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10579527 No.10579527 [Reply] [Original]

Why do women live longer than men?

>> No.10579534

Me on the left

>> No.10579538
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Also why Japanese people live longer OP?

>> No.10579540
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tfw no high IQ Asian qt waifu gf

>> No.10579558

god i wish that were me

>> No.10579562

every time i walk around the streets in my city (bay area) i see several wmaf couples... get ready for the eurasian master race takeover!

>> No.10579564

Menstrual cycle/

>> No.10579573
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"Women with PCOS may have infrequent or prolonged menstrual periods or excess male hormone (androgen) levels. "
"Some women with PCOS need lifelong treatment as they are at a high risk for adverse cardiac events and the metabolic syndrome. "

Leading causes of death= Ischaemic heart disease n' stroke. So that and also they don't work hard and never had.
Unlike men, they don't put the hours and also have children, which prevents them from working. Not to mention that they retire earlier.

Think of it this way, it's like IQ. On one side, it's mainly biological. Then it's the environment which prevents a woman from ever having to work hard in her life.

>> No.10579577

The anglo-sino hyper-race will reign supreme.

>> No.10579591
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>>10579562 >>10579558 >>10579577

Eurasian master race
conquering space.

>> No.10579603

Wars used to drag down the mean. We have to wait until the generations that fought in wars, die out (happening much sooner in Europe, so eyes on them). Also, depending on the country women were allowed to work freely only in the 70s. I suppose mining coal shortens your life more than being a housewife. So let's also wait until the people who are dying grew up in an emancipated world. If women still live longer then, there must be something less easy to explain.

>> No.10579625

Men make up the majority of fatal workplace accidents, suicides, fatal accidents in general, murders, etc. This is something you can look up right now without having to wait.

>> No.10579638

Sure, but does it account for the full asymmetry? Does the suicide rate have to do with their jobs? With the responsibility and the pressure to feed their family?

>> No.10579652

>Does the suicide rate have to do with their jobs? With the responsibility and the pressure to feed their family?
See Japan.

>> No.10579674

Less fat + less physical stress to body + better hygiene than men + less prone to death/violence

And so on. None of these alone are huge factors, each of the only probably account for small percent better than men but if you add them all up, the effect becomes apparant.

>> No.10579676

Reminder, US is regressing in life expectancy due to shitty health care and dangerous lifestyle

>> No.10579684

Shouldn't it balance out if you take the M/F ratio in life expectancy?

>> No.10579746

one theory is that if a mother dies during childhood or early in a childs life her mother is still alive to take her place and care for the child. im not sure i buy it, but it's interesting. brainlet answer could just be as simple as slower metabolism and generally healthier living.

>> No.10579747

obviously this isn't the biological reason behind how they live longer but it's a potential evolutionary one

>> No.10579777

Even in developed countries men tend to be harder on their bodies than women and do the vast majority of dangerous jobs.

>> No.10580996

men die first because of their wifes nagging /thread

>> No.10581017

>/threading his own post

>> No.10581041

Less likely to die because of suicide, accidents or iron overload (heart disease).

>> No.10581067

They also tend to be more risk averse than men

>> No.10581104

Meta studies show that Women do not actually have the capability to process long term loss.
No, I'm not being sexist.

Women have stronger short-term feelings than men, but they subside very quickly, which is why women rarely fret over exes in an emotionally attached way; instead the feelings they have are more about competitive status.

While women are stereotyped as being the more attached of the sexes, in reality, their strong attachments only exist when they are in front of them.
This may have something to do with women having more white matter and men having more grey matter.

Men on other hand have poor short-term close attachments, but have very strong long term attachments, which can cause extreme stress over time.

So men die earlier.

>> No.10581115

To make this more personal and clear, try to imagine the movie "Old Yeller" with a female lead.
You can't because it's not something we're genetically programmed to be able to accept.

>> No.10581199
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>> No.10581669


they take less risks

wow , that was so hard to figure out!

>> No.10581905

Detoxing ability. Certain metals within the body and other stuff in the body that accumulates damages 5he cells ability to retain absolute, or at least stagnate and not deteriorate as quickly over time.

Both man and women have the ability to detox which also diminishes over time, only difference is during the first 45 years of their lives women can detox better then men thus accumulating less waste and toxins minimizing cell damage.

This is directly linked to menstruation

Long ago somewhere in the the east there was an experiment done using gold the only ones that were able to expel it via detox were women in the age of active menstruation!

>> No.10581950

Interesting theory but it fails to account for the way women mourn the loss of their children seemingly forever

>> No.10581989

Is this an enemy stand?!?!

>> No.10582005

Perhaps the weak bonding in cases other than their children is actually to facillitate agile movement between and within groups in times of strife. The safely and resources of a group ensure better outcomes for the woman's children.

>> No.10582029

asians overall are higher in it and its why they also look much younger than other races

>> No.10582036

They are better protected by society.
Why did more women survive the titanic if there were more men on board than women?

Because, they let the women and children first.

Why? Because they believed that women and children were weaker at the time and so women needed more protection.

>> No.10582082

>women needed more protection
This isn't even wrong. Except in a war scenario where many men have been killed, women have higher reproductive value than men. 10 women to 1 man does a much better job of keeping the tribe alive than the reverse.

If given the choice, and assuming men aren't dangerously scarce, women are the right choice for protecting in a population that wants to survive. This is the cold reality of nature and cultural practices are just a post hoc COPE.

>> No.10582120

dunno where the hell I hthis but it has to them being lower in testosterone.
It gives us an advantage over them as far as physical ability in concerned but it also makes us more prone to medical conditions or w/e

>> No.10582283
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>Is this an enemy stand?!?!
Jojo ?!?!

>> No.10582288

men are taller. larger things have a shorter lifespan, this includes humans. height difference easily accounts for this

>> No.10582294

Maybe stress? Men I believe are more prone to stress and anger this may cause damage to the heart leading to certain diseases.

>> No.10582337 [DELETED] 

Got my first handy in the 9th grade from this half Japanese girl (White/Japanese) who now identifies as male.

This literally could have been us, if he still identified as male and if I were a little bit taller.

>> No.10582339

Lol underrated. Due to a larger IQ std. there are many more STUPID men than there are STUPID women. Also there are personality differences ie men are bigger risk takers

>> No.10582367
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This. Life expectancy correlates with education level.

Dumb people die earlier. Smart people live longer.

Many Chads and Sluts die before 40yo.

PhD nerdy Wizards who get laid after 30yo live longer.

>> No.10582391

No one gets laid after thirty.

>> No.10582408
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Isaac Newton & Nicolas Tesla got laid after 30y-

Ops. Nevermind.

>> No.10582486

Man being in the closet sure was hard back then.

>> No.10583199
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>flag of Swaziland

>> No.10583256
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When you notice it...

>> No.10583910

And incomplete, nice try

>> No.10584441

Women are fatter. Their metabolism also slows down significantly entering puberty making them slower creatures.

>> No.10584462

>there are many more STUPID men than there are STUPID women
False retard. Men are on average more smart then women. Look it up.

>> No.10584487

You're proving his point, sadly.

>> No.10584490

Slower metabolism = longer life.

>> No.10584909

men's life expectancy gets dragged down by the greater danger associated with masculinity, among other factors.

By the way, when they say that life expectancy used to be 30-something years for cavemen, that had a lot of infant mortality in it. That statistic doesn't say that adults were usually dying at age 30-something.

>> No.10585012 [DELETED] 

I think it's a roast by her typing style.

>> No.10585019

Thanks russia

>> No.10585021

I think it's a roast by her typing style.

>> No.10586276

Hmm, maybe they were onto something with bloodletting

>> No.10587986

Because they use less than a 3rd of the vaccines the rest of the developed world does.

>> No.10587991

>look it up
Confirmed idiot, thanks for the (you)

>> No.10588693
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because we have more problems than women

>> No.10588744

Men take more risks than women and are more likely to drink more, smoke more, and put themselves in dangerous situations.

You're going by averages which fuck things up when it comes to longevity. There's so many factors at play. It's actually a myth that was produced through the misuse of statistics.

>> No.10588785

When my sister or my girl friends get an ingrown nail, they see a specialist or use a nail clipper kit to fix it before it gets unsightly. When I get an ingrown, I deal with it until I can't and then I pry it out with a knife and a bottle of booze.
When my girl friends have dinner by themselves and a night in, that means a hot meal, pajamas, upwards of 15 dollars in creams, masks, scrubs, soaps, a bath, Netflix, a purring cat, and maybe some red wine.
When I do the same thing as a bachelor, that means I'm going to dunk sliced bread in my top ramen, drink a douchey energy drink, go without bathing, eat cereal with my hands on the couch, piss in a beer bottle, and pass out at 4 AM still in my jeans.
A woman will see the doctor routinely when she gets pregnant. Men will avoid even prostate exams later in life.
If my sister nearly cut off her finger with a knife, she would go to the hospital, and they would reattach it in a sterile environment. I would re-set the finger with one bloody hand and krazy-glue it back together in my friend's bathroom, but I'd smoke weed first to calm my nerves and dull the pain of having my bone exposed, and then I'd go to Denny's and bleed everywhere while snorting hydrocodone.
When my sister got her wisdom teeth out, they told her not to smoke or suck through a straw, so she avoided hookah for a few days. When I got mine out, I chain-smoked and drank Slurpees, I put a cotton-ball in my mouth, and then I made myself bleed just so I could put a new clot in the hole.
When my sister gets a bug bite, she finds some over-the-counter shit to treat it. I put out a cigarette on it.
When my sister gets a piece of fruit, she washes and cuts it. I rub it on my filthy jacket and chomp.

>> No.10588897

>Why did more women survive the titanic if there were more men on board than women?
iirc the Titanic was actually an exception and not the rule. More typically the crew members have the highest survival rate followed by able bodied men. In a life or death situation it's survival of the most physically able.

>> No.10588911
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There is a large correlation between short people and longer life expectancy.

there are lots of hypothesis for this. One is that large people have more cells which increases the chance of one becoming mutated and turning into cancer or something else that puts their average life expectancy lower than that of short people.

Women are on average shorter than men and Japanese people are some of the shortest and thinnest people in the world meaning they have some of the fewest cells in their bodies causing them to have a very high life expectancy average.

A supporting factor for this is that the Dutch (tallest people on the planet) have a high life expectancy but their gap between male and female life expectancy is extraordinarily high while the gap between male and female height is also bigger than in other countries. Their life expectancy is still high because while they are tall they have a relative low BMI average compared to other nations.

Basically scientists think the less cells you have the longer you'll live so short skinny people live the longest which on average are asian females.

>> No.10589226

They aren't stupid enough to believe that suffering is acceptable or worse yet construe it as some kind of virtue like a lot of men do.

>> No.10589233
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Smaller dogs mature faster and live longer than bigger dogs.
Women mature faster and live longer than men. They are also smaller. I suspect the reasons are similar.
Also all that other stuff about men taking more risks, being sacrificed by society more often, less likely to seek medical attention etc.

>> No.10589958

>Why do women live longer than men?
I asked this question of a Biologist at my University, and she said:
Men wear out quicker.

>> No.10589973

>Dutch (tallest people on the planet)
False, that data is self-reported. People from the dinaric alps (Bosnia and Croatia) are taller.

>> No.10590047

they have almost no obesity problems
they have affordable options for a healthy diet
they have access to modern medicine

>> No.10590125

>better hygiene than men
Ask me how I know you don't know many women
They are absolutely disgusting creatures

>> No.10590144

Manlets are smaller so they're a harder target to hit

>> No.10590208

They suck the life energy contained in sperm, while men only extort that energy.
But don't worry, if you suck too much energy, you'll get hiv and die earlier. See faggots.

>> No.10590907

how do i get a cute asian gf?

>> No.10590928

go to Asia. plenty to go around

>> No.10591499

they don't have to fucking think

>> No.10591669
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(1) Trip to Asia

(2) Study aboard as exchange student

>> No.10592182
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I don't go outside.

>> No.10592267

Nah seems like you didn't look well enough. A lot of people sadly blindly believe, just like you that there are more male idiots/'geniuses' then female ones, that the female is more closer to the average 100. This is false though. The studies who came out with these results tested it on boys and girls during their puberty. Biased studies. Did this on purpose to show women and men are not that different XD. If you look at adult ages or tested again in later life you see that you are believing in the wrong thing.

>> No.10592311

There's literally a Dutch agency that checks the height of every person every 6 months from birth until 18 years old.

It's known how tall everyone in the country is and the average of that is the highest on the planet.

>> No.10592313

they are privileged

>> No.10592326

Girl power. Face the fact that women are superior

>> No.10592760

>t. doesn't know what variance is

>> No.10593238

Because they make smarter choices and experience greater social mobility

>> No.10593333

because they get all the easy clerical do nothing jobs meanwhile me and the rest of the patriarchy have to break our backs and work our fingers to the bone to make money every single day.

>> No.10593427

Because testosterone is immuno-suppressing, and men often partake in more risky behaviour than women.

>> No.10593431
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