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10578344 No.10578344 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10578351

philosophy 101, wow

>> No.10578353

You make your own purpose. There is no meaning of life, you give it its own meaning.

This is philosophy 101, common anon.

>> No.10578354

>our purpose in this universe
No such thing.

>> No.10578357

If our society seems more nihilistic than that of previous eras, perhaps this is simply a sign of our maturity as a sentient species. As our collective consciousness expands beyond a crucial point, we are at last ready to accept life's fundamental truth: that life's only purpose is life itself.

>> No.10578365

basically like any other animal

>> No.10578376


>> No.10578381

Search for meaning is nothing but an arbitrary evolutionary drive. Some people have it. Some don't.

>> No.10578387

cmon man, existentialism is baby's first philosophy, this isn't a new idea

>> No.10578391
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>> No.10578404

Most people are NPCs and they cannot break their programming.

>> No.10578406 [DELETED] 

>Most people are NPCs and they cannot break their programming.

No one can break their own programming. Even if you are "woke" and decide to act against your programming, it'll backfire.

>> No.10578413

Well, more specifically, if you ever act "against your programming", that in itself is part of your programming.

>> No.10578422

We live in a society.

>> No.10578441

Moderate Dominance is better than submission.

>> No.10578443

No, programming can be broken. The Buddhist meditations for example are clearly breaking the pattern of dualistic notion of reality. And in the realm of everyday life, that sort of breaking of the programming or maybe more accurately rewriting the program helps understand the reality better.

>> No.10578448

This is something people believe to feel superior to others. Everybody wants a meaningful life, nobody accepts that cycle as all there is to life.

>> No.10578451
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>> No.10578472

big if true

>> No.10578492

>perhaps this is simply a sign of our maturity as a sentient species
nope, its sign of exhaustion
>accept life's fundamental truth
why should we give god-like worship to a concept such as truth? something thats entirely made up by us for us?
>life's only purpose is life itself
by virtue of what?

the universe is telic in nature and obviously has purpose, or else there would be no will of anything or consciousness

>> No.10578670

Line by line repliers should be executed.

>> No.10578687

>why should we give god-like worship to a concept such as truth? something thats entirely made up by us for us?
Truth is reality, not made by us, we are made by it.

>by virtue of what?
It's tautological.

>the universe is telic in nature and obviously has purpose, or else there would be no will of anything or consciousness
Doesn't follow. Will and consciousness are mechanical and emergent from non- intelligent processes.

>> No.10578716 [DELETED] 

>philosophy 101, wow
You're right. We should should just work eat sleep and not ask any questions.

>> No.10578721

>philosophy 101, wow
You're right. We should just work eat sleep and not ask any questions.

>> No.10578723

The worst thing you can do is fall back on "I'm just asking questions." This is truly the sign of someone who has nothing valuable to say.

>> No.10578729

Most people today have finally acceded to Shakespeare's eternal question "to be or not to be?" A question without an answer.

>> No.10578734

>i don't even understand socrates
this, what you just said, is the very opposite of what socrates was trying to teach all of us brianlets

>> No.10578741


>> No.10578749

Socrates would probably smack you for asking dumb questions without any intelligent effort to answer them.

>> No.10578750

There is no purpose, since the concept of a purpose can only be assigned to things humans and other animals construct.

>> No.10578751

Free will doesn’t exist.

>> No.10578754


>> No.10578756

No, it’s pretty easy to answer. If you don’t like being alive, die. If you do, live.

>> No.10578764

Socrates' whole schtick was asking purportedly "smart" people questions, only to find that they didn't know anything of what they purported to know. By your reply, you are shaping up to be just such a person.

>> No.10578773

What am I purported to know that I don't? Because your question is not something I don't know, it's just a dumb question premised on fallacious reasoning.

>> No.10578776

A cat never asks itself whether it is worth it to go on living. It just goes on living. We have gone too far in terms of asking the question of what is life worth? This is a game that we can't win.

>> No.10578785

People who like being alive tend to have the intelligence of an earthworm. Hence the dilemma.

>> No.10578794

"Purpose" is just a concept created by human for humans. Why should I ascribe such god like significance to the concept of purpose (especially when I xan ascribe it to truth instead).

>> No.10578801

Sounds like you’re rationalizing. Just embrace hedonism.

>> No.10578804

that's how I know you have the intelligence of an earthworm

>> No.10578807

Most people don't need deep understanding.

>> No.10578809

Well, then I'm not most people, I guess.

>> No.10578810

Yeah, anyone that decides to enjoy life is just so dumb, dude. Right? Those silly people having fun and stuff.

This is how I know you’re rationalizing.

>> No.10578812

If there was an answer: a "deeper understanding" for "our purpose" in "this" universe.
What would it be?

I'm waiting.

>> No.10578817

Stupid to think that people don't wonder about that. They do. They just may not come up with the same conclusions that edge-lords want them to.

>> No.10578819

The very language you're using to try to derive deeper understanding is limited by its own syntax

>> No.10578822

If you truly accepted this cycle, you would immediately kill yourself. This is why religions exist.

>> No.10578824

Anyone who decides "to simply enjoy life" eventually finds life not so enjoyable. He is then confronted with the very thing he was running from all along. At this point, he has no choice any longer.

>> No.10578827

>You would immediately kill yourself

Nope. Hedonism and animal instincts make this extremely difficult and unnecessary.

>> No.10578831

>Anyone who decides "to simply enjoy life" eventually finds life not so enjoyable.

Interesting bare assertion presented without evidence. Hasn’t happened yet, so I’m gonna keep fucking and doing drugs. I’ll let you know when it magically stops being fun because a depressed anon said it would.

>> No.10578837

Mark my words. That's all I can tell you. Mark my words.

>> No.10578838

Jesus will come back any day now, just trust me. It’ll happen.

>> No.10578844

>I’m gonna keep fucking and doing drugs
You sound like me way back when

>> No.10578848
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There's not inherent meaning to life. Schopenhauer said: the only way to silence our Will was appreciating desinteresed art.

When we observe a good looking meal, we are appreciating it via a biological need, ergo; an interested way of looking at things. But, when we see a piece of painting (art that isn't necessary for our sustainability) then, we are seeing a true form of art (a desinteresed one).

>> No.10578849

You must be a boring faggot now.

>> No.10578852

>fucking and doing drugs
people who keep doing that into their 20s have no hope of ever becoming anything of worth to the world
they are human waste and should just be left to their own devices

>> No.10578855

I think you are the stupid one, friend.

>> No.10578856

I don't care if you think I'm boring. I'm doing more now than I ever did before. Being interesting to the likes of you is the least of my concerns.

>> No.10578860
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we're just here as a stepping stone in the universe's evolution

we've a long ways yet to go, but the true question is what we do with this time. do we choose to augment and 'evolve' ourselves, or do we merely pave the way for the next evolution, ourselves becoming obsolete in the doing?

i like the visual of this diagram. evolution is just the process of moving from one bigger bubble to the next. just as much of the life before us was a stepping stone to pave the way to our own existence, we too are likely the same, and are in the process of filling our own bubble.

only, this is seemingly the clincher; is man truly confined to his bubble? is there a limit to human progress and evolution? do we, as the only truly sentient beings so far discovered, have the opportunity to see it all to its end? to become evolution itself, to come to a true understanding of the nature of the universe, to escape our allocated little bubble of spacetime?

in less fanciful words, we're all gonna die anyways so who gives a fuck. just go do shit and make it good, you don't need any higher meaning than that. no need to embrace hedonism or nihilism, those are just humans being fucking animals, but you can go and enjoy life, do good things, experience this tiny little slice of the universe for yourself. if there IS something after death, if there WAS a purpose to it all - then you'll either find out when you die, or you won't care anymore :)


if you're like me you're never gonna get an answer that will satisfy you. you eventually just have to understand that you can never understand, not in one lifetime. you can merely pave the path for the greater understanding to come. what you do with your meager time is up to you, for you've been given more in this (1st) world than any other state of man in history, far as we know. just don't waste it worrying about the meaning of meaning!

>> No.10578861

>Our purpose
No objective purpose unless you count reproducing. But being a slave to your biology is retarded, so no real objective purpose.
Why os this still even a question?

>> No.10578864

>people who keep doing that into their 20s have no hope of ever becoming anything of worth to the world

Cool. The “world” has no worth to me except what pleasures it can offer.

>they are human waste and should just be left to their own devices

Anyone that has worth to the world is human waste. This is true because I asserted it.

Unless you’re having more pleasure, anything you do is worthless.

>> No.10578866

I am enjoying having worth, yes.

>> No.10578868

Worth is imagined.

>> No.10578869

Whatever. You said if I enjoy it is all that matters. And I do, ever so much.

>> No.10578871

You have fun with that.

>> No.10578873

I will. God knows drugs and fucking aren't doing it for me anymore.

>> No.10578877

your WORTH is something that exists in your mind

we're discussing the purpose of existence and here you are trying to argue on the basis of human conjecture, of inane nuance

your "worth" is nothing more than my "worth." that is to say, that the stars don't care if you bumped a line of heroin and fucked some hookers, and if you consider that a worthwhile venture then nothing but my own preconceptions, however bloated and emboldened they may be by common belief, can judge that. and even those are worthless in the grand scheme of things - or are they?

in other words, you're a fucking 1st-grade philosophy-pleb SMOOTHBRAIN and your argument is worth less than the gravel i scrape from the tread of my shoes.

>> No.10578880


>> No.10578892

>believing baby's first philosphical conundrum

just don't. the literal sole purpose of your conjecture is to respond with "free will is a MYTH!!1!!!1!!!" where applicable

and your conjecture is worthless. truly, in the sense of the word, for whether it is true or not it makes no difference to a human.

take it back to /lit/ please

>> No.10578901

bro you're asking the most basic, rudimentary baby questions. These are questions you should've began pondering at age 5, you're acting like it's the first time you had this brand new revelation in your life, as an adult, presumably. It's fucking embarrassing.

>> No.10579060

Why would there be a purpose for our existence?
"God" doesn't have motivations or reasons for what it does, it just does them.

>> No.10579098

Imagine millions of years of evolution results in a collection of living cells thinking it has some higher purpose just because the brain thinks everything must have a purpose. We aren't special, humans weren't put on earth for some higher mission, we're just another product of the universe

>> No.10579159

You're right. You should probably kys

>> No.10579636

Here we see a Yin anon, and a Yang Anon
One wishes for disorder for the sake of fun, the other wishes for order and to be content at the expense of his own desires.
Both are admirable.

>> No.10579642

The quality of this thread.

>> No.10579649

there is no point in killing oneself
death will come for everything and everyone
might as well enjoy the suffering

>> No.10579658

Wrong. Lots of people occasionally go on psychedelic journeys and pound pussy while also being productive members of society. I've always pitied people like you who get all holier than thou about enjoying life, must suck

>> No.10579665
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New, perhaps even unthought of meaning will arrive as we advance as a species. The universe has many billions of years left for us.

Best I can make of it so far is to spread out into space (and/or have our AI progeny do the same) and witness as much as we can, learn as much as we can.

Then as this universe (in the far, *far* future) becomes too inhospitable to live in we try and find a way to escape into another universe and continue on.

We've got to see it all. To be a cosmic witness.
And if we can't do it, make something that can.

>> No.10579796


>> No.10580267

And yet they DEMAND the latest results in R&D to help them with their problems, diseases and more.

>> No.10580416

we're accumulating energy

>> No.10580506

I was wondering where the brain damage came from

>> No.10580564

I fucking hate you all, God you're all such imbeciles.

>> No.10580603

The people noticing the certain quirks of the programming are the ones interested in these research. In general cases, the researcher population has higher level of "WOKE" than the non-researcher population.

>> No.10580855

There's only so much you can care about this on a daily basis, teenagers are just being psuedo-intellectual twats over having their first existential crisis

>> No.10580858

Whoever wrote this must watch a lot of Rick and Morty!

>> No.10580863

Thy Orbulon hosts thou answers. Thou humans have been placed on this planet to serve The One, the great and magnificent known as Skar.

>> No.10580965

The question is up. It's high up. Im too afraid to say this but here it comes. We share the purpose of succeeding our animals right meaning. And that is to preserve life and make it good and make it completed and sustainable. And the completed form of human is 200+ IQ which we have succeded in a way and failed. They have existed among us and done great discoveries. One must be able to fight agreat deal with our current system thinking and living. Everyone knows alittlebit of wisdom. But not everyone is able to enlight and become awake and aware. In our real state. Just fucking watch matrix when neo meets tge architect how many wrong emotions one can have. Almost everyone ia somehow environmentally and mentally damaged and has noo clue or anything to understand it and wake up from the state of despair and become a Buddha. It's like by the time you have changed something else changes and everything is broken and back forth. Until you reach the point of total insight.

>> No.10580971

hey, retard, he's saying that philosophy 101 is the start of that question. people are all day, every day trying to answer that question. and it all starts with PHIL101.

by the way, the answer is christianity.

>> No.10580984
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>I'm not like the OTHER sheeple, I also work-eat-entertainment-sleep cycle but I occasionally get SAD about it

>> No.10582986

I envy the NPCs

>> No.10583699

Great, a "deeper purpose"
For an organism, something made exclusively to make children.
We don't have a purpose beyond that, we make a purpose shitface.

>> No.10584031

>Doesn't follow. Will and consciousness are mechanical and emergent from non- intelligent processes.

You are in for a surprise

>> No.10584039

Why do most people seem to stop considering it though?