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10572239 No.10572239 [Reply] [Original]

I'm becoming more and more fearful that without a Space Elevator, humanity will never become a space-faring species.

I fear this, because I know Space Elevators are physically impossible.

>> No.10572399


We already are space travelers, you idiot

>> No.10572412

You could've been an astronaut yourself if you applied yourself much enough, stop whining. Get rich as fuck and you can even go with some private company within your own lifespan

>> No.10572441

Its physically possible, but its just economically and practically impossible right now.

>> No.10572451

Space elevators are utterly shit ideas.

>> No.10572453

space elevators are a bad idea
supposedly a moon lagrange point elevator would work for lunar lift, but if you're doing lunar lift why not just use a mass driver?

>> No.10572455

what we need is a very very very long cannon that can eject things at supersonic speed but with constant acceleration

>> No.10572459

>Space Elevator

Maybe the biggest meme in space topics (with terraformation)

>> No.10572462

>Its physically possible

[citation needed]

>> No.10572466

A train in a tunnel fits your definition

>> No.10572469

my personal favorite meme space idea is the skyhook
it's literally a troll physics idea

>> No.10572477

Don't worry, Anon.
Space elevators are perfectly do-able on the Moon and Mars.
Now you know what the first step is.

>> No.10572481

Space is a meme
Skyrim anime harem virtual reality is where the future is.

>> No.10572490

>constant acceleration

Someone dont understant how cannons work.

>> No.10572491

Fuck VR skyrim.
I just noped out of there the moment there were giant spiders.

>> No.10572492

Sad but this is what innovations were/are : facebook, intagram, snapchat, twitter. This is what we call innovation now.

>> No.10572734

Ironically it is much easier and cheaper to develop cheap interplanetary flight than cheap realistic vr

>> No.10572824

>You could've been an astronaut yourself if you applied yourself

I can't apply myself to making my eyes not-colourblind, you fucking faggot

>> No.10572846
File: 77 KB, 600x398, geoduck12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not him but I found this..?

>> No.10572849

>space elevators
Fucking meme idea

Why wait for carbon-nanotubes or some other sci-fi shit when you can literally even better Orbital rings with 80s technology and current materials


>> No.10572962

I refuse to believe that they'll be stable

>> No.10574008

Umm.. what's a geoduck got to do with it?
(I'm a bit slow tonight)

>> No.10574027

This is pre-graduate level at best

>> No.10574040

Instead we should focus most of the world's best minds in making a universe simulator, and run VR on that.

>> No.10574360


Impossibilities are rarely so

>> No.10574420

Just wanted to mention since no one else said it.
Why does the guy holding the geoduck have no nails nor fingerprints?
It's just a pink ripple sausage hand.
Those are not fingerprints.

>> No.10574430

Hes probably a clam digger. If you spend all day everyday digging in the salt flats youre going to wear down your hands.

>> No.10574446

He doesn't fucking have fingernails though, and his fingers are just ripples.
He is made of play-doh, that's not normal.

>> No.10574452

On closer inspection. Those are orange gloves anon.

>> No.10574453

That's a weird glove, at the fingernails it sort of goes down a bit.
You are right, though.

>> No.10574519

Im sure thats on the bottom of the list of reasons

>> No.10574522


Automatic disqualifications would be at the top of the list, if I'm not mistaken. Why go through the whole checklist just to get to the whole "Hey, do you know what the colour Green is?" question