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File: 29 KB, 366x550, globers HATE evidence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10587650 No.10587650 [Reply] [Original]

136 IQ INTP here. The earth IS flat.

>> No.10587652

Prove it.

>> No.10587657

>brainlets think the Earth is flat
Imagine my shock

>> No.10587660


I have a list of things that falsify the Flat Earth notion.

>> No.10587661

>doesn't see the pic right in front of him
It's almost like globalists don't even have eyes

>> No.10587663

Clearly that’s CGI

>> No.10587664

Whats seen in the picture is predicted by the globe Earth too. Try harder.

>> No.10587666

I can't tell if these posts are trolls, they actually believe it or they are simply American.

>> No.10588034

holy shit im dying

>> No.10588046

Orbulon does not permit bait to be posted on thy board. Thou shalt leave as once.

>> No.10588068

The second and third choices

>> No.10588074

>Harsh reality is bait

>> No.10588082

The Earth is round just like my nose is becoming round.

Hey my nose has more collagen on one side than the other, and my uncle has a real bulb on his nose. I'm kind of worried about growing out a bulb on mine. I've got such a nice vertically-pointing scandi-nose. I don't want it round.

The earth cannot be flat.

>> No.10588089

Why do you believe earth to be flat?

>> No.10588153

>136 IQ
Midwit supreme*

>> No.10588189

The Earth is actually a dodecahedron and does not rotate. The edges aren't sharp because they've been "sanded down" by the friction of space particles during Earth's orbit around in the sun, which is actually flat and always has one of ita faces directed towards the Earth. The moon is a sphere though.

>> No.10588223

Actually, my high IQ tells me that the medium level of intelligene is about 100 IQ, meaning mine would be well above average. Infact, my IQ is telling me that my IQ is approximately 2 standard deviations above the norm, but keep talking sweetie your attempts at insult are amusing to my IQ

>> No.10588232

Hey high IQ man, I used to be smart in elementary school, but I'm kind of fucking retarded now. I can barely program, but that's only because of OCD. I've got potential, right? The online tests give me something between 130 and 145. I think I'm just stupid because of cardiovascular lethargy. My fingernails are a little purple...

>> No.10588233

Typically putting any degree of faith into online IQ tests is a symptom of low IQ, because those are clearly just 20 question multiple choice evaluations created by 3rd graders or corrupt sociologists.

>> No.10588244

Yeah, I've heard they're rarted, but they have to count for something, right?

>> No.10588252

Well they probably indicate you have at least basic brain function

>> No.10588264

Hey also my pee is green most of the time. Do you think that affects my intelligence?

>> No.10588296

If your pee is a symptom of a kidney issue, it can affect the health of your entire body because it keeps your blood working properly. The kidney is important in cleansing the blood of toxins.

>> No.10588405
File: 49 KB, 645x729, 1514147604484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>expecting to see the curve of a 7900 mile diameter ball while being 6 miles above it

>> No.10588422

Your brain is also FLAT

>> No.10588425

Thanks for proving iq means nothing

>> No.10588436

I used to be like you once, my little globling. And then I realized the ostensible falsehoods perpetuated by NASA and realized I was duped with a convoluted narrative designed to lead me astray, as are most others. Blind faith is the essence of evil.

>> No.10588441

That wing looks like it's tip is curved up tho, almost as if the whole photo was shooped to bring the middle down

>> No.10588443
File: 43 KB, 607x505, 7DA46C93-FA78-40EB-91D0-91920A958EF9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s not blind belief, it’s just that you actually need to be able to think to appreciate the evidence. There is no model of a flat earth that is more consistent with the world around you than a globe.

>> No.10588475
File: 119 KB, 583x482, 1551239577274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Another IQ thread

>> No.10588501

You hear what you want to hear not reality, like a child. Are you scared of the bullies so you just shut up and believe what you are told? Please google NASA cgi. Your ""space men""" will look no more than hollywood actors.
Attempt to prove to me there is a globe. I say "attempt" because you cannot.
Greets from Wisconsin.

>> No.10588505
File: 113 KB, 661x882, DEhzsgnXcAMatG0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

300 iq genius here traps are not gay

>> No.10588511

so this is proof mars has lakes on it's surface and a dense atmosphere, nasa has been lying to us!!!!

>> No.10588536

A true high iq individual right here fellas.

>> No.10588546

beautiful pic

>> No.10588577

Big words make you sound so very smart.

IQ means nothing. It is to the socially inadequate white boy as horoscopes are to a white girl. Most IQ tests are more about pattern recognition than anything else. And patterns aren't exactly the most difficult thing to be able to recognize. So now that your "My IQ is higher than average so I must be right" argument can't be used, what else do you have to prove that the Earth is flat? Don't be a Rabbi about it and answer with a question.

>> No.10588582

then tell me, where can I go to get a photo of the edge?
And seasons, how do they work?
And different climates?
And waterfalls?

>> No.10588589

>t. IQlet

>> No.10588590


>> No.10588605

Truly a compelling rebuttal.

>> No.10588608


>> No.10588609

>Being this much of a Cock Socket

>> No.10588613 [DELETED] 

It deserves none better.

>> No.10588616

>I have a list of things that falsify the Flat Earth notion.
Irrelevant. Flat Earthers are here for the luls, not facts.

>> No.10588622
File: 19 KB, 230x270, Irony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You hear what you want to hear not reality, like a child.
I'll bet you don't see the irony in that.

>> No.10588633

Is Mars (or literally any other celestial body) a Globe or a Sphere of some sort?

If Yes, why can't Earth be one?

If No, what are they then? What do telescopes show you? Why would we have spent the past thousands of years saying "Yep, it's round" to other celestial bodies yet deny that Earth could also be round like everything else out there barring clouds of gas?

>> No.10588692

Not an argument.

>> No.10588709

136 IQ isn't impressive at all. It isn't hard to compete with "average" 100 IQs when retard 70 IQs exist to keep the average down. There are more mentally retarded and vegetables than there are geniuses. You are barely more human than the retards.

>> No.10588714

>And patterns aren't exactly the most difficult thing to be able to recognize.
Then why doesn't everybody have a high IQ? 100 is the average if you didn't already know.

>> No.10588736

Wait, seriously?
I hate to bump another IQ/shitpost thread, but being straight here, isn't 136 relatively high? I know it's not genius-level, but it's pretty removed from the average.

>> No.10588757

high IQ doesn't mean you can't have retarded beliefs, intelligence and wisdom are not the same thing

>> No.10588760

Of course it’s high

>> No.10588765
File: 45 KB, 1000x1000, 1512992420823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meme personality test
>muh IQ
>bait filename

>> No.10588835

>In times of good visibility, if you watch a ship go past the horizon you will see the bottom fall below it first, until the entire ship is completely obscured. This is easier to observe with binoculars, but they aren’t required.
>The rotation of weather systems shows an apparent coriolis force, with wind directions being easy to predict due to it. The rotation around pressure systems and behaviours of the trade winds make no sense on a flat Earth.
>There is no flat earth map that is capable of measuring the Southern Hemisphere anywhere near accurately.
>Literally every aviator, ship navigator, and meteorologist (that’s right, the fucking weatherboy is less retarded than you), in addition to all the government workers out there would need to be keeping this secret. Some flat Earthers out there LARP as aviators, but then get basic facts about the airframe they claim to fly wildly wrong, or claim to make trips that exceed their range on a flat earth or globe.
I looked up that NASA CGI stuff as well. Learnt nothing, since all the results were about how NASA takes composites and uses CGI to fill the gaps or add further data (is anyone surprised by this really?).
Go out and actually learn about the world before thinking that there’s some kind of conspiracy out there about the shape of the world being kept a secret. If there is any mass conspiracy out there, it certainly isn’t about something as verifiable as the flat earth.