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1056536 No.1056536 [Reply] [Original]

FUCK SAKES, how many off-shore drilling platforms must sink before you fucking tards understand the simple physics to build them fucking properly? Ok, even if you're too retarded for that, but some fucking safety mechanisms in the pipe that can close it in case it breaks. That really that complicated? fucking tards, you do know that this oil spill is now over 4 TIMES more than the exxon valdez one?

not only this, half the other SHIT in the world doesnt work. I fucking swear, so many cars are recalled, and look at toyota. I've seen bridges collapse and building break, look at the fucking roads. And especially electronincs, mainly computers, nothing fucking works properly, it's as if you're all retarded. Fucking engineers.

>> No.1056545
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inb4 cool story

>> No.1056556

>is an engineer

>> No.1056578

Hopefully OP is a troll, like 99% of the other posts on sci.

>> No.1056579

Fucking engineers.

Engineer and faggot are synonymous.

>> No.1056582

why am I a troll?

>> No.1056591

OP, have you heard of money?

>> No.1056596

You're not a troll. You're just a retard acting retarded by posting retarded things.

>> No.1056597

>lolzlol I haz different view points from OP, therefore he MUST BE A TROLL

Grow up.

>> No.1056602

What did I post the was incorrect? All the examples I gave are real world events that have happened due to engineers.

>> No.1056604

Because if you aren't, then you're an idiot.

I'll take the bait

Did you notice how many things around you DO work? Do you understand how much thought and red tape goes into building almost everything? Do you not see that while failures occasionally occur, they represent a tiny, TINY proportion of working products and up times?

Do you think engineers at BP are trying to waste all the oil spewing out that they could be instead selling? Don't you know that there were 3-4 safety valves in place, that were illegally modified, and not properly inspected, that led to failure? Don't you see that, on the large scale, engineering fundamentally and overwhelmingly WORKS?

>> No.1056611

Well, i've officially been trolled by even thinking of responding to this thread, but here goes:
>That really that complicated?
Yes. It is.

>> No.1056613

Different views based on facts are one thing. Different view like OPs are another. See >>1056604

>> No.1056616

Enjoy your chinese and indian imported engineers
That's what you get America

>> No.1056623

Your conclusion that engineers are retarded is retarded, retard.

>> No.1056624

As is often the case, the people in charge are simply too fucking stupid to shut the fuck up and do what the people who actually know what they're doing tell them to do.

>> No.1056627

Okay, if there are 3-4 valves, who were they illegally modified by? Yup, the people that made them (engineers).

Not only that, as I said, many other things break easily in everyday real life. Just look at your computer, most people have to buy one every year cause.

Then look at the Large Hadron Collider. That is the epitome of examples of what happens when you let engineers try doing REAL PHYSICS. I've last track of how many delays and breakages it has had.

>> No.1056629

Chinese and Indian colleges are vastly superior to our broken american colleges. One of my professors once explained, that in most other countries, school is full time 45 hour/week commitment, not like here where we go to class for a few hours a day and then spend hours rotting on 4chan.

>> No.1056639

lol yea the failures in the LHC is personally pissing me off too. holy shit engineers sometimes can be so stupid

>> No.1056649

Guess who fixes shit when things go wrong...

Other engineers!

>> No.1056659

4 Times the Exxon Valdez, except this one wasn't right on top of the coast line. This is in open water well away from shore.

The Valdez fouled that sound within hours, very little coast land has been oiled and this is weeks and weeks old.

Also, there are literally THOUSANDS of wells operating in the Gulf, just fine. This won't come down to an engineering problem, this will come down to human operator error.

No safety system can withstand a stupid human over-riding it. And that's likely the case here. While it's possible that the several backup systems all failed, it's more likely that they were prevented from working by an operator who opened a valve he shouldn't have or failed to read a chart correctly, etc.

>> No.1056662


>school is full time 45 hour/week

And that's why they are massive failures. Real learning takes place on the job, not stuffing your nose in a book all day.

>> No.1056667


How many days of the year does your computer run, and how many days does it spend being broken?

In fact, how often exactly do computers break? Don't people generally replace computers because there are newer, faster models available? And aren't failures generally the result of user error? If computer engineering was such a failure, there wouldn't be 4 computers per household, we wouldn't have 4chan almost any time we wanted. Seriously you'd best be trolling.

>Okay, if there are 3-4 valves, who were they illegally modified by? Yup, the people that made them (engineers).

Do you understand how there are THOUSANDS of oil rigs ALL OVER THE WORLD that function and have been functioning for as longs as 30+ years without any major incident? One rig fails, one small group of engineers break the law, ignore safety protocol, whatever, and the rest are all crap? Should we just stop investing in science and technology and go back to living in caves? REALLY? DO YOU NOT SEE HOW MUCH OF A FUCKING IDIOT YOU ARE?

What are you doing with your life? How many oil rig disasters have you fixed/prevented? STFU and GTFO

>> No.1056681

They don't spend their noses in books all day. In Greece, where my professor was from (very successful department head, by the way) they spent their time solving problems, applying what they learned and getting an intuitive feel for applying mathematics and science to real problems. We get a couple hours of homework a week. I'm at fucking NYU by the way, one of the better colleges in the US.

>> No.1056684


No, they have massive failures because their tests are actually hard. There's a reason why a lot of graduate students are foreigners.

>> No.1056697

Engineers cannot forsee every problem. Many of the failures, such as the quench that occured some time ago, are due to material failures. Most of the time, engineers do their jobs as they should, its the manufacturers who get things wrong. STFU when you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

fucking christ /sci/ is full of idiots.

>> No.1056707

itt engineer mad

>> No.1056721

No, I'm a physics major, but these high-schoolers are getting to me.

>> No.1056735
File: 2 KB, 127x89, Hatersgonnahate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All just hating because we make more money than the so called "scientists"

>> No.1056736


This. The engineers didn't fail. In fact, the team of Engineers from Schlumberger got their ass off the rig after they determined that it was unsafe to continue operating and MANAGEMENT told them to take a hike.

You might be pissed with planned obsolescence, but that's not an engineering issue, that's a marketing and economic strategist decision.

Some of the very first light bulbs are STILL working today... the reason you have to replace your shit is because management wants to keep you coming back for more.

The reason your PC doesn't suck your cock like the marketing guys told you is because marketers are liars and management decided to cut corners to bring cost down and over promise on specs.

Challenger didn't explode because an engineer failed. It exploded because a government suit decided it was more important to have a photo op and push the launch than to listen to his engineer.

>> No.1056743

they probably have to juggle with safety costs, it's not theirs money.
they use to, in some cases, to raise safety coefficient up to ten times their original value...because they can.

tl;dr safety has a cost.

>> No.1056753


>>A federal agency that oversees offshore oil drilling identified so many accidents in a study published last year

keywords "so many". No, this IS NOT ME saying that, this is coming from an official news site.

>>A Minerals and Management Service study found 41 deaths and 302 injuries out of 1,443 incidents from 2001 to 2007, according to records obtained by the Associated Press on Friday

What you engineers do not realize is that YOU ARE NOT BUILDING TOYS ANYMORE. REAL LIVES are dying, because of some "lazy errors".

>> No.1056759
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In this particular case the safety margin was not required to be very high because there are no nice beaches nearby

>> No.1056765

That's cool OP. Why don't you go and show the world how to really engineer stuff instead of bitching and complaining about it?

>> No.1056774

Exactly. Most engineers are WoW-tards thinking they're building fucking toys. I've seen you all work, most play WoW all day. You don't take your studies seroisly, like most people IRL.

>> No.1056781

Most of the stuff engineers make is modelled with the help of computers. YET it STILL fails, even with ultimate simulation.

>> No.1056782

> Hadron collider
> Engineering failure

What? You must be joking fool. The collider is a perfect example of engineering pushing the boundaries of theoretical studies.

It's easy to write equations on a piece of paper. It's much more difficult to create hardware capable of giving you insight.

What would a chemist be without a highly skilled glass blower and a skilled miner? Not much.

>> No.1056783

>>derp im too stupid to understand it so it must be complicated

>> No.1056789

Come back to me when it, you know, FUCKING WORKS.

>> No.1056790








>> No.1056793

Fuck man, don't play the blame game with me.

>> No.1056797

> HURR DURR computers break all the time!

This is because you buy shitty lower end consumer grade shit made in countries where they don't actually engineer anything, they just make crappy knock-offs.

If your DVDs in China Town, don't get pissy when they fail to play on your eMachine. Fool.

>> No.1056801

Alright man, look, I gave you a news SOURCE, please post a link or STFU. Scientific arguements works like that, you have to provide evidence and proof, like I did with that link.

>> No.1056804

>keywords "so many". No, this IS NOT ME saying that, this is coming from an official news site.



you've been duped by sensationalist media, just like millions of people all over the world but into threats exaggerated by weasel words like those. How often do you hear about a gigantic oil rig accident?

And do you understand that, yes, we may lose some wetlands in Louisiana, but that it represents a TINY, INSIGNIFICANT proportion of total global coastline/wildlife?

>> No.1056809

Whatever, fuck you engineer neckbeards ITT. Everyone else agrees with me IRL, which is why they are BANNING OFFSHORE DRILLING here in America. So fuck you, if I'm retarded, so is everyone else.

>> No.1056817

PS: engineers, look at this shit


>> No.1056819

The fact that you gave me a source means nothing. I'm not denying that 41 people died. What you don't seem to be able to grasp is that in the grand scheme of things, the overall benefit that billions, yes, BILLIONS of people have received in the last hundred or so years is more than enough to justify FOURTY ONE deaths.

let me put this in perspective


Shit happens, its not like we sentenced them to die, we learned from the mistakes and now things are better.

>> No.1056823

Somebody sounds butthurt. XD

>> No.1056824


>>Oil industry lashes out at drilling ban

I'm just happy that shit is banned. Disgusting you engineers in here actually support your corporate oil overlords.

>> No.1056834

If we're learning from our mistakes, how the FUCK did this happen just after one of the biggest oil spills ever (the exxon valdez)?

>> No.1056839

Probably a troll, but yes

99% of people are fucking retards. They are completely ignorant of scientific and engineering procedure, they cannot understand that this failure is one small accident out of billions of problem free hours, and because of their OUTRIGHT STUPIDITY they will all suffer. And I won't be surprised when the same idiotic populous begins complaining about gas prices.

This is why nuclear power development stalled 40 years ago. Because all of these retards ran around screaming CHERNOBYL and THREE MILE ISLAND, when the Three Mile Island incident was completely overblown by sensationalist media, and plants in the US had a COMPLETELY different design from Chernobyl. And because of them, we had to rely on more expensive, more harmful coal and oil plants.

>> No.1056841


Where do you get off blaming engineers for accidents? The report doesn't say that people died from DESIGN flaws or even MATERIALS failures... but HUMAN OPERATOR ERRORS.

If some fuck gets drunk and falls off the rig, it's not the architects fault.

If a greenhorn gets a rope wrapped around his foot and then tosses the anchor overboard, it's not the guy who designed the rope's fault.

>> No.1056846

Dude, seriously, you're telling me you're actually supporting the big oil industry? Fuck man what engineering college you go to? Fucking liberal education is fogging up your eyes, look at the shit that's happening man and open them.

>> No.1056855

Multiple factors have been identified as contributing to the incident:

* Exxon Shipping Company failed to repair the Raycas sonar system, which would have indicated to the third mate an impending collision with the Bligh reef.[10]
* The third mate failed to properly maneuver the vessel, possibly due to fatigue or excessive workload.[11]
* Exxon Shipping Company failed to supervise the master and provide a rested and sufficient crew for the Exxon Valdez.

Please, you fucking jackass, show me where engineers were at fault. Nevermind the fact that Exxon was a TANKER and this BP thing was a RIG. SLIGHT difference in technology.

Am I arguing with one retard, or are there a number of complete morons floating around in this thread?

Or am I just getting the shit trolled out of me?

>> No.1056856


Do you not understand the difference between a TANKER and a WELL?

>> No.1056860

Holy shit, you're seriously? OF COURSE we're happy to pay some extra for gas to SAVE HUMAN LIVES. And dunno bout you, but having a nuke go off from a nuclear plant in my backyard isnt an appealing factor, no matter how small the chance.

>> No.1056865

I support the oil industry because they make tons of shit that I want, love, and NEED out of oil.


>> No.1056866

Hey, fuckhead, liberals are the ones who oppose drilling. I don't identify with either side.

I have a rational, scientific mind. Pay attention to what I've written in the past posts, and if YOUR mind isn't open, then you're a fucking lost cause. But it sounds to me like you're not in college anyway, so don't worry, the adults will figure things out as they usually do and life will go on your like always.

>> No.1056868

Don't worry, we have it figured out, in case you didn't hear we BANNED IT. Ok? get it? need I post this again?


>> No.1056876

You act like people on the rigs are sentenced to death. By your logic, we can't have any of the things we have, because ultimately, the only way to 100% prevent death is to stop all mining, fishing, drilling, and any other kind of necessary labor, because we're decades from having humans replaced with machines, and people are always going to be in danger.

>And dunno bout you, but having a nuke go off from a nuclear plant in my backyard isnt an appealing factor, no matter how small the chance.

That's exactly the kind of idiocy I was talking about. Do you buy a lottery ticket and quit your job expecting to win?
Why would you oppose the construction of a nuclear power plant when the odds of it failing catastrophically and harming you are SMALLER than your chances of winning the lottery? Many people just don't understand probability. But that has a lot to do with under education.

>> No.1056879

>no matter how small the chance.
Do you realize how fucking small the chance is? I'm willing to bet my left arsecheek that (deaths caused by nuclear explosion)*(chance of nuclear explosion) is LESS than (lives we couldn't save because of energy-related budget deficiencies)

>> No.1056886

>Holy shit, you're seriously? OF COURSE we're happy to pay some extra for gas to SAVE HUMAN LIVES. And dunno bout you, but having a nuke go off from a nuclear plant in my backyard isnt an appealing factor, no matter how small the chance

that argument could be used for a stupidly high number of things, neither of them in anyway meaningful

>Holy shit, you're seriously? OF COURSE we're happy to spend some extra time to walk to SAVE HUMAN LIVES. And dunno bout you, but getting hit by a car or train isnt an appealing factor, no matter how small the chance

>Holy shit, you're seriously? OF COURSE we're happy to pay some extra for bunkers to SAVE HUMAN LIVES. And dunno bout you, a metorite hit me isnt an appealing factor, no matter how small the chance

etc etc

tis all about proportion and chance, "no matter how small the chance" isnt reasonable.
its reasonable to say "ban this shit, because its really likely to go off and kill people" but saying "its potentially harmful, fuck the probability, but it CAN KILL lots of people, we should ban it simply because of that" is ridiculous.

>> No.1056888

Hey- don't fucking blame the engineers. It's the BP execs that went too cheap on the drilling fluid.

This kind of thing would NEVER happen with a dense enough drilling fluid

>> No.1056891

What YOU don't understand is that a nuke going off=millions of deaths. Me winning lottery=effects ONE life.

>> No.1056892

What does a picture of a dead dolphin have to do with anything?

And you won't ban anything with your (maybe) GED sitting on 4chan all day.

>> No.1056902

Didn't you see the link I posted? Or did your ignorant sub-consciously block that out?


It is ALREADY banned. I don't have to DO anything.

>> No.1056909

The whale was killed BY the oil drill explosion.

>> No.1056912

I don't remember Chernobyl killing millions, or Three Mile Island...

>> No.1056913

Car accidents have caused millions of times the number of deaths that failing nuclear plants have caused, and they are millions of times more likely. Should we ban cars?

EVERYTHING in life has risks. EVERY TIME you step outside of your house you are risking your life. Just sitting in your house, there is a probability that you could be hit with a meteor. However, the chances of some things happening are SO INSANELY SMALL that it would take a COMPLETE IDIOT with NO GRASP of TINY, MINISCULE, PRACTICALLY NONEXISTANT odds to ban extremely useful technologies because of those ignorable odds.

>> No.1056920

but the probability of you using that money to buy a nuke and kill millions is not 0, therefore you should be banned.

>> No.1056941

The link I saw was a picture of a dead dolphin

As for this link

>On Thursday, President Obama announced a six-month moratorium in response to the Gulf oil disaster, which is considered the worst spill in the nation's history.

This is nothing more than a ridiculous publicity stunt by our great president obama (read nigger). Did you pay attention to the rest of the article? Namely
>The government ban on deep water oil drilling could stifle economic activity and lead to job losses and higher energy prices, an industry group said Friday.

All because a few animals are going to die in a couple hundred miles of coastline?

Are you seriously supporting this ban?

>> No.1056949
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>Claiming you backed up a scientific argument with evidence and proof
>Link to Fox News


>> No.1056959
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>> No.1056965

The number of people who die of smoking each year is over 50 times the number who have died from nuclear energy since the beginning of man.

>> No.1056990

Oh and there's more for you

>If we're learning from our mistakes, how the FUCK did this happen just after one of the biggest oil spills ever (the exxon valdez)?

The exxon valdez spill happened in 1989. Its 2010. I don't think that qualifies as "just after"

>> No.1056995

WTF are you talking about? Obama is the biggest oilwhore ever.
>>More than 3.5 million dollars has been given to candidates by BP over the last 20 years, with the largest single donation, 77,051 dollars, going to Obama, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

>>The Obama administration has been forced to defend its response to the disaster as some Republicans have sought to portray it as their Katrina, an allusion to president Bush's mishandling of the response to the 2005 hurricane that devastated Louisiana.

>> No.1056999

ITT high schooler science fans and pissed-off engineers

I'm part of the latter group

>> No.1057006

Alright, first of all, I KNOW THE POINT OF PROBABILITY YOU GUYS ARE MAKING, K? All I'm saying is, no matter the chance, human life should not be put on the table. I know the chances are low, but still, we can't simply risk it because they are living people.

>> No.1057009

>this thread

/b/ is that way.

>> No.1057013




Seriously, the reason why Americans fucks up so much is because their colleges are fucking weak sauce. Instead of preparing and minimizing failure, you put newbies on the job who fucks up every time.

>> No.1057020

You aren't fucking reading what they are saying. I have read multiple fucking times in this thread that


and you seem to miss it every time it is posted

>> No.1057022

OP doesn't understand planned obsolesence

>> No.1057028

so you're just ignoring the point of probability?

i guess you should support the banning of peanut butter too.
after all, some people are allergic to peanuts.
they could die.
human life you know.

and think about it this way, no oil, no power, no hospitals/cars/factorys etc

people die from diseases, lack of food, anarchy ensues.

what is going to kill more people? an oil rig? or a lack of oil?

>> No.1057029

If there was less regulation this never would've happened.

>> No.1057030

I said I KNOW EVERYTHING HAS FUCKING RISKS. What YOU don't understand is that NO MATTER HOW SMALL THE RISKS, we CANNOT and SHOULD NOT put HUMAN LIVES on the line for things that are not NEEDS, but WANTS.

>> No.1057032

we should ban cars too then because they have a chance of killing people if they crash. the same goes with boats, planes, or any other method of transportation other than your two fucking feet.

all buildings must be one story tall and made of cardboard because if any of them falls down it'll kill people.

I know the chances are low, but still, we can't simply risk it because they are living people.

>> No.1057034

I don't care if he WAS an oilwhore, banning oil drilling because of this disaster is absolutely not scientifically justifiable. For the time being, he is not an oilwhore.

Also, I won't be surprised if the ban is repelled early. Your own fucking source mentioned how this is being treated as his katrina. He doesn't need his approval falling miserably like Bush's did when he 'mishandled' Katrina, so he's making the appearance of being proactive and doing exactly what the idiot, uneducated populous (i.e. you) sees as the right thing at this time.

There's a reason some people dedicate 5-20% of their lifetimes to college education.

So you're going to ignore my argument about driving? And the other guy's argument about smoking? And the fact that the plumbing in your house could leak, cause mold, and kill you, lets ban running water, I could go on with ridiculous things.


Far from it. You have no fucking clue.

>> No.1057038


How the FUCK can you say you understand everything has risks, and turn around and say we shouldn't take them?

>> No.1057040


could you name one thing that DOESNT put human lives on the line?
out of curiosity.

>> No.1057055

Fuck this thread, I'm out. Have fun drilling oil, pricks. Humanity is fucked because of you elitist fucks, all you care about is extracting money for your greed.

>> No.1057058


BREATHING carries risk. Do you understand this? That there is always the chance that you may inhale some horrendous disease/fungus/allergen and DIE?


>> No.1057066

This is why we can't have nice things

>> No.1057067

If all engineers suck so badly why don't you go do it better than them

>> No.1057069

have fun cutting your wrists more, emo teen.

>> No.1057076
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That includes the bombs used in Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

The effects of using nuclear energy are minimal if it is properly maintained and operated.

>> No.1057080

>Have fun drilling oil, pricks. Humanity is fucked because of you elitist fucks, all you care about is extracting money for your greed

Quality of life on average is better than it has ever in history been, but because of drilling and "greed" we're all fucked.

Do you know how for many centuries people have been thinking like you? And its sad that in modern times we have such a multitude of resources so that, maybe you could learn from their mistakes. At least they had an excuse.

>> No.1057089

The irony is that hes using a computer, powered by fossil fuels, to complain about the use of fossil fuels.

>> No.1057099

I also bet you $20 he hasn't actually left the thread and is still watching for replies.

>> No.1057105

naw, the bet might kill me, you never know, better safe than sorry AMIRITE?

>> No.1057111

I'm not emo teen, but i live in an area powered by an electric dam, and i also have solar panels.

So yeah, fuck your shit.

But srsl:, fusion tech

>> No.1057119


see >>1057111

>> No.1057122

That's not OP.

>> No.1057128

nuclear power here retard

>> No.1057131

jsut in case

>> No.1057136



Protip: your holy energy is on the same grid and is indistinguishable from other energy types. Also, don't even TRY to tell me you drive an electric car and nothing in your house is made of plastic. So have fun pretending you're not using oil, the bottom line is that practically everything you do in life involves oil in one form or another.

>> No.1057139

this is OP defending his "honor". lol'd

>> No.1057144

and do you know how that solar panel was made, and how that dam was constructed?

we need fossil fuels to make solar panels, solar panels themselves lack the energy output to make other solar panels.

also, about 50% of the nitrogen in your body comes about from the haber process, which relies heavily on fossil fuels.

hell, a number of us wouldnt even be alive without them.

>> No.1057148

He's not the fucking OP.

>> No.1057151

lolno, I'm just saying. It's obvious that's not him.

>> No.1057159



>> No.1057163

cool story

>> No.1057190

Given that as all of the pop science high schoolers have given up their futile arguing and seemingly fled, I officially declare ignorance vanquished and science victorious in this thread.

Great work, gentlemen.

>> No.1057207

It was a tough and long battle, but indeed, let us rejoice.

>> No.1057227

You just got lucky, it was past their bedtimes. No amount of logical reasoning would have defeated them in the day.

>> No.1057238

More importantly, how many people HUMAN LIVES have been WASTED due to dams? Hmm...