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10581780 No.10581780 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that the LIDAR used by self driving cars puts out IR laser light that permanently kills pixels on camera image sensors. According to these manufacturers this is a known issue and their research concluded that the risk to your eyes was minimal.

Kills cameras but you shouldn't worry about being blinded by cars that indiscriminately shoot lasers all over the place. It's probably safe. Well, safe enough.

>> No.10581782

Hi Elon

>> No.10581805

Only one type of LIDAR has that problem. That type of LIDAR is eye safe because it gets absorbed by your cornea. Also the FDA regulates lasers.

>> No.10581808

You know what else kills cameras but is safe for eyes? Water.

>> No.10581809

>trusting the FDA
>laser being constant shot at and absorbed by your cornea is no problem

>> No.10581811

do self-driving cars really need freaking LIDAR to navigate? isnt that over the top?

>> No.10581813

yeah it's mounted on top of the car.

>> No.10581818

why not sonar? or just plain old cameras?

>> No.10581819

these cars still have issues of running into concrete walls, do you think they would add lidar to the mix if it wasn't necessary?
>plain old camera's
you think it's always going to be dry clear weather with lots of light?

>> No.10581825

That's what Elon is doing. Also, that's why Teslas suck at autonomous driving compared to prototypes based on lidar

>> No.10581830

Sonar can't provide a detailed long range enough 3d map of the environment. Cameras can't provide a 3d map of the environment and computer vision is still not that good. Over reliance on cameras may have caused teslas to kill people.
>>clear weather
LIDAR doesn't work well in rain or snow. Then again, most self driving cars don't either

>> No.10581839

IR is very low energy... heat is IR you fucking moron and you are bathed in it... fuck IR what about those telecommunication cell towers, WiFi bands and microwave energy?
>huur duur LIDAR

>> No.10581846

>telecommunication cell towers, WiFi bands and microwave energy?
Even lower energy

>> No.10581848

w-what about the giant nuclear reactor a.k.a. THE SUN
So powerful it gives you skin cancer... yet new age morons don't seem to mind... in fact they claim sunlight has healing powers.
I swear you dipshits are the scourge of this earth

>> No.10581850

>it kills red light cameras
what's the downside

>> No.10581883

lmao we're in god hands then

>> No.10581891

Staring at the sun for any length of time causes permanent eye damage.
>it's just heat bro
OP didn't say IR is bad, but rather was pointing out that maybe manufacturer insistence that it's safe to get eyeblasted by their shit is less than reassuring.

>> No.10581937

if you point your camera at the sun it will ruin the sensors as well
Dude whatever... anything that kills those damn surveillance cameras makes me happy

>> No.10581952

>eye safe
>gets shot laser in your eye by 10 cars every second


>> No.10582102
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>FDA approved technology is unsafe

>> No.10582119

It's literally just one startup that had this problem, you fucking dumbass.

>> No.10582132

is there anything that can disrupt lidar so people can shut down the cars whenever they want to drive through an intersection?

>> No.10582136

Doing this would get you thrown in jail for reckless endangerment

>> No.10582140

Then surely no one will do it

>> No.10582155

>meme self driving cars can drive themselves through an intersection

>> No.10582190

>do you think they would add lidar to the mix if it wasn't necessary?
Hence the question, dipshit

>> No.10582218

>lidar can kill cameras
>B-But its FDA approved so its safe for human eye

>> No.10582534

The fuck kind of intersection is that?
Why is that one car driving on the cross walk about to truck of peace those peds? Where did it come from? It's headed into oncomming traffic.

>> No.10582543

>Human eyes are just like cameras

>> No.10582548

Part and parcel.

>> No.10582591

The lidar in question can kill cameras because cameras take in more light with their bigger lenses and cameras don't have vitreous humor which absorbs IR like our eyes.

>> No.10582645

Watch less movies and go outside and you'll realize not all lasers are death beams sent to get you by the evil government

>> No.10582648


>> No.10582694

>wanting safety testing is paranormal

>> No.10582697

It's certainly not normal.

>> No.10582843
File: 195 KB, 878x1015, another_iq_thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my brother burned my retina with a cnc mill laser he hot glued in an Altoids can. It literally pisses me off every day and I can't seem to let go.

>> No.10582856


pretty much make their rulings depending on which former lobbyist is running it and don't move their opinions on things for fucking decades even when science has moved forward

>> No.10582857

eye for an eye

>> No.10582865

"LIDAR is a fool's errand. Anyone who relies on LIDAR is doomed."
-Memelon Musk, 2019

>> No.10582913

I got expelled from my middle School in sixth grade because of some autistic stuff I wrote in a report on Hammurabi's code. I guess my teacher thought I was a school shooter or something. I said unfair teachers should be boiled in lava thinking I was being edgy and funny, but the teacher interpreted it as a threat directed at her. Sure she had wrongfully accused me of plagiarism a few times, but I didn't have any hard feelings about it. I guess I was just so autistic that people were threatened by behaviors I never thought of as threatening. Anyways. That eye for an eye law comes from Hammurabi's code, and I'm just not into brutality. My brother has a kid to take care of, it would be unfairly cruel unto her if I were to do some senseless vengeful thing to her dad. I just want to be able to read my books again without being distracted by the spots in my eye.

>> No.10582952

Man thats sad.

>> No.10582976
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No, as proven by Elon's demo here.

>> No.10583002

Is that really Elon, or just some employee?

>> No.10583014
File: 87 KB, 660x412, 88D2BB17-F06C-4BD1-B871-7CCAA7D77699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tesla on Autopilot Crashes into Parked Police Car

>> No.10583021

The police car was too white and shiny. It threw the sensors off.

>> No.10583024

Yes, that's why I posted this. Cameras are not reliable enough.

>> No.10583035

>absorbed by your cornea
read: turns your cornea cloudy

>> No.10583108

>car could drive down a straight highway with no obstacles
WOW SO BASED, just about as good as a blind man with a navigator next to him

>> No.10583125

I'm worried. Water is everywhere in the modern world and I'm not sure about your "water is safe for eyes" theory.
We need to investigate this at length right now. Find a way to make water stop falling from the sky in the meantime just to be safe. Think of the children!

>> No.10583131

>disrupt lidar
It's lidar. Laser light. Light. If you stop it, you can't see shit. Your subtle master plan to make intersections foggy might not be that subtle.

>> No.10583143

>do you think they would add lidar to the mix if it wasn't necessary?
Automatic cars aren't necessary.

>> No.10583150

Not sure about the wavelength of LIDAR, but if you could flood the intersection with CO2, you might disrupt it without making it foggy.

>> No.10583203

Releasing metallic confetti or chaff would fuck it up real good. Don't recommend it tho

>> No.10583209

The wavelength is visible light. So might not be so easy,

>> No.10583352

How powerful was the laser?

>> No.10583356

>Then again, most self driving cars don't either
Then again, most drivers don't either

>> No.10583446

>visible light
I can't imagine that LIDAR goes on and shoots visible light laser. That would be super annoying.

>> No.10584366

I don't know. It was green light and it had a built in telescopic lense. The metallic casing was a shiny brass. He had drilled a small hole on one side of the tin, and placed the laser behind it, where it sat along side a rechargable lithium ion battery. He didn't center the laser behind the hole, as a result, a lot of the green light diffracted out from around the central beam. I told him that I was very uncomfortable with it, and begged him not to play with it while I was in the room. On Christmas Eve he was horsing around with it and he pointed it at my upper chest from near his waist while standing in front of me. I looked down because the body language of him taking it out of his pocket and aiming it at me, since I didn't have time to think about what it could be. Some of the light that had diffracted on the drilled hole caught me in my right eye.

>> No.10584437

Jesus, so it was one of those DPSS lasers, probably around a watt. The chinese versions pump out generous quantities of IR light too. Lasers are scary kids, always wear adequate protections.

>> No.10584458
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You did kick his ass, right?

>> No.10584476

How is your vision, anon? Are you legally blind now or do you have blindspots or what

>> No.10584491

looks like the time to beat him was before the eye damage, when he was still endangering you despite your requests.well now you know for next time

>> No.10584569

>Infrared lasers are particularly hazardous, since the body's protective glare aversion response, also referred to as the "blink reflex," is triggered only by visible light. For example, some people exposed to high power Nd:YAG laser emitting invisible 1064 nm radiation may not feel pain or notice immediate damage to their eyesight. A pop or click noise emanating from the eyeball may be the only indication that retinal damage has occurred i.e. the retina was heated to over 100 °C resulting in localized explosive boiling accompanied by the immediate creation of a permanent blind spot.[2]
Wow, that sure took a long time to google

>> No.10584627

While you're at it, please look up how LIDAR works.

>> No.10584832

1064 nm still gets to the retina. For the laser to be considered eye safe you can't transmit at more than 1000 W/m^2, which makes it difficult to cause damage by heating. Here have a britbong sticking their head into a 10 watt laser beam:
starts at around 8:41

>> No.10584848
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Have west-cost techies ever heard of a bullet train?

>> No.10584864

They tried to build one in california and failed pretty epically.

>> No.10584891

Yeah because of massive corruption and embezzlement. They could have pretty much built the whole fucking thing with the money they were given and they barely even got started.

>> No.10584895

Public transport is great in a safe, ethnically homogenous country. America is not.

>> No.10584898


i see

>> No.10584966

I have small blindspots in my right eye that look like big eye floaters. It's rare that I am not consciously aware of them. I spend a lot more time in the dark now, because they are less noticable in dim light. I didn't beat his ass, it was a family gathering and there were lots of little kids around. Not that I didn't want to, but that would be vampire tier evil behavior.