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10550890 No.10550890 [Reply] [Original]

Was it worth it?
>be me
>second year undergrad bio student
>get a text
>it's from a 7/10 girl who's my roommate's friend
>went out with her and other people for my roommate's birthday and talked a bit
>she asks if I'm free that evening
>refuse since I want to attend an ecology lab (not mandatory)
>she replies "uh, okay then have fun in the laboratory"

I got to touch a ray for 1 hour though

>> No.10550911

was the Ray living or dead?

>> No.10550976


> bio student
> not to get into medicine


>> No.10550990

If you do well in lab they'll eventually give you a key. Perfect place to bring slags to bang. Even if you get caught they won't do shit

>> No.10551017
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Was fun getting to know that the structure I had been touching for 1 hour straight wasn't a pelvic fin but a penis.
It checks out
Me and a couple of qties already have a key for a room to do our shit but the door is made of blurred glass, everyone passing by would see it.
I wish I had a girl to fugg

>> No.10551029,1 [INTERNAL] 

>turned down a date to touch a penis
Anon, I'm sorry put that's... pretty gay.

>> No.10551021

Are you holding out for an 8/10?

>> No.10551029

What celebrity or porn star does she most closley resemble?

>> No.10551204

Actually yes and I'm a bit sad lately.
I don't know many celebs and porn stars sorry.
She has glasses and brown hair

>> No.10551243

Anyone who whould scoff at wanting to go to a cool lab is not worth your time.

T. Fellow biofag

>> No.10551294
File: 151 KB, 1200x724, 1555004204131384234 the virgin and the chad friendship meme bax .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brilliant, albeit unintentionally brilliant.
truly the best move you could have made.
next move: wait a few days, then text her and ask her out - but not your way:
>Would you like to uh, maybe like, you know, go to a movie? We could see whatever you want. Captain Marvel? Yay, girlpower!"
No, no, no, no, and no, bro.
You do it like this:
>"I'm going to the art museum/star wars convention/botanical garden/gun show/hydraulics lecture/symphony on Saturday at 2PM. If you want to come, let me know before Thursday night. Later."

4 possible outcomes:
-- If she's really good at playing hard-to-get (which is what you did with the eco lab, btw) she might say she can't.
-- If she actually can't, she might say she can't.
-- If she likes you - and it sounds that way (and if so, she'll want you even more because you awesomely blew her off for the lab) - she'll come.
-- She doesn't respond at all. If so, you barely acknowledge her when she's around (but do NOT act surly or as if you are ignoring her because you are hurt that she didn't respond). If you pay her lots of attention she'll know she can hook you by playing distant. If you pretty much ignore you AND she has not responded because she was pissed at being blown off for the lab, she'll gravitate back to you.

>> No.10551303

>What celebrity or porn star does she most closley resemble
the fuck?!
hard cringe right there

>> No.10551395
File: 64 KB, 640x374, c70a79228488fb68c055ae6bd2a86e721544539659_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro right now I'm stressed, have things going on and plain sad. Also I don't see her as gf material, if i wasn't a virgin beta I would just enstablish a friends with benefits thing with her but I'm lazy and I can aim higher maybe.

>> No.10551409

based and science-pilled.