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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1058759 No.1058759 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1058775


>> No.1058783

God only created the earth.

christians: 2
atheists: 0

>> No.1058785
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>> No.1058794

OP, your a goddamn idiot. Fission does not require oxygen.

>> No.1058798

Allah only created the earth.

christians: 0
muslims: 2

>> No.1058802

OP, you are a shitty troll. Christians never implied this. They just imply that God created it.


>> No.1058804

Hey godfags, if you're so awesome, why do you need to post shitty threads here to feel good?

>> No.1058811
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>> No.1058812

One day you too will be enlightened.

>> No.1058836
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But it is raining all the fucking time

>> No.1058841

We don't all live in england you know.

>> No.1058854

Hey Monotheists, if theirs no oxygen in space, how come the ever-vigillant eye of Horus watches over us?

Egyptians: 3

>> No.1058866

Hey Christians, if there is a god, then who was phone?

>> No.1058870


>> No.1058879
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>> No.1058886

The sun does not burn dipshit, and the sun is not fission either, it is fusion

Maybe if we compressed enough christians into a giant ball with it's own gravitational force, we could possibly make a second sun

>> No.1058890

Hey /sci/, if you hate troll threads, why do you reply to them without fail?

Trolls: 1
/sci/: 0

>> No.1058904

Dammit! Crap your right! Sorry, /sci/FAIL!

>> No.1058925

Derp derp herpa durp herp.

Derp: 0
Herp: 4

>> No.1059382

bumping a troll thread on page 4

>> No.1059395

Because Atheists are impossible to have a logical argument against

>> No.1059412

>Implying creationists even know the meaning of logic.

>> No.1060089

Since when did God say, 'There is oxygen in space'? wtf have religion got to do with the sun which, btw, doesn't 'burn'... fucktards...

>> No.1060113

The Sun creates it's own oxygen.

>> No.1060121

God made oxygen on the second day you retards

>> No.1060127

Jesus will save us all
repent for your sins
jesus makes the sun burn

>> No.1060135

God makes the sun burn
that's the only explanation there is

>> No.1060150

Oxygen is very common all throughout the universe.

>> No.1060155

It doesn't burn, it explodes.

>> No.1060299

If Christians have a brain why don't they think critically? Valid question I think.

>> No.1060567

Holy shit, whoever posted this needs to go to school.
The sun doesn't need oxygen. It's a fockin' ball of Hydrogen. And at the core of this fockin' ball of Hydrogen, atoms are smashing together and sticking together, releasing energy at the same time (this energy is the sun's glow which we see from the Earth).

How do we know the sun is made of Hydrogen in the first place? It's called RADIO SPECTROMETRY, dude. When you direct a prism at a source of light/gas, each element has it's own spectral light signature. We just happened to point this prism at the sun and by analyzing the spectrum that was produced, we deducted that the sun is made up of Hydrogen.

>> No.1060574

fucking seriously, guys

let these fuckers sink, don't raise them back to the front

people who answer to theses threads are as bad as the trolls that start these miserable threads to get attention


>> No.1060598

Oh my fucking god people sage and report. I can understand playing along but it is either OP samefagging arguing with himself or underageb&'s wanting to flaunt their science knowledge.

>> No.1061487

derpa derpa derpa