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10584359 No.10584359[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do cats have free will? Why do they all decide to be assholes?

>> No.10584363
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>> No.10584371

Because very few people train their cats. They're barely domesticated, just a step above feral.

>> No.10584374 [DELETED] 

Why would God create a sentient being that's predestined to be an asshole and provide nothing of value?

>> No.10584379

So they're inherently assholes until trained to pretend otherwise?

>> No.10584387

>Do cats have free will? Why do they all decide to be assholes?
They're quantum phenomenon. A cat exists in a superposition of states. It's simultaneously puking in your shoes, pooping behind the couch, and hiding behind something waiting to cannon ball the back of your knee as you walk by.
Seriously though, while cats aren't incapable of being social or living in colonies, they'd rather be out on their own. They don't have the kind of social hierarchy of dogs or people do which is where those niceties and social behaviors derive from.

>> No.10584389

Cats have different personalities.
Cats have ego. Most of them are egoistic.
They seem asshole because of egoism.

>> No.10584393

Surely God must have provided free will to cats!

What point does God want to prove, to pre-destine all cats to be assholes, to have terrible morals, murder birds and think for no one but themselves?

If this Earth is a purgatory for the souls, surely the soul imbued in the cat, should, through free will, align itself accordingly with good morals, do good for others, not be an asshole, not murder small animals, and therefore break free from the eternal cycle of suffering!

>> No.10584401

I disagree. For God said that humans shall have dominion over all of the beasts of the earth. If cats have free will, we would not have dominion over them.

>> No.10584409

>free will
Free will is a meaningless concept.


>> No.10584414

All cats have big egos. Surely they have "free will" to choose how big their ego is. Not a genetically inherited trait, activated from birth, one could assume.

Just like humans. Because humans are so different from cats. We, unlike them, have a choice over the size of our own ego. Not pre-destined to be assholes from birth and act out of mere ego, no, we're totally different!

We, humans, unlike cats, have soul and conciousness, and God granted us free will to break from the cycle of suffering!

>> No.10584418

Thou must not pray towards thou faulty god, for Orbulon is the messenger of the great One, whomst is thou true 'god'. Thou shall repent to Skar.

>> No.10584422

Why is this you speak like?
Numbers have an end.
- Muhammed Ababou

>> No.10584428

Orbulon is apologetic if thy language is too intellectual for thou to grasp.

>> No.10584443

If free will truly doesn't exist, then what are we? Are we nothing but biological machines doomed to blindly obey our physical, chemical and genetic makeup? And to powerlessly observe the universe unfold before us, having no say over the quantum alterations that make our lives so random?

>> No.10584445

What is to make of this? I encourage you to ask questions. The bird that flies high, looks up and knows there is an end.
Numbers have an end.
- Muhammed Ababou

>> No.10584446

what are the odds
i suddenly think "mohamed ababou" and of the theory of numbers have an end
spontaneously, having not thought about it for almost a year, i search ababou in warosu
and the very minute it all comes back to me is the very minute that others are thinking about it as well

>> No.10584448

>If cats have free will, we would not have dominion over them.
You've clearly never owned a cat.
They're a really misunderstood creature that gets a lot of personification projected onto it.
Cats aren't really that smart, but they're incredibly manipulative. Your cat trains you more than you train it, their vocalizations are 100% for the benefit of the humans around them, and over your cats life it learns to game you.
You ever hear a hungry cat meowing for food, or one that wants to go out, or needs their litter box cleaned? The obnoxious noises they make that are like nails on a chalkboard and can even wake you up from a deep sleep - they can vocalize at the same frequency that a crying baby does, which triggers your biological imperative to investigate and try to stop whatever it is making that noise from making that noise.
A cat doesn't know it sounds like a baby, but it know when it makes that noise it gets a response from you and it creates that positive feedback loop in their little cat brains.
Most cats have a small vocabulary with their owner that they can recognize (the meow for "It's dinner time!" "Scratch my belly" "let me out" "leave me alone I'm grumpy" etc), but that's a personal vocab between you two, you're not going to understand what some stranger cat is saying like you do your cat.
Their body language, which is how they communicate among themselves. is universal.

>> No.10584456


Barbed penises.

>> No.10584457

My neighbors cat comes over all the time and eats my cats food and sleeps on the couch. It never meows it just makes quiet peeping sounds when its excited or happy.

>> No.10584459

When the trees grow, they know they must grow tall, but never too tall, lest they reach their end. The oldest tree is never the tallest tree. Listen for God's voice, and you will see.
Numbers have an end.
- Muhammed Ababou

>> No.10584463

Can you ban this fucking retard?

>> No.10584465

Orbulon needn't ask, for all the answers are contained within thee.
- Orbulon

>> No.10584468

The devil fills with hate. To follow the numbers leads to unhappiness. Only God can grant us the heavens and higher.
- Muhammed Ababou

>> No.10584473

The One shall lead thou to enlightenment. Thou shall not be mislead.

>> No.10584475


thanks both of you for ruining my thread :(

>> No.10584484

God imparts enlightenment on the faithful. To climb a mountain, you must first look up. When you have climbed the mountain, you must then look down to see the land.
Numbers have an end.
- Muhammed Ababou

>> No.10584486
File: 33 KB, 660x495, IMG_1295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thy Orbulon is apologetic. Thy had to respond to Muhammed. Thy shall post a cat picture to return this thread to its topic.

>> No.10584492
File: 123 KB, 1000x667, IMG_1296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thou art mistaken. Numbers do not have an end.

>> No.10584509

Take a horse and treat him well, and he will run for you. To run forever, one cannot! The earth would not have enough food. Only God is infinite.
Numbers have an end.
- Muhammed Ababou

>> No.10584511

You can always try /an/, might be a little more on topic.

>> No.10584515

Thou god art not infinite. There is only one thing infinite in this universe, and that is the intellect of thy Orbulon.

>> No.10584516


These critters look nice to pet

>> No.10584518

This proclamation is not favorable in the eyes of the Lord.
Numbers have an end.
- Muhammed Ababou

>> No.10584524

It is irksome that people are buying this merchandise from me on eBay, but they are not buying my book. I think I am allowed to make money the terrible, horrible, degrading fashion which yields me only a few pennies with which I might scrape by, but my book, like my research, is something that would give me enough money to get the fuck out of here. Even though my life plan is to first become squared away with money, and then to have kids, and I think my enemies have attempted to forbid me any success which would get my money squared away as their goal is to make sure I never achieve my goals. As others have my enemies as their gods before me, The Lord God Almighty, they are all cooperating to ensure that I never succeed at anything I do, and that I always lose, unless it's something trivial which wouldn't change my life (like on a 30 minute sitcom where they make it look like something might happen but really everything is always going to the same in the next episode.) Since I have always won, however, when my life was on the the line, I assume it is only a matter of time until I can hurt them many times over with respect to how much they've hurt me, which is a tremendous amount, and is basically the story of my life. I will repay them many times over when the time comes for them to reap what they have sown.

>> No.10584531

I think everyone who ever listened to me on the phone should listen to my earliest calls to PUR Digital when I was living on Howell Mill Road. PUR Digital was my ISP at that time. The insufferable bitch kept telling me that they were going to have to send a technician to look at my stuff, and I was telling her that I had not changed anything and my internet was obviously turned off on their end. She was a horrible customer service representative, and only after I refused the technician's visit many, many times did she eventually say, "Oh, well. I can check with the technical team to see if we turned it off, and then they turned it right back on, and that woman from that call was gangstalking me on the phone for years after that, and I hate her so much it is beyond what I would even reasonably envision for the purposes of writing a blog post. When I was living in Dunwoody, allegedly, this person fucked me over on some Amazon call I had to make and when I called back the gangstalker with a different voice said, "Oh no... she didn't do it," in reference to doing the thing I had called Amazon to get their rep to do for me. The second person said, "That was Destiny B," as if to associate that name with voice which is painful for me to even hear, and has somehow, seemingly, been intercepting my calls for years, and this might even explain, at least in part, issues I've had with women ignoring me on the phone when I was trying to have sex with them.

>> No.10584533
File: 137 KB, 1600x911, IMG_1297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thou true lord is the great and magnificent One. Thou 'god' dost not exist. Allow Orbulon's guidance.

>> No.10584570

because cats really overestimates their capabilities, like when they hiss at you and act like they can fuck you up, and people just ignore it or think it's cute instead of kicking them real hard in the face.
that's what i do to strays around here. they haven't hissed at me since, dumb cunts, they fear me and respect me now

>> No.10584575

>that's what i do to strays around here
where is here?

>> No.10584581

the cats can probably sense the hate/evil in your aura

>> No.10584589

Cats are the free-thinkers pet
Dogs are the absolute cuck's pet.
Proof: dogs are like sniveling children that aren't even yours, they aren't even of your own species. They drool everywhere, make you pick up there shit, shed all over your house, lick you after eating their shit and scarfing on their balls. The only benefits to having a dog is the fact that they will give their owner unwarranted attention no matter what. The transaction taking place is that of the owner suffering through all the disgusting tradeoffs and cuckery of dogs to get unattended social attention themselves. The sad thing is that dogs are merely trained to act like they like their owner. Owner gives them food when they love them so they love them back. This unrequited social attention that doesnt require social obligation itself is exactly why dogs are the redditor's favorite pet. Dogs will literally eat their owner within a day of their death. They dont care about you, just that you will feed it, groom it, and pick up its shit
Cats, on the other hand, will not give you constant attention. Cats are independant. They will respect you, rub up against you and happily exchange some grooming, they keep themselves clean, they know how much to eat and when to eat. Cats are by no means children, rather they are much more reminiscent of roommates. Two individuals of arguably similar social standing in the house. A cat will respect you for what you provide but will not emelish you in constant attention for it. Cats will happily sleep all day if they can. For social interaction with your cat you must put in work. You have to actually try to be a partner to it. This scares redditors just like any other form of social interaction does, it reminds them of how people laugh at them and how their wife left them with her son while she went to live with Tyrone and Darquan. Cats enrage the redditor, they slander the cat out of fear and their own fragility l of being met with an equal
Dogs are the ultimate cuck pet

>> No.10584592

Stop feeding the samefag

>> No.10584657


>> No.10584663

There’s no such thing as free will.

>> No.10584669

God’s not real, and neither is free will. God existing alone would disprove free will, moron.

>> No.10584705

Fret not, my aura of reasoning and logic has already silenced him.

>> No.10584715

dont you mean "thy" aura of reasoning and logic

>> No.10584725

Perhaps. Orbulon's speech isn't constricted to Shakespearean English.

>> No.10584734

Orbulon the intellectual my ass

>> No.10584735

Thy would be incorrect there.

>> No.10584744

shhhhh. i am messing with orbulon the intellectual now

>> No.10584753

Thank you for discussing. Could you explain how this would disprove free will?
- Muhammed Ababou

>> No.10584754

If God doesn't exist, and free will doesn't exist, why isn't superdetermism accepted by most scientists?
It's the obvious solution to quantum problems like the quantum eraser (retrocausality). Things are meant to happen, because they've been aligned to happen since the dawn of time in that exact manner. It seems fairly obvious to me.

>> No.10584757

Thou clearly has a low IQ. When talking generally, both worda can be used interchangeably. Doth thou understandeth now?

>> No.10584765

Orbulon spoke 'worda' but meant 'words'.

>> No.10584769

>If God doesn't exist, and free will doesn't exist, why isn't superdetermism accepted by most scientists?

Copenhagen interpretation is the most popular one.

>> No.10584770

Humans do not have any more agency than a dumb, egoistic cat. The consciousness, which is clearly an emergent property, doesn't exist in a physics-less, timeless space which allows each individual human to shape reality as the "ultimate source" of causality

>> No.10584782


No, it isn't. That's just what people tell to normies.

>> No.10584787

>cats aren't evil

>> No.10584793

I always speak in the 3rd person when I'm feeling intellectual too. And I know my cat does.

>> No.10584797


>> No.10584850

Thank you, brother. I now see the light.

>> No.10584852

My cat is kind, if anyone has a. Cold or a headache he will come lie above the head and pur. He will place one paw on the top of the head and the other on the cheek and actually manage the areas, no-one can heal headaches better than the cat purrr. The frequency is absolutely right on to heal.

>> No.10584877

you're sick