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File: 94 KB, 990x675, multiverse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10575977 No.10575977 [Reply] [Original]

How are different multiverse theories related?

There's the cosmic inflation multiverse where the universes come into existence due to expansion of the energies(possible link to dark energies) in the vacuum space.

There's the Everett MWI theory where universes "split" and become decoherent with each other at every atomic interactions.

Then there's the string theory multiverse where the universes are multi dimensional abstracts that can split off/combine/fizzle out.

Are they all describing different modes of multiverse or is there some parallels (no pun intended) that are describing the same event? My guess is cosmic inflation/string theory might be describing the same event, from then on MWI split could be happening at each one of the particular cosmologically inflated universes. The whole thing could be 11+ dimension in shape to give the extra space.

pics related, cosmic inflation multiverse

>> No.10576086

They're all strongly related in terms if being bullshit.

>> No.10576091

and you know this how? i suppose you're like einstein and kaku and believe in god?

>> No.10576093

There's only 1 universe. It is heavily implied in the word.

>> No.10576099

I had to put it in all caps out of frustration of how many times this has to be repeated

>> No.10576102

so just rebrand "the multiverse" as the universe
that's not difficult
what used to be called the universe can now just be referred to as "the local bubble"
this is all just a semantic game

>> No.10576477

Multiverse is a "vague" framework, it fits the many worlds fine. Feel free to share your autistic disagreements here.

>> No.10576636

Many worlds is a multiverse model just like OP described, I don't get what it is your post is supposed to say.

>> No.10576638

As for the question, none of the models rule each other out so it's possible all three are happening within the same universe, so it's possible.

>> No.10576665

inflationary and string theory landscape multiverses are related in that they are the most plausible ones, eternal inflation may be "sampling" different string vacua as it inflates, leading to anthropic principle, too

the rest of multiverse theories is much more questionable and quite different from these first two and each other

>> No.10576684
File: 5 KB, 358x278, 1437407393721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brainlet tourist here.

Which is the one where there is a different universe for all possible outcomes?
So there is a universe where I did things one way, and things another way, or died at 10 and so on?

>> No.10576725

or one where im a happy normie

>> No.10576726

i wish i was there :(

>> No.10576975

That is the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics tells us that at interaction there is a collapse of the wavefunction into a given state from a number of possible states. In the many worlds interpretation all possible states actually happens you just happen to be in a specific timeline with a specific state. So every particle interaction "spawns" a new universe in an infinite chain, and the one you are experiencing is just one of these which diverges into new chains endlessly.

>> No.10577153

I see....so could this interpretation actually be true?

Or is it just some physicist fucking about with maths?

>> No.10577171

It's modern day physicists trying to put a pop-sci spin on maths they don't fully understand quite yet in hopes of attracting the normie audience for some of that sweet sweet gubment bux. Afaik there isn't any known reason for how or why the collapse occurs, we just know some of the conditions that cause the phenomena.

>Are they all describing different modes of multiverse or is there some parallels (no pun intended) that are describing the same event?
This is a weird question. I would say yes, but only because they are all attempting to explain reality (which I would consider the same event across all models). However the way they go about trying to explain generally doesn't line up with something else in some other way, otherwise we'd have a UTOE by now.

>> No.10577195

>for some of that sweet sweet gubment bux

The shit scientists do for grants. Honestly.

>> No.10577218
File: 145 KB, 1003x915, discretionary_spending_pie%2C_2015_enacted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you really blame them for anything other than Rick and Morty?

>> No.10577402

>There's only 1 universe.
Not if you know statistics.

>> No.10577429

>Quantum mechanics tells us that at interaction there is a collapse of the wavefunction
No. That's the copenhagen interpretation, not QM. In QM, we see many different states but when we measure we only see one. Wave collapse is not part of general QM. Wave collapse is an explanation of what might be happening. Thus this requires some "observation" or "interaction". Many world states, these things are happening all over so "observing" the experiment of cat in the box becomes impossible because the cat in the box is already entangled with everything else in the universe. This is later understood as the universal wave function which states that its not just localized particles that are experiencing wave function, but the entire universe is (because the entire universe is made of particles interacting). With decoherence happening at every moment a particle vectors, if this is happening at universal scale, then we get the MWI thesis from simple wave function applied to global arena added with decoherence mechanics.

>> No.10577449

even bigger brainlet here

explain this to me as if my iq was 95

>> No.10577458

>How are different multiverse theories related?


here is a nice overview of different multiverse types