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File: 270 KB, 1400x2113, why-we-sleep-9781501144318_hr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10575586 No.10575586 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on this book, it's author, his conclusions?

>> No.10575847

It's trash

>> No.10575855

Do you dislike everything popular?

>> No.10575883

It's not a terrible heuristic

>> No.10575952

Sum up the book. How many hours of sleep do I really need a night? Can I hack it to fit my schedule? Is CBD oil good for inducing sleep with people with anxiety?

>> No.10576215

>Sum up the book.
Not getting sufficient sleep will negatively affect nearly every aspect of your body and mind.
>How many hours of sleep do I really need a night?
Around 8. Some can do with as little as 7, some will need up to 9. If within two hours after waking up you feel you could easily fall asleep again, you're not getting enough sleep.
>Can I hack it to fit my schedule?
You'll get healthiest, most natural sleep and dreams (which are also necessary) if you have a long, uninterrupted sleep period at night. You might be able to make it a little shorter if you allow for a 30-60 minute afternoon nap.
>Is CBD oil good for inducing sleep with people with anxiety?
I don't think it's mentioned in the book. Anything that sedates you (e.g. Ambien) is definitely bad.

>> No.10576345

>Best seller
>New York times
>Generic title

You know there will be nothing in this book

>> No.10577147
File: 53 KB, 550x428, 38821132_2073829165961224_5616644065735999488_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you actually read it? It's pretty based and tedpilled in its critique of the pharmaceutical industry and electric lighting, among other things.

>> No.10577161
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>"dude just read a book before bed and turn the lights off lmao"

Insomniac here.
Put the Zopiclone in the bag.

>> No.10577205

>a whole fucking book
because when it dark you can't fucking do anything useful can you

>> No.10577491

I'm sorry about your medical condition, assuming you've actually been diagnosed and not just a typical NPC that doesn't realize that
>"dude just read a book before bed and turn the lights off lmao"
actually will work for most people if you actually do it.
With that being said, if you do have insomnia, Zopiclone might be counterproductive. The sedative just makes you fall unconscious, and your brain doesn't actually enter the sleep state that gives all the benefits of sleep. The author recommends CBT-I (cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia) as an effective treatment. Maybe give that a try if possible?

>> No.10577524

Yeah I'll look into it, but I have a host of bullshit and I only made that post jokingly. But all my shit is diagnosed.
True on the Zopiclone but without medication I can unironically stay awake for days at a time, then when I sleep, I sleep a few hours and then wake up and I'll tell you right now my room is fucking made for sleep. Blackout blinds, comfy bed, quiet place, I have earplugs and an eye mask.

Though having depression and PTSD make for a really hard time of sleeping, at this point I have to cycle between a few different drugs, namely Zopiclone and Seroquel. The latter I'm not a fan of but it puts me to sleep, I stay asleep. Downsides I have to deal with is it takes a few hours to kick in, makes you insanely hungry and you can oversleep very easily on it (16+ hours isn't uncommon).

I have to have a strong cup of coffee ready next to my bed when my alarm goes off and I have a few tablets of amphetamines (prescribed) with that, then snooze for 45 mintues.

The author of this book would have a field day with me.

One last point on Zopiclone though, I actually do get decent sleep on it but you'd have to look at my brainwaves to tell whats going on where. The best way I can describe it my brain is very hyperactive but a lot of it is just annoying background noise, not big brained genius thoughts, I like a medication that just puts a hard stop down on a racing mind. One of the few times I feel truly relaxed these days is when I can feel a hit of Seroquel coming on and I know for sure I'll get a decent nights sleep.

>> No.10577667

>Have you actually read it?
I don't read science bait books

>> No.10577675

>just makes you fall unconscious
This is something I struggle with (mind the sedatives, not medicated). Clock goes from 9 PM to 6 AM in the blink of an eye & I'm just there, lying in my bed, feeling worse than before.

>> No.10578300

Nice, thanks for your thoughtful input in this discussion!

>> No.10578318

Any tips for someone who gets on average 4 hours of sleep per night, and cannot fall back to sleep after waking up? Also almost impossible to nap. Naps consist of laying down and maybe entering the first stage of sleep but is basically still conscious. Don't want to rely on medicine and they never really helped. Weed was the only thing that helped a lot but drugs are bad

>> No.10578346

I read the book a while ago, the dude said that the best thing to do is cognitive behavioral therapy for insomina. It consists entirely of stuff you can do at home without any medication, but I don't remember exactly what it was. I bet if you google it you'll find some stuff on it tho

>> No.10578362

"New York Times bestseller" is 99% chance of being trash

>> No.10578444
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>> No.10579371

Buy some melatonin, it actually works pretty well and if you're up about it being drugs, it's what your brain naturally produces to get to sleep. It's also an antioxidant.
It's meant to be made when there is less light and the sun is going down, then you slowly get tired but of course in the modern era that process has been fucked with thanks to electric lights.

>> No.10580438

Melatonin is not terrible, it won't screw you up like sedatives, but apparently it's also not super effective.

>> No.10581064

melatonin works as well as a placebo

>> No.10582066

it can help but its a hormone not just a vitamin or something and you shouldnt be fucking with your bodies balance
just consume some good ol cannabis, indica of course

>> No.10583652
