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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10564125 No.10564125 [Reply] [Original]

What did they mean by that?

>> No.10564129

demonstrates impressive real time teamwork, ability of system to work under a variable load,and that they now have a fuckload of these things.

>> No.10564182

One step closer to the dystopian nightmare where every day, you consider if you should shoot yourself in the head or not, but pussy out and fall asleep.

>> No.10564185

It means you'll be able to purchase or rent one soon.

>> No.10564490
File: 274 KB, 552x488, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It only takes 10 Spotpower (SP) to haul a truck across the Boston Dynamics parking lot (~1 degree uphill, truck in neutral). These Spot robots are coming off the production line now and will be available for a range of applications soon. For more information visit us at
>These Spot robots are coming off the production line now and will be available for a range of applications soon. For more information visit us at

>> No.10564503

You forgot to photoshop a machine gun on the back

>> No.10564510

That mounted arm is obviously a placeholder for a gatling gun.

>> No.10564523

How much?

>> No.10564612

I mean I'm already there.

>> No.10564640

Eh, just watch the show and try to enjoy the ride in clown-world. It's all just a big joke in the end.

>> No.10564652

/pol/tard crossboarder spotted.

>> No.10564658

Humanoids when?

>> No.10564673

You have to be some kind of utter moron not to think that things are going to hell here.
We're heading straight for an authoritarian mix of 1984 and Brave new World where giant corporations rule over us, while far left ideology demonizes every aspect of western nations, blaming people on the basis of their skin color or their gender.
But hey, no need to worry, we're all going to die from the ecological collapse that's already well under way.
/pol/ may be retarded, but they're right about this being a clown-world

>> No.10564697

Why are these robots so incredibly sexual? Every fiber of my being just screams to get on top of it, pin it down and shove my dick inside it from behind. It's so god damn sexy and yellow with long thin legs wearing BDSM dog paws.

>> No.10564704

>You have to be some kind of utter moron not to think that things are going to hell here.

Climate change and the rise of racists and general authoritarianism in Turkey, Russia, the U.S, and Brazil. Yeah seems kinda nasty but I’m optimistic.

>We're heading straight for an authoritarian mix of 1984

Please provide evidence the world is forming into three power blocs based around English Socialism. communism, and death worship.

>and Brave new World

Brave New World is a utopia where bad things don’t happen, so that sounds pretty cool. Soma when?

>where giant corporations rule over us

Corporations don’t exist in 1984 or Brave New World. Really exposing your mention of these stories as empty buzzwords you got online.

>while far left ideology

Please provide evidence of communism being a significant political force in the “Western world”. There’s no such thing as the “western world”, by the way. It’s just a racist dog whistle.

>demonizes every aspect of western nations,

.....Such as? Government-provided healthcare and higher education are aspects of “western countries” that the “far left” seems quite into. Do you actually mean Christianity and imperialism? Both of those are bad, and I’m happy to join in any party about pissing on them.

>blaming people on the basis of their skin color or their gender.

Please provide evidence of “far left ideology” “blaming people on the basis of their skin color or gender”. Sounds like you’re extrapolating Facebook posts to some kind of mass conspiracy.

>But hey, no need to worry, we're all going to die from the ecological collapse that's already well under way.

Thanks capitalism.

>/pol/ may be retarded, but they're right about this being a clown-world

The clowns are proto-fascists like Bolsanaro, Putin, and Trump.

>> No.10564719

>complain about crossboarder poltard
>is a crosschanner leftypoltard
Please, keep politics discussions outside /sci/.

>> No.10564721

>is a crosschanner leftypoltard

Never used any other Chans, but your disproven claim was amusing.

>> No.10564762

Why are we being flooded by 3rd world mud people again?

>> No.10564766

A white person that doesn’t hate them self or western culture

>> No.10564768 [DELETED] 

To do the jobs you don't want to do that are about to be replaced by Spot.

>> No.10564809

>Climate change and the rise of racists and general authoritarianism in Turkey, Russia, the U.S, and Brazil. Yeah seems kinda nasty but I’m optimistic.
Climate change is probably going to screw our ability to feed everyone, considering we have to produce something like 70% more food by 2050 while agricultural output per acre is expected to decline. Not to mention that we're facing an extinction event if the arctic methane starts spewing into the atmosphere in earnest (which seems likely at this point).
As for the racists, it's not that simple. We're seeing a high degree of political polarization today, with lots of extreme views on both the right and the left. With racist on both the right and the left. They broadly mirror each other, they just hate different people.

It's not a perfect analogy, but we're seeing ever more control by governments and corporations over speech, political dialogue and opinions. Ever more and deep monitoring and recording of movements and opinions, entire cities blanketed with cameras, social credit score systems (there are attempts beyond China)

>Brave New World
A world where people have no goals no purpose and no freedom or privacy because every need (and your safety) is taken care of by machines isn't going to be a good thing for most people. It's going to be a superficial "utopia", like the life of a spoiled child who always gets what he wants.

Essentially, the future is deeply authoritarian top down control, which has always turned out to be horrible nightmare in the past. You think our future overlords will truly be benign?

>Please provide evidence of communism being a significant political force in the “Western world”.
The Marxist ideology of the oppressed and oppressor has evolved into what is termed "intersectionality." We no longer have the Bourgeoisie vs the Proletariate, we have whites vs other races, men vs women etc (you don't think the far left redefinition of "racism" to mean:

>> No.10564813

"power plus prejudice" is anything but Newspeak designed to make racism against whites no something that can exist in people's minds?

> Do you actually mean Christianity and imperialism?
No, those actually were bad. But blaming modern day whites for them is pure racism. Writing article after article about what is wrong with whites or how whites need to be better, or how everyone else is a victim of whites is racist.

>Thanks capitalism.
More like overpopulation and scientific advancement. It's our current standard of living paired with billions of people that's destroying our environment. Capitalism may have accelerated it, but it's not like the USSR was great for the environment.

>The clowns are proto-fascists like Bolsanaro, Putin, and Trump.
It's clowns all around. That's why after decades and decades of knowing that we're on an utterly unsustainable path, 2018 ended with record CO2 emissions, despite our endless marketing about human ingenuity" and progress.

>> No.10564937

>quoting every single word individually
>markdown-style double enter spacing
>muh fascists
I know it's thrown around a lot in this site, but actually kill yourself, or at least go back to wherever the fuck you came from.

>> No.10564961

if you can power them, they can pull you.
I can do the same thing with subway train: I power it with my transit pass, it pulls me to my destination.

>> No.10564966

It's interesting but the video was designed as a marketing ploy to impress normies. The real impressive shit is all locked inside classified documents. Who knows what kind of assassin robots these guys are building.

>> No.10564969

I think a knife would be pretty hilarious.

>> No.10565001

>I know it's thrown around a lot in this site, but actually kill yourself, or at least go back to wherever the fuck you came from.


>"power plus prejudice" is anything but Newspeak designed to make racism against whites no something that can exist in people's minds?

Did you know that words can have multiple definitions?

>Writing article after article about what is wrong with whites or how whites need to be better, or how everyone else is a victim of whites is racist.

Discussing the existence and problematic nature of artificial racial classifications isn’t racism. Whether or not “white privilege exists”, if it does or did, any member of said privileged category would be taking advantage of it, which is bad.

>More like overpopulation and scientific advancement.

Overpopulation is artificial due to humanity’s inefficient food production system and wasteful waste processing.

>Capitalism may have accelerated it, but it's not like the USSR was great for the environment.

Soviet Union was state capitalist. They didn’t exactly implement workplace democracy.

>It's clowns all around. That's why after decades and decades of knowing that we're on an utterly unsustainable path, 2018 ended with record CO2 emissions, despite our endless marketing about human ingenuity" and progress.

Democracy is incompatible with reeling in climate change. Autocratic AI Gods when?

>> No.10565022

Take your meds.

>> No.10565026

>Climate change is probably going to screw our ability to feed everyone, considering we have to produce something like 70% more food by 2050 while agricultural output per acre is expected to decline.

Ban meat.

>Not to mention that we're facing an extinction event if the arctic methane starts spewing into the atmosphere in earnest (which seems likely at this point).

Negate warming trend with mass dispersal of aerosols.

>As for the racists, it's not that simple.

Shoot ‘em

>We're seeing a high degree of political polarization today, with lots of extreme views on both the right and the left

Gee, sounds like every year since the useless nonsense of “left-right” political sports teams was invented by the French.

>With racist on both the right and the left.

There is no significant force of “left wing racism” in existence.

>A world where people have no goals no purpose and no freedom or privacy because every need (and your safety) is taken care of by machines isn't going to be a good thing for most people.

That’s exactly like being a small child or baby, a period most remember as idyllic. We’d love it if we grew up in it.

>It's going to be a superficial "utopia", like the life of a spoiled child who always gets what he wants.

No, it’d be a utopia, since everyone experiences the maximum possible wellbeing.

>Essentially, the future is deeply authoritarian top down control

Necessary to counter climate change in your narrative, so I dunno what you’re upset about,

>The Marxist ideology of the oppressed and oppressor has evolved into what is termed "intersectionality."

Intersectionality as a concept was developed by Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw in 1989, not by some vague communist group.

>We no longer have the Bourgeoisie vs the Proletariate

Sure we do.

>we have whites vs other races, men vs women

That....is not what intersectionality is lmao.

>> No.10565029

Not an argument.

>> No.10565060

>Intersectionality as a concept was developed by Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw in 1989, not by some vague communist group.

I briefly searched her paper published in 1989 and nowhere was Marx mentioned. Odd.

>> No.10565102

It's not an argument, it's a request. Take your meds.

>> No.10565112

You're replying to two different people here
>Autocratic AI Gods when?

>top down control is really going to work this time!
I find your lack of lack of faith disturbing.

>Did you know that words can have multiple definitions?
Yet that newspeak definition is being actively used to claim that you can't be racist against whites. Hell, why even use an existing word if you already have a term for it: "systematic racism?" Isn't that kind of odd how they took an existing term, forced its definition onto another existing word and then use that to be racist against whites while denying that such a thing is even possible, based solely on their ridiculous contrived definition?
Yeah, these are definitely honest actors, not ideological extremists and disusing racists.

>Discussing the existence and problematic nature of artificial racial classifications isn’t racism.

>Overpopulation is artificial due to humanity’s inefficient food production system and wasteful waste processing.
...what!? No seriously.. what!??!
More food = More people. That's pretty much it. More technology => more resources available to feed more people => more resources required per person.

> it wasn't communism
So would a real Communist system not produce anything that requires high levels or resource use and CO2 emissions?

>Ban meat.
Wouldn't fix things, delay at best
>faith in unproven technologies that don't exist yet or haven't been adequately tested and who's effects we don't sufficiently understand

>Gee, sounds like every year
Not really, it's gotten infinitely worse over the last 5-10 years. It was NOTHING like this before then.

>> No.10565116
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>baby, a period most remember as idyllic.
But we're adults. We have the minds and needs of adults. The need to matter for instance

>since everyone experiences the maximum possible wellbeing.
That's almost certainly not going to be the case. It's FAR more likely that people's good intentions are going to be paving the road to hell (like they so often do).

>Necessary to counter climate change in your narrative, so I dunno what you’re upset about,
Top down control of pollution control isn't the same as the government collecting data on what you jerk off to or how many hours a night you sleep. or what you think about topic X.

The modern Intersectional feminist ideas of putting everyone into oppression and oppressed hierarchies absolutely has it's roots in Marxism. Pic related is from:

>> No.10565243

Another hysterical anti-pol poster.

>> No.10566535

This thread turned trash pretty quickly.

>> No.10566588

Thanks for adding to the pile.

>> No.10566605

Didn't Boston Dynamics close?

>> No.10566614

These things are only good for spooky YouTube Videos. Each will cost a fuck-ton and will only be able to do some very, very simple, but also very, very specific tasks for which you will need to hire a group of programers to write the codes for. Also, it won't do the task for very long since the battery will be empty fast and maintenance will also cost a fuck-ton.

>> No.10566680
File: 104 KB, 774x1032, i_used_to_think_my_life_was_a_tragedy_by_joncav182-dd4o91i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why so serious?

>> No.10566688

>they are still wasting their time with this abortion of dogbot instead of making my robot waifu

>> No.10566716
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Can't wait for machines to take over.

>> No.10566717

Got bought by SoftBank, a Japanese conglomerate. Probably not the last time they'll be sold on. BD have huge potential but it's moonshot tech, there's no clear route to profitability. Each owner is gambling that they'll be the one to push out an automated labour force, when they get tired of waiting (or want to improve their balance sheet) they sell.

>> No.10566720

>not walking synchronously

What's even the point?

>> No.10566723

Uhh.. I'm pretty sure that vehicle has an engine and doesn't need to be pulled..? Seems awfully pointless to drag it if you ask me

>> No.10566729

Their only market is stuff like advanced bombs robots etc. The point of replacing humans by machines is replacing them with something that can do much more than them, BD is going for copying human capabilities and those will never push out humans out of the market.

>> No.10566730

You sound like a trog talking about computers in the 70s or something. You're just saying that they aren't sci-fi tier yet so they'll never be useful.
Go watch some of their early videos and compare those to the latest ones.

>> No.10566733

If you can make a machine that can do what a human can and price isn't insane it's going to take the market instantly. If big corp can save 5% of money thanks to machines they will.

>> No.10566748

20 years ago the only market for drones was dropping bombs on Muslims.

>> No.10566751

No, because simple human tasks cost like 10$/hour, no machine can compete with that. Machines are supposed to do what humans can't, not what they can.

>> No.10566755

Drones in fact can do something that humans can't, their robots do not.

>> No.10566758

True. A robot like that is far more expensive than employing a human is. Just look at china or india

>> No.10566760

oy vey how naive.

>> No.10566775

>no machine can compete with that

What is industrial revolution? Machines replacing human hands already happened once and kickstarted modern civilization. It's going to happen again withing 30 years.

>> No.10566776

There is nothing naive about it you dipshit, it's basic economics. The machines that replace you are the ones that can produce 10.000 times more than you in an hour, not the ones that can open a door handle or walk stairs up and down.

I mean, even if in some distant future you could have perfect human-replicate Cyborgs even those will only push humans out of the labour market if they have lower maintenance costs than humans, which is really, really hard, because human labour is really cheap.

>> No.10566780

Industrial Revolution is what I'm talking about, machines that did what humans can't, not what they can.

>> No.10566787

We have plenty of machines that do things that humans can do. Don't you remember your history lessons about the luddites?

>> No.10566789

Bullshit. They did the same thing humans were doing before just cheaper and faster.

>> No.10566795
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Are you for real?

>> No.10566797
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>> No.10566798

M8 you're fucking retarded. Walmart is already trialing robots that wax floors and move misplaced items/stock shelves.
Many hospitals have courier robots that stock up on drugs at the inhouse pharmacy and take them to the operating rooms.

>> No.10566800

No, we have machines that has been designed to do one specific task and do that incredibely well precisely because they do not do it the way humans do. BD wants to replicate human movement itself, which is really quite useless, as you have humans for that.

>> No.10566807

Their dog robots don't replicate humans.

>> No.10566813
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Honestly those last few years show how fucked we are as humans. Few more decades and robots will be better in very single way. The moment true AI appears humanity is pointless.

>> No.10566819

They do. Their only selling point is being able to walk around and pick stuff up, something that even the dumbest human could do.

So what does that have to do with BD?

>> No.10566824

Their selling point is being drones with legs.

>> No.10566828

So completely useless.

>> No.10566844


- Get paid by the hour
- Get healthcare and other benefits through their employer
- Take vacations/sick time
- Look for new jobs or cause problems and get fired

- Get paid in electricity
- Never take time off unless they break (See above: Humans "break" too)
- Never complain
- Never look for new jobs

You claimed that they are useless because they do things humans can already do. A human can wax floors and stock shelves, and the human is probably faster.
One of the bots I mentioned is the medical courier. They are wheeled and the rely on the use of elevators to get around. If the elevator is occupied or out of service then they are crippled. One of BDs bots can simply take the stairs.
Are you really so thick that you can't imagine work environments that might not be suitable for wheeled bots?

>> No.10566845

There are also the ones that cost less over time...
Cashier's aren't being replaced because self-checkout is so much faster lol.
If the projections say they can save 1% over a year, guess what they're going to do.

>> No.10566850

>What did they mean by that?

"Your days are numbered poorfags"

We're LITERALLY facing medieval-levels or torture and suffering in 10-15 years.

>> No.10566853

nice bait

>> No.10566860

>Human trips and falls: slight cerebral cuncussion, has to rest a few days and will be back to work in a week
>Robot trips and falls: tens of thousands of dollars in repair cost

>> No.10566862

/pol/ needs to be gassed

>> No.10566866

Okay guys, just one Thing: Why is nobody, and I mean nobody, not even Google or the american Army, interested in BD's humanoid robots? Why is nobody buying the doggos?

>> No.10566892

You could make a similar argument about any workplaces machine. Also as BD has demonstrated the bots are built to fall over without breaking, and they can right themselves.

>human sues and tangles the company up in litigation even if the suit is frivolous

>> No.10566903

>robots don't need maintenance

>> No.10566908

They only announced that they're hitting the market a couple days ago. They have been pure R&D up until now, and their early development was funded by DARPA.

>> No.10566910


>> No.10566917

I could see these being kinda intimidating for personal protection, the optics you could mount on these things and maybe a gat or two

>> No.10566968

DoD nope'd the fuck out as soon as they realized they are essentially creating advanced Disneyland-attractions.

>> No.10567154

Now we just have to make sure terrorists label their bombs with object marker labels for robotic visual recognition software.

>> No.10567394

DARPA? Metal gear?

>> No.10567744

I know they're not gonna be but if they were sold under 2 grand I'd buy one in a heartbeat.

>> No.10567754

Man, I wish I could jump through the mental hoops to understand why you are the way you are.

>> No.10568376

They haven't been selling them. They were a beltway bandit for a bit and built all sorts of research robots. Atlas started out as a chemical weapon suit testing robot, they built the legged squad support unit for the marines. They furnished a bunch of Atlas robots for the DARPA robotics challenge software teams. Then they got bought up by google, which forbid them from taking military contracts. Then Google's robotics effort collapsed, then they got up by softbank. Softbank also forbid them from working on military projects. Also their robots can pretty much just sort of walk because AI is not that good. No one's really sure what the applications are for robots that can just walk.
They got bought up by companies which forbid them from working on defense contracts.

>> No.10568463

it means you water sacks are done for

>> No.10568718

I saw this episode of black mirror, does not end well.

>> No.10569768

Of course they can, even a fairly expensive machine will pay for itself quickly replacing a human due to only costing electricity and repairs. A human at 10 an hour works 8 hours a day 5 days a week, machine at 5 cents per hour works 24 hoirs 7 days a week. Over triple the productive hours.

>> No.10569790

Are you insane, do you not think people that buy robots will not have insurance on them? You are arguing in bad faith.

>> No.10569919

>No, we have machines that has been designed to do one specific task and do that incredibely well precisely because they do not do it the way humans do.
Its a good point. Most of our robots are and will continue be specialized, but there will always be a need for general workers to patch things together. Think of these generalists like how BASH works in Linux.
>BD wants to replicate human movement itself, which is really quite useless, as you have humans for that.
Yes, BD seems to want to create generalist workers by learning from the greatest generalist we know of. They want to make robots that outperform humans in some aspects. There are many EZ jobs thats humans would rather not do. Imagine being able to program these robots on the fly.

>> No.10569925

Personally I'll be going with a boxing glove or Hulk hand

>> No.10569933

You're right but you need to remember that you're not arguing with a human, you're arguing with a mindless drone that just repeats buzzwords they hear online. He's not actually capable of comprehending complex concepts

>> No.10569939

>There are many EZ jobs thats humans would rather not do.
Appending: Often people still want to do them, and these EZ jobs left that generalist robots like BD will replace will be hard for humans to part with. At some point the robots are going to be cheaper than the humans for the companies. Itll not be pretty, but its going to happen.

>> No.10569971

Can't wait for the USG to use these to track down and murder every minor dissident.

>> No.10571129
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>8 robots the size of dogs required to pull truck
They did this years ago, with only 6 bots, that only weighted 17 grams


>> No.10571135

give up white man . mexico is developing technologies as well.


they has power inverter. if they ever learn of the bridge rectifier may god have mercy on your soul. thats what 5 seasons of the old dr.who taught me so i have a devry institute degree equivalent

>> No.10571142

>literally the third paragraph
>"brave new world is an utopia "
>at least 7(seven) people still take the bait

>> No.10571144

moving a wheeled vehicle is no big deal. The friction force isn't high because of the bearings. Also,
>>20X speed

>> No.10571907


>> No.10572268

How the fuck does EVERY GOD DAMN BOARD have the same problem of idiots engaging in politics shit?
God fucking damn, post more robots.

>> No.10572480

how do these things work?
it looks like they'd run out of battery before going any significant distance

>> No.10574074

does not end well
for whom tho? someone's going to benefit

>> No.10574167

World was already dystopic long before I was born. I just didn't realise until I started to think and have my own opinions.

>> No.10574756

>march of the drone army
this is unsettling

>> No.10574764
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