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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10590011 No.10590011 [Reply] [Original]

I'm always taken aback by the sheer lack of interest the average person has in the world they live in. They are not interested in how things work, they are not interested in ideas, they are not interested in exploring.
There's this nice egalitarian idea that all people make use of their minds for different purposes. What exactly do normies fill their heads with? Surely my temptation to feel superior is unwarranted?

>> No.10590020

>What exactly do normies fill their heads with?
Petty drama and sitcom quotes mostly

>> No.10590021

>No depression or anxiety

Lmao that ruined the image. Why does everyone either have to be some angsty depressed loser or a vapid normie? I'm a pretty weird guy but I'm happy all the time

>> No.10590022

I'd love to be able to be like them

>> No.10590028

It's part of the current zeitgeist of victimhood and oppression

>> No.10590031

> No depression or anxiety
Its on the rise. Normies have that shit too now.

>> No.10590032

>What exactly do normies fill their heads with?

With the same things you do but they're not being a cunt about it.

>> No.10590035


>> No.10590045

>Surely my temptation to feel superior is unwarranted
It is. You sound lonely and pathetic.

>> No.10590048

patently wrong

>> No.10590052

Patently unsubstantiated

>> No.10590069

> adjective
>the belief that all people experience reality and think the same way

>> No.10590086

What are you even talking about you stupid faggot. If you ever went outside, you'd notice people actually have a wide variety of interests.

>> No.10590100

the fuck do hobbies have to with op. you're as thick as negro's afro

>> No.10590119

>what do normies fill their heads will
Video games
Aircraft parts
Interior design
Fine leather goods
High performance scale RC boats
Concrete mixtures
Sheet metal fabrication
Nail treatments
Craft videos on youtube
Vegan baking

Just to name 16 things the average normie could have in their head. Have sex.

>> No.10590189

They are interested in things that are actually relevant to them. They make social contacts, move up the career ladder, dress fashionably, explore the world, have children, etc, while (You) stay depressed in your mother's basement studying the physics of maglev trains

>> No.10590213

I think we both know that not everyone is comparable. Imagine, for example, the PhD level chemist and a HS grad working at walmart. Then you say, they both are thinking about chemistry. But those thoughts are a world apart.
Also chemistry and aircraft parts are the only things out of that list that aren't hilariously vanilla.

>> No.10590225

>make social contacts (TO) move up the career ladder, dress fashionably, explore the world, have children
This seems boring

>> No.10590228

I can't understand how the average person can forget that we are explorers and pioneers other than sex robots. They seem to forget that as soon as they become sexually "mature".
One day i had the wonderful opportunity to join a group of normies in a pic nic in the woods, obviously they passed all the day drinking, smoking and flirting with each others, while me and another good fellow were exploring the woods trying to build a small hut and a bridge out of wood leafs and everithing nature gives us, and we were seen as "immature" and "childish". That was one of the funniest days of my life.

>> No.10590229

>I think we both know that not everyone is comparable.
Agreed. You are worth less than people who hold jobs and interact with the rest of society.
I don't know what this means

>> No.10590265

Anyone who wants a career or to do anything normal like that is lower than rat shit

>> No.10590270

You’re a loser.

>> No.10590279

Think of it as a bright side to climate change and other apocalyptic scenarios: the scum like in your image will suffer worse than anyone.

>> No.10590281

a winner is you

>> No.10590288

>when you pretend to be a new poster but the poster count doesn't increase

>> No.10590298

>pretending to be a new poster
Source? My first post was replying to someone other than OP you mentally challenged whiner

>> No.10590301


>> No.10590374

Why the fuck do you care?

>> No.10590428

>What exactly do normies fill their heads with?

Vanilla shit (aka normie shit)

>> No.10590752

I have a job. I interact with people.
You're trying to convince me that everyone can have the same conversations together, and it will be meaning. That's just obviously not true. How can you act like everyone is similar enough to have a common interest yet different enough to not be a bunch of dull sheep? Pick one pls. You're being silly

>> No.10590974

as a biologist, i could point out that most of them have or will fulfil their biological imperative of passing on their genes. anything else is pretty much filler.

>> No.10590996

>being a slave to some retarded kid for 1/4 of your life.
No thanks.

>> No.10591005

then biologically speaking, you will be a failure.

>> No.10591012

I remember trying Starbucks out and is fucking awful

7-11’s coffees taste better than that shit

>> No.10591048

t. Virgin

>> No.10591050

>he fell for the childless meme

>> No.10591071

yikes and cringepilled

>unironically using the term ‘normie’


>> No.10591077

Nerds gtfo

>> No.10591220

This actually doesnt sound bad. Certainly not my top priorities, but aside from socializing, thats all way up there. For some reason the internet, autists, 4chan, and incels tend to think that your average normie dude is a 35 year old, 6' 3" career oriented attorney with a high IQ, a super hot wife, and a pashion for football, CNN, the Kardashians, and Maroon 5, Justin Bieber, and Nicki Minaj. This person doesnt exist. The average "normie" is actually a 5' 9" wage cuck who likes to play xbox, drink beer with his friends, occasionally have sex when they get lucky, listen to Linkin Park and Mumford and Sons (while talking about how shitty most "pop" music is), and thinks hes smart because he watches documentaries about ancient rome or quantum mechanics or some shit even though they dont actually know anything about the topic. The normy is not some braindead automaton who was born genetically endowed with good looks and strong social skills. The average normie today looks much more like a 4chan user than a caricature from a 2000s college themed bro-comedy.

>> No.10591370
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Comfy post

>> No.10591390

Who would have guessed people have different interests

>> No.10592743
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>> No.10592875

You say that as if it means anything and has merit as an insult. I'm a failure because I choose to not continue the chain and contribute to my species? Reproduction has no value to yourself unless you're still primitive and feel the need to have children. In fact, reproduction actually weakens the individual because it takes resources to appeal to women and raise kids, and this puts you into situations where you must gain those resources. In today's terms, that means having enough money to both support yourself, a family, or make yourself look attractive. This especially applies to normies because a large portion of their income goes towards luxury fashion and hygiene or child care instead of their interests or own care.

So not only do I, a single male with no children to care for or wife to worry about, have more freedom as an individual financially, spatially, and with time, I don't need to worry about constantly providing resources to more people than myself, who might I add, may not even respect or appreciate me as a person and are just using me to survive and can turn on me at any moment. You can call me a failure I don't really care, if that makes you cope with your impulses and life choices go ahead. I'm grateful that I enjoy loneliness and am independent, it's literally a top-tier lifestyle. Actual losers will tell you otherwise

>> No.10592879

Why, though?

>> No.10592903

morally speaking it is wrong to force beings into existance that will realize their own inescapable death. makes for a great meme tho

>> No.10592939

If it's not morally wrong to abort, then it's not morally wrong to conceive.

In both cases the act is only affecting a sub-sapient entity. In the case of conception, the child becomes conscious of its own accord.

>> No.10592960

I wish I could witness your crushing loneliness in a few years

>> No.10592963

>the child becomes conscious of its own accord.
The fuck is this retardation. I for one can't remember a point where I decided fuck yeah I want to be counscious, let's do it!

>> No.10592975

>being this much of a literalist brainlet

>> No.10592977

nothing wrong with that

>> No.10592988

The point is that as a child grows it becomes conscious on its own. Your mom or dad don't do anything special to turn you from pre-sapient to sapient

>> No.10593022

>denies his animalistic nature instead of coming to terms with it
>values “freedom” even though he barely knows what it is
>types paragraphs of virgin rage

>> No.10593028

The peak of Earth's living creatures choses to end progress of his genome, and for what? To be slave to his employer, consumerism and "interests".

>> No.10593034
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>You are worth less than people who hold jobs and interact with the rest of society.

>> No.10593099

Except you know, it wouldn't happen without them fucking. Do I have a say in any of this? Nothing.
I can't believe your trying to pin the blame of a child being conceived onto the child itself.

>> No.10593105

Yeah, things have causes, no shit dummy. Point of the matter is that the parents don't make the child conscious, and that an action is only morally wrong if it'll inevitably lead to harm.

I know you hate your life, but most people actually enjoy living.

>> No.10593110

Broke: having kids because benis into bagin.
Joke: not having kids so you can be even more of a hedonist sub-human.
Woke: having kids as the ultimate act of creation and passing on your own knowledge and wealth to a successor, rather than mindlessly squandering it in animal pursuits.

Cage the ape within and turn it to higher purpose, anon.

>> No.10593126

Except if you make a child you'd expect it to be conscious retard. Its consciousness will be a direct consequence of the sex they had, so obviously they are the ones responsible.

>> No.10593143

a truly cringe and yikespilled thread

>> No.10593148

By that same argument, abortion is a direct cause of the denial of consciousness.
Are you against women's rights, anon?

>> No.10593190

I can't even fucking follow your line of thought anymore and I can't fucking understand what point you're trying to make. Yes abortion prevents a consciousness from forming. Sure got me there...?

>> No.10593200 [DELETED] 

Have sex, incel

>> No.10593217

Nice bebuttal lmao

>> No.10593315

There's so many boomers out there that chose anon's path, I'm sure they had a great run being hedonist consumerist pigs, but now that their bodies are starting to break down and can barely take care of themselves with nothing to look forward to, knowing full well the only thing ahead of him are year of crushing loneliness before an unnoticed death, they got nothing to do but watch tv the whole day everyday.
There's this silent generation man, who unlike anon had the decency to at least marry so he had someone to lean on and share time tv in his old age, but no children. His wife passed away a few months ago, and I got marry a few months earlier, and every time he sees me he tells me "it's important to start a family now, make children, don't make my mistake, a life alone is so painful"
The funny thing is how people like anon believe they are above the "primitive" people that choose to have a family, yet they are so short-sighted and incapable of planning ahead, like animals

>> No.10593317

das y pol call them npc

>> No.10593327

>tfw I autisticallly asked a girl out over text because I was lonely and horny
>she actually said yes
>we're supposed to go out tonight
>I really really don't want to waste my evening with this girl. The conversation will probably be so boring.
>tfw I would rather finish coding my final project
>Going to cancel on her and tell her that my aunt died

>> No.10593341

>Explore the world
Wrong. They only go to highly touristics places that have the local culture/environment watered down. People that go explore seriously and with passion are fairly rare.

>> No.10593344

>Going to cancel on her and tell her that my aunt died
Don't do it, anon. Go out with her. Have sex. Its good sometimes.

>> No.10593367

you might be gay

>> No.10593369
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Yikes, that's some serious little dick energy you got there. This post is proof this thread belongs on /r9k/.

>> No.10593377

Normies are so soulless

>> No.10593380

Unlike you, who is full of spirit, whit, and lust for life.

>> No.10593384


>> No.10593387

>The Archons burden the soul, attracting us to works of evil, and pull us down into oblivion, making us forget who we are.

>> No.10593391
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Not that kind of soul, normies have plenty of that, ironically that's part of what makes them so soulless

>> No.10593398

hahahaha wtf. You are a retard. Doing that shit is basically a children game, that explains it all.

>> No.10593400

>filled with prejudice
>"I have soul"

>> No.10593405
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You just aren't getting it

>> No.10593406

Heh, maybe yours, but mine will be borderline genius.

>> No.10593412

>humans are like aesthetic preference in my cartoons
Not even trying to be rude. Have you ever had sex?

>> No.10593413


>> No.10593421

you and your friend are either autistic and can't understand social cues (a picnic is not the appropriate time for childplay) or city rats that have never been taken to play in the woods by your parents

>> No.10593426

>Muh cartoons

Teenage virgin

>> No.10593428

>gets invited to drink and smoke in the woods
>runs off and builds a fort like a child

>> No.10593458

In the USA, this is caused by how children are raised in the school system. It is purpose built for that type of thing.

>> No.10593470

Soulless normies detected

>> No.10593478

Ignorance is bliss

>> No.10593482

they do when their child is not fully retarded or doesn‘t make it to 2 or 3 years of age. So when people get a child, they force consciousness into existence 99% of the time. This is idependent of self awareness developing itself if it requires conception in the first place. If you wish to make a child that is unable to be conscious, you‘re fucked in the head on a whole other level.

>> No.10593484

>Get interested in Something about the world
>Find out it's some complex differential equation I can't understand
>Feel defeated, give up

>> No.10593488
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bitter incel detected

>> No.10593514

every second you don‘t ejaculate into some pussy is denial of consciousness, which I would have preferred my parents to do.
Now due to their immoral actions I have to exist on this mortal space in the full knowledge that either my life will be shit or I will have to stop experiencing a good life with certainty. And every second spent is another second I grow more attatched to my existence, this makes the best time to die every moment before i became aware of my death

>> No.10593527

what a dumb way to live. the absolute untermensch

>> No.10593531

uh no dude i think you'll find capeshit and shopping are just as deep and interesting as whatever you focus on you fedora incel virgin!!!!!!!

>> No.10593543

>things that are actually relevant to them. They make social contacts

t. cancer cunt

>> No.10593754
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>> No.10593765
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Why not both?

>> No.10593773

They have the fake version. You can tell the difference when it minimally impacts the people who claim to have it. If someone says they're socially anxious, or really any other kind, and then socializes over it with other people, it's the fake kind.
>they are not interested in ideas
Idea people are only interesting to other idea people. And even then only to the degree that their ideas overlap. They're boring to everyone else.

>> No.10595418

>Normies are not depressed
Does NOT imply
>Non-normies are depressed

It's logic.

>> No.10595421

in this poor me /r9k/ context it does

>> No.10595422

This why they have no introspection, they have good reasons to fear what is inside of them: short, insignificant lives of no consequences, they will not me missed 2 years after they are gone.

>> No.10595447

Normies are more depressed and have more anxiety than non-normies nowadays.

Of course this is only the case because being depressed and anxious is considered trendy because it makes you stick out more. Just like being vegan and celiac.

>> No.10595449

You won't be missed even 5 minutes after you're gone yet that doesn't make your current life any less significant.

Stop projecting your trash onto other people.

>> No.10595458

/sci/ exhibits the relationship between anxiety/depression and existential/death dread. Take notes, anons

>> No.10595484

Enjoy your pussy and alchool while the world rottens