>and avoid irking the SJWs
what is the downside of irking them tho?

>> No.10592148

Accurate except the escalator should be labeled with a star of david

>> No.10592160

>gpa matters at all
The only thing that matters is your raw intelligence thot.

>> No.10592162

>"Hey guys look at me I can talk, a skill that has been used by man for millions of years, aren't I special?!?!?"

>> No.10592219

Let me put it this way OP. Theres no use in siding one side n half for the other. Whamen are sub human scum who only consume id say society should start automatised them n render them solely for reproductive purpose only. This war of sexes have to end period. Either one must be rob of consciousness n serve the other. NOW FIGHT!

>> No.10592278
File: 32 KB, 560x612, 37FA063C-E5E6-48CE-9FA9-A7B94F784F22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to do Physics without having gender politics forced down my throat

>> No.10592285
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>> No.10592287

>taking everyone job clumped together instead of comparing by job

>> No.10592293

This isn't science or math.

Funny how I get warned/banned for uni threads but /r9k/ tier trash like this gets to stay up. Fuck jannies.

>> No.10592303
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And fuck niggers

>> No.10592305

I wonder if there could be a reason why women don't go into majors like STEM? Perhaps it is because they are filled with stemlord incels like in this thread

>> No.10592328
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>> No.10592336

If they massively go out of a field for a few incels in those degrees, do they really like the topic itself, or just care about getting a job? The less women go into stem the better.
Without the Chads and women it will always pay good money comparatively so I don't really care.
Whatever the market decides I'm happy with because since I like STEM fields on one end I get paid more, on the other I interact with more women and increase my chances of sex. It seems like a non issue to me

>> No.10592338

If women allow the presence of people they don't get along with to determine the entire course of their education, it's because they didn't really care about whatever course is in question.
I hated EVERY SINGLE PERSON in my Neuroscience department and I pushed through for 6 years. Are women just too weak to do that, or do they not care about the disciplines in question, or are they simply overly affected by social pressures? What explains the difference? I eagerly anticipate your thoughtful response.