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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10583701 No.10583701 [Reply] [Original]

i have to extensively read books and study until i am fully fluent and comfortable with the material until i can actually participate in any organized learning environment. As in, if I'm taking a class, I need to study at least beyond the level of knowledge required in the class to be able to understand anything in that class.
It sucks to be a brainlet, but this is how I cope.

>> No.10583713

That sounds more like autism than brainlet

>> No.10583724

the fact i have to read books to get smarter makes me a brainlet, smart people come to the correct conclusions on their own

>> No.10583874

This isn’t true. Smart people read books, often more than brainlets.

Have some confidence anon

>> No.10583928

i read books to give myself confidence

>> No.10583978

>relying on other's experiences, conclusions, and information to learn
>not just fucking things up on your own
It's like you're not even arrogant enough to know everything already.

>> No.10583991

I have a friend who is similar, he can't understand anything unless he understands all the underlying principles of it first.

>> No.10584023

Same here. I am a huge brainlet. Other people keep like speed learning everything in CS, while I have to do learn every detail and the underlying principles before I can move on to the real stuff. Sucks especially when you're in a hurry (since University teaching speed is a lot quicker than in school, here in Germany).

>> No.10584030


Same here. Near the beginning of a semester I always ask questions so apparently obvious in order to question and secure underlying assumptions that even the slow kids think I'm retarded. But if I have an accommodating teacher who is smart enough to really understand their subject instead of just the calculations or what the books says, I usually end up at or near 100% for the course, regardless of the curve. But if I have a teacher who says 'that stuff doesn't matter, just do the practice problems and you'll get it' then I'm fucked unless I can get what I need from books. I didn't know there were others like me, I never meet one in school

>> No.10584116


You guys are literally me. How do we fix this flaw

>> No.10584122

is the solution to keep doing this until we get fast enough at it?

>> No.10584130


You do realise that the speed learners are just doing monkey tricks with memory, right? You're identifying impostors and charlatans, then wishing you could be like them. That's insane.

The answer is to get better at finding and using books under your own initiative, not to abandon the desire(need really) for deep understanding.

>> No.10584148

anon from >>10584023 here.

Yeah, I know what you mean. (And it's not like that I want to be like them only for the sake of speed learning). But it doesn't do me any good if I can't keep up with the pace of my professors. Germany used to have a better system where you wouldn't have to study in a standard period of time and you could take a little more time, especially good for someone like me who needs more time. But now this is hardly possible anymore. You are literally boxed through your bachelor now without mercy. That's pretty shitty, considering that I always have been programming for fun and now probably will have a hard time getting my bachelor done because of learning problems.

>> No.10584152

I feel cucked man, it's like everytime I read something new, I have to clarify every bit and relate it to everything else and it's such a long process but when it's over I know it by heart, I was thinking the speed learners have this process sped up and have removed all the irrelevant bits.

>> No.10584166

thanks for the encouragement f@m

what I'm trying right now is to read shallow survey books of what will be covered in the class, before the semester. This gives me an outline of the subject without taking the time needed to get down into details, then I can formulate my theory questions in advance for the professor during office hours, or research them myself. Staying ahead is key since as you know there's not enough time to do our thing and keep up with the assigned reading and work during the semester. Gotta stay ahead of it and things are fine.

General advice for all brahs in here, I always get high-yield results from getting a different book than the assigned textbook. Go on amazon and find one or two or three that the reviewers indicate match your style: conceptual, doesn't just force you to memorize, studied it for years and never understood it til I read this book...that kind of thing.

I believe that they often have a harder time synthesizing new things (ok for undergrad, not so good for grad and professional) and also have considerable difficulty remembering things even a month after class, which is much less likely for us. When we understand something, we do so for life

>> No.10584189

I've come to the same conclusion, the only way for me to co-exist with this is to stay ahead, staying ahead and paying attention to what is being taught is actually even better for me, things become *easy*

>> No.10584217

Same here. If I dont know the principles, the information never gets integrated. I dont get how so many people can be satisfied with mindless memorization but then again most people dont actually give a shit about the information and only really care about the grades or certifications they get treated with at the end.

>> No.10584225

>most people dont actually give a shit about the information and only really care about the grades or certifications they get treated with at the end.

I hate people like this

Also, what do you mean when you say integrated?

>> No.10584231

How do you find books that match conceptual style?

>> No.10584260

For math they’re pretty easy to find, but in general try to find books that deal more with more abstract topics and then have supplementary material to apply it to

>> No.10584298

I infer it from Amazon reviews and then sometimes a quick look through the first chapter on libgen or some such. There are certain patterns in the reviews of the type of book I'm looking for, some examples are mentioned in the post you replied to. I forgot to add, sort by avg. rating first and then go from the top down looking through the reviews for these things. I tend to avoid longer books as those have too many details which obscure the simple meaning I'm looking for, and those also have lots of exercises which means they're hybrid work-books and explanations, which also dilutes the good stuff I want. I get a lot of For Dummies books and the like, although those are not the best in every field, those sorts are often useful

>> No.10584306

not him but I presume integrated into their world-view or entire corpus of knowledge. So a learnlet would understand how to calculate sin(x) but not necessarily realize a month later that they can use that to derive height of a building from the length of its shadow and the angle from ground to the top

>> No.10584318


>> No.10584357

What I mean is that when concepts become integrated they become so ingrained that the concepts can be manipulated and applied without a thought. I find that when I just memorise, say, mathematical formulas at face value, I develop a functional fixedness where I can only use the formulas in specific use cases. I think most people memorise for specific use cases (i.e. for tests) rather than learn from first principles.
Basically, >>10584306

>> No.10584953

>smart people come to the correct conclusions on their own
Shit you got memed by /sci/ really hard

>> No.10585797

reup to find more of us and get more hints suitable for this thing of ours

>> No.10586230

I'm failing to understand what you are trying to convey. You've phrased your statement to imply that you do not understand the sub-component concepts of a subject until you understand EVERY sub-component concept with a subject. But you couldn't learn the entire subject without learning the sub-components first. When I took Thermo I, we progressively learned how internal heat, enthalpy, entropy, etc. are interpreted within a system. Then we learn how to read graphs of those properties. Then we learn how to interpret/infer/manipulate the general shape of a path on those graphs in order to have X kind of system, or make Y modifications to it. Then we learned numerous different IRL ways we could achieve those modifications within a system. Of course I'm not going to say I understand Thermodynamics as a whole until I've mastered all these concepts, but the linear progression of the course allows me to walk away at any point with new concepts that can be applied to all sorts of things; knowledge of more advanced topics further along that progression just aren't necessary in order to apply those other concepts, and I can claim I have some level of understanding of Thermodynamics in the process, it's not just binary.

>> No.10586441

>/fit/ has lookism
>/tv/ has THOTS
>/pol/ has Joos
>/sci/ has Muh IQ
Why do you people get memed so easily? Are you all secretly niggers or something?

>> No.10586491

You don't fully understand anything without understanding the underlying principles. That's just how it is.

>> No.10586523
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i sure did

>> No.10586527 [DELETED] 
File: 53 KB, 512x512, pepe19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every fucking night between sleep and wakefulness, I begin to feel the whole world differently, as if I live. How can this be? Why do I feel the reality between sleep and wakefulness? Understanding the sensations of life, the fear of death. Understanding that death is included at this very moment, and in the daytime, when I wake up, as if I fall into a dream in a dream. I walk down the street and see bio dolls. With the same thinking and reaction. Absolutely the same logic and questions. Absolutely the same and stupid questions. Why does my head work in a state of total chaos, always and everywhere? Why I do not know what I will do or where I will go, why the head pushing me aside decides everything that I do individually, as if I was a body carrier. Why what in my head is smarter than me? Why does this decide for me?
Otherwise, I can not admit it. I generally know what the fuck I can.
The fear of realizing what happens after death makes me feel as if the dick knows what to think outside the body or something. Do you even know what the hell is going on? I myself misunderstanding. I tried in this post. Dick is possible to invent. Blya give a hundred anon this evening.

Please help for food. Thanks, the stomach hurts badly.

My card VTB: (5368) ..- .. (2900) ..- .. (1636) ..- .. (4863)

Or Donat Alerts: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/dmitry666666

>> No.10586538

r u ok
i suggest stop watch porn

>> No.10587128

well that is tautological but I believe that poster is saying that for example others could solve derivative problems without knowing how derivatives were discovered or what the definition is or the range of applications to the real world; they just see the problem, remember the formula and that's it