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10554838 No.10554838 [Reply] [Original]

do you stop reading a book if you notice a mistake in that book? for example i was reading an essay of francisco j. ayala "evolution of life: three research frontiers" and he suggested that only humans have minds and now im baffled. i would be in an information bubble if i read people only i agree with...

>> No.10554848

>suggested that only humans have minds
You know exactly what he meant. Fuck off to >>>/reddit/

>> No.10554938

not really
im pretty autistic
also reddit is probably not for mildly autistic people like me

>> No.10555571


>> No.10555574

Minds do not exist.

>> No.10555649
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>someone made a simple claim without hemming and hawing and hedging and handwringing
Oh boo hoo. Yeah, maybe your dog has some kind of mind, maybe a gorilla does, or the computer player in your viidya. But they're fucking stupid, they can't into grammar or arithmetic or the concept of object permanence or 99% of things expected of intelligent life 99% of the time, so until some actual evidence comes up against it we're going to use "mind" to mean a human mind because it's so completely unique. Insert this as a footnote in every text ever where "mind" is used in a way that gives you dumbass feels

>> No.10555657

there are many philosophy books and articles i've read that i had to stop reading when they started talking about quantum mechanics and got it totally wrong. philosophers are fucking brainlets 99% of the time

>> No.10555666

They have their own number sense. And why would you expect them to into human grammar? Can you into dog grammar? Didn't think so.

>> No.10555669
File: 154 KB, 960x960, 2015 to 2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its all relative
>we're all equal
>EVEN animals
You'll get your wakeup call someday.

>> No.10555671

he's right if, by mind, he means self-awareness. animals can't pass the gom jabbar test for a reason

>> No.10555702

Considering you don't have a theory of mind, theres a good chance you're on the spectrum

>> No.10555712

Is there a real life equivalent to the gom jabbar test?

>> No.10555714

okay so there is a brain only?

>> No.10555743

they can pass mirror test tho

>> No.10555776

the problem with the mirror test is that all self-aware creatures will pass it, but not all creatures that pass it are self-aware

i have no citation for this, but there is no proof either way and i'm sure i can find some fallacy pointing out how fallacious it is to extrapolate "we are self-aware and we can pass it therefore any species that passes it is self-aware"

not really, although the general idea is that humans can use awareness to override instinct while an animal would act with reason, on instinct alone

i mean psychology is necessarily a pseudo-science so you really aren't going to get any empirical answers here

>> No.10555782
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without reason* oops

>> No.10556776

so why can animals plan and cooperate and even commit suicide?

>> No.10556794

Yes, every painful initiation ritual in the world.

>> No.10556917

>gom jabbar test

>> No.10556935

>the problem with the mirror test is that all self-aware creatures will pass it

If a creature recognizes it has been marked, but doesn't give a fuck, it fails the test.

>> No.10556962

I read Brian Greene's Elegant Universe or whatever and it contain a few mistakes like relativistic mass and light slowing down in matter. I still continued reading it though.

>> No.10557056

how do you know there are no more mistakes you couldnt recognize?

>> No.10557073

A penguin walking thousands of miles to its death “”on purpose”” is not the same as some guy killing himself with a shotgun

The topic of this thread is pseudoscience where basically anything goes


>> No.10557472

>only humans have minds
That's not a mistake, that's a fundamental disconnect from reality. Considering the topic he's writing about, it'd be tempted to assume he doesn't know what he's talking about at all.

>> No.10557676

also learn english

>> No.10557934
File: 37 KB, 468x313, bear-bile-farm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a case of a bear being used for bile production in China escaping its cage, killings its cub, and then killing itself.

>> No.10557948

All life is intelligent, even bacteria and mobile phones. “Intelligence” does not mean what you think it means.

>> No.10557954

Wrong. All animals are self-aware.

Mirror test is irrelevant pseudoscience.

>> No.10557957

fucking chinks

>> No.10557963

>A penguin walking thousands of miles to its death “”on purpose”” is not the same as some guy killing himself with a shotgun

Yes it is. Undertaking a task you are aware will result in your death is suicide by definition.

>> No.10557981

sorry but an anecdote about a bear in china isnt proof that animals are self-aware

>All animals are self-aware.
>Mirror test is irrelevant pseudoscience

You are wrong on all accounts. Also any discussion of this topic is going to necessarily revolve around pseudoscience, so it's entirely redundant to even mention it.

>> No.10557998

Also I'm fully expecting a retarded semantic argument in spite of the fact that there is no known test for self-awareness and there is not even a remote consensus on a single animal being self-aware other than humans

>> No.10558006

>Wrong. All animals are self-aware.
even annelids? how do you know?

>> No.10558010

>All animals are self-aware.

Yep. They’d be unable to walk if they weren’t.

>Mirror test is irrelevant pseudoscience



Congrats on linking a Wikipedia article for no reason. Ants can pass a mirror test but not most mammals. That alone renders it a joke, from which no conclusions can be made.

>You are wrong on all accounts.

Nothing you said or cited refuted any of my claims, so, uh.....nope. Try again.

>> No.10558024

Bile production?

>> No.10558027

>Also I'm fully expecting a retarded semantic argument

No idea what you’re talking about.

>in spite of the fact that there is no known test for self-awareness

Well in hospitals they just poke people and try and communicate to determine the level of awareness or provoke it. Works pretty well.

>and there is not even a remote consensus on a single animal being self-aware other than humans

That’s not true at all. It’s easy to determine if a gopher is aware. If it’s not reacting to you, it’s probably not aware, so poke it to wake it up.

>> No.10558038

>even annelids?

They have brains and move about, right? I think even Box Jellyfish are aware.

>how do you know?

They have neurons and aren’t sleeping their whole lives.

>> No.10558073

but this does not mean that they are self-aware

>> No.10558089

>but this does not mean that they are self-aware

What do you think “self-aware’ even means?

>> No.10558165

the same thing as self-conscious?

>> No.10558175

What’s that mean? Bunch of nonsense terms. I’m only talking about experiencing subjective awareness.

>> No.10558244

Bear bile is an ingredient in many traditional Chinese "medicines".

>> No.10558278
File: 39 KB, 588x823, smooth brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yep. They’d be unable to walk if they weren’t.
God damn you are fucking retarded
>the capacity for introspection and the ability to reconcile oneself as an individual separate from the environment and other individuals
is not necessary for walking, dumbfuck

Self-awareness =/= awareness, sentience

Completely different concepts you dumb fucking retard, kill yourself

>Mirror test is irrelevant pseudoscience
I don't even know why you brought this up to begin with. My original point before your dumbass ever replied to me was literally that the mirror test DOESN'T prove self-awareness.

>Ants can pass a mirror test but not most mammals. That alone renders it a joke, from which no conclusions can be made.
You are so fucking retarded it's unbelievable. Can you read? That's literally MY point here >>10555776

>You are wrong on all accounts.
Sure I did, you just can't read (which I just proved).

>No idea what you’re talking about.
>durr you need self-awareness to walk
>durr i don't know what self-awareness is so i will just use my own retarded definition that is incongruent with any academic definition

>That’s not true at all. It’s easy to determine if a gopher is aware. If it’s not reacting to you, it’s probably not aware, so poke it to wake it up.
Jesus fucking christ dude kill yourself, where did I ever say there weren't any "aware" animals?

>determine the level of awareness or provoke it
pic related

>what do you think "self-aware" even means
>being so retarded that you can't just look up the definition

>durr bunch of non-sense terms im only talking about experience subjective awareness
yep, confusing "sentience" with "self-awareness" like a true dumbfuck

>Sentience: the ability to be aware (feel, perceive, or be conscious) of one's surroundings or to have subjective experiences.

>> No.10558311

You’re a very angry person. I hope you find love one day.

>> No.10558319

what can prove self-awareness?