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File: 1.18 MB, 1680x1050, Top_50_engineering_schools_in_the_US.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10566870 No.10566870 [Reply] [Original]

How much does it matter where you get your bachelors in engineering? I'm currently a computer engineering student who wants to work as a software developer at a CC in Boston. Now after about 1.5 years I just want to transfer out and not finish my associates here. Now I plan on applying to Tufts, Boston Uni, Northeastern, and WPI. But my concern is if I don't get into those schools I'll fall back on Umass Amherst. But the thing is I'll end up having to live on campus and my projected debt will be from 15k to 25k so I'm considering just going to Umass Lowell and graduating with zero debt, not having to live on campus, etc. But my gripe is Umass Lowell is ranked like 150 nationwide while Umass Amherst is like 70. Is that such a difference that justifies the hardship of 20k debt and having to live on campus? At a crossroads here.

>> No.10566990


>> No.10567010
File: 30 KB, 539x412, DMjD1k2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my university isn't in OP's picture

>> No.10567026

U Chicago bears the closest resemblance to a classical university of any in that pic. That is in terms of academic quality, intellectualism, honesty.
Anyways, cost is a concern. So my suggestion is to do half your undergrad at (gasp) community college and transfer to school you really want the degree from. Save thousands. No reason to take gen eds at a 200% price hike.
>on or off campus?
College ranking isn't that important once you get below the top ~20. But geographic location is. I don't know about MA so that's something you need to figure out. Is the school where the jobs are? Also a bigger graduating class helps make it a target.
The ranking isn't worth $20k, get real.

>> No.10567166

Well, I really want to go to the private instuitions I mentioned early in my post which I believe would end up being cheaper than living and going to Umass Amherst. But if I'm not accepted, my best university I could guaranteed get into is Umass Amherst but as I said with the cost of room and board I'll end up 20,000 in the hole post-graduation. If I go to the lower ranked school Umass Lowell I'll graduate with no debt with money to spare to go to China right after graduation. I just don't know if it's worth the extra 20,000 to go to the better ranked public uni.

>> No.10567581

I'm a sophomore CompE at a state school on a full ride. Purdue was my first choice and my parents were willing and able to fund my education, but I honestly just didn't think the ~$25,000 dollars a year would be worth it. This is just anecdotal, but I've done pretty well for myself here. I managed to get a co-op the summer after my first year (though that was more luck than anything), am returning there this summer, and am taking a semester off next fall to work at another solid company. So you can absolutely be successful wherever you go, especially in software, where it's much more accessible to start making and showing off something on your own.

>> No.10567618

Northwestern is on there but UIUC isn't. This image is a certified meme.

>> No.10567679


>> No.10567782

UIUC is on there

>> No.10568033

Okay thank you. So you think if i fail to get in any of those private institutions (granted they give aid) I should just choose the lower ranked school and save the 20k?

>> No.10568048

How on earth is UIUC supposed to be good? Literally half my highschool class ended up there

>> No.10568108

The undergrad is pretty meme but I’ve heard their graduate departments are really good. I’m in Math, and UIUC is top 20.

>> No.10568128

Surprised colorado skool of mines isnt on there

>> No.10568271

why isnt it University of Colorado?

mines is only really good at petrol and explosives. Their mechanical and comp sci are worse than at CU boulder. Overall CU has a better engineering school it just gets dragged down because of the other schools like arts and sciences

>> No.10568474

Compared to UIUC northwestern's engineering program isn't shit. Not only that, but top-tier companies regularly recruit out of UIUC. Just because a bunch of people go to a school doesn't mean it's bad.

>> No.10568506

If you want to join a smug cult go to A&M.
Not an engineer though, fuck having to hang out with ugly sperg girls and future Mays students

>> No.10568548

I did compE at UF. They have a great program and very cheap tuition

>> No.10569097


It's hard to say, especially because I don't know much about either school. Rank 70 vs rank 150 doesn't seem like such a big gap to be honest, and I assume they're both ABET accredited. 20k debt doesn't sound terrible for a software developer, but I think I'd be inclined to just graduate debt free from Lowell. That being said, you'll probably be fine either way.

Wherever you end up, the best advice I can give you is to take initiative within your field and network. Being part of a relevant club/team/research group can be a big deal. I doubt I would have had nearly as much luck with job offers if I wasn't part of my design team.

>> No.10569584

Thanks a lot mate. Something for me to think about

>> No.10569588

I live in Mass

>> No.10569604

Which one out of IL universities would you say is better for a PhD in EE/CS?

t. studied at IIT

>> No.10569665

If you're going for an engineering degree, your undergrad doesn't matter as long as the university is ABET accredited. The accreditation is what ensures that you're hireable basically anywhere. If you want a prestige engineering job like Boeing or NASA, then try to do your Grad stuff at one of the schools in your picture.

>> No.10569891

You're at Bunker Hill. How is it?

Always take the lowest cost option. Apply for as many scholarships as possible. For engineering, it matters less than probably every other major. It still matters, but for engineering, It's not worth taking out any unsubsidized loans.

If you think it matters, visit the universities and see which you like. You may find Lowell to be perfectly adequate. These rankings, nobody truly cares until it's top 20, and geographic location matters. You may enjoy Lowell if you visit.

>> No.10570035

The UW looks so lonely up there in the corner :(

>> No.10570044

In 2019 it is a far better career choice to exit your undergrad with no debt then it is to try and pursue an elite college. Go to an elite school when its time for your graduate degrees, if you present yourself as a compelling candidate they are far more generous with financial concessions to grad students when compared to undergrads. You will set your life back 15 to 20 years if you saddle yourself with an insurmountable debt.

>> No.10571083

It's good I guess. A lot of different people from all over the world. But alright, thanks man Ill keep that in mind

>> No.10571124

Dubs speak truth.

>> No.10571131

Went to A&M undergrad, UT Austin grad. A&M was awesome. Texas was far too busy and tried way to hard to be cool, but there was always campus events going on if you're a socialite.

>> No.10571154

the reality is undergrad means fuck all

>> No.10571155

>UIUC is top 20.
Try top 5 m8

>> No.10571160
File: 60 KB, 208x250, 1554066253517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apple's CEO has an engineering degree from Auburn, which isn't on OP's map so it doesn't appear to matter very much.

>> No.10571177

Swing and a miss.

>> No.10571179

i agree that the list doesnt matter but that nigga got his degree in the early 80s

>> No.10571185

Doubt the school was some kind of powerhouse back then.

>> No.10571234

Tim Apple?

>> No.10571238

>Texas is the second most populated state in the country
>only has 3 top 50 universities
>the shanty house of Texas

>> No.10571453

that anon gave you good advice, also build a portfolio/github for things you're interested in as you go, by the time you're ready to interview for jobs it'll be a no-brainer to hire you vs comp-sci grads who only know theory