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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 113 KB, 1024x683, moons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10569180 No.10569180 [Reply] [Original]

what if earth had two moons

>> No.10569186

moon wars

>> No.10569189



>> No.10569267

Twice the werewolves.

>> No.10569284

Bigger and dtranger tides

>> No.10569287

wow that's great
now introduce antropomorphic animals and you have the perfect fantasy setting

>> No.10569347

Not if there's one moon at each side, then it would cancel itself out

>> No.10569383

Reeeeeeetard, look up where the sun is?

>> No.10569399

Same total mass as the moon?
Without the moon the earth spins a lot faster and crazy high winds increase erosion. Gravity would also be slightly higer.

>> No.10569623

werewolfs aren't real and even if they were they wouldn't need the moon anyways, stop believing fairy tales

>> No.10569702

>tfw we live in more or less the center of the largest cosmic void in the universe
>tfw we live in a boring ass part of the galaxy
>tfw you look in the sky and there's nothing interesting aside from Omega Centauri (not visible for us in the Northern Hemisphere), a fuzzy ass Orion Nebula, and if you're lucky the faint core of Andromeda

>ywn see a globular cluster sunrise
>ywn be bathed in the soft glow of the ionized gas of a nebula filling the sky
>ywn watch a galaxyrise

At least we have our Moon.

>> No.10569719

no, but women on their period are.

>> No.10569721

Are you also this Fun at party's?

>> No.10569722

It might change the rate at which earth spins from tidal locking. And any small perturbations to earth's spin and tides would result in drastic changes in the way live evolves through chaos theory.

>> No.10569725

What if

>> No.10569730

R u?

>> No.10569732
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>> No.10569743

nice comeback

>> No.10569746
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>werewolfs aren't real and even if they were they wouldn't need the moon anyways, stop believing fairy tales

>> No.10569750

haha so funny
no one likes the atheist
he'll die alone for having a different opinion

>> No.10569788

-t. Werewolf

>> No.10569794

if i look into the sun it'll hurt my eyes...?

>> No.10569856

Kinda depends on where it is, I'd imagine though that there'd be more geological activity, two moons are going to exert more gravitational pull on Earth from two different directions and the kneading effect will slightly increase the internal heat of the planet resulting in more volcanism and earthquakes. Tides will be different if both moons are passing by in the same sky, I think there will be two distinct tides instead of just one.

>> No.10569913

The chance of such an orbital configuration occurring naturally is vanishingly small.

>> No.10569973

Amateur astronomer's nightmare

>> No.10569996

Then how come it happens in electrons?

>> No.10570039

NASA would have had to fake two landings

>> No.10570430

Yeah. And werewolfs being violent beasts is just old medieval propaganda. There's never been a documented werewolf on human attack. Werewolves dont view humans as food nor as a threat. They mostly just ignore any humans in the woods we see.

>> No.10570533
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One time in 5th grade I took some leftover strips of blue and green paper and rolled it into a ball and called it the earth. Then I walked over to some girls and said this earth revolves my dick and every night there are two full moons....

I wish I could go back and stop myself from saying that. I was a sex obsessed child before my brain developed...

>> No.10570662


Earth actually has multiple mini-moons.


>> No.10570744

My banality rate just went by one permanent my dude.

>> No.10572120

It'd be awesome - men would have two dicks so you could jack off with both hands at once.

>> No.10572165
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We'd more than likely get to see them smash into each other in our lifetimes. Tides would be wild.

>> No.10572497

Thanks, now you brought back a lot of repressed memories.

>> No.10572561

Do you get nostalgic over repressed horrible memories..? Or do nostalgia only work for positive ones?

>> No.10572890

Nostalgia only works for positive ones.
I don't feel nostalgic about diarrhoea'ing myself in a public situation right in front of a window with my ass out

>> No.10573159
File: 569 KB, 1700x1200, Moons_of_solar_system_v7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We would be fucked beyond repair. If you're talking about another moon similar in size to the one we already have, that is.

Earth's gravitational field that has any significant influence on bodies only extends roughly 5 times or so the distance of the moon, or roughly 1-1.25 million miles. If you placed a Luna sized moon between Earth and Luna, the resulting gravitational and tidal forces would either throw us out of whack, destroy the planet and moon, or some other terrible thing like messing up our weather systems and biosphere beyond repair.

If you placed a Luna sized object beyond the moon but still in earth's gravitational field, I don't know, but you still have a pretty bad time of it, all said and done. The Moon2 would probably fling Moon1 into a severe elliptical orbit around Earth, or slam it into us.

That's not to say of course that Earth can't have another orbiting body around it. We could maybe have a moon below or up to the size and mass of something like Pluto, or Neptune's moon Triton without anything too terrible happening. But they would have to remain on the out side of our gravitational field if we want them to stay stable. Maybe even occupy a Lagrange point and only interact with the Earth-Moon System every couple of months- that way it'd still be a "moon" in the sense that it's affected by the chief gravitational body (Earth) occupying the same orbit, but it wouldn't be so uncomfortably close to us all the time.

>> No.10573162

Oh god oh fuck

>> No.10573163

No that's how kinks are created

>> No.10573164

It would be very beautiful

>> No.10573166

What if (you) had two moms?

>> No.10573175

planets and electrons act differently retard

>> No.10573179


We'd have to change the lyrics to "shine on harvest moons," and "there's some bad moons on the rise," and "moons river," and "when the moons are in the seventh house," and ....

>> No.10573358


>> No.10573474

>ad hominem fallacy

>> No.10573640
File: 1.29 MB, 1920x2601, w2Lx8Ds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck that, what if our night sky looked like this. It would be very beautiful, and we would have some cool fucking destinations so close together, whole new worlds to explore, expansion for humanity would be effortless, imagine the cool planetary wars that would happen too, daily space travel between the worlds, too.

>inb4 muh Roche limit
>inb4 muh physics
>inb4 muh tidal forces

>> No.10573730

a hot saturn would be an amazing place to live

>> No.10573739

There was an anon on /sci/ a year or two ago that posted what the night sky would look like from the moons of saturn and because of how orbits work you're going to see them mostly edge-on.
The shadows they cast on the planet would change over the seasons.

>> No.10573795

I can only imagine many new natural wonders, a ridiculous advance in space related technologies and interplanetary shitposting.

>> No.10574152
File: 1004 KB, 320x240, cool.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just got le epic bated

>> No.10574282

I don't have a kink for shitting in front of wrinkly foreign women, though.

>> No.10574481

It wouldn't be stable anyways. they'd be at eachother's L3 points and one would eventually wobble loose, and your moons would either smash into eachother, or fall into a resonance.

>> No.10574649
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>interplanetary shitposting.
The best kind of shitposting

>> No.10574656

>reply to thread
>get called a fag
>thread 404's before you can reply
Plutocucks will never never learn.

>> No.10574706

At least this means we're safer from deadly events in the galaxy.

>> No.10574711

Thats the equivalent of no u dude. You just lost this and every round ever. Begone.

>> No.10574719

This nigga woke

>> No.10576253

>imagine the cool planetary wars

>> No.10577131

Such an orbit is unstable and would immediately collapse. Two moons would never form in such a configuration, especially not of they were of equal mass

>> No.10577143
File: 20 KB, 480x360, IMG_2406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in the woods we see
>we see

>> No.10577165

You're a fucking liar. Reported. Enjoy your ban, maybe you'll learn a lesson, serial shitter

>> No.10577172

You see that tent?

>> No.10577188


>> No.10577526

Fuck off I'm not a serial shitter I just accidentally shat out a shit bubble while in a panic

>> No.10577554

Don't. Just don't.

>> No.10578282

󠛡 󠛡

>> No.10578295

Unironically best post in this thread

>> No.10578330


>> No.10579547

Fucking idiot they’d need to be pi/2 radians apart from each other. Not
>the other side

>> No.10579785


>> No.10580270

Twice as romantic.

(Hope for us in 4chan, at last)

>> No.10580274

Not is one moon was in L4 or L5 of the other moon. Obviously these would be very different in mass.

>> No.10580283

>you will never die in your sleep from a sudden gamma ray burst

>> No.10580289

You need to read up on orbital resonance, co-orbital bodies (such as Cruithne) and Lagrange points.

>> No.10580441

That preasumes a fucking argument was done to begin with. He is just calling you a no fun autist.

>> No.10580450

>having to play with a 3000+ ms ping because you're from the farthest planet away from the server

>> No.10580578

>actual seething werewolves itt

>> No.10580587
File: 2.47 MB, 4166x4166, sts064-217-008~orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is probably how the longest lasting civilizations in the universe survive, by being in the most stable, most boring most drama-free regions of the cosmos

>> No.10580594

>not believing in fully functional quantum entangled communication by then


>> No.10580892

>Using a chinese botnet
2094 Moon massacre
The ayylmao autonomous planet

>> No.10581329

An ice ring around Earth will both reduce global warming by obstructing incoming sunlight, especially over equator, while also illuminate the night side. Someone made a YouTube video of what it would look like.

>> No.10581347

How feasible is this in the near/far future?

>> No.10581454

Until you stop the warmers who will never accept geoengineering it is infeasible. Any solution short of return to the stone age is out of the question.

>> No.10581521

That's too small to be a moon.

>> No.10581546

Two times zero is still zero.

>> No.10582973

Q: What if all the "what ifs" were laid end-to-end, how far would they reach?
A: Fckn nowhere.

>> No.10583208

dumbass, they'd reach straight up OP's ass

>> No.10584205


>> No.10584619

werent werewolves the dogs the modern human trained to hunt neanderthals at night?

>> No.10584661

It was people taking jimson weed and tripping balls.

>> No.10585739

Anything within lunar orbit is unstable over long periods.

>> No.10587166

How long is "long"?

>> No.10588807

what if your mom had two dicks

>> No.10588845

I think people would have two brains, due to two gravitational pulls in the sky and the ocean would be much cooler!

>> No.10589740

Imagine being this retarded and still being able to breathe

>> No.10589824

You're a big dwarf planet

>> No.10589846
File: 183 KB, 1280x720, pickle cia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In comparison to your planetary mass, yes

>> No.10589853

What if all the "what if" questions were laid end-to-end -- would they reach a conclusion?

>> No.10589946

They would approach one.

>> No.10590181

I'm disappointed a post with this many (You)s wasn't
>werewolfs aren't real and even if they were we wouldn't need the moon anyways

>> No.10590302
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Then barbarians feat sexy witches would rule the world.

>> No.10590387

Poisoning the well not ad hominem
Attempting to disprove a point by stating it is a fallacy is the fallacy fallacy
In your case, it's more the phallus fallacy

>> No.10590632

>Twice the werewolves.

I did the math, and this is absolutely correct.

>> No.10590642

>there's some bad moons on the rise

I prefer "There's at Least One Bad Moon on the Rise."

>> No.10590778
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Calling this "mooning" would make more sense.

>> No.10590934
File: 392 KB, 2743x2400, lagrange points.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could have two moons in the same orbit if they were at each other's lagrange points

actually it could be kind of interesting, if one of the moons was a bit more massive than the other, it would cause the other one to orbit it's lagrange point and stutter in the sky instead of having a perfect predictable position

>> No.10591237

L3 is unstable. L4 and L5 are only stable if the mass ratio is larger than like 1/25.

>> No.10593199

An alternative is to have a moon orbiting another moon.

>> No.10594386

>that blatant fisheye lens
LMFAO and we're supposed to believe space is real

>> No.10594446

Nobody cares what retarded thing you believe this spring

>> No.10595599
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Pic. related.

>> No.10595629

I agree, can I finally leave 4chan now?

>> No.10595787
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Step back, unimooned planet, lemme show you how it's done

>> No.10595789


Is it forever yet?

>> No.10596805

Is Earth then the unibrow of planets??

>> No.10596810

> t. warewolf

>> No.10596943

Wolves in warehouses?

>> No.10596968
File: 22 KB, 400x300, Earth.vs.mars_size.comparisons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calls others unimoon
>has two rocks in orbit
>calls them moons
Your whole planet could be our moon.

>> No.10597178
File: 49 KB, 1280x720, igor were wolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10597811


>> No.10598019

sounds like something a werewolf would say

>> No.10598426
File: 748 KB, 2086x2067, 2051__luna_and_orbit_by_ynot1989-db14bfp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have head it argued that the Earth - Moon system could be considered a double planet system.

>> No.10598584

Just keep looking at the girl with you huge-ass telescope. It will end well.

>> No.10598703

>implying that wasn't just counterbait

>> No.10598802
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