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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 84 KB, 1100x619, 1555271032710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10558310 No.10558310[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Get over it /sci/

She's a legit winner, even if other people did the bulk of the work and she added the details in. The theory of relativity wasn't developped by a single guy really, but was becoming apparent to a lot of scientists back then and Einstein just snatched. Same thing with Darwinian evolution. The names on the findings are often fake. Grow up.

>> No.10558314
File: 431 KB, 552x552, kate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure, she did a good job as part of the collaboration. and her picture was cute. all that is fine, it's just that normies who don't understand how scientific collaborations work misunderstood the entire thing

>> No.10558321


>> No.10558325

>her picture was cute
She is so ugly. How can you find that jew nose cute?

>> No.10558329

Are feminist so stupid they don't realize they insulted her by accrediting her with work she didn't do, and insulted other women who worked in that project who are now being ignored?

>> No.10558333

it’s normies in general, not just feminazis

>> No.10558336
File: 292 KB, 2000x1712, ct-biz-theranos-founder-elizabeth-holmes-charged-fraud-20180314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

solid 9 by stem standards

>> No.10558337

how's the neo-nazi dating pool looking right now?

>> No.10558344

lol, legit getting jimmy neutron vibes from this pic. she's cute in some of the others though

>> No.10558345

They simply do not care. They have an agenda to push and their friends in the media have clicks to harvest. Nothing else matters even if they have made it more difficult for Katie to become accepted as a member of future teams.

>> No.10558356

it’s a shoop i made for the phenotype meme. her head isn’t really witten level

>> No.10558390

She is the next Einstein, can't wait for her next big breakthrough.

>> No.10558403 [DELETED] 

fact: Her algorithm was not used for the image

Of the four imaging teams, hers was the one not used for the composite. It was a composite of the other three.

>> No.10558408 [DELETED] 
File: 139 KB, 962x691, 12134100-6910721-Katie_Bouman_29_was_instrumental_in_capturing_the_very_first_ima-a-15_1554973086208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She wrote on facebook "I made" exact quote for the image. Despite her algorithm not being used for said image creation.

>> No.10558521
File: 107 KB, 1024x853, 1530302633163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really get it...

> makes an emotional post about probably the most important achievement on her life time
> feminist media takes the post
> feminist media politicizes the post
> people gets mad at her
> people start harassing her
> what the actual fuck?

>> No.10558540
File: 166 KB, 1200x857, poltards7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even their tradgirl heros are coalburners.

>> No.10558562

>dudes are whiter than me and I'm brown
Alright, I guess there's no place in 4chan(nel) that isn't infected with /pol/ idiocy.

>> No.10558569

yeah, even /cgl/ has girls spouting pol shit

>> No.10558941

>12 dudes
>1 reasonably good looking girl

yeah that looks about right

>> No.10558948

She literally didn't ask for this. If retards want someone to be mad at, try the sites that twisted a simple happy post into a political tool.

>> No.10559026

yeah, lauren simonsen sure has em conned

>> No.10559036

i thought that was ivanka?

>> No.10559094

>I guess there's no place in 4chan(nel) that isn't infected with /pol/ idiocy.

that's because a little group of "operators" from /pol/ decided to "infiltrate" various other boards to "influence" their "thought patterns".

>> No.10559097

Lauren Southern

>> No.10559110

/pol/ nor any other board on 4chan made this woman the face of black hole research. This is completely the creation of click bait media.

>> No.10559119

not what I was saying.
it's pretty fucking clear that this:
>that's because a little group of "operators" from /pol/ decided to "infiltrate" various other boards to "influence" their "thought patterns"
is an answer to this:
>I guess there's no place in 4chan(nel) that isn't infected with /pol/ idiocy.

lurk moar, pls become familiar with how post-quoting works

>> No.10560482


>> No.10560501

how do you know this? did you go there and see them talking about it?
I swear "/pol/" is the liberal's equivalent of "the jews"

>> No.10560505

daddy will never come back

>> No.10560544

>So apparently some (I hope very few) people online are using the fact that I am the primary developer of the eht-imaging software library (https://github.com/achael/eht-imaging …) to launch awful and sexist attacks on my colleague and friend Katie Bouman. Stop. Our papers used three independent imaging software libraries (including one developed by my friend @sparse_k). While I wrote much of the code for one of these pipelines, Katie was a huge contributor to the software; it would have never worked without her contributions and the work of many others who wrote code, debugged, and figured out how to use the code on challenging EHT data. With a few others, Katie also developed the imaging framework that rigorously tested all three codes and shaped the entire paper ...; as a result, this is probably the most vetted image in the history of radio interferometry. I'm thrilled Katie is getting recognition for her work and that she's inspiring people as an example of women's leadership in STEM. I'm also thrilled she's pointing out that this was a team effort including contributions from many junior scientists, including many women junior scientists .... Together, we all make each other's work better; the number of commits doesn't tell the full story of who was indispensable. So while I appreciate the congratulations on a result that I worked hard on for years, if you are congratulating me because you have a sexist vendetta against Katie, please go away and reconsider your priorities in life. Otherwise, stick around -- I hope to start tweeting more about black holes and other subjects I am passionate about -- including space, being a gay astronomer, Ursula K. Le Guin, architecture, and musicals. Thanks for following me, and let me know if you have any questions about the EHT!

>> No.10561879

As it was intended. In orther for this news get real traction the research receives maximun funding, they need guilible 15y/o "i love science" girls spamming this in their social media, while incels blow it up to the stratosphere with their autistic scrutiny.
The is why the "women in sciece" push, although stupid in and of itself, is actually helping scientific research, by creating commotion and giving visibility to things that would otherwise be confined to some scholar circles.
Same thing happens with women in the military and the eagerness to celebrate their silly accomplishments. This will make politicians increase their funding.
It's all about the benjamins™

>> No.10561889
File: 37 KB, 703x800, soyjack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10561901

>being a gay astronomer
I hope he put that in his resume.

>> No.10561909

Are you still under the impression that the point of feminism is to help women?

>> No.10561919

>that's because a little group of "operators" from /pol/ decided to "infiltrate" various other boards to "influence" their "thought patterns".
It's not that, we just like to stir the pot. It's so easy. People tend to get triggered when they can't refute truths that they don't like.

>> No.10561923

these aren't "truths" though, they're just opinions. you're shit-stirrers sure but you're not doing anything profound

>> No.10561931

This reminds of the NPC posting crazy when that """"study"""" came out. Y'all a bunch of fucking obsessed retarded autistics.

>> No.10562188

She is a harlot and a fraud.

>> No.10562209

But they're doing what they *can* do. They are operating at the limits of their mental capacities.
Sad, but true.If one can't create, destruction is the remaining option.

>> No.10562924


Anyone who believed she was important is an npc. Even MIT admits she didn't do much. Most people are just sheep waiting for the medias next order.

>> No.10562932

>Anyone who believed she was important is an npc
>the primary developer on the whole project is an npc

>> No.10562935

>bumps bl*ck h*le threads
>believes in NPCs
checks out. Did you get here in 2016 or 2017?

>> No.10562943
File: 41 KB, 640x797, qn8gHWs_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the primary developer on the whole project

>> No.10562946

see: >>10560544
ya know, the guy with his name on the github repo

>> No.10563099

the coal she burned isn't in the picture genius

you know damn well if it was some skinny beta dude nobody would have even questioned it

>> No.10563111

I know this was a troll post but onviously taking credit for 40 other people's work is a little different than crystallizing a theory that people were "working up to." but had not yet solidified.

>> No.10563188

If it was a skinny beta dude no one would have published the photo much less try to give him credit for the entire project. Unless of course he was a race other than white or east Asian.

>> No.10563197
File: 12 KB, 250x402, lindaham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The beta boys at NASA fell over each other to defend Linda Ham but that doesn't change the fact that she is responsible for the death of seven astronauts.

>> No.10563203
File: 505 KB, 734x815, 2019-04-16-122740_734x815_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If it was a skinny beta dude no one would have published the photo

>> No.10563207

>her picture was cute

Are we looking at the same picture? How can anyone find that disgusting hook nosed Jew beak “cute”? It looks like a real life caricature of the happy merchant in drag.

This isn’t even bringing into account the fact she did nothing but edit the font size in the code, which is publicly available. Another example of typical kike nepotism.

>> No.10563211

>Get over it /sci/
It's crossboarding cancer that cant shut the fuck up about it though.

>> No.10563217

Funny how all it takes to dismantle the entire narrative is a 30 second Google search. Why don't they ever do it for themselves? Are they brainlets, or do they just enjoy seething?

>> No.10563362

Everyone loves getting mad at things

>> No.10564100

does she have it??
the phenotype

>> No.10564250

You're the only person here who has seen that article before today. Meanwhile every dufus at Starbucks knows who "Katie" is and that she is responsible for the black hole photo.

>> No.10564401
File: 188 KB, 680x680, 1554849468198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at her, trying to hide that massive honker

>> No.10564468

>all that backpedaling
So we've gone from "there won't even be a picture" to "no one will care"?
He got a nobel