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10590004 No.10590004 [Reply] [Original]

Honestly ask yourself what is more likely,
>Heavy metals that are known to cause autism that are used to preserve MMRs and other vaccines efficiently are viewed as a necessary danger by the elite, while no money is being used to study autism
>a single british scientist from the 1980's duped the entire world for 40 years

for christ sake, even the FDA and the us government had regularly said that vaccines cause autism before they realized how paranoid every one would get

>> No.10590010

You forgot the third option:
>OP is a retard who has no idea what he's talking about

>> No.10590013

>for christ sake, even the FDA and the us government had regularly said that vaccines cause autism before they realized how paranoid every one would get

>> No.10590014

>Heavy metals that are known to cause autism
Proof? Sources?

>> No.10590019

>Heavy metals that are known to cause autism
lol they are? proof? show me one source of something "causing" autism.

>> No.10590042

He heard one that eating lead was vaguely "bad for you" so he concluded that all heavy metals cause every specific disorder he can think of

>> No.10590072

>a single british scientist from the 1980's duped the entire world for 40 years
this one

>> No.10590075

never forget that Wakefield falsified his data because he wanted to promote his own vaccine as a better alternative.

it's one of the best examples of corruption out there and it's completely ignored

>> No.10590084

Except that never happened and OP is a nutjob.

>> No.10590085
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for sure brother, youre better then everyone that dosent understand science like you

not "caused", but there is an obvious correlation. but no mental illness like this is "caused" in that sense, you are just muddying the waters

>> No.10590090

like the green companies that lie about global warming

>> No.10590092

More like...
>There was always a comunity of people who distrust vaccines
>They were mostly unground and ignored because no one took them seriously
>Suddenly in the 1980s this British guy gave this group the excuse to distrust vaccines and allow them to go public with apparent legitimacy
>Now this group continues to dupe themselves because they want to be duped and they can dupe others

Add that to the fact that there wasn't a major plague in the West for a couple of generations and you've got yourself a sizable group of Darwin award nominees.

>> No.10590095

>yeah man the average person is just so dumb and im so smart lmao

>> No.10590106

>some well known rare side effects are associated with autistic characteristics
>therefore Wakefield was right
Wow, you are truly delusional.

>> No.10590114

Are you people that think vaccines are harmless seriously going to tell me that people ive known directly (family) that have gotten vaccines and developed autistic regression EXACTLY after a fever from the shot that this is just a coincidence? What about for every case of this? Is this just a giant anti-vaxxer conspiracy?

>> No.10590115

Only the deniers are significantly funded by the companies that benefit from their research.

>> No.10590121

I wish we could see if wake-field was right or wrong, for some reason we cant study this stuff anymore tho.... hm.....

>> No.10590123

fuck off back to /pol/, kids.

>> No.10590124

Of course not, your correlative anecdote clearly trumps epidemiology. We must get this out to the scientific community immediately so that all vaccines can be destroyed.

>> No.10590130

*dosent have kids because hes an incel*

>> No.10590132

But that's wrong retard.


>> No.10590135

>vaccines vaccinate
>therefore they are harmless
talk about law of excluded middle

>> No.10590137

Enough, you've already convinced me that vaccines cause autism. Your logic is undeniable.

>> No.10590138

the entire study is a strawman just from the title

>> No.10590145

Who are you quoting?

>> No.10590148

Remember, the original claim was that the rates were higher in blacks and to a degree whites

>> No.10590149


>> No.10590151

you, just pointing out you are retarded

>> No.10590159

Its mercury and aluminum preservatives that is the issue, every vaccine that has this could have potential mitochondrial damage, but we arent allowed to study that because its anti science apparently

>> No.10590162

OK have another: http://www.bbc.co.uk/sn/tvradio/programmes/horizon/mmr_prog_summary.shtml

>> No.10590164

>Heavy metals that are known to cause autism
several foods and household products already contain said elements
your own body has traces of them
their concentration on vaccines is way below the threhold where they start to build up in your body

>> No.10590169

Unironically it gives them anxiety, think about it, its easier to sit in your subconscious if you convince yourself that all the autism is just a coincidence and mercury isnt actually toxic. Ultimately it serves a superiority complex because they can claim that everyone else is just stupid.

>> No.10590170

And here's some more: https://web.archive.org/web/20091026043205/http://www.iom.edu/reports/2004/immunization-safety-review-vaccines-and-autism.aspx





>> No.10590173

Where did I say that?

>> No.10590176

Let's put it this way. You can have accessible vaccines that don't have astronomically high costs and worry about something that is in fact being studied all over and being proven to not be a big deal. Or you can up the price on vaccines, reduce coverage capabilities particularly in third world countries with high temperatures, and remove thimesroal.


>> No.10590178

>Unironically it gives them anxiety, think about it, its easier to sit in your subconscious if you convince yourself that all the autism (an umbrella terms used to group several disorders with similar symptoms) is caused by a single group of powerful people which are in total control of the situation. Ultimately it serves a superiority complex because they can claim that everyone else is just stupid.

>> No.10590180

I'd rather have autism than polio thanks

>> No.10590185

thats my point
suprisingly un biased, I agree with most of it but its not a paper and it dosent tackle the heavy metals at all, which is the issue

>> No.10590187

>Id rather have autism
>therefore, vaccines dont cause autism
youre gunna have to explain that one, chief

>> No.10590188

if you believe vaccines cause autism (they don't), would you rather get autism or die of polio?

You still take the vaccine

>> No.10590196

It discusses data from an unpublished UK study of 100 autistic and 200 non-autistic and found no correlation. This is in response to the claim that we can't see whether Wakefield was right or wrong, so heavy metals are irrelevant. Show me the effective dosage of heavy metals that causes autism and then show me vaccines meet the effective dosage.

>> No.10590199

Im not arguing some ethical philosophical dilemma, im arguing that heavy metals like mercury and aluminum, especially the kind used in vaccines, can cause mitochondrial degeneration and cause problems in infants which manifest as autistic tendencies, mostly in lower class african americans and whites

>> No.10590206

What dosage?

>> No.10590378
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>they did millions of studies on vaccines!!
>Conclusion 10.6: The evidence is inadequate to accept or reject a causal relationship between diphtheria toxoid–, tetanus toxoid–, or acellular pertussis–containing vaccine and autism.
>The evidence is inadequate
The evidence is inadequate
>The evidence is inadequate
The evidence is inadequate
>The evidence is inadequate
Oops, guess they forgot to do the studies.

>> No.10590713

Vaccines do not cause autism, and there is zero credible evidence to suggest that they do. And no, "I knew a guy whose kid got vaccinated and was later diagnosed as autistic" is not evidence of anything -- "I know a guy who got his kid vaccinated and he was never diagnosed as autistic" would have the same evidentiary value -- zero.

This is not the same thing as "vaccines don't cause any adverse side effects." They sometimes do.

But the side effects are rare and do a shit-ton less damage than is done by not using the vaccines.

>> No.10590727

You are not arguing that, you are merely asserting it. There is no evidence that I have seen that backs you up. You certainly have not shared any. Do you have any?

>> No.10590794

Alienation causes autism, such study caused alienation, therefore vaccines cause autism.

It's like when you do drugs, people reject you, therefore drugs are bad because you get rejected. Drugs are wrong, not people, so vaccines caused autism.

>> No.10590822

If there is metals in vaccines I would be interested to know quantity, especially considering the accumulative effects metals have and the amount of vaccines we get.

>> No.10590872
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>> No.10590882

if i had my way, people with your niggerbrain mindset would be taking numbers next to a long wall

>> No.10590900

Autism rates have not changed in places where thimerosal has been banned

case closed

>> No.10590901

>they take out thimerosal
>literally replace it all with aluminum at the exact same time
I replaced the poison in your water with another poison, therefore your water is not poisoned.

>> No.10590947

>citation needed

>> No.10590990

gee, i wonder who could be behind this post?