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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10562889 No.10562889 [Reply] [Original]

What do I do to fill the void /sci/? I studied my ass off all year, sacrificed my friends, family, gf, for school. My mind has been so focused this past month for exams that now I can't sleep without tossing and turning and dreaming about the concepts. Now I am done my exams. 4 months of emptiness until next september. What do I do? Whats the point of it all??
I'm graduating after next year, what the hell do I do then?

>> No.10563407

I feel you anon. I worked my ass off in my Linear Algebra course, so much to the point that I ended up neglecting my other course and only got away with a C-. I know it's not even supposed to be one of the most difficult math one will ever take, but fuck it I just realized how much of a brainlet I really am. Now I have to deal with my subpar 2.6 GPA until I can bump it up again, but until then I'm just occupying my mind with some vidya.

>> No.10563410

Learn some web programming and get out of your mother's basement then

>> No.10563418

I always feel this way 1-2 days after my exams finish. My solution is to take more classes during the summer, lmao.

>> No.10563455

just get piss drunk, works every time.