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File: 55 KB, 600x320, oil_spa_bath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1057024 No.1057024 [Reply] [Original]

Hey SCI, let's put together a list of all the awesome shit we get from petroleum so those "no war for oil!" fags can see what they'd have to give up should our supply run out.

I'll start:
Paints, Glues, Plastics, Refrigerants, Shampoo, Soap, Cosmetics, Deodorant, Lotion, Shaving Cream, Toothpaste, Toothbrushes, Synthetic fabrics, Condoms, Detergents, Dyes, Sunglasses, Computers, Cell Phones, Jewelry, Tattoos, Sunscrean, Insect Repellents, Pill capsules, Tires, Insulated wires, grease to lubricate mechanics, Antihistamines, Aspirin, Antiseptics, Anesthetics, Alcohols,

>> No.1057031

Condoms, this way men will want to stop the war

>> No.1057027

> soap, deodorant

Good thing you didn't post this on /b/ since most of that stuff would be irrelevant.

>> No.1057043

More than half the shit on that list doesn't need oil lol

>> No.1057046

Fuel: gasoline, diesel, propane, heating oil
Construction: asphalt, bitumen, tar
Petrochemicals: used as a feedstock for many everyday products:
plastic gadgets, tools, bags, toys
clothing (polyester, nylon)
hand lotions
petroleum jelly
dishwashing liquids
bubble gums
car tires
heart valves

>> No.1057054

> doesn't need oil

Like what?

>> No.1057053

Reported. /b/ is that way.

>> No.1057057


>> No.1057068

Plastic Plastic vPlastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic

>> No.1057096

Com'on, who really needs plastic?

It'l be steam punk up in everywhere

>> No.1057103

you shouldn't sell people into scat porn slavery

>> No.1057106

> Alcohol

Not all alcohols are directly derived from petroleum, but good luck growing any of the other derived alcohols without petroleum.

Almost all fertilizers (besides feces which is the reason you get e coli from lettuce) are petroleum derived, so corn, cane, potato, etc. derived liquors are down stream products that require oil.

Not to mention all the petroleum products used to manufacture and deliver booze.

But OP is talking about all the alcohols that we use that are petroleum based. You can make some dyes that don't have petroleum in them, but your shirt would cost a lot more if you had to pick plant stamens and crush them and rub them on your cloth, etc.

>> No.1057107

What's the point? We'll run out in a few decades and we'll never have any of that stuff again.

>> No.1057109

> steampunk

You can't play steampunk without rubber gaskets to seal those pistons.

>> No.1057117

Fuck =(

>> No.1057126

The huge problem is that way more oil is burned as fuel than is put to use for any other purpose.

>> No.1057127

>Soap, Shampoo, Lotion, Shaving Cream, Toothpaste, Alcohols

I hope you're not throwing this shit in on some shitty technicality like that they sometimes come in plastic bottles.

>> No.1057125

All industrial solvents are basically petroleum-derived, usually by direct hydration of alkenes.

>> No.1057130


Money, economy, jobs and total removal of provincial sales tax.

>> No.1057145
File: 50 KB, 600x450, 600px-Oil_consumption_per_day_by_region_from_1980_to_2006_solid3.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feed Asians. Just look at their appetite! US share of consumption has even gone down a little bit. But FUCK. Those dirty ASIANS.

>> No.1057155


No, not a shitty technicality at all. The vital components of almost all lotions, soaps, etc. comes directly from petroleum. Not just the packaging.

>> No.1057166

This anon puts forth a good question

>> No.1057173

>implying we can't make bio-oils

>> No.1057176

Rubber comes from trees.

>> No.1057183

FUCK YEAH! steampunk future it is

>> No.1057188

>post ended with a period


>> No.1057200

fuck =(
no steampunk future

>> No.1057192

Are you retarded? Natural rubber is hardly used anymore, synthetic rubber is now the norm, and to be used in any way that's remotely useful it has to be synthetically vulcanized.

>> No.1057206

>Insulated wires
Wikipedia: Latex as found in nature is a milky sap-like fluid found in 10% of all flowering plants (angiosperms)

Also most of the things you listed does not NEED oil to be produced. Like "Jewlery"(?), soap, grease, etc.

>> No.1057211

>Shampoo is generally made by combining a surfactant, most often sodium lauryl sulfate and/or sodium laureth sulfate with a co-surfactant, most often cocamidopropyl betaine in water to form a thick, viscous liquid.

So, you CAN use plant oils for many things. Problem is, it's expensive. For instance, you can get sodium lauryl sulfate from palm trees or coconuts. Or you can get sodium laureth sulfate from petroleum. Guess which one gets used most?

Same with the coca... part of it comes from coconuts, the other part comes from petroleum.

There's really no escaping the crude.

>> No.1057217

'War for oil' remains retarded, irrelevant of the value of the goods oil produces. The only oil producing nation the United States has invaded is Iraq - which exports just 550 thousand barrels of oil and other petroleum to the United States each day. This is minor; less in fact than the swing-production capacity of America's five largest sources. That is to say, if Iraq disappeared over night, its lost production could be replaced literally by morning.

- Canada is America's largest source of foreign oil: 2.5 million barrels per day. This is slated to grow by 200,000 barrels a day per year until peaking at 5 million. The United States and Canada have never been in armed conflict.
- Mexico is America's second-largest source of foreign oil: 1.3 million barrels per day. Mexico and the United states have been at peace since 1848.
- Saudi Arabia is America's third-largest source of foreign oil: 1.2 million barrels per day. Although their relations have been consistently turbulent, this has not resulted in violence, and Saudi Arabia remains an important base of operations for the United States.
- Venezuela is America's fourth-largest source of foreign oil: 1.2 million barrels per day. Venezuelan-US relations have been historically very close, until the election of Hugo Chavez. Although the likelihood of armed conflict remains low.

See a pattern?

>> No.1057223

>Are you retarded? Natural rubber is hardly used anymore
First you are wrong. But even if it was true, so what? We'd just use natural rubber again.

>> No.1057234

Oil just makes shit easier, it isn't necessary for much.

If it weren't for us designing cells that will be able to produce oil, only the rich will be able to afford computers after crude is gone

>> No.1057237

In the US it's about %50 of oil going to traansportation

>> No.1057240

steampunk future again!

>> No.1057244

No one implied that we can't make bio-oils. Just GOOD LUCK farming enough land and processing the plants at a price anyone could afford or which would do LESS harm to the environment.

Doing so would be like forcing aboriginal bush people to shop "Organic" at Whole Foods.

There's a reason we don't use bio-oils very much NOW despite your notion that it'd be so easy to just grow the shit in your backyard. In fact, it's actually easier to drill a fucking well a mile below the ocean and then several miles deeper to suck the shit out of the ground.

Torch all the oil wells we have now and it'd still be more cost effective to rebuild them than to try and plant enough to meet the demand.

>> No.1057260

Synthetic rubber makes up the 60% of the rubber production, but nevertheless it's made from various sources, not only from oil.

>> No.1057270

Um yeah, we COULD use animal and plant fats... but I doubt there'd be enough room on the planet to even try and feed and grow that many animals.

We used to kill wales for their OIL to light lamps and heat homes. Not too many of those wales around any more now, are there?

And I'd venture a guess that fewer of those wales are going to die from ALL OIL SPILLS put together than would die in one week of harvesting ala Moby Dick.

>> No.1057274

>implying that we can't get oil from self replicating cells.
also your post might be true for current, if we needed to increase the amount of bio oil, it will get cheaper.

>> No.1057281

The cost of biologically derived oil substitutes does not have to do with the cost of land or the associated agriculture. That's comparatively quite cheap, and can be done on land that would be considered sub-standard for food production. The cost is in the additional processing required; strictly a matter of chemical engineering.

Although the net result is the same: an equivalent of a barrel of crude from biological sources is some $750, while normal crude is only $80. Presumably, then, oils will be used primarily for the industrial applications people like OP present, with cheaper methods for transportation.

>> No.1057284

>doesn't have any information on the subject of bio-oils thats not 100s of years old

>> No.1057286

NO BLOOD FOR Paints, Glues, Plastics, Refrigerants, Shampoo, Soap, Cosmetics, Deodorant, Lotion, Shaving Cream, Toothpaste, Toothbrushes, Synthetic fabrics, Condoms, Detergents, Dyes, Sunglasses, Computers, Cell Phones, Jewelry, Tattoos, Sunscrean, Insect Repellents, Pill capsules, Tires, Insulated wires, grease to lubricate mechanics, Antihistamines, Aspirin, Antiseptics, Anesthetics, Alcohols

is still my position. Go fuck yourself OP

>> No.1057296

What? The Bowhead whale was the primary source of whale oil throughout history. It is a species of 'least concern' from a conservation standpoint. Before whaling, the population was estimated to be 50,000. Today, the population is 40,000.

>> No.1057299

We're not just talking AVAILABILITY or even monopoly of petroleum. We're talking PRICE.

OF course we can find SOME other sources for the goods that oil gives us. We can make a few plastics out of non-petroleum products. But they suck.

When oil goes away or we don't fight wars for it, etc., the PRICE of the products from other sources skyrockets TOO. Because of demand.

>> Close to 21 million tons of rubber were produced in 2005 of which around 42% was natural. Since the bulk of the rubber produced is the synthetic variety which is derived from petroleum, the price of even natural rubber is determined to a very large extent by the prevailing global price of crude oil.

>> No.1057301

We wouldn't have a problem if the world wasn't grossly overpopulated. But the truth is that nobody wants to loose the demographic zerg rush war.

>> No.1057302

See: >>1057217

>> No.1057305

1) no. you cannot use animal and plant fats to make anything other than fuel.

2) petrochemicals are the main source for every single pharmaceutical and specialized chemical used for research.

if petroleum became incredibly expensive....

say goodbye to 100% of the research associated with modern chemistry.

even biochemists would have to quit, where else would they get their sodium dodecyl sulfate. (SDS) and polyamide resins?
the fact of the matter is that petrochemicals are absolutely indispensable.

if we ever truly do "run out" completely (eg, not just a ridiculous price increase), we are totally fucking screwed.

hundreds of millions of people would die in very short periods of time as all supplies of medicine completely dried up.

>> No.1057308

synthetic rubber =/= rubber made from oil
get that through your skull.

>> No.1057311


You're welcome to not fight for all the wonderful things oil gives us, but that won't stop me from killing you to take your lovely oil derived shit.

So yeah, don't fight a war for oil... just die so I can use your quota.

>> No.1057336

> Use natural rubber

Problem with natural rubbers is that they're just not very good or versatile.

>Natural rubber coming from latex is mostly polymerized isoprene with a small percentage of impurities in it. This limits the range of properties available to it. Also, there are limitations on the proportions of cis and trans double bonds resulting from methods of polymerizing natural latex. This also limits the range of properties available to natural rubber, although addition of sulfur and vulcanization are used to improve the properties.

>> No.1057338


you are such a fucking moron it is un fucking believable.

synthetic MEANS that the starting material was not DIRECTLY harvested from a natural source.

the fact that oil comes from the earth, and was created by geological forces catalyzing the degredation of organic material, DOES NOT mean that oil is NOT synthetic.

"natural" rubber is made from RUBBER TREES you fucktard.

they secrete isoprene you fucktard.

isoprene is basically only found in plants.
SYNTHETIC rubber is most well known as being created using 1,3 butadiene (modern synthetic rubber is ALWAYS a mixture of copolymers)
just fucking look it up on google you fucking retard god damn.

quit life now, while you are ahead.

>> No.1057342


The world will be grossly depopulated in about 40 years. Not just Europe and the US, pretty much everywhere. China will become barren, comparatively.

>> No.1057355

Hurr Durr. Virtually all synthetic rubbers are petroleum derived in part or in whole.

Please, do find us an example of a synthetic rubber that is not made from petroleum. There are natural rubbers from certain plants, but again, that's 40% of the market, and they are not synthetic... and they're rather limited too.

>> No.1057352

Peak oil is gonna happen anyway, it makes sense to be ready for it.

>> No.1057374

>1) no. you cannot use animal and plant fats to make anything other than fuel.

NO. Nazis made SOAP FROM JEWS fucktard.

>> No.1057405

>bowhead whale

"In the North Pacific, commercial bowhead whaling began in the 1840s, and within two decades wiped out over 60 percent of the bowheads."

"The Bowhead is listed in Appendix I by CITES (that is, "threatened with extinction")"

If we had to go back to whales for oil, they'd last mere weeks before they'd be used up and extinct.

>> No.1057424


>> No.1057433

fuck, no steampunk =(

>> No.1057434

Scarce petrochemicals for pharmaceuticals is the reason we SHOULD NOT GIVE NIGGERS IN AFRICA AIDS DRUGS.

Mr. No Wars, don't you agree? Why should we save all their lives with petro-drugs just so they can live and make all the rest of their resources scarce so they kill each other for them.

See what your fucking BLEEDING HEART gets us? MORE DEATH.

Just let those fuckers die from AIDS and their stupid wars all over the place (good luck finding a corner of SSAfrica that isn't at war) so they don't overpopulate the planet and breed in their already depleted shit holes.

Darfur is GOOD. They should take that shit on the road to China and India.

>> No.1057460


should have been more clear:

biofuel, biodiesel, etc....

IS made from the same shit soap is.

soap = use water
biodiesel = use methanol or ethanol

other than that, the chemical processes are identical, and the products are NEARLY identical.

indeed, you could take REAL soap (not "detergents", which are different) and use that to make biodiesel.


get 10,000 bars of real soap, throw em in a fucking huge reactor with some pyridine HCl and ethanol, and reflux it while removing as much water as possible.

the result is a mixture of soap, biodiesel, and unreacted materials

>> No.1057477

Nah, to America, bro.

High consumption, low population.

Wipe those bitches out.

>> No.1057480

biodiesel is not ethanol. ethanol is far too high a grade of fuel to be used for a diesel power cycle. vegetable oil is biodiesel.

>> No.1057539


no. you are an idiot who knows nothing whatsoever.

biodiesel is a mixture of fatty acid esters (typically ETHYL esters of fatty acids)

fatty acids are one of the 3 major components of all life on earth (sugars, amino acids, and fatty acids)

cell walls are made out of PHOSPHOLIPIDS and GLYCERIDES (glycerides are poly esters of fatty acids with glycerol, phospholipids are phosphate esters of glycerol and fatty acids).

soap is made by boiling fat (glycerols and phospholipids) with sodium hydroxide to form the FREE fatty acid, water, glycerol, and sodium phosphate.

biodiesiel is made by boiling fat (vegetable oil, animal fats, plant waxes, etc are all "fat" and are made out of fatty acid esters) with sodium ETHOXIDE in ethanol OR ethanol and an acid catalyst.

if you use sodium ethoxide/ethanol you cannot allow any water to contaminate the reaction (either by continously drying the reaction using molecular sieves, drierite, or dehydrative distillation using a modified dean stark trap)

if you use the acid catalyst method, you must ALSO ensure that no water contaminates the reaction.

TL:DR you dont know shit about chemistry so shut the fuck up.

>> No.1057552

> Cosmetics

Yep, real useful

>> No.1057566

I currently use like three things on your list, OP. Still, I can live without any of those things.

>> No.1057565

so the less oil we get from a country the more we bomb the shit out of it?

>> No.1057567


Did you not see the chart? here:

Asians are fucking ruining it all.

>> No.1057578
File: 946 KB, 2673x2400, Ugly super models.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Cosmetics.
Helping Ugly Chicks get laid since 2000 BC.

Pic Related. SUPER MODELS.

>> No.1057598

> only use 3 things

Your computer, brought to you by oil. ALL PLASTICS.

Your clothing, brought to you by oil. Your Air Conditioning. Your heating. Your shoes and shirt and pants and underwear.

Unless you're a bushman in the Amazon delta, you fucking live and die based on oil products.

>> No.1057600

What? No. Ethanol is a primary biofuel for sure, but not a biodiesel. Why would you use 130 octane fuel in a diesel? Diesels are typically in the 15-25 octane range.

>> No.1057612


chicks with slavic ancestry can be super hot when they are like 15-28, but go down hill really fucking quick, no matter how well they were raised.

>> No.1057648

I don't use plastics, don't have air conditioning or heating. I admit to the computer, but my clothes are locally made without much input (preferably hand-woven). Just because your country is full of fags that depend so much on something doesn't mean all other people do too.

>> No.1057653

I'll note that WHERE the US gets the actual oil it uses, doesn't really matter. The PRICE of oil is determined by the global supply. We get our oil from Canada and Mexico and Venezuela, etc. because it is SLIGHTLY CHEAPER TO SHIP IT.

But don't be fooled, the demand curve is so inelastic for oil, that even SMALL changes in supply GREATLY change the price.

So, unlike the stupid post that says "If IRAQ disappeared, no one would notice" Hurr Durr.... um yeah, we'd notice a lot, and fast.

Think of it this way, the demand for water is pretty inelastic... you NEED it to survive, so when it becomes scarce enough, the price can change greatly.

For instance, if we have 10 people and enough water for a billion people, it doesn't matter if we lose 10% of it. So what. Price really won't change, everyone is still happy.

But if we have 10 people and enough water for only 9... some one is going to get fucking killed.

What would YOU pay if you were the 10th person and had no water? You might pay all 9 others a lot of money to give up 1/9th of their water to you, although they'd just be slowly killing themselves. They still might make the deal.

But not for long, because soon either everyone is near death or you off one of them and you're all just getting by.

>> No.1057665
File: 29 KB, 330x440, siberia-russian-babushka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> slavic chicks

I call this the Babuska gene. They're hot when they're young, then they turn into old WITCHES.

>> No.1057666


are you trolling? i seriously wonder because all your information is totally fucking retarded and wrong.

1) diesel fuels have HIGHER octane ratings than normal gasoline based mixtures

octane measures knock. knock is a tendency for the fuel to detonate before the spark.

knock occurs when the fuel ignites under the influence of the pressure and heat already present.

high octane fuels must be pressurized MORE than low octane fuels to undergo knock.

high pressure allows the extraction of MORE energy when the explosion occurs.

high pressure is also necessary to cause explosive combustion in HIGH molecular weight alkanes like fatty acid esters.

high pressure is ALSO neccessary to cause explosive combustion in fuels that DO NOT BURN VERY WELL (like kerosene, which is basically the same thing as diesel fuel, and can be run in most diesel engines with minimal modification)

this is the case with ETHANOL. e-85 and e-100 fuels DO NOT EXPLODE unless they are compressed WAY THE FUCK MORE than normal gassoline (even with 15% ethanol added).


you know absolutely nothing about chemistry and you are fucking retarded

also, ethanolic fuels are still many times more expensive than petroleum fuels at this time.

EVEN WITH US corn subsidies and Green energy subsidies, it is still too expensive to switch to ethanolic fuels for cars.

>> No.1057678


How about your food? Pretty much anything that's grown from the ground uses fertilizers that aren't dung, which are all derived from petroleum.

>> No.1057677

I think the point he was making was that the Iraq war wasn't for oil. By your own points, such an act actually increased the world price of oil.

>> No.1057688

Don't use plastics.

So, you don't need glasses? Contacts? Shoes?

And where in the world do you live that you don't have any sort of heating or cooling for your house?

Do you cook on an open fire pit?

What do you eat? How was that raised/farmed?

Just because your shirt is cotton or wool doesn't mean that petroleum wasn't used on it. Bleaches and dyes.


>> No.1057692



you have utterly no idea how ubiquitous plastics are in every aspect of modern life.

wood? metal? glass? FUCK NO.

plastics are, without question, the most important material known to man.

how do you think 100% of all semiconductors made since 1980 are made?

plastic (polymer) wet etch photo masks (one of the ONLY 2 things that have allowed us to come all the way to 25 nm production, the other being high K dielectrics)

you dont even realize that "plastic" does not mean plastic shit.

rubber is plastic. your tires are made out of plastic.

the electronics industry would barely exist without plastic.

>> No.1057715

You missed the point entirely. Good job.

>> No.1057718

Iraq war has implications for the global oil market.

For instance, the Afghanistan war wasn't only about oil. But why the fuck do you think the soviets wanted to be in Afghanistan in the first place? OIL PIPE LINES.

Attacking Iraq did drive up prices in the short term, but the whole plan is long term. And long term, we have strategic interests in putting in sympathetic puppet governments in oil rich countries that are near other oil rich countries and having lots of military bases in those places.

The only reason we give a shit about the middle east at all is oil. Sure, we do humanitarian shit too, but look at how much humanitarian shit we did for Somalia... lost a few troops and said FUCK THIS WE'RE OUT.

Afghanistan, Iraq? Long haul. Even when we pull out, we're not really leaving.

>> No.1057741


No one said ALL other people do. I don't care about fucking bushmen in Africa when peak oil happens. Fuck them.

You can have your hemp clothing and your hammock on a palm tree, John Locke, but I want off the fucking Island.

I love my AC. My medicine to keep my fat ass alive. I love plastics, and lotions to lube up my fat thighs so they don't rub together too much, and some lube to fap with.

Sure, I could go nature boy, but I don't want to.

I could also anhero and save the world all the dead weight loss it experiences because I'm a black hole of productivity.

Nah, I'd rather have some young kids shoot rag heads for me while I watch on my jumbo flatscreen.

I don't have to live this way. I just want to. And keep on doing it.

>> No.1057777

Nope. Diesel fuels have octane ratings of a quarter or less than that typical of gasoline. In a gas power cycle, higher compression ratios improve efficiency, and higher peak pressures improve efficiency, but increase the risk of knock. Diesel gets around that by not injecting fuel until after the compression cycle, but to ensure combustion upon being injection, uses lower-octane fuel.

>> No.1057780

There's pretty much nothing in a hospital that isn't derived from oil. Almost all the pills, all the equipment. Almost all the implantable devices.

Even stuff that is metal... almost all of it requires lots and lots of oil to produce... just like jewelry as Op listed. While metals and jewels aren't made from oil, many are processed in/with it, and the mining and molding processes require it all over the place.

Just think of strip mining techniques for gold. The pumps and hoses are oil derived or run on oil. They spray away the mud which is treated with solvents to break up clays, etc. Solvents made from oil. Then mercury which is suspended in oil is used to bind the gold flakes and propane (from oil) torches are used to burn it off leaving behind the gold.

Most high explosives used in other mining efforts: critical oil components.

>> No.1057785

You kids don't know the satisfaction of building your own house or producing your own food. I am grateful I have some of my land dedicated to sustainable farming. I don't need heating or ac because I live in the tropics, and I was raised without them. I have never been to the hospital and never had a sick day in my life, so I consider myself healthy > don't need meds and hope I never do. You way of life is sad, but I don't really blame you.

>> No.1057798

> I don't use plastics
Hurr Durr.

When you get some tropical disease from living on the beach, Jack Shepherd, please don't consume any pharmaceuticals that are oil derived to live. And by that I mean, die.

Even the stone age Afroniggers who live in dung huts and hunt with sharp sticks are getting our AIDS drugs, made from oil.

>> No.1057816

Seriously. 130 octane, even if you had the massive compression ratio for it (which would probably be tough without some super-exotic metals), would have a mega-long ignition delay. It'd be crap.

>> No.1057825

> live in tropics

So, those mosquito repellents your government uses to prevent tropical diseases? Urm yeah, from oil.

And what about your plumbing? Perhaps your island still uses lead pipes. That would explain things.

But good luck to you not needing a hospital or meds ever. All 14 year olds think they're going to live healthy and forever. Good luck with that.

But what do you eat? What does it come in? What is powering your home? Give us more details on where you live so we can illuminate you to how dependent you are on oil.

>> No.1057844


Yeah, post some pix of your room and your house. Get the bathroom and the kitchen.

(On your oil derived camera).

>> No.1057866


1. I don't live on the beach.
2. I study and learn agronomy, agriculture, and herbalism. I don't need your drugs, as I can get by with my own products. For example, I don't buy mouthwash, because I make my own Sage and water antiseptics.
3. Grow up. I never needed you and probably never will.

>> No.1057907


So, what binds the books you read from? petroglues? And the words on the page? petroinks.

And the processing to make the pages shiny and white? petrochemicals.

And do your books tell you about how to grow enough food on the land to be able to feed people? Isn't it true that without the improvements to productivity that we get from pesticides and fertilizers that we'd run out of farmable land to feed everyone?

You can be greedy and buy up enough land to feed yourself organically, but that would just speed the rapid decline in world population from starvation.

Good for you if you can actually live an organic lifestyle, but realize that even doing that is being inefficient and resulting in scarcity for others.

And without petrofertilizers and pesticides, what happens when a blight takes out your entire crop?

>> No.1057926

So after all the oil is depleted, we won't be able to make any of this again?

>> No.1057981

Local library. My personal library consists of pdf files on this computer.

>Feed other people
It is not my duty to give handouts. I do help my community be selling spare veggies, legumes, and fruits, but it is my responsibility to feed the world. Sorry.

How is working your ass of to be able to buy property to be able to live for yourself greedy? I'm sorry good sir, I don't understand.

I suggest you read some of your agronomy books in your local public library. Crop rearrangement and management are beneficial and synergic. Some plants prevent other plants from contracting a pest or disease, while others help in nutrition. An example of this is the nitrogen fixing of legumes used in combination with corn, as used by native americans many years ago.

>> No.1057997


We can make some of it, problem is cost and quality.

>> No.1058039

> How is working your ass of to be able to buy property to be able to live for yourself greedy? I'm sorry good sir, I don't understand.

Consult Ayn Rand, _The Virtue of Selfishness_

Motivated self interest is a good thing, I agree.

But living your lifestyle would still lead to wars for resources. And, much sooner and more wide spread than our current wars for oil and all the good oil brings.

We could try going back to 40 acres and a mule. Rocking it like it's 1799. But count me out. And most of the world population who simply could not sustain life in such unproductiveness.

>> No.1058070

>awesome shit we get from petroleum
dwindling supplies
asshole corporations

>> No.1058091

In six days without oil anarchy ensues.
no food = people start to kill each other
see easter island
gotta keep thew country runnin

>> No.1058125
File: 25 KB, 400x343, spongebob21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, bought in to the "go green to feel good about yourself" thing did you?

Too ignorant to understand how much plastics change your day to day life, or are you so diluted in your own lies that you really believe you only use 3 plastic products?

>> No.1058134

Hey, think about this, when oil runs out, only the fittest will survive. It will take 400 years to figure shit out again, and find new, cheaper fuels, and by then, super accelerated natural selection will have, hopefully, weeded out the retards, and mankind will have evolved, for the better.

>> No.1058450


Fuckers in the tropics don't get away clean. Those fuckers need OIL UP THE ASS to bring them all that fucking grain and food that they can't grow their fucking selves.

You think that doesn't burn oil all those fucking ships? You think your Dell computer shipped from Malaysia to Dallas then to your Island didn't waste a fuck ton of oil to just get to you?

Even the few people who still subsistence farm require the support of the global economy and that runs on oil.

You think that DSL line that runs to your non-cooled non-heated grass hut is run by electricity that isn't being made by oil?

>> No.1060275
